HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-07-31, Page 71.11111..111.11.1111.1"1"1"---9».:"` '"'" -49,44- • - .
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vaciwow, sEnuiro, LucKNow. ONTARIO
.• •
• •"t
(ST. 11E114/IS NEWS)•'
We Ve sQrry'. t4 report that
little Marilyn TrApPert ii
tat her home here frOxn a
brain tumor. She •was a, patient
Igennorial Hospital,. London, last
• •
-Mrs. Terrence Apland; Painela,
Fort CO$01Plifie, autkaatke, equipped
Meteor' Niagha Sedanc equipped
• ••
$tali!lard Set14,1111 P
, .
)11eV; SiVall, fully: equipped. r • ; , '
Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, automatic transmission,
tui et1uipped,,' • ' $1;00.
(jheir,:lielair Sedan, fully equipped '11'* $1,495-
Jhev, Coach, V-8 motor ,,
• $1;195
Dhev. •Coach , 7
Ford., Sedan ' •
Chev., Sedan
Chev Piekiiip
1*,414-..44i'9444S. ,595.
, $ 595
9. .
13 750
Cher:WrolliPiekUP, 550
chev. 3 -Ton Diini••Truck $ 750
, • „. • •
Huron County's Foremost Used.: Dealers •
Cash, Trade, Terms . Open !Evenings Until 10 •
s 'Service; Dealer • . :Phone . 73x, Brussels
Nurses Resign
Miss Kathleen.„ Redgateg7 sup-
County' Health Unit has resign-
ed to take . a position 'with' the
Ontario :Hydra' as supervisor of
nursing ,Services. Miss 'Gena Stin-
• son has also resigned to accept
a position with the'York County
Unit at, Stouftville, •
At -..$044 JaMboree In England
(.\474 .er,r41114$3Y.ran Adarns of
• *0
••••'94' •
'4 • ti ": •it „t
J4 44 r
47 7
.Tooled To" R,CPair All 'IVIakeOf
Carolyn, , David, , and Randy .of wirigharn-is among the group of tractors., A7acliinc,s, ,1.4 Shop Work
Crow's L,anding,:: California, ,are ,caliaidian, Scouts attending the i/ .ICETYLENE & ARCWE'LlAN6
spending aillmth with her -Par- "World Jamboree in Englan'cl: He • ' :• - •
ents,, •ReTvte-ynd Mrs B. Gree' ts;the sOn Ali% .and is' Alt:0 KINii.OUGH GARAGE
at the:Allanse. ,•74 • .4' • Adams, owners of .the Lyceum
The; 'members • 9f' the • Institute Theatre: Robert T.Fe15W8ftECKLES
h of ;'"
4meetirigthi r11.900. 181rT-20; Elp1;e3:,,
are reminded of the busineSS towel, . son cif, Me'. and- Mrs., Doug
e in ' Trene (Audre ndersen). , is.
t '3 30 -also Plaiting .the 'trip,
.; • ,••• . ;
Mr. John and Miss Florence . •
Stuart,. EvaristOn, Ill., are guests Attended Jubilee Celebration
of Miss W, D. Rutherford. Among -those attending ' the
• Misses Anne 'facia and --Norma diamond jubilee. celebration of
Murray are. holidaying with Mr. Father
and Mrs. .G, McIntyre atj:ithei John Hogan, and visiting
Bracebridge. ,
Mr 'and: Mrs. Day.e--Gibb-and
boy'S. are moving this. week
the. Purdon house on Concession
Donald Olark-Of-OttaWa,
Miss Annie 41,'clafic. o. 'TOroritp,
Mrs. Alex MacLennan. o..Chi-
cago and, MisS' Colina'.Clark
St. Catharines called .4 on Old
friends in the village- on 'Satur-
end 'Mrs. Fred'Courtney. r:
Saturday, July :20th, 1957,'
ldren of,Detroit are vis-.
411 -telatiVes here: ,
nd Mrs Cyril Austin and
rry :O'Connor, visited with
Winghath during the
Lnd Mrs. Walter. Clare at -
the .Ryan. ami y, reunion
iyan home in 'Chesley last.
a quiet wedding wag, solemnized
-at the Knox United -Clitireli -
manse, :41.thurn, :by... Rev, .4,
Hiltz, :when James Leddy. and
Margaret, Jefferson, both 'of:"R.R.
