HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-04, Page 8•
w. .
We are the only ,manufac-
turers in 'this part of Ontario -
of high class: nnonuments.
who Import granite' from the
Old `Country in the''rough by
the carload and .process from
the: iiirgliTjto7711 ',fiPis_.e'
monument. No middleman.;
When choosing a monument
come' and see one of the
largest selections. in Ontario:
Established over sixty years.
Write or phone' Walkerton' 8..
anti reverse charges
(West.. Wawanosk Twp. Council)
West Wawanosh Twpr Council
hejd their regular August Meet-
ing on. August 13th Allo nen bers..
present . •
The mirti.iter-of the July meet
'ing were ,adopted as. ,read on a
,motion Eby ' Ceuncillors Culbert •&
A discus
sion_. to
mg theStriking,.of.t •. enera
munieipal'.(Towrsiiip) rates', for
`1051,. According t:$ new Depart
'mental regulations; eaoh'._,mttni,-;
cipality must sett two, separate
rates for general munZcipal pur
poses --one ,rate for residential
and agricultural ' properties and
'another rate for .professional' and
'commercial properties, • This is (,lev,) ” J. A.Palmer read 'fine
chiefly due 'to the allotment' of scripture and also read .an art-
The ' death of Mrs. Gordon' Fen-
ety occurred in Toronto General
Hospital 'on : Friday, August= :9th,
at the.age of 42,,-afte•r:a long ill -
Mrs. Fenety Was the former
Jessie Alla MacRae and : was
(Intended For Last Week)
Mrs. Ethel Runchey' of Toron-
to is spending her vacation with
her sister, _Mrs. Wm,: Walla
.771\411 -its -Janet Forster of • Ripley, is
visiting with her grandmother;
Mrs. J. W. Colwell::
Mr. and'; Mrs. Bruce Ryan of
Toronto are holidaying with .his, ..
.cousin, Mr.:°Gordon .Hodgkinson;:
Mr. and ,Mrs{',George Gilbert
and son. • :Gerald of ;Stratford
visited durinthe past.
Rev:Bensbn Cox
, and, Mr:' and
Mrs. ' Wm. , 'CON.
We extend" syrripathy tot the
famil•' ` Of. ;:,the Tate '. Uen i Stat=
ters. Who passed away in Wing-,
ham Hospital, on August 15th. .
Mrs. James Hodgins was.. host-
ess .for the W.A. meeting. Mrs...
Howard Thonripson presided. Mrs. .`.
WEbNESDAY,' Stn. . 4th, 1'957:
the uneond}i iona1 per capita
gr.ar;"a (1957')1 _ap-
On a mot'iot. •bv .Councillors
Miller & Culbert, (Council agreed:•
ni o S (1't thio ` 'ii A' fig -.
for ' 1957`at seven ';('7). mills-. nor. gram.:env. - a1iner• Cl -os -ed --the.
residential and' agriculturalpro- meeting ,ai-.1. refreshments were
pertieS and at nine' (9) mills for served ,by. the Hostess:
commercial . properties . Other Mr's. J . W. Colwell .spent. a few'
'Tates 'for 1957.are::•County rate, Mr's.
with Mr: :and Mrs:.: Ardill
12.75 mills (approxirriately `God- Mason, Huron.' .
erich H. S. D., la: mills;' Lucknow' Mrs. Jack Hewitt spent a few
H. S. D., 6,2 Mills; West Wawa- days': with : her ,father, Ur.. Wal',
nosh . Township' School Area, 3,3, lace' Mason, at Simcoe. 1.
inihs.. ' Miss .Mary' Joan Lapp of Wing
On ' a motion by, Coundillors. ham • .and Miss Joan, Percy visited'
'McPhee•..ar3 Culbert, the follow= during the week with their aunt,
•ing accounts were ordered paid: Mrs. Elston Arnold, at Ber'vie.
Mrs._May Smith, relief 'allowance, ' , 'Misses Nancy Needham_of Kin -
".$17.61; A H,' Erskine; Co. Clerk,- cardine •and Audrey•'•Roof Lon'-
indigent patient's alc, 57.00; On- don were recent -Visitors, with Mr.;
'tario Hydro, Twp Hall hydro ale, and iMrs...Jack.'Barr. '
,6.07; Johh S ' Durnin 1 fox pup • ;Mrs Lorne Kraemer of 'Toxon
• bo'rn.. at Lochs] 1}: the daughter of :bounty, ` 1.00•, Bill Leddy, one to ' visited'with Mr. and. Mrs.
John (Mach ae • and the late Mrs.' fox pup • 'bounty, 1.00, Albert_'. Morley Bushell: .
