HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-08-14, Page 4L• . E FOUR fi' E LUCKNOW' SEN EL, WEDNESDAY Att . ; 1.4th, ,1957 4111. Inn Ailk Am. Am 1114) . •r . -, COMING EVENTS: • • �` ` ,� : LAWN. TEA. AND BAZAAR: A lawn tea and bazaar will, be held at -the home of Mrs, Jack Irwin on theLucknow Dungan- non road on Thursday,, Augur -• '.�F N-IM+iMYM MNMy .y•H. �.•.NW .I.� NI.INN�•.. W .M.MMMT.Nwtiw • fABERAL, DIS;CDUNT— 'qn Lawn „Boy power mowers. Wm 1V,urdie and Son: FOR, ° SA,l -hardwood slabs ,and sawdust` `J'anies Stevenson, Luck. now' Sawmill. " 'PQM SWATHING . & ` COM BX1yWG—Lorne Parrish;; 'phone. 119*i amion 82-1.5 FOR:SALE -good hard. maple e wood. MacMillan Broe,. Luck- ' now; Bargain .prices in truckload. . lots. I FOR. SAS E--3-piece wool 'frieze • ' chesterfield suite and 9 -piece' dining room, suite. Contac t Mrs. Mel Stewart.. TRACTORTIRES 22nd 'from 3 o. 5 p.m sponsored. TS:old, filled and •serviced; , arso by Slakes United Church car and truck tires at lowest • ' ' . . ' .RECEPTION FRIDAY' • MacMILIAN.IMPS" Luc ow Fr d. eye, Aeputguin wi•11 bien hthed. Aogn-prices, • • A FOR OIL TANK.°TRUCKS yri,oultural. I a1]�, Dungannon, in, or Used' Construction'Machinery, honor -of Mr, ,and Mrs. R•ay Stanley., (nee Margaret'' Black;)..:'. Contact y Olden Track .Equipment Limited Carruthers' orchestra 'Everyone. `l owdale .Ont: welcome: q . 1. --tong L�� __ ��. s -: ..... • R TIONUGU AST 2 G E EP• a' Registered Corporal • Lee;' mare, A' wedding • •eceptiony'-in honor bred .ta . Dude , Harvester, • sire of of ' Mr. and + Mrs. Kenneth 'Mc - Dude .Harvester Jr.,. 207, and one; Allister ;(nee Shiella Feagan) will fifth, and Brownie Lee, ,show'be held in the Dungannon Ag - horse; also. big Saddle filly, two ricultural, Hall on Friday, Aug. Years old, :by Arnhem . thorough- ust 23rd:; Everybody welcome:. b orchestra, fired sire.. C. Hansuld Ethel, Ont. Carruthers' o 0 :1r°iIL LETS` FOR SALE --various . breeds from 3 tog rnonths,„Craw ford's Feeds, phone .165 Lucknow -or-Dungannon :119 -r -12 - :.FOR SALt.---Fall rye; never-ivari- dty Tetra ` Petkus. Sow now and �iaye ,early. pasture in, the spring. S E. Robertson, • ,phone 166-3, Lucknow. ;.• ., WANTED` young lady :,clerk, High . School education • or .'equiv- alent preferred. Apply . Lucknow Fruit Market. ; WANTS steady 'housekeeper capable of caring' for small' child and to do ,light ,housekeeping duties. .Apply l at ThSentinel • 'Office.' ' 'FOR SALE various: makes ;:'re- conditioned •milking machines: /Will install one of . these or ;a new Woods in your barn: on free trial; Irving, . Keyes, Glamis, phone' Paisley ' 114-r-4.,; . • - 0 e. prerns. rhe undersigned about June' `lst, . a: , Hereford . ,bull. ' Owner may have •same','by' proving ';property and, paying expenses. •Alvin. Ham- 68-17 Ilton, R. 3, Lucknow, phone Dungannon.: • NOTICE' FAREWELL PARTY A farewell party m •.honor ..of Mullin s . Bakery- will be closed Mr' -and .• Mrs. James Wilson ,will` for h lidays from Monday, Aug be hold, ;in the • Whitechurch. Hall ust. 26 to,Saturday,gust 31• on F'ricla Y ', .August . 