2; Auburn,: were united ..in -Mar-
riagq. They Were . attended by
• „ .„ .
, • •4„ ,P, . •
,, •
•'''0" • „
'204 *" A 4. •. • , .
.?4 4;VA
• 4,1;f°,
• '4
- .•
„ • .
, • # • ' 44. • -
'with relatives in the commu,nity,• .
were Mrs. Jos:. Hogan, Carring, riS, Norbert and ..Rarnond of
4 -ton; John J. Hogan and so Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs; ',lathes,
'Gabriel of; California; Rev. J. P. Brady, ;Billie and Margaret and
Hgaolg.eatn,H1V1.7ilinoogra;nN, .RD.44.miss'Fi‘a4ra.5170-: Jqnosdepsh.rTrawdYiyrtICHei:g*an7d.mjc;'4:Mr
414,.D., Miss Florence ,-Hogap„,,ael,'Ianie, Dennis, Maureen and
Minneapolis; Mrs. G. Stern Billy of Toronto, Mr 'and
etta)„ Carrington; Mrs. • Mary jerry Kelly, St, Clair, Mich.; M!r.
Brady and Song, Strathray;. Mr. and Mrs.: James KeilY, Mr .and
Vtrld Mrs: 'Ferku.s :Brady;. Mary Mrs. William *ranger, Detroit,;..
Ann, :Brian, Mr. and Mrs. W. B Mr. s•and Mrs rtarnorid Kelly,day .
Brady, James and - Katherine of. Sinith .Creek;,Mr and, Mrs. Jos-. 4,
'There Avill be no service ,in the :arnia; Mr. and Mrs. A.: 3; Nor- e'Ph• *an, Richmond,
United, Church :next. Sunday as. •:7 . • Francis' Ryan and Miss Marie
B. F..7 Green is on 'holiday. ScliWerger;, Mr. and44-4.Mis. Fred 4'
Courtney and Teresa;. ,,,Toronto;';
end guests with. 'ivuss 'BeatriCe er . 4. • , ..4 miss Margaret Keily,4'1...4cari, .4. •
Mrs. Robert McQuillin. and •McQiiillin and Win..McQuillin
Marilyn. of Hamilton were •Week, Marilyn is remaining for long- Father. 'John . :London;
irid Mrs,. Robert Curry-, &
'Rarer' ef Lircknow spent
A-end.:With and Mrs.
?ane.•• ••• •
yan Vvnckt of Toronto is
at .the Rectory With ..Rev
V-Yriekt and„the'Lierman
. . . "
Cassels :,Ave,, Toronto.'. After,
•trip to the Bruce' Penin.sula;
they will. reside 'an the .ogropries
farth, on the • 6th Con West Waw
wanosh; ' •
!ERNEST cAsgmiRi.'• •
Friends throughout the. corn,'
munity were. shocked .to ' learn.
meKiorion; , of ,t .; passing o .rnes. eci
MeKinnon,f Miss M a r y' 'Casemore at the :Wingharn 60/i, ,
Johri and Angus Sproul .erai Hospital on Monday, July
. •
ane-'7relatives.' from ..Barrie 22nd A
woll-known.. Kinloss
isitora at' the home . of Mrs i Township farmed
until his re-
01...onnei:•-dnring the past:
, .
And Mrs.. ,Dan
lly arid Miss White Of,Lon;:,.
)ent the week-encl. .at,. the
e y
'Don Frayne, ,Peter.
ret,.. Dr &, Mrs.. G:4,,Frayne
tk1 , •ecigliate..vialted withA former niethher of the. Whim.,
es in:LOridon, last week ham bistriet .H1041 .school Boaid
Mr: Casemareserved as its
man in, :1956,... ' '•
Deceased ;was harp in
54 ,years :ago,the onofthe late
:Jerry. Casemore and Margaret• -
Hunter. After,: his 'Marriage 'to
the • former Merle Gaunt 'Alley
More , suffered i9a. heart attack
about two years ago .and. a short
time 'later retired to a home on
Edward Stre-et in Wingham., TWO
eekila• ot er
''attack and was; taken to the hos-
pital . Where the fatal: seizure de-.
