The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-04, Page 7MDNESDAY
SEPT. 4th, 1957
1„11: •4 baptismal serry>tce at
(Intended F'or ,Last Week),
MSs Betty Elliott, wire has
Mrs Fred' Ave .and grandson
been a 'patient at Wir..gha;m Hos-
r. Y g
Billy. Cox•• of I$rantforciwere pital, is much. iproved and is.
' Mr. and -Mrs. Osc Cuthill and;
:vrtstors with Mr and Mrs Eldon expo, ted back ho e this week..
u er
Mis Chris Young of l.ucknow spent Sun=
son Paul of,. 'Walton
and rs. Bert Atkinson of Des clay with her p re- ts, Mr and
eronto visited recently with, their Mrs w -i thu1?-au1-re'rnaln
niece, Mrs, Omar Brooks. ed for some .holidays•.•
The W.A.of the United church
Misses Nettie,Rebina and met for the August meeting iri
Clara: ,Sproul spent two weeks at
Niagara Fails. • . the, church.. Mrs, Brooks c
;, Mr. and Mrs, ,Graham McNee 1
; and members of their family, Mi.
:and Mrs; 'Robert Bere visited, on l
unday with.Mrs G‘eoi ge'-Bere-84
Mrs. Douglas Millar:
= Ma x�=l3abi-n'-Me-W4•tlnney was=
among the . boys attendizi:g God,
erich Summer'School Camp last.
week, as .was als.o' Bob McClure
'4of'°°Elxntra. '
Donny Thorne bf ' Port' Elgin i
is enjoying holidays with his
grandparents, Mr.,; and 'Mrs.. .las.
Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Brown,
'Wayne and friend . Keith Finni-
gan" spent Sunday at Wasaga•
'Beach.' . •, • •
u:. 5tes.' 13o1i 1Vtclure of Ej
is visiting his,.:aunt, Mrs. Herb
Finnigan; '
• Mr. W. H, "McClure,ii-
derwerit an Operation at London
a few weeks ago,.. went a. gaiti._lfor
a :check-up one., day last' Week;
accompanied:lby his daughters,
Mrs. ` Winnifred . Widcornbe :,and
Mrs. Herb Finnigan:. l The •reports
'of his' 'health were favorable..
Mrs. F. Whyard, of London,
Who visited: her ,sist'er-in-law,:
Miss' .I.da Why. and, returned home
last` :Friday: : conveyed • by. her
son, Myr ' Bert Whyard, : wife and
family,'`with. •whom she lives.
Mr, • & ' . Mrs: Leonard Chisholm
•and` :.little... son Alex . Spent the
•week -end' .with the:•.former's sis-
ter, Mrs. Murray Oke. and family;
Windsor. They' were'made god-
parents' o f little Mark Cameron
extra partne•
,-'es!' the -telephone IS' a partner=in ,ihat card-'.
.party.: a helpful "partner" which brought every:'
one together! Without telephones, arranging such
sim le $ social gatherings s would ,;take' endless tithe
and effort
As Canadians,;most of its tend to take such long
accepted uses of•the, telephpneP Yrete .much for
granted Yet, when you, consider; the countless .
ways in . which the telephone makes' : YOUR: daily,.
life More 'pleasant, you 'may well agree that this•
• extra "partner" gives far 'more in terms of canvienience
and security than the''little it costs.
ed. Miss: •Beth McConnell gave
the' topic, Mrs. K Dawsorgave
a report on extensive work being
done atthe :Parsonage The host-
' sses ' .were: Mrs. , -R. McDonald,
Mrs.. R.'<'' Irvin, Mrs, . A. Elliott,
Mrs Ii, Bere, Miss R Sproul 'and
rs:: C;"B1ae '
BORat; Goderieh .Hospital,
On August 19th, to Mr. and Mrs.,'
Ben Park, a son.
' Mrs. Winifred Widcoi• of
Windsor has returned home after
some time spent .with,relatives
in' this locality.
A life-long 'resident. pf f3u:ron
Township and member of one .of.,
its pioneer families, Robt. Camp-
bell passed, away in Kincardine�Gerieral Hospital nn
August 7th, ,1957. Although, he
had .been in, . indiff:erent health at
various times during.. the past
se' erai � years, ' Mr. Campbell's
'death: carne as sh
a ojk to a .'vide
•ei'rcle of ' friends, •-hade ,entered.'
hospital' six weeks, earlier suffer
ing frond a heart ;condition
although' he'appeared to be mak
ing progress toward recovery'
during the early part of. his hose•
ta-lrzationz his- eo idz io
Mrs. Arthur. Elliott, Mrs,•
Finnigan and Mrs Winfred
Widcombe last week attended
the• funeral of : Mr. 'Arthur ,Drew,
•itt, ' 48; at ,St. • Thomas. .He, was
a resident, of Windsor,. :husband:
of . the. foriner Muriel . Bowden. a,
relative who is in . hospital sverY,
• Miss' -Mar Margaret -Jo: Durnin, of
g •,I'`
Edmonton• is spending a vacation
.with relatives .in, these parts.
