HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-08-07, Page 611'74"1.! ,g311.47XNEL6 ,LUCIPTQW's, NVFml 1957, ivggiAs. trr SKIRL AS THERED. macDoNALD R•uNioN On Saturday, A•tigust MacDonald Clan - gathered • a the#*--Aisbal-"431!age-.7.40 nigetAn "The 'MacDonald Cedars"; Loch- alsh, Wberre theyWere free from the. city buz,- and the nOisY. thOr-. oughfare in a 'nook of peace and quiet. • * Vegy: wa*.felt Aat. the veteran Dan'.A MacbOrtala WOuld tbe -Present as he bad- lately return- ed froni th�spita1,it there -he' was seated in an eas3r. chair' with ,regiSter.,and''pen..ih hand,' anx.7 ioush:et—eVerYOfl-- nam whioh Aurnibere4 .13$'.. • .• In early 'afternoon laddies arid. lassies .started gathering for .this 28th reunion Of the descendants of the: late 'Murdock and. Donald MacD6iiald and, their, sister,,IVIrs, ,Christy Harris, .who tame from the Highlands of Scotland . in 1844. .Who are these? 'The Ma.e pOnalds of the fainOus clans who has played an ,important .part iri SeCittish. history since Lord Mac- Donald of the Isles---Duncart and. Donald, Rory and lionald,;:Clias., ,Mtirdock and Sandy • jack Ken= rieth-and RObert and: Findlay. and ODERI :opens 'LiESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 19571. Specialized Business Training. 4' Practical • instruction in all. COmnicrcial Subjects- Iiiviery facility for )i;ousinesS, training is Provided. ;Our .• - modern elass .rooms includ.ing new typewriters, large rn- deskfluor,ecerit-l-ighting-cancl--e-xperienc& instructors.-- . - .Courses approved by the Business Educators' Association •of Canada, ritompT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE . 1 1 T*0 In Order. to obtain , the, best results, we urge -all students commence on -the- 'opening- -date. Our DaY S•chOol, tuition. is $18 per month.- The Latest, Most Effective Fly Spray. e spray kills flies for four, to six weeks or longer. Positive killer of all species. Most flies leave building before dying. NERAL., INSURANCE Estal:Osbed Over. Thirty' Years Ago Thars.,, 17 ffop! A 107 •Amusipg.• mos..,, x , vows Is you •, Telehonek • Business to HOWARD AGNEW , .Iteskienct 138 sel Johnstone and Dr. Dtmean MacKenzie. . ' Little Anne Pottier of North Bay and Blain 'Thomson of Till- ionburg, both three nionths, I . Stewart '.and T11°Inas' and all of Were the youngest Present... .. .these proud names of, the past—Thi A stim twos lunch of good things- was provided, ca .‘ e r which the square dance was . en- joyed and also the • Scotch , reel, with the pipes and violin play- . • • mg to. the joy, of all.. , The officers for next year are, president, Robert Simpson; , 'vice president, ,Finlay ,11: MacDonald, Chatham; treasurer,' David. Mac- Donald; secretary, Mrs. FinlayMacDonald. • ' ' . .Stifrie--o-f those present ----Were-:-' . . Mr. and Mrs, John Lennie, Mr.' and. Mrs.. T'orn- Lennie,' Bob Len- • all „worthy. . to kw chieftains our ,own community, Robert. , Simpson, president; gave a welcoineto the gather-. ing, with many coming frOrin. distance. He called on several to give a "wee" speech. Bill Harris recited a good story on a Jew, the MacDonald Claii bringing it to thelore.. Bayne 'Stewart, .B.Sc. *gave, the greetings'.. Finlay (Dan): also made .a few