_and Mrs. Jos. Garvey. ,of
LO, • Rev.... E.' ..C. Garvey of
to. were' "'week -end •guests
‘Garyey Homestead"
ba"., been retnarkably
i.by a fine •neW Paint j.OP
e. aneous . s ower yya's
n ,the parish. hall 'last Tiles-
• '
'. • , '.•
. •• , • • • ••• '
•• . Att . • '",, .7 • 7, 7.4 .1;
49*^ •;. .o' t'
09 3, ; , ,
• ,
•.• 4.9 • : •.
•.. •
• 4.7.
•444 41
..; ;!.. •
til their.retirement to Wingharn;
, •
Besides his wife he is survived ;
capoirLAweithe•by three daughters, Shirley,' and10,
Of lionor. n address of -Rest- -
rrie, and hest wishes ' was Btfm,
by Mrs. Blaise Martin, to 4 sister,: Mrs. (Ed) Vera' Marsh,
Mrs, Captein .fittingly: re- Turn,b,erry. TownshiP; and •four
th'anking the ladies for. the brothers, Chester, `TurnberrY1
giftsthey presented .her Oscar, ) Winghani; ,Ravens-
, • wood„„ --:and. -:13rantiord.-
s The funeral. Was held .Wed-
nesday fternoon, at ,cur-
rie 78z Sons funeral home at two
o'clock, with,ltev. II, A. Brook
officiatin, Internient was made,
in Wirigham Cemetery ,.with the
Moore, 'Ross McGregor, , Frank
and Rv. XeVin" Sheridan'
unilton are .vacationing 'at
orne of their mother,' Mrs.
Sheridan. .
Peter Lierinan and Jimmy.
rffer.Gfoy-e-ti 4.-.7the to=
district at Langton.
"Dad,did you dres
. „
That young vince hitrDad-wltere-ithurts.
He was so sure he'd remembered every-
thing. „And here is Amelia, with a heavy
date, demanding her dress which he forgot
to pick tirat-the-cleimers. Why, grumbles
Dad, don't women do'their own shopping?
• •
The answer is that farm women usually
0. In fact, their shopping,, in, person and
_mail 'adds u to a lot of money. How
much9 Well, last year, atm am lea Pu
about-2Y2-billion_dointo circulation.
That's over twice the amount spent for all
11 rs Went for re
L-an-tlttal-Garderr-TParty 11esstticlie--.7-1VIPOre,--D°n-R°ss
on4Mondaio'Atignst 6th and William Henry. Advance-'
key supper will served
5 to '8 p.nt followed by a
aine at 7.00 '.M. between
houSehold requi -
do a
the rest of the m,Oneywas spent for equip
.. 4 . ... • 74.
4.''. nient, WageS; feed, seed, fertillzers-every-
itphi,:bguinhaa4tticefa.r13:..7167. nee ci•,.‘:t.1) 13 mduce foo---C3.-_144::...:;._,,,:„-:,,,,,,.,••,..,,,...„,„44.4„.--„,„„-....-,-,,,
• , •
. ' All this'- farth spending for consum0
4 4 •• .. . \,,,, :, . , 44
. ..
. ' . .
... :44. ,;• •-,-
, goods and 4services helps. to kecpi. a gteal,,,.,
' .
many Canadians employed in a wide variety' ... ,
------=-4usiipes8eA: all * werfutdiitUlani
., ' • . . 4 .7 • .
'.0 progress and prosperity .' This is mad.'
. : .
possible bi.:giiitici-faLinnagen*intr-
-4.-1,cient- Practice,s4vhicheinplude.„..:the .0:-.S0.7.,011,,„_,,
... ....WV/a... 61.4•04
• ' ' : tividlli,' fatna: itathinety, 4 ' 4' • "
• * • ., . '
C,*herine IWbertsWil. tit •
Albert. Anti- tueltnew teams, Toronto srient a day with' 'tifit,.„ • ,
ASt;t:Eng the EITIMMI trophy Mr. and Mr. pave Xing GUSO
Mr, john ittitoiA 34„P,P., Herb Ensign.
1, arid all friends are cord, Teeowiter :Spent, 8unday with , -iroRosTo. c;,AN•AtiA
invitect to titten, iyfro and 'Aos, met •
. • A
• .
' • •
• 4"
• " 4. • ,,,*•
* 1
'14 0
`. ti„,.; • :1-4:1.