16.t1 , Music MEAT FOR SALE` by'''Henry-Conn and Farrier .or hr' . estra ! Ladies; ` please bring Good beef ' for sale by the clz . quarter' Beef killed' under lie- lunch ense , from. the Department .of Health. Choice Her ord • year- rm a`. spec- IN MEMORIAM McMU 1 -in loving ' memory of .. a dear. husband and father, David .' J. McMurchy,: who '.pass kings. Custom butr ch g p iality • , Raynard Ackert, : Holyrbod ':Phone 24-30,. Ripley 'Sanitary •Sewage . ,uisposal • Septic' ,`tanks, cess pools, etc:,. Pumped um ed and cleaned with Sani- tary. modern.' equipment , All work guaranteed. '. • . Write, Louis Blake ',. R.R. .2 Brussels, .'.phone 42-r-6' Brussels. • HAYING EQUIPMENT.-_--, see' the SMoker. ,Elevators' • and- all New 'Holland haying eqUipment at 'Goderieli; 'Waterloo Mal farm , Machinery and Purina feeds. Phone 1285. WANTZD-:---Man-for--steady travel- . among constimers in Bruce Co. Permanent coruiection' with large manufacturer. Only reliable/hust- ler considered. ,Write Rawleigh's Dept. H-271-131, 4006 Richelieu, ed away,'two' years ago, -August. 27th; 1955. Lookingback' with''' memories:'. 1956' Ford.: CUstomiiiie, automatic, 'fully equipped • 'Ni teor lvagara Sedan,, fully equ ' .ipped 1956 e. • 1956: Chev; `Standard:Sedp l.... -► _1956: •Chev: •Sedan, (idly equipped .. ,:• $2,100. 1695 1955' Che..y, Coach,• *4- mQior ,, ,,,,;; ,,,,,,, , 1954 •Chev: Standard ' ,Sedan, inky equipped :.; ' , 51,395 •. 1954 Chev. Belair Sedan, fully equipped. 1953 Chev. Coach` .,., 1951 Ford Sedan . .,..;. .•,:,...,,, Tarif.. 4 e44 •.14.a111I14R1 • • • • 1950-Chev: S�eidan TRUCKS 1953 COY. Half -Ton Pickup hev Ton . -Pick 1952 C ug• .,:52,150 .•4:014895 $2,05Q .....$1,195. .5.750 ,;$ 550 Duron .County's Foremost Used Car Dealers de Terms Open Evenings Until 10 Cash, Tia,: rvice Dealer — Phone 73x,•russels Cities Se CARD OF -THANK We' ibless the years we :had with Upon . the path `you: trod, ' you : I would like :'to thank all my _Y_:. . d' : .' •rs who:were And leave•. the. rest to Go friends and neighbor • its Wife L'ovin 1 remembered a. n,d kind: 'durri my illness m, the hossptaL ,„ •. Sincerely,..Mrs. Wesley Guest. OLD' ,HORSE'S WANTED sadlymissed i at . 3 / 2c per .I a • 'Daughter. Old•� horses wanted � 1 and gih • lb;• dead cattle at value, •If dead, : B •covin bf :pho e ' at once 'to "Gilbert . Bros.•ATON . E' � in g memory our. beloved 'Mother • and Father, lMalco m and' nnle ea on an .' our dear brothers, Roy and Har- ry Beaton., .1. .,. . •Gone• from, 'our tight But not, fromr :Our hearts, r ever' forget' ear to Loved .trio .d g " ex � ress y. :' l likes ,to my n: Towns of ' 1 wou; d p Division,. hi Eastern p 10,Ea •n. , s t� �. i .. , Thein.. Loving, Family. • 'Sincere' `re• ,thanks': to" all .'those` ' •who Ashfield 1 mile went. • of �:Belfast, � ;:� si ce on . '; -=in loving memory of i sent cards or visited -'me while Thursda August: 15th; 957' a Graham. '. `wh ,:1 was ill..This, was greatly ap- yat: 7.3.0 :Yn '' } mother :'who:,:l, Siiir�ere: thanks is :giv P 'passed :away two:years ago, Aug FARM: alieTa'bov g Qp�rty, . azst 14th,1,9�. en to• Ur. 'Corrin 'Aug - 'Consisting of- 100 acres, more,''or Thereis a: long and Winding road: M'a ron�ercy` Along: which we all must. go t•To all our ' neighbors and • It leads beyond the hills of time, friends who. eiFpressed •their sym .into • the''•sunset-�glaw �. " lyathy .nth ; ' `deed s . of kindness, axtacnea. xiccnen, But only fora' a little while, ' -Oar..lavect -ones-leave-ou sight; • atrds and in .various other' ways �a�� * a'•, "� S'�p, I For Just beyond= the hills they+ the: time: of :our recent be-' o' say, a:sin i •;• wait,' � : reavement, we wisht erich' 148334:or• 148331. 