Phillips,.; 1. fox pup :bqunty 100; Mr. and..Mrs. Edbert Bushell
,John' . Ma+cRae of �; that community •
' After graduating,from ,Lusk- , Harold ;Errington, '1 fox • Dup and -family and Mrs Gertrude.
' bounty 1 U0• •Keith' • Good,`:1 fox Bushell"• vis•ited ori Sunday • with;
. Trio;tt d d '
c lnt!
troit,: n
: the :11er
' Detroit
• Mrs. C;
to the
death r
,the . C
Mr, ani
icleon the Little Helpers .worh•.I
The roll'-ca11"-was _answered with
the word `'`Brethren". This Was a.
dei ot4onal meeting and each
/�• ^� ..:, Headline the 13 great acts feu-
C•` 1 noted every night at 8:00. PM at
dstand * On'Mo�day'
�..._,..c � 1:•,,
the Gran
and Tuesday See the Trans..•
World Auto Dgredevils with the.
` �� wild -►i v,'IatCYT* Ori Wednesle
darede t oy Ard, Thursdoy
Bess racing plus
light.ter sdWotiladl AthnriilmlFeghlfoS r d lharsh
grown-ups `
We .':
w High Schopl •. she a', tended .,
. _ _ : _ • e ....Dunt •, 1.0U•'Arthur :Moore,.. Mr�,Noble Guest, Kincaridine...
::us es .. -
en:i: to . ed. in that city until 1 fox: bounty, ; 2.00; Robt. Je er
;' P. Y soil; 1 fox bounty, 2.00 :Nelson'
her marriage ir4 1940. toGordon. Culibert, 1 fox bounty; 2.00; Ken-
Fenety, their senv�ing • in the ny Purves;.. 1. ,fox bounty; 2:00;,
SAF. FoliowYng .the w,ar., Mr. •
Arnold Andrews,. 1 : fox ' bo. unty,
and Mrs.. Fenety resided in Wil- 2.00' . ldon Miller, h: fox bounty
lowdale, a • Toronto.:•suburb 200' , Alex Ni ns, 3 '..fox. pup
bour pies, 3.00.
r July Road Accounts'
• During the' last four years: Mrs:
Fenety. had been.a victim Of
•Plarkin.son?s disease,: which had
latterly ,rendered her • completely
t, .. : ; helpless.:-Durin. g=-.this_long_ illness
she ,maintained a, ,cheerful de=
• ineanour that 'Was. an ' inspiration
44, to all those around her.
. Funeral."services were, .held :at
Wilowdale . arid: at the.McLen
nar•' and MacKenzie . Meiorial
'Chapel' in LueknoW. 'bee. 'service
in. Ltcknow: was conducted by
Rev. G. A.:Meiklejolin and the
pallbearers were Jim 'Caaneron,
• i)onald'• R:: McKenzie Kenneth.
>S'IcKenz>e,.; :Olive=r . McCharles,'
Thomas backhoe,• 63.00;'Archie Aitchisonf gave • the closing'' remarks. The
1.. d Thbe the'
'.Ianperial Oil` Ltd., ;fuel & tax,
_$50.25.' Goderich Rural.Telephone'.
'co., `. telephone ... calls, 2:40,• The'.
Steel •Co. Of Canada, reinforcing
•steel,' 227.97, Hanover Transport,
-ear tage-• on. -steel, .2..4,52, Johnston_
and Mallough,, repair grader hub;.
14.31; Everett Errington; welding,
3.75; Norman, McDonald,- trucking
gravel,: 104.00; Norman 'McDon-
ald, installing culverts;, . 8.40;
Lorne fivers, :salary,; 180.00; 'Gus
.11,edmond..:..fencing,__7�00,.Ronald Nicholson, Alice Halden,b'y and
' ' Forster i:nstaTlinculverts with ��eanor .,,�•Carter. '°1��
�..rs,, Gertrude :us e re urn -
ed '•'home after.' spending awhile
with her `sister, Mrs.: Wesley
Guest , • '
'The A.Y"P A. met at the' home
of ' 'the president, Douglas Hal-
denby, who took charge of . the
meeting. Norma Haldenby read
the scripture' and Rev. J..'.A Pal-
mer led in 'prayer.: ,. Tentative
plans. were .rrade••'for the ..Dean
� y Farll •rally-to.,.be 'held- in Win
lough on October 11th, 'also. a
Weiner roast ;'on September 6th:
with Ted and:` Paddy Palmer as •
hosts .Miss :Edn-- a13O Te Ted a dis ` 7
cuission on the topic'"Edification".
Prayer 'closed :the devotional part
of the meeting. Those taking part
in the prdgram were Alex Hews 1
itt.''. Barbara ' HHaldenYby, Karen by. aril' daughters Charlotte, 'Ruth
and ",E'sth:er of Dawson .City,;
Yukon, 'M d ---Mrs--: H0Warcl.
Bennett and , son Howie of
,onto. visited ,'during ,the week:::
with relatives • here.
Th..Septernher. meeting of. the
Rev. ,Benson•, CoX,"Mr, & Mrs.H'.W I. 'will be held in the hall
Wm,Cox, : 'Mrs: 'Ada, 'Hodgins, on Thursday evening,::Septetn
Edna and , May Boyle attended a. bei :5th; Hostesses,:' Mrs. Lyman
family, dihn:err at: flier: "Rest' -A- .. ufitc�n and .1VIrs: iNesleY• Guest;
Handicrafts.; and hobbies exhibits art and.
photography exhibits fruit and vegetable.
exhibits; flower show. 'women s exhibits
oeitrs ow , AND't; pufcir MEET
Fin aysora . an brushing, 36.40; Robt. ':Stothers, next rneetMg. will: e . at e
.,Caster: :' -, : _
w .:: ,., ,grader _repairs', 5:98': County of home of Sheila Haldenby on
, ety surVive by, two, ddughtcrs,: Huron, calcium ehlbride, 180.00; Sunday evening,- Judith 16 and Shirley .11; her 'ACou.bu°rtif ,14.9'1070./10., chloride,
tfather,.,John MacRae of Lueknow
and three brothers, Idri Lon, ' FORAM. Twp. Clerk.
don; Duneari Cellingwadd and
. Compliment: tip apPlatise that
'lack Reit Call, "A 'verse .Of
.a psal.rn",. tpeeial offering
..and. Power"; was giVen by NliFs
life of James' Evaiii: Was. Taker('
Hamilton and Mrs.- ..JaCk Barr
favoied With duet. Mrs; Mark
roll Call; - A..good •joke; entertain 44
Middle • Age: When .you, are: sit- W1, -.)41.e'... Ledge, Bruce Beach, on
Sun a it b .the a f .Kairshea Inst tute; topic; Aus-, Rev- a
and the. telephone ,rin.",:g's and you .and Mrs. Wm. .Lloyd's' 31st tralia, NeW Zealand, • Rey. d Mrs. Angus. 4,1s..ay„.
'wedding_ anniversary:._. and .also
the birthdays Of-MessrirWilhi-hi
Cox and ,John 'Scott.
Mr1- &, Mrs. "TrUman-411-lingeri-
Delores 'and Kenniand..-Mrs. Geo.
visited' over ' the week7end with
Mr: and Mrs. Bert Nieholson.
tsqrts9n 9k;,.,:greetings from .Dis- meeting , 'With 'prayer... Ile/Y."11'
hope --itisrit.t.--for2-Yoli,
Brake Shoes 'Exchange) full set
eol Aligtim
13:016 .ntiOg
Ilarveir HoUstoti; repert of 'Bruce Mrs, Campbell Brown an
14th, Con. ) ; rel ishes, (°10th • Con.) , Chilham: 'visited With Mr, and :
ing with Lenore Slessor at.Glatn; ;Recent visitors with :Mr.'-ancl.
Miss. Beatrice' lialdenby visited is, " Mrs, JarneS M. HOdgins were Mr,
Datoulithe.ell:mtvbe '06fspilVfeilr''tasnudniVidarys:wiltehl .1Conoratulations are extended W. T. Arrnstronr of Ashland'
tr,itmseribr__ tO Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Btirt and Ohio; Mrs., Cliff Arnistron of
holidaying there, returned hoine
'With them.
.'Mr. 'and Mrs.: qeorge Halden-
by' ,spent Sunday at their hotne
here. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparl-
old Haldenby and family and
are pleased ' tO ktiOW that she
ha,s returned home from Wing-
harn,HoSpital where She urider
Mrs, Dorothy Thempson and
, Mr., and4Mrs. Arthur Graham re-
\ turned to Sault Ste Marie after
,,' spending aWhile at their farm
,,Mrs. Bert NichOlson' and Al- Brantford, •AtIr."..1gok Errington'ot
tario to. attend: the funeral:. of 'Messrs, John and Donnie '140,aa
her ,rdece's_husbandii the late' gins spoilt t:he ,Wedk-end With
Mrimasto: nAoitot: IT:O:thttiyit,Ow.ria'a,si.lcli:678:6:s- 'w,oBe6uttii=1,t:Ihdie::ry.anredi,opn.i:*,,:::li,41:0,mtif:
Prank ,IVrauldeh 'read the. 'iefip- Nitt Margaret 'Selincilv*. 1.1f,'ir'
o''‘t'utt:41564111:;44:traa76.1',Ittitv%in,getti(..liet.natblytitimpre ligt," 'Nkeek, With 'irierfd-; m..4 -II,