• Misses . Alice: ;and' Marie '.Hayes
of..;Bervie have been :visiting their
Sister, Mrs:. Alex Nivins: •
Mr: •and .Mrs. Jack Caesar, son
Steve.; and..Mrs .Win., .Caesar avis.
:iced at •':New,;'Liskeard, returning
with them were., the latter's. •sis-:
•ter, Mrs. ; Wm 'Elliott and Mr.
Elliott '
Mrs •:Henry'Horton has return
ed to. the .home of •' her daughter,
'Mrs ".Orland: Bere,. after spending
a month with her . brother,, Mr:
,Isaac Stothers,: Tisdale, Sask. and
other relatives at 'Winnipeg and
n-• or
ened during'. the week. preceding
his death.
Mr, Campbell was •born •oil May;
5, 1889, on the • Campbell' 'home=
stead; Cor,, 1, Huron. 'H`e Was : the
son .of the :late.' Mr., and •Mrs:
Peter ' . Campbell and Was • the
third generation to occupy the;
_ ,._..
Campbell, had originally "taken r'
up as:, Crown land and cleared it
of brush ' Working:' with growing •
-things-was-his- huI by -a
:his occupation. 'Oxy of hischief
delights was tending lits flower
and, vegetable ,gardens' and. shar-
har ing the ' results with. -friends- .arid
, neighbors...
• On November 2, 1914, he Mar,.
tied' Alice Campbell, daughter . of
the ' late 1VIr:, and 'Mrs '.David
Campbell, ' In addition • to his
widow,:. 1‘f.r.. Campbell is surviv-
T� •
ed .,by three, sons. ard'.. two dau-
ghters, 'Gordon,? Ottawa Grant; •
St, Catharines, --Robert at home,
'Kathleen (Mrs. Donald Holahan), ••
Kingston • and Louise at ' hoame;
and !by the grandchildren, 'Gor
• -don; Donald.', and` James Camp
]tell . of; ; St. Catharines. One, bro_' ..
Cher and three sisters . also sur
vine Albert, Ashfield .township, , • .'
sAgnes'.Grace (Mrs R.; P. Steele) •'
and Margaret (Mrs. 'B: Rink) all
'of'' Det'roit:. He was :predeceased
•by thnee' brothersand one sister
many :'yeah ago and,: in recent
years,• by .three. .brothers,;;• Jaines,'.
Peter ' and John,
Cu$tem 30?•Fodor Se4aa
•-�=-Fords-road r
-ileage-Mak r�uK-
isthemost°Modern, thrifhest`six-cylinder
-engine offered 't_o,_day,,yany manufac
turer—delivers 144•.b.: -Hp of; brilliant
perfor anCe.•,Its true short -stroke design
squeezes -more miles o u t every gallon
of regular gasoline—delivers more punch.
Per -piston -stroke than any competitive'
manufacturer's ''six"! This was proven
m the "1957 Mobilgas Economy Run"
-when` a Fordi~ai lahe' Six e : a offer
makes in actual miles per gallon f. gall'
• Falilane 500 Club .Victoria '•
V -S's
best -selling -M-8?
This year''you 'have an even wider choice
of 'ultra -modern powerplants-a11 are
electronically "mass -balanced" for.
maximum''smoothnes _There's the big,
silent, deep=bOalc`196:1-1p.-Fod"V8,
the famous 21.2-11p. Thunderbird .V-8;
or if,you prefer, the new high -compres-
sion, 245 -Hp.. Thunderbird Special: V-82-
the •eng to that helped! Ford' Set 4S8`avorld
n['YfOYrlfQlrCl' olid C'I1ljl/r' %JL�G' f=G f3�'lis
'• j3ottnoville'•Salt Plats., Utak.
monaacu 1
s new � e e • i : n� see your
� o a
oonarc ea e
Ioho' 40, L :' k ios:
Marbelle 'Gere has.. exchanged
visits 'with her friend,, Janet Far=•
rell, near . Ripley, .
,Easy Chair::.The hardiest
find empty. •'
(Intended'. For Last Week)
v r .. Donald IETavIsh—'w-as
hostess ,;for 'the August ` W.M.S.
.meeting.•• Mrs, Mel; Coiling open
.ed the' Baby Bandportion of'. the
prograwith prayer. 'The hymn -
"Jesus Bids U.S. :.Shine" was fol-
lowed T•T5y . a ••duet 15Y; eanr.e ;and
Barbara McTavish:' 'A reading for
the' children: was :given •by; •Mrs.''
