HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-08-07, Page 1a. vot 50 A Year' In .Advance -7$1,00 Extra To. USS., U-STRI.P EN LJMMER .SCHOOL Organized playground activity the Lucknow Community Cen- . climaxed in .a bus :trip to iderich, July 31st. During the month of duly. ;the.. ildren enjoyed a: ,full program` crafts, • 'games and drramatics,. ider the direction of Miss Ruth. eleaven and Jim 'Reed. -Div.-417,, L into ':two• ',groups, a ',Juniors ere in the, age.: bracket $ to 8, e Seniors 9 to 12. ' Crafts in uded plastic weaving, 'asbestos odellinsg and the fashioning of iuinals in cork. A -Special Senior` •eject was a puppet show staged ✓ the Juniors, '.using,• puppets id ,.a :stage' constructed. in the •aft 'sessions•. In the active' games division • children; participated in a iriety ofteam . sports. . Track id field .and individual " aGt vi= es were also. taught. Parti'cipa- on: in these helped develop ,co •dination and 'co-operation. ' The,. bus trip. 'included tours irough the Museum, the salt lock, the Schaeffer . pen pl ant rid Bisset's. Thanks"'' are due' irs.. K. Camer.,on and Mrs. H. releaven who acted as chaper- nes on •the.'trip. fTA WEDNESDAY,. 'AUGUST 7,, 1951. DESCENDENT OF FIRST SETTLERS enten , With the Kinlough L, nial held at .,the/ week=end. ppioneers and -the :.names of being brought to the fore, it might be noted that Mrs. Frank .Brown . is a great granddaughter Of the late Eli Stauffer •and a grand- • nie of William and John S!helton,._ who' • were among the very first ;settlers to take up land in, the area :between 'Blackhorse 'and Kinlough. EEITH BLACK-IIAS ' STARTED COUND-THE-WORLD FLIO'HT FIL. C. -K. Black, pilot ; 'of a i+CAF North Star transport, left tugust..1st from Dorval, Quebec,. John Emerson's ` name was in an around therovorld'rnission use : in rror. -vvir rirtmer- ria Gander, Newfoundland :Med-' son who. was coming ' out his terranean, Saudi Arabia, India, laneway aboutthe time ,of the Test `:Indies Australis; Eiji . and _tragedy. He did- .not : witness. the [iawaiian .Islands, San Francisco, accident bu ' the first car arrive--afte s'"" - n. strut • ana. •,iwa�`e : � w"'Tio"116e t MWH Le✓� , U"w.t+.yMJn.'tl,.'.•eany®�.,.. . fo"ielf An impressive part ,of the Kin - lough Centennial; was the Sunday afternoon service,, when street lights °'were switched on in the i Village as•• a memorial to .the pioneer settlers • To •those whose first light' was a ''tallow candle,• . it' seemed a fit- ••ERR'`ONERRONEOUS ...' .I SION .S Ste IN .'HIGHWAY' ACCIDENT ting way to illuminate and per- :petuate their memory.:• Two octogenarian - and lifelong' . residents ., pf • • Kinlough, James Hodgins and J', R Lane, hadthe honor of . throwing the switch" at. 2.30 p.m on Sunday'' after. - neon. The sprayer, of dedication TEN 1'49/ j ABANDONS CAR IN 'POI,ICE CHASE was• p.ronounced 'by . Rev'.`• Benson . Cox, another; Kinlough octegen- -,arian. Pictured : above,,left to right, Mr:. 'Hodgins, are M : 'Hod gins ' Rev.' Co:.S : and Mr.:Lane . ' e look Over the as they Centennial issue of The Sentinel , Sentinel Photo A warrant is out for the .arrest of:*: a twenty -year-old motorist' who fled from police.in Luck:, now on.Tuesday ,afternoon and abandoned . his car'. after a brief but' wild ride.' in Which he nar- rowly ar • ,': r',owly inissed " running clown. children at play.. Provincial. Officer Don Reeds sib the TKincardirie detachment was in Lucknow . in' •aii'id-after : ,' .. noes, when : he ' spotted a car about to park,, on Main Street. near the police car.'