HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-08-14, Page 8• • WIMNESDAY ,14th, 1967 w•Oreg BALL' :l)IAyOFF5. , .:•11 Lacknow .has 'plenty . of ball activity at pbresent with 'playoffs moving along quite rapidly. , The Intermediate-teant-is-Pres- eptly irf'a round robin'series with ,Blyth and Teesvvater. pucknow lost the.'first game in Teeswate• r by the .score of 1.3-04 The second arne of the, series Was ,played • !;. ir LuCknovi'' on MOnday.. night against Blyth with the vustors wimiing a• close orie now: was 'Scheduled to meet; Tees - Water in toWn On Tuesday night, Ppell the end for'sthe 'SePPys',foTrAtil-F1 ar: • Luckn,ow came thrOugh With a GSID W,M.S. and Ladies Aid are to I be .held at the home of Mrs. Win. Scott on Thursday evening 8.30, p.m.. ' -‘ BORN—to Mr, 'and Mrs. 'ROL. Adams ii wingan,. ospitalTon- ‘I'hursclay, August lst, 1957,• „ daughter. •f•-• . Re. . of 'Palmerston had charge of the Services at •Langside, Whiteehurch, & South Kirtloss and Sunday and for t e, next two Sundays while Rev. an 'Mrs; Marsia1l ancliboys are hol-, idaying lie' was accompanied by , • MrsClemens and David. The s and Mayshallg were neighborsin-Ifelandlsefm."•,- • ing to Canada 'in April. While ar FOR LOWEST; LOW PRICES t.:4,00r-Ao4.soc.KEyg...AALmoN.,. KL.galFiNt(..1rISSVES NrSH-CAT..SUP:.,.SALE: • ted, f1avorftl 11 oz .12-4 win Tuesdayover the. boVs " -the Marshalls.' flew, across, the .• . from Culross., capital •„an •are still_ in the running: , • . The' Girls team , lost a ,close one in Hanover, on ..;'Mbriday •night by the 'score ,of 1743; . The Luck -now Midget team are group champions by • virtue Of their. - 15-7\ win • over Ripley on Monday: Lucknow won the ier- _ies_four ganies to one. The •gets. are tutored by RUss-Biitton, Alek, Andrew 'and Blake ,Alton. The -iolidgets now,,,meet--Sebring,% • ville with. the first game here -on_Friday_night. . LueknOw Bantamis were elim- inated .in three straight by .Whitechurch with the final game on • Monday ending 14-13. It is expected that Whitechurch Will meet Ripley in further p1aYoffS. Charlie Moore coaches the •White- church team, With the Lucknow Lions sponsored team We -Mg run by Brock Cleland, 'Charlie Short arid: Jerry Rathwell. The: Pee, Wee team has a bye DUO -THERM IMPERIAL -41,500 ,BTU • • outPut. Modern design ,in beautiful Platinum finish. 53,000 BTU model *HBOY140her. , Exclusivitt DuopThoran SELF -Lighter -Turet • •the • dial cincl..,electric SELF- • Lighter. lights the fire au- • tomatically. No Matches. • No fuss. No, mess. • • Exclusive! Duo -Them Powefr-Air Blower -- Automatically ,forces heat • to every part of home: Mayes "lazy" ceiling heat to living level. Saves up • *o25%O oil. . . ,Clemens \family. set .sail on , pri 17th and for: the . first three- days experienced .a, very rough voy- age when, everyone aboard Were the victims of seaSiCkness, Clarence Crowston ant:Stan Allen returned to Chatham on Sunc1ayafteJ spending a week at at the home of 1;iis parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. 'John ,Crowston, .• . Miss-T-ShirleY-Se-ott -visited for a few days last, week with Miss Cecilia CroWston. , Miss Doris Moffatvisited last week with her Cousin, Nliis'Lois Conley • • . ' Pg.ath ,Saturcla) •- ifospital, Jas. Ilart( prennaTI 2 bottle 35c 14' several packages and saye. HIGHLAND PRIDE COFFEE , Freshly ground..YOW best buy by far., 1.-:1): s Headquarters . For All F!eisli FRUITSand VEGETABLES, Pliny. Peaches, Plums Tomatoes, Apples .:y .,lits.11.1.:611p..,i..it'taotil)! field 76 . late Rol ...s:5erne:tr arn it M• psfQiaceesrnahlitlaiilvvvyYT1141:tcl'i • ..'_• ea.::1....litj'P:::::,:s9nilltcali:si •.eapacity •'ber..iiow .