remarks.rs Alex Andrew told of ''differenf ones of the.Clan wham, she met ate •••••••••—•••••4 _ ceuseliinidings With no danger -to stoC for. hinnans to handle.. Leaves no unpleasant odors or stains. h; . • LUCKNOW KINTAIL.,INSTITUTE HELD Kenzie., essed .to qie nearest. VERY 1114.TERESTING PICNIC pound; the president's weight Everyone Went home tired,- e_„:..,August meeting of the well fed and happy..from.. a Teo . . Xintail Institute :took the. form nice ..Pirefficm'aritt---we,-Owe-a-vote 0 a, picnic at the', Aslifiald picnic Of thanks to the committee in -.grounds good crowd turned charge: • p -to elijoy-lhie-watergames,: and 'races. The results of the races is as °follows 6 yews and under, Chris- ., tine MacLennan, Bill, Wiersina; Alma Fattish; 7 years and un- der, Nancy Mac.Le.nnan, 'Arthur O Wiersma, Alnia Farrish; 9 year •'and under Larry. Farrish Velnia Farrish, Peter Wiersnia; 12 yrS. and, under, Annie Van der Lay, .. Margaret Famish, Barbara Mac - 'Kenzie; 10; years and und,er,,Dor- , .., artily•Alton, Anne 'MacKenzie, ., Annie Van .der • Lay; wheelbar- row..race, Dorcithy 'and. Barbara MacKenzie, Annie "Van . der- - Lay -and Larry 'Parrish. and lierbie Bar- ger. The lady' with the:annirver- sari? nearest Atigtist lst WaS-MTS. Fred, MacGregor. The •grand- -, -mother _ grand 7.,..childr,en at the wag Mrs. Ven der Lay,•Witli five. The Per - ,1% 6 .1 O . Ontario's populatiOn is now, .stimated ,be. 5i-500,00 ap- proximately one-third of, 'Can- ada's population.. . • NOT SO FAR ViTRONG!, Temperance : Speakers in olden days used to stress the terrible. effects of alcohol on man's inner organs Today such physical dam- age is played,down and modern stress • is on the 'psychological rather than the, physical effects. But a' joint study, by the 'life insurancecompanies' in . the USA Serves to „ShoW: that,',perhaps the' :oldtiine temperance lecturer was not so far wrong after all. Start- ling facts have .4:teen".unearthed-. about damage 'done to, the hunian liver by drink. • In the past ten .years cirrhosis of the liver, ,a disease directly son with the largest , shoes w 1idto oveie-inclulgence-in-alcd= Jo Anne Alton.: The.mottter with hol,' has become the foUrth cause the youngest baby was•Mrs.,Ste- of death Cif people over 45. Dur- , • . wart MacLennan.' The lady, with ing-the same period the con - the most buttons on her .dress turnption ofliquor hi the USA doubled,- -the_L__.numbe • „loOn race, Jo Aiine Alton,- Mrs, Of alcoholics is six times what Fred. MacGregOr,Mrs. Geo. Mon- it Was. , Crief;' Older girls potato race, 'Ph e Metropolitart Insurance Dorothy Alton, Annie Van der Company 'in a monthly bulletin Lay, , 'Anne Alton; younger reports that more than a quarter • girlpcitato race, tYnda Vassella, .of those who died from that dit- eastere..definite-alcoh • while aWay. •. • O Di A. MacLennan, in• full. O tish regalia and wiggle -waggle of the kilts,. was heard through - to , all Alex :MacDonald fiddled his lively tunes, while Sister An- nie.. accompanied ' !him on the. A • great ,deal of excitement prevailed...among the children in their many races, all striving to win. The ladies kicked the slip- 'Duncan Munn and Marion, ,Mr. per and ' the. "youth" Rocklit and