. • ' . Therewas a ' familiar • note about this ;car. ,and :Constable Reeds decided to investigate."' Spotting the Officer the youth. , took off, in his ''car, went up; a back alley on the ; south side, •of` Main Street and ,onto Willou'gihby. St., where he "opened her .up". Failing to make the . turn at. the, Recreational:, Cen re, ' h proceed -:-' _ `` ed another block. to Outram' .St,,, and wheele# north endangering the lives oil/Children at play; • ' With . the. police . siren ,wailing behind .'him 'the youth' turned off. the.' ignition and Ieaped' from his. `1: Oar,.. letting it . careen• to a stop just, at the Main St. intersection . ` beside.: Nelson Winterstein's. Taking to his heels he fled ;a .: short •.distance down Main Street, then 'cut through H D. 'T,homp- .son's and' Roy ‘ Black's, . proper ties •and kept ori'" going till` he ' hit 'I the, swamp ''behind Harvey 'Webster's.. • "e :Marto r. e ed � near th . He'..em r g H'' 1 kSt." e ave o0 Toss ' ra' ': hone c . I n d ,. ! south to the MacDonald. mill • • n :'reporting; thedeath last' week of . Mary Lou; .,Collins,. The Sentinel .article>•�itirtay fiave. given an. erroneous.' impression, and ' •if so 'we wish to correct it. • i/► .T ere was' no car' . approaching riAA the ColliinsT ' car, riot, at least to. a point tants headlights; had any 'bearing whatsover on the accident., a Winnipeg, :arriving aback at Dor- val ,August :28th. Mr. and Mrs •'Cliff ''Congram and sons, Dale and Bryan and Miss Ellen'" ,,,,McBride, e, returned recently fro:a. month's . motor trip through Western Canada to/ the. Pacific Coast Douglas Harton, of Kintail has not been' enjoying good health. and`; for ;: the,, past 'few. weeks has' been a,patient in Vic- toria' ; Hospital,. •• London, where she is receiving treatment ' for .• a heart, condition MEET -T -FIRST SUNCE CHILDHOOD Mr -and Mrs. ; 'Harry :Bettis and twin datilibiers-of-White-. Plaina,- New York, have been visiting with his sister, Mrs. Percy Gar butt 'and Mr.. Garbutt . of ,Kinloss' Township'.., :, 'ft is the ; first time they have itret since Mrs. Garbutt • was a rhild'.n her, native, Holland. Her "big br'other"' Harry went sail- ing when she was a girl' of; four. and later located in -the United States: puri d War .. 1V.crs arbu t was active' in the 'Dutcl underground, and in this wavy She: Tnterifirdied Mr. Garbutt, a veteran of .World War I1 `: and_ gas wounded an- action It 'is about eleven i .. . ,... since 1VIrs. Garbutt'e even years.,,... , came. to Canada, and . for dive years, she and her itSliand' have 'lived in I{nloss, this Wag the first o ortunity has she. hag .. • hadpik? for a reunion with herer, of ` whoaa'i she had only th faintest merriories, • tsEND' P.M. SPECIAL ISSI3E John '.Hanna,' M.P.P., call - d•: last `wee to ,comp -'men. The ''Sentinel on.;'the'...Kin- lough in- i 1 .: reunion ough r and to ask us to send a copy to 'Ontario's• 'Prime Minister Leslie Frost,. Incidentally, la: telegram of congratulations 'was ' received from ` Prime; Minister` Frost • by . Harold.' Percy,, chairman. of the •: Kinlough Centennial. Committee. Mr. Percy, : read. the telegram at Sunday af- ternoon's ft'ernoon s dedication • cere- mony as . well • as a tele ram` , g from'Rev,. W. A. Townshend, Buffra- an •Bisho: of . Huron and a ' former •,rector : at Kin - lough Anglican• 'Church., • -LEAVE FOR' WEST COAST TO' . MAKE:. THEIR. HOME . yard, and was ' lost "track. af' near l the High School:: .. .Poli:ce • believes' they _:have the, • i=dentity--of=tho—L-Ma • • _ - is till Ardonna left an 'Tuesday.. for it .,only ` a matter of time Van c ouwer where here they will m ak e : they pick him up. theuhome. .Hill has ,been.trans- The car was impounded o unded and ferred to the coast by Nauga- ' taken to the .B.A: Service; 'Sta- l.. mi: als aif :Elmira. t tion,. andsit is said to contain tuck Che • c Their -daughter ' Nanc'° who is Y+ completing her course as ' a mothercraft 'nurse and• their'; son Bob who is employed in ;the East Chase. for the'sumrner, ' will :go to 'Vail.... he earl,. fall. ,�- ____ ._. - THDAY�•�_ �ouver in the. early • • MARKED SOth SIR„ re The Hewats ` 'Motored to the i • i;, were a co m an ed .by oast and . c CA . y. Miss, Helen. ,.Thorn s. Aon : who will rin ,".A uisifin�h'e es. �•du g ug , some rat'her ; incriminating "equipment": He threw "some- thing" froth the . car during the:; - .Letting 't • e grass • grow un • er your' feet means., mowe ouble. "?'""10" -- i.fl:tenie.te entennia:t servan( A fitting m` in meorial' service on . .. Sunday marked, the centennial of the', foundingof South' Kinloss, Cemetery,' a hallowed spot where many of: the com 'unities pion- eers and, s succeeding 'generations lie buried'• • Taking part in this uniqueser- vice were,. left, to right, A. M. "Sandy" Nicholsons. IVI.P., • of Sa.skatchewari Dr. Hugh . Mac- 1Villan, • home .on -; furlough from Formosa; Rev. Robert T. A. Mar. .A:: Grant o ular'.and wide - 1Y. .:,known Ashfield Township", resident; observed -his 8fth i th w.; day on „Saturday, August. 3rd,, when a .birthday party' was ar- ranged' to.mark the ' occasion and on Sunday.;a family gathering was' held. • •A • The date also marked the, • birthday or his son, • Jim •:Grant of Chicago, who was here and well was the 28th wedding an- niversary • •of rank and, Annie • MacLennan of , Loohalsh ENGAGEMENTS . Mrs, ;Charles "Chin 'an.nou�net the engagement of her daughte,-, Mary, to' Mr. Henry Hall of Philadelphia; the marriage te, take place at Knox' Presby;terii,:,' Church, Toronto, ori''. Sat d August, 3lst. .The engagement is annotinct, of Annabelle 'Marv,' tdaixghter i'.-.. Mrs. 'Olive Mct%ven` f G1eicher, :A1berta, "and, the late ,Mr, McEwen,, ,to ,Doctor, Wilfred Roy'. Black;, son: of •Mr. and ,Mr' D, . R.' Black, of Lticknotiw, Ont.ari•c•.•' Tie t}e-ddirignril takeslacc ,-.w Christ Church; Calgary, „on ust 31,, at 11 'a:im, ASSU • MED. NEW shall, South' IT)loss .pastor, who arrived here frobi ' Ireland, this sA .ring; Rev;. R; Douglas ' Mac Donitld "Of Tillson"burg and Rev.. W.• , A. l-Ienderson of',Walkerton.' Lorne.'. P'bwer assumed Wo. u ies as n.,ir text' 1.. District Co-op on Thursday laA;' Mr-azul-�1VIrs. Fowey -arid--.twt 4. —AP • • 11,.. P year-old son Andy have taken t4 itlen e` `in; -the'" hcrtn + r!i't. :. occupied by the Ca. faniiiv, v . Mr.. Power, has ' kbe.en •,in onto forseveral years „with tett. United .Rubbe'r'Company. Native,' of the Maritin' es t3acy toctk` "n • • •t, -Sentinel Photo trip "back home"1 `crit.to:e yt"akit fa• •• ••!,oyer his ;.duties hens', 'f