1 ESTATE. AUCTION SALE OF -REAL=,ESTATE ' ` Lot'1 • Concession 'East half of. 0, •C . to'• 'sincerely thank hbors ' .and relatives who visited. me while in the :hos- pital-, and sent cards, flowers and fruit. It was much appreciated: E.. R. Mc:Quillin.' 4. roinna and • Wilfred liaCkett, Administrator I In ,God's eternal light Of the estate' of 'John Archibildl-:-AlwaYs. remembered bY YlarY, 'Montreal,. Que. HAYS. AND PRESA. • t. *nate On 'Your • roofing jol0 be - fere ;you 15rder. :Will supply,. material Only or: will install .roof complete- Irving- Keyet, •• phone Paisley 114-r-4. 38 Avondale Ave:. . Ray Shantz Props,: Bert Pretty at a reasonable' price' and guar- _ anteed .workmanship. contaet our OPENS SEPTEIVIBER lege,. Toronto. Enter any Monday in *the 3ic#...,Fre,e-rootin arid board and.;•Small ',Weekly allowance 'in return for,: baby, Sitting, etc„ ..in approved hotnes* Recently at& -Ruth Einberlin, Robert bray, Arni-Pollock-r-touise--1- Niee.* Starting' salarieS,,$2000.00 to 42600,00 a year, Write for free, information' now to Canada I3usi- •tollege; Post office •Builc1- Alitiptkted :41001 under the -*ado SchOoi ategitlation Act, DoriALD B. BLUE, ,NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of SarakiLittle, de- FLevi and Douglas. 11 NST ER L HO E - ALL PERSONS having. clainis against the • Estate., Of Sarah Lit- tle, late of the Village of ',Dick - about the 25th day of March: 1956; are hereby •notified to send 1St-7day of,August; 195-7, as -after the said date -Al -le eState will be distributed amang those entitled! thereto,' having regard' .only , to I the claiins of'whieli the.' Executor .,,shalUthen have: notice, Dated • at Llicknow, Ontario Dr. James E: Lucknow] Ontario, Executor. W Andre* SolkCitorlor the Estate'. 'PhOne 76 USE OF FUNERAL HOME • .EstabliShed .1894' cexe thy ank you;They.were all Wraith,' a11 1e 1.' and family day,. jour Th ” 4111Yprow Tt► rene Ins. agent •, iH.a. point' Co the i • exi • .Tl drain' much appreciated. ' . Mr and Mrs:. John a ith,: Roddie-.;and=._Eldon. . . I:would'' like' to thank : those who` • remembered me . with.cards, letters and, ;flowers w.hi was: in St. Joseph's Hospital also. those who. helped, :my:in. so. many w These , kindnesses are: greatly ` ap- preciated. -I would like . to: •, add a special, thanks to all •:those , do na°tin blood. g Y arve Robb • Mrs . H y Gordon Fenety, , Judy, Shirley and .the • MacRae family wish.. to thank the many friends and neighbors for their 'expressions -of-sympathy and kindness dur- ing Jessie's ' sickness ; and' at - the• time her death, :also for `'the many.: •floral' •tributes ' and,: the presennerf• so Many- of : her friends. and` 'school. mates on. the ay of •the ,:funeral. John • MacRae. u , e tool trac ACE fill your , West Street, '60DERICH; ONTARIO orrymg ,o E'seCouie of 'snow or shortages-,-,and-relox with a., winter's, suFiply of Oa* fuel the the nio A SOLID CENTURY U RAS Before inVeitin ARTIFICIAL_ INSEMINATIOK, Fin' attificial insemination in- breedi Of cattle, PhOne the' sociatipn 'at: Clinton .HI.T 2-3441 or Kincardine 460 between ,7.301 and 9,30 a,m, We have all breeds', available ,,rt., top 4uality at 'low 4okno •