HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-07-24, Page 4„, '...? .•
FOR' SALE 100 .RICOde 1-Sland *AU, CT! OPT SALE
4e4 Rqcic pulletS;- starting to lay. of hOnsehoid effects will- be,
Phone.,64-17i pun- held 'at _the •home of jOseph
-Agnew, Willou,ghby St.; Iltsick2
liCRISE: FOR., SALE -:-good cern- 11.,
en,t Veneer house ,at East end of • 4,
Village. Apply, to Mrs. M. Sproul.
FOR SkALE---hardwood la 'and
sawdust. JameS Stevenson, Luck- cl
Health. Choice Hereford year-
lings. Custoin. butchering a spec-
,. mg mitiune, • gram thrower,
•'"..-straW shredder and :-100 -foot end- Raynard Ackert, Solyrood
•°° leis. drive bert, machine good, as • Phone 24-30, 'Ripley
• new. Eldon Henderson, phone 68.
r-18, Dungannon. • - coRDER YOUR COAL NOW!
MY WAN ;, Ig7.
.4. reception • win „be held at
Reids•V, orners I/41, Friday, July
NitirraY McNeill.
'A turkey . dinner will. be- feat -
:30 p.m. -Well. Henderson, Auc. Supper 5 to 8. Softball game at
NEAT FOR SALE , 7.00' between Luckno* and Port
Good beef for sa e''' •b e A r _for the... ohn anna tro-
uarter. Beef .killed unor no.. PhY for- annual ' .cOrrirpeti-tren.
rise from 'the Department •• of , Gullies, bingo: ,Catruthers' oreh:
Mr.. and Mrs. William Hogan
wish to thank those who 'assist -
open house "an& the 60th anni-
versary of Father • John Hogan'.
FOR' SALE -24.42 White thresh.!
:FOR SALE hard'Maple
•V!ori.d. gaelgillan Bros., Luck.
:now, truCklOad,
'HOUSE :FOR: 8-rOoin
Si 'H lens With
land, SMall barn. Apply to Mrs.
. FOR SALE--6-foot meat counter
in good condition, hand meat
'slicer, Defiance 'cylinder counter
scale and a typewriter. Mrs.
FOR SALE -7 -foot ,MeCimmick-
Deering' binder in condi-
tion. Lloyd MacDougall, R, R. 6,
—1949 Dodge\ sedan
Cheir. sedan
building weft, of Town Hall)
ViANTED small light .house-'
the: Luei-
• now• business section., IA -gently
Now is the time •to -order your
coal at ' summer prices. We
andle onlY premium fuels': D.
Spot, Reading Hard Coal Bri-
orders at 3/furdie's Hardware. Whitechurch, wife of Thos•.
LUCKNOW COAL. CO. Moore, Passed away on Wednes-
day, July 17th in WingbanrGen-
tary modern. equipment All JMnes .and catherine McGregor,
work guaranteed. . Nrite :LotOS' *as. ,'born• in Culross ToWnship•t,
Blake; AO, '2, Brussels,•'' phone Airooiti55"Yeari •age she' married I
• ,Cold horses wanted -at 31/2ciper ',eV -to ,Whitechurch. '''she, Wei.. A I
p:•:; dead.. oatite-ACiiAiiie:If -dead; --meinber of •',the - United, ChurCh
phcine at brice .ta . Gilbert .Bros.. there; a life:Member Of 410: W.1\k'S
Mink •Rafith; phone Collect God- and. ACtiVely interested • in " all°
foirmatiOn, or service , froni ' ill(' Milian' of Kinlo • ToWnship
Waterloo_:_, Cattle ', Breeding, As
BeSidei her husband 'she iA
el Ali n
Sell hardy Canadian grown nursery stock. We' offer full
or 'part tiMe sales PositiOns,. arid n?ed, rniddle aged Men
entliusiasni arid self confidence. Extensive • terri-
tories available. Free outfit supplied and ;corrunisSions ,
• .Paid weekly:, ,OUr proposition,. offers you ,distinct *ad-
• vantages. Write to: • Stone , ;1E rWeliington •• Ltd, 49 :Weli-
ington St. 'E., *Toronto, Ontario:
OLD HEADSTONES HAD, ,headAtbne in 'What we call
town_ last weelt 'he •showed us •a
copy •of an inscription on 'a'head-•
stone in the Dunblarie Ceinetery*
at., Dunblane Cathedral •in. Scot-
land; svibich they visited •ori their
overseas trip last year.
Remember • man; as you. pass by
As you, are now so once was ,
te con en
or Kincardine .460 hef'keen .7.30 46rson. •of. Llioknow; .ivira. Jean To follow ydu • I'M ..(11!1' .
a.Vailabie I.:Plenty, at. low (Jessie ,shaw of New Toronto way. you Went
•and 9.30 a.M. have:all breeds ,wayford Of ° Toronto mr4; 1,7411n. But I'm darned if , I know the
VOA SALZ---variOuS. inalps re,L.. son of Kenmore,. NI.. Two
conditioned ,\ MaChines, ters, Mrs.