Marion Brooks . ,, There Were; 23.
children • present. Jeanre'..McTav-
ish. and Joat ;Hamilton':were-pro,
;rooted: to the Mission. Band.. The'
Baby' Band prayer was repeated
,by ' the children: Prizes were giv-
en to. the oldest member arid' old
est 4grandrnother.• :Both went to
Mrs : Daisy ' McOharle S.. Pr..ize : f dr
the youngest baby went to: Mrs:'
„Walter, Black's daughter, and :•to
Patsy .•McCharles_ : _and' Steven
Wj►1ds, who celebr..ated. birthdays
closest:'o the day =of the meet
ing. Miss Judy Nicholson gave. an
account O er Y
std _ irMirariielir
Camp., Following ;the dedication
' of the offering. -=by- M s,„X1a-ytan;
..The 'late ,'Mr: •Campb'ell's inter-
ests' ` were centred p.rirnarily in
:his family and home ,hut. he' al-
Ways.' had time to take a . full -
part incommunity,: church'
;•fraterxal activities '...At' various..
n lae- had' sPry asLschool: •
trustee for 'S,S. 9, Huron and -of*
:the Board • f Stewards of Pine'
•River 'United Church of 'which he
was --a =-mem'ber.-•~ Fraternally he
was a: member • of . Old Light
lodge, -,No: 184, A Fend
Lircknow,.:.. apd of ', A iberley
Court Canadian. •Order . of For-
esters: f,
The funeral was held from the,
McLennan •' Funeral Home, in
Ripley '• on . Saturday,. , August 10, :
With the Rev J. C: Hutton • of
Pine River: United Church ofic- •
iating. The large number attend-:"
ing the: services and the impress-,
lve array.. of floral tributes' ' at-
tested to the esteem" in ' Which, -
the late Mr. Campbell` Was. held:
Pallbearers were neighbors and
former' neighbors: Donald Blue,
John„ Bitter" James `' Courtney,
James' .. Nesbitt, . Norval 'Nesbitt''.'
•and< Jarn+es Scott:' Flower •b-earers
were .:members' of. ' Old Light
Lodge, -••Interment ; was ---in- the
Mary ..Kay .rMcCharles: sang' `•a: faxtiiily' plot .in „Ripley':Cemetery;
solo, and Joan JlamiltOri gave a Where .Masonic rites were con-
recitati- 'he Mission' Band Por ducted by members of. Old Light. '>
tion of the 'program was led; hy assisted by• ;me n•bers '.of ''sister :
Mrs.;Robt.• Osborne. Billie Black lodges.
led in•'prayer and the scripture
was read by:Diane Anger. "Onlay
Oir Surd, TIT-dri ryou `u�asu-read- 'b
Mrs. ' Osborne, and •the, children • .. _., ''
(Intended For Last 'Week)
sang "Jesus Loves : Me'', :Readit�.gs Pec'eiyt t isitors with M'i aurin
wove liven by Marie liainilton, ! ,,,R RY C"k:i,§4ltle�" 'tnclttclyd ;\l1
•�Ch•iistine Vandal • and ••Mariln
l3t•ooks;." solos by , Sandia ;and ,Olive Alien of Clinton; Mi : aald:
Patsy McCha'les: Mrs: IJon. Mr- Mt•`• ',Ilic' •Jactksoll and datightors
I ,.. c p
y ' floc“11`::-4'1d l'196'11.d oar '� IA3't��31 1 °
c3.1-A:I then' tlnc � wont r�irf on:, 'Po _. .. •
1,c1 z� t .f ri.---t �i eiti-i•cn'; ---1 r- s. • Clay r'a l : 4. , . t
ton piesidc'c1 twit. 1 h .odul.t 'pro- piano: mid .11rl+mr;,i Cz"lltrrnlnes ii-,
.gt , .cltyltpm • • -. ' _ .
.r.'A tli i• i'4 f4 1*j ts , • `vi "A
Bl'aok, :Readings �i e rtto 'b ltw. (tif,1tta t4011. Ippon..
Miss', soh Meravish and Mt .1\11.. t1(Z 'tr•sS;lttrtx•1' C)iartltn4';t :
`V hr r•ciat \V'vl.cls. Av01ts, cif {bank, aro C:.N.E, t isi,t'cn Itlis \L•re1 '
Id' e e hoStes i , a04 . ,4r•inni.. *was ,' • Mr. W,.1,1 Oilgy •ghcsr�riaari ' a'n �
tart' e :`..:by ,Mi.sw 1.1"tc eo' t''1iiv°`t`it,; ni'1' 'arid IVT.n4., S; uar 1. uir' an.1
Ti',I, . mrrl1ntiY rl•oscd rvrtlt. 11n c .f run i ir elf' 0;•i iavc..[t. •\vc"r'o' wpol Yetrd
WIV.g. honcdietrnt .. 14'0nth has 'tYtic" t .,.�vitlt Mr: 6T,..,1Mrsr+ 3, Flt,
„4..” ..,. 1 .4o..;11 tiri t,., sperm...rrilmil son rind 1=1oward., '