Mrs. Lund and family, Bert Cowles,„Uricle Finlay, Jim West Harris, Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas.' pot- -w_alited___dth the .""stilta". Bill tier; Mr. and, Mrs 'Bain ,Stewart Harris conducted the. games. ' and David Grant' whogave some A lonely note was sounded exhibition of step dancing. t. - when the president asked •that As deepening shadows saillt a moment Of silence -be -observed, n , for the -three 'faithful members Of "Good Night Ladies" ,a.nd the -who---pasied•awaY ditonal "Atildlang._,Syne" the nie, Grace -Lei -me, -Mrs; Campbell, Dr. John Munn, 1VIrs. *unn and children, .Mrs. Beck Agnew, Dan Rose, Mr and Mrs'. Rosi Thomp- • 'Donald Thompson ,tciok. .Pie - time of the .grotig..A photo of•the 'tint reunion WaS::Shown. Son,, Mr. arid. Mrs, Alex Andrew, Mr. Ind Mrs. Kenneth IVIaCDon- alcl, Mr. and Mrs. L. I -Weston,. Mr. Cliff Jackman, Mr, and Mrs. George, Blue, Loinse;. Salina and. .Mabel MacDonald; Annie Mae, MacDonald; • ?Torn Harris, Mrs.. OBITUARY . MRS. ROBERT. COCHRANE The death of Atfrs; ,RO•ert. Cochrane Occurred on • July 13th' in hospital South' Burnaby, 'Britsh. COlirinbia, at the . age a . Mrs':• Cochrane was the former Ethel. Elizabeth ,. Brown, daugh ter, of:•: the late, Mr. and 'Mrs. RiChard E. Brown.: 'Her, father taughtschool for a nuniber, of Years in AShfield. Her „mother Was a. daUghter of the:late VIT. and Mrs..-4ngusA4D-01.40.1,,. • Ethel, Elizabeth:. was born :' in Ashfield ToWnship and as a. child. Went. West with.. her ,parents about .55 years ago: -.Mrs: 'Cochrane. is survived ,by, O her =hubid,. ,two• 'daughters, - Frances and Ruth Elizabeth of South Burnaby; two sisters, igrs, Wilfred'HuestiS, Winnipeg; Grace. Brown,Port MoOdy; tWo. broth- . ers,. Albert E.: Brown,, 'Vaticott Ver. and Myron Brown,. Ha- • Warden,: Sasle,. .• - The late .Mrs. James Forster of. West Wawanosh was an aunt. of Mrs. Cochrane' , '.Exl Pici Cenieter, • I 'Phone Some ople-worry-about-n9-- thing especially When it's .in the bani. • to_itight and With_the sinplig • • r es- Sadi Mathes° * s Rus- Clan parted' for :another year. utotni ,SPe Pb� O Ationey, is filie-iffiff:tharstliilirs-- you. want run into and thatbyou are always running out pf.- Weilp 'Office Office •Phoi 1p..ITS EVER-GRO ING FAMILY OF. DEALERS WASHING LUI3RIcATIONTUN. „ EXPS 'A SPECIALTY CO -Op Co -O . lunch wis "quickly 'Prepared is a,„ safe Isstunption that a con -„,,--77:--z----tantr-watenjOYed-bY aU gvery siderable proportion . of the one toppd it off with an.Oran ge iothers were heavy drinkers head- - • AteA-4-creanv-cOne-r:Then,e- ed jor a1coho1ism ,. . ".' is someone: suddenly produced, pea- In Canada the sae trend titttS for. a peantit'sCrainble The' children cOuld'Still bend, over to , pick then, Up, so:could not have O otter -eaten. The boy ,toi scramble and' cOrne tip' ,With the mOst. pe'a- •nits Larry Part*;1 „Mit, • Bill JohniSOne had her birthday rieareSt th Augttst 1. Anne..Mad* 4 rCteognizable,• Since -1944 deaths, from cirrhosis of the:liver haVe. nearly :doubled.' In the same per- iod, consitmlition of.6.1ccilior 'has als6 ciOnbled„ while the AlcoliO1-' ism &search Foundation reports that the mrinber of a1kx.410liea has nearly trebled.--Advt Phone ,27 LucknOw, O To '