Makohn-(Lexiy). gess, Of•:levity, but tfie• first four lines:
,havea very ;striking similarity to
Will • install ope of these or a and Mrs.. Clarence (Flossie) Ails -
the inscription that waS on a•
•rieW Woods° in your barn on free sell, and a 'brother, Duncan Mc -
NOTICE Arial.. • Irving . Keyes, '.Glamis, Gregor, predeceased her: Five
hone Paisley' 114-r-4. grandchildren, Douglas Sparling,i
4 .special meeting ..of7the rate-
payers of 'SS. No,' 7,, Kinloss,
TENDERS Elwin,' and ,Margaret Moore also
will be held in the schoOl house Tenders for offer to/purchase' survive. °. •
the No Half, of Lot Servic s ere hel
Evan Keith, Sec. Ntimber 57 Concession 1 of the rie Furietal-H-orrie,--*Wingharni•-on-
Sold,' filled and. serviced; also
..ear and truck tires at lowest
ceived lay the Tfeasurer, Holy- Brook officiating, assinefl—by
road; 'Ontario; . Saturday, Rev. W. J. ..Watt. Interment was
This'Prciperty.registered•in tho ers• were. GA. E. `Farrier, I. G. Gil -
name of the...Corporation of the IlesPie, J. D. Beecraft T.
August 3rd, 1957. ' • in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbear-
BEACH PROPERTY -FOR SALE TowriShiP XinlaSs ar•-•' .sohT,W...R. Chapman -fend- Clark-
••••• --90 foot lake froritage ,on Lake rears of •taXes.• • . •,McGregor. TwO neplieWs, EdWard
Huron, private sandy beach, sep-1 Highest or anY, tender' nal, nee.. Moore . and. Ronald* .Henderson
For roofing, ,Siding,:'caiventer CARD OF THAN&.,,
work,. phone,' Leo, 'BeauchainV;
custoM GAR 'PAINTING -:,--
A nice new paint job •iS money
well, spent, ,single Or tWO tone,
spray ,friethod, fender and
body: work,. rusted Panels and
seetioni--repiaced. 0'
(one building ivegt of, Town Hall)
M.rs. Erninerton Irwin and fam-
ily wish to acknOwledge with
me you didn't see. that . stop
nesSes and remembrances !
tended , to Mr. Irwin during ,
illness and . the .many.*kind acts
tight; Officer: The. thing. ist.7.
evening of July
Pine River, On -the, Wiridjs-weiat
sand beach , near the Water's
is still in existence, Or leng- since
bUried• in the ,sand,' We...d7.: not •
IcnOw. Bi -it the wOrdirig, as Mem-
ory serves. uS, Was Something like
• e are ,,for death ',AG -follow: Me..
S9 similar are th& verses that
one would suspect that some
early settler brought this veise '•
With him:in memory, frorn Auld
Scotia. .
Your • SubscriPtion Paid?*
Mrs'. Toi
',Wile had
his grand)
• Recent
were •eMr.
irines• arid
Smoker Elevators and all' New 'xPrttes er „ . fl33 1_,,i'z'zied and opened "With. the Ode.
cards, floWers; gifts:: and .6.
' 'George': *Wraith's, Montreal St., disprIsil,tion of the
espotided, tb, Mrs. O.
I would like to say thanks tdr.,,,aY'd$.• ,the,,lie.ord 'of !leelCOme-
t/s GivE ..vou a ftee ,es. the ',basket Of lovely' liatvert: .1.00 Mrs-' rveY
fore yeti, ordet,', VIII' supply na -
material 'Only or 'will They really have corne apun- P.r4rorn ,nor 4?.., a go y
, received, the. telegrams, letters 1-1Ousto•n; Itice.e. president. the
give yOur chicks
or Proper., Growth and Developrnen
Whether you ' rear • your , chicks in confinement or
, on ran e be sure to use CO-OP Grow. Mash This '
feed contains all the nutrients 'necessary to give -
OlamiS,,..,,PhOrie Paisley 114'4-4, Dr: E. N. Ceirtiri and Lan. Joynt ,a,..rompariVing her °On the'
38 Avondale ,
Ray Shantz •Propt. ,I3ert Pretty
Sheila Campbell cb-abto14 'We" bY Mtg. E. Vrat-,:
Lennaii, reading Miss •MarY
Lloyd Hall wishes to rniast sin- 'MacLeod' With. Mrs; joynt
Phone 257w Stratford
For 6 inerhoriai of lasting beaut3;, cerely thank all tfibte ,Who Sent plying the' Vocal rriti:Sie in the
cards, • flowers, boxeS and pther background, reading hy Mrs,
at a reasonable price arid guar-•
remembrances, and thoSe Who jim Hunter; OonteSt by Mrs'. Wal -1
anteed Warkinatiship contact Our
mr prank -,•Ak itettio I All these thbaghtfut att *ere Meeting a daihtY Iutith wai set,
°Orient they need in didef to give you toP results
Phone e no