--'-r-rr ' Mr. RoyA Auf,fman returned home on Sunday from Wingham, Hospital. .Mr. And WS: Art Olson, Gary, ,Nirtar..dail, Ricky and Keith/of Plymouth, -Mich. &•,David .Proc- tor of Livonia, Mich, were week- end visitors with their aunt Mrs. Mary Jane . Tiffin and. her Om - Mr Duncan IVIaCMillan, Mr. • are 'slated to ..m.e0: Ca.rg4l. but I son john of Detroit were week4 Alban Griffin, Jack Griffin' and, into the. W.0A.A. plarifts,. and no datea' hav'e been! yet .set. end . v•isitorS with Mr. and, , e Sell For Less ALWAYS A FAVOURITE Values Effective ugust 15,16, 17 •.AutiznUSHZ Thonnostat —Set aid. fttiget. Keeps ' the temperoture, lust as you tike . LINDERWRITERS'APPROVED... Fbofle 50, LOcknOw KINGSBRIDGE .1 Pit AsIaeMillan and fainilY. , Mr. and: ,Mrs., . Wesley Alion Gretta Sudion) of London and .1V1r. and•Mrs. G. Arinini. of Call gary and Miss Delores Dalton. of Detroit are guests at the home of .Frank DaltOn. 1iss...1VIargaret. Kraemer, ' who recently returned from a motor triP to Florida, -spent a few :days last week with; her, sister; Mrs. Gene Frayne and family.. Susan Linsernan od IVIacton wag also , a visitor, and Danny ,Friyne, re- turned witli' them for a vie -ties Iiviislt with the; Kraemer family. at liesSon. • , MiSs , Bernadette Meyer' spent the past two weeks holidaying -With-relatives-inforento__„and_ Kitchener. •• Mrs: jack Kinney of Detroit returned to her home there „af- ter a week's visit., '•.• O'Reilly spent the .eek -e ..nd with their. and and son of Toronto visited at the the birthday party in home 'of Mrs. 'Jas.' Garvey last ttnded hOne 119„ 1,040w BUY Here. and Save • Kenneth ..:MaCKenzie, FRESH QUALITY CAKES West, were visitors with • Daw- son's), Purves' , and. ,1V1iller'S on . , . .. CHOOL FOR DISTRICT NATIVE, oh F. Kinahan Separate school•will open. 111, SepteXatter hi* the CitY Of: Calgary, .hained. • • Wawa - returned home to London. Sat- -nafotsehr. 4 native' of West -Wawa 'WednesdayMrand MrsAlton - .urday morning after a:two week i A , Calgary paper carried the , .6. holiday visiting with friends, :at-. rThe four-roorn efollowing. story in. this regard.; coinpanie,d by . hot ..niece, liirs1. .. • , . . ieme.ntary sp., . • . , . , . arate school in Spruce Cliff will be named Kinalian school, mark- ing a departure ''from . the •separ.;, ate -School system's usual ' prac- tice -in naming schools. • , •'won l,Oonbles Toninei Fred • -,TadiSon and MarS--GeOr-g 13achler won first prize in the 'Mixed ,lawn :beWling • tournament at Goderich. on Citric • hOliday:•• ' Charles Wilkins of • Zion and planned to attend the Mary Hast- ingg . picnic on Saturday after- •• Mr. and Mrs., Eric Evans, -Di-- . . . , anne and Melvin visited Satur- da.y .with. Mr., and Mrs. William Evans and Ted. Allan and Randy 'returned home with them to ' School's . in the system are usually given 'names. with'relii- LOUS• meaning --ilyde:-.--Park--; after --a-*eekLs.,..401L.,.. the name of a saint This SchoOl. clays :10th. their gran,dparents.: . 1•1ear th-ernr, Mr. and Mrs...iji gfid[Kinahan, Superintendent' of the. Miss Margaret Moffat of Toronto 8irtie.:1140.frolt:i1.1918 until 145' death In announcing the name, L. honor Of Mr Moffat, his son Far - Mr. ish• and Miss Emrriavitichardson. • and' Mrs. 'Fergus • Dwyer, • MATERIAL. for' GRAIN BINS Plywood,: a thicknesses. CedEir, Granary itining esteel Galvin* 'FING engthst: • 1/2, 9, 1 :and 12 feet, Mr. and Mrs. Bary ,Lavis vis • - ited 'Sunday with ,mr. and alitiost..! synonymous with. the Mr. and Mrs.' Chester ,Casernore,ICalgary separate school .system',. Mrs. MalcOlm. ,,MeIrtnis and. Mae While •it a.'departure. from -the near Wingham. . usual procednre, , it :does not Threshing:and combining .are I mark., a change in the policy for the order' 'of the ..day. , ' i.naming schools, he ad.dgd.' We would like to congratulate' Mr Kinahan came tO I:Calgary the Kinlough correspondent on the--Icirilougorrespondetit _on the ,iplenaid • report •of . their. Cen• - tennial and:the fine job every- Van Tighein, assistant superin- tendent, tendent, said he is very' happy to see the school', bear the name 'Which . for so ,inan5i years • was • • Optoinetridt • .LISTOWEL, ONT. "...R.t the former Wrona Jewelem store: Ripley, 1.0) a.m, to 9.. p.m., WEHNESDAY AUGUST 28' .and every. Second Wednesday: Eyes examined Glasses -fitted For ,appointment 'phone .' Roy MaCKenzie, ,96-r,24,. Ripley. " . one did of their: job to,Inake-tt Such success; baby Maureen. and -,Mrs. DwYer's sister Xlizabeth. of Kinkora Were Sunday visitors ;at the Donald Eraytie _S_askateon 'and', a sister, • SHINGLES, ;• • 1/110A -R1- ' Underlay.. Hardboard e er ec oa. use under Linoleum OY Tile Floors. • .LE,T.THk OLD—HENIS:DOWN: . • -(*Y: .-6111-41elninPVar :Under no consideration should . poultry producers ..accept._;.less than . 23c per lb. for Grade A fowl 5 lbs: and. (:•.Ver live weight, delivprecl ih Toronto. This is a Government guaranteed . support priee... This rneans a price cif .20 ; to 21c at .the farm in other areas .1 'Of -.Ontario; " depending . on trans.,: liOrtatiOn and handling costs This was , the conclusion'arriv- ed at by the directors of the On,. tails) Poultry Producers AssocL ation. at • Meeting in Toronto, Auguit. 8th; • There a,criough processing plants to handle all being:offered tp_the accoulnt of the governnient Aticder, .5 lbs. Should be 'priced -3 to 4c less. • T.I.Te7Oirecpyrsiciere.. amazed_ Wpresident • them . that in-someLareas farm:- , er,s were receiving only .12 to 17c in 'spite of the generous amount of newspapepr' and. radio. Puhlie- ity ,giveril to the ,GC•Orrunent support price arinousceinent The Government is guara-ti ing thig price to the Prdducer by paying the procesSor 6.42c per • lb: for eviseerated few, packed ' for shiPitierit. The, prOcessor hOw- • ever intist providelvoof that he 'q to the 'from, Ottawa in 1914 to teach .at Sacred Heart School....6.-,Before he took . the position of superirien- dent and secretark-treasurer'iti 1918,' he had-beeti- -principal of St.; --Mary"s•-...high--,schoOl-for_ tvio. or-Lthree_years. Gus Kinalian of London and forinetly 'of West -Wawanosh, is a' ,brother of the late Mr: Kin- • alian. A' brother Thomas fives in Miss .N • Miller of la.,Inlit°,1-1'-„is Mary Blake; in Brussels MvisairtinShe.wrtihdani:et "Ist:er' -1412S. 1113BShil.'lisKainanheapnhewof'. West' V'sra*a'- , • Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin and `Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne iyisi• ted,vo,With as_reel:_steativeeics-,in London Mrs "Ursula 'Heber c•f Detitit is visiting with relatives here. r. John -0144M, Miss. Mary $heridpn_of _Toronto...and, Peter •Lierman,. Jirriniy lttartin, Osh brethers and Mike Dalton, Langton tobacco emPloyees, spent the weekerid.• at , their hones 'here. • •. •• , Mr. , and „Mrs,. Len Woodley, Darlene and Mr. and Mrs, Clif- ton Austin are visiting With Mr, and Mrs. Jack. Austin and fain, ily of 'Plipmins this -week. rs. ' 'Phone 1 0 • • DERSON. MISER LTD. •..uckno*, ont. INSURANcE • Can NOW. Accept L'TOVVW-10111/ENTS ° 00.1MERctAli filtuctig as well at the firth bUstnessa *. • • For iritorniation otiSttit T. A. CAMERON, LTICKNOW, Phone Hiingannon '70-r-10 JOHN MeMURCHIE, RIPLEY. Phone 26.r-23 . dohi big 3 some youlj load• , I hot's( mak prodtteer,, t Farmers!---;-1(-Our: 'T'Oi.a.,—__11 ...,_=-Pr° lie y ducers Organizatiori;• with. the . 'op -to Ittistrotr ' •',c)f -Ahe,--FedetatiOn_.Of- -t---ja] Ae rgfiulle] Lij lothurfeo'r reit' dini:!ngehbav;ritr th;' ••tP ge Government' The need foi• import iiity6, restrictions on :the inVorts' of fowl and -turkeys an& appreci. ateg the „prompt, action �f ibe Government ah, Otittiflg. then in effect .Plettie Set to it that you get, what' your Product k'' WOrtlf: