HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-19, Page 10mem _wc*Now SENTINEL, LuOmOW.1•OST. How'11..!0'401.P.P4e.orilsaii;t4..0.",g4094.0401r4reowsnwiror,04...45......, l'W.F4)11TP5P4Y. 19tb:t Tours for choosing, , n. 0, 12.00,A Yor •1 SEE.BY T THAT on Tue,pday,'June 14, th, ,of StPeter's met at the- liome.'of. Ws. John Miller; A ..mussienary bale was packecld —,and_Will be sent.,t6 the Span- ' rslr 13:?v---7.6iTTPWITTReserv;e7ue Viaasey,. Ontario. ;tar.. ."MAIPLE..LEAE..1,i4N1 ATO. THAT , the name of Law. rence: Victor Black was .inadvertenti ly omitted, from the list of thOse conlirnied recently a .. • . 1 has been a patient in St.: J.OS, • i , ..epli'S Ilcispital, Londen,.fer the past few weeks, Where he has .undergisifi-e,:h-l-40- • iiirgerr--Jle ' is. :progressing. favorably ' and -7-07xPeets....,te..13e..4orn,4,171 a_couple of weeks. ., ',,Peter's'Arigl,ican Cluirth: .G.A. FA OCKEY E Maple Leaf, y _ I.G.A. SALADDRESSING 16 Oz. - KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES TIJAT Jack• Bradley of s . • • t*,?••• , • ' . . • , THAT anniversary services . are behig held at St. Peter's Ang- ' lican Church on Sunday, and, • at ,the morning service a mem-, orial will be dedicated to the late ,ReV. Canon J. ILGeog- hegan, a. former rector of the Pari41. , THAT Mrs. Nelson Bushel' was guest of ,tionor at 'a banquet in Glencoe reCentlY *hen she was. presentect-yrith a--25-year jewel by • c.Tolden Crest Rebekah Lodge of 'Glencoe, About 125: were. in a•ttendatice., THAT Hurn County Returning' • Officer, J. K2Iiunter had a re, placement th make m a hurry , • 16 ,•0,4 • • . • or 59c rices-effettive June 20, 21, . .. - • Charles ..R4 . ':I.Y13e:lie.:f. c;I.C..at4'.rStirgh4nri .1)is,1 II:: :,11,,, do, r.: •..' .1 :." .,C;:hoociati if.)::1:4:c,c:.n' .11. hei,:s:. a: s.cfiii:00.cion, rs. 11.1' P. .: D. a. i:ti:ci -I4? . old at 'Ills: II pea*, to -get •, • : ,--• .. .ifipir:oi:. ino.:11n.,a,..diPoslonr. w,C4,v1i.:t,,i..0,1i:„r. • harne ',a,,. tile ',. wade a good ,.,..Kiilil-:,n,j;.dheWel:11, ' SV:rim.„ Iille 7Wi ad‘Only he -ii iApspclifariencit.1.Y,w.et th 'sliote-. 'When. • -stepped into... ...:Ins-alieddi.atle t"trrno , .,iiiaae , a filtik turnediiilAlertedt...0. •1:,,,. :tee: 4,11, ,; .Pick. but_7 iv when he: brO :• .".',Aitting on. .'nearby,' . Bill -;:144:1.(11),-;--a.n**4.4.4:1 'the beaeh 4 ne4j4telY this' .• ., a settlement .• ... . ••'and a'resett hinle .t:$100*-' • . , We've, the '-newest,, nicest cotton fashions ever . , in 'dresty- styles you'll Jove for each and every sulmner occas; ion. COme in, select now' from „cotton dresses in a 4iiicle• variety of styles and colors. ENT FOR CLESNER Fres aial Deliver*, Monday ,and. Thursday: "OIL e ecreation Centre , ^ Men's, Ladies'; ‘Ghildien'a Wear-!-,Pieee Goods und'Woolleus, , .• NIGHT' • (Continued ',fro*" Page' I) . fOr the 'usual sing -Song. and for: the • male uquartette o ran .-Therpipse. th_ . George joynt and Aar= 'A ext. who„ sang two numbers. Blake Alton, Jack.. Adcert TertiOn,--- Hunter reported Grain 'Club act4v!ties. re e' pense with the special nursei. The Lions' Roar was "given for Edna", with best wiihes for a ,continued and speedy recovery. ' Upon arrival at, the -hall the • s, iadis' received g 'rose, :corsage, cit and':an address hook, as well d.bettle of hair cream,. courtesy T Rev. Wallace McClean re-: and of:Gordon 13ailey. • ; turned on Saturday night from on Cam MacDonald Was :. piaster 'of • attending :the •Getieral 'Assern- " Ceremonies, lot an' •enjayable .f.plY :at; VaneouTer' and oqeupied 'on:„.. election day. ' An early ..mOrning call advised him that Cairns Aitchison Was Ill. WO •Vil-ould:- not be_ ,able,to act .as .D.A.O. • :at No. 4 vo11•' in. • West Wawanosh., Arrangements -. were made to haveWmWeb- ster replace 'him and i11 was on the 'jab as :deputy when the poll, opened at nine o'dOcic..,. . Houston reporteci. on Welfare work being carried out, includ- ing glatses.and an artificial •arni., ' Jird Reed, being in the, midst et-examinationsrwas-unable-to be present to give his speech that won him the Lions inter-proviri- cial championship: Caro. Thomp- son, read' a letter, regretting his abserice arid thanldng the Lions for their sponsorship. Congratu- lations and best wishes' were ex- pressed and a gift for Jim as accepted by his aunt, ,Mrs. Gor- don Montgomery, , The Coimnittee members in charge of arrangements were called on to take a bow. The President reported that Mrs. Watson was improving, and that -day they hid -been able to dis- h-,followe ‘: the, ut.,LuCknow ,and • ance-wlue .• The balloon `171owing, featurDIMe garmon on Sunda was won by Mrs. Orville Elliott,. Mts. • E.- II. Agnew and ' A.. Porteous ..won the elimination dance prize.' The 'statue dance was won by Mrs.' Harvey igous- ton and , Orville Elliott.. CB -TV's "Country Hoedown" 'Will ..".be rithriii:ig through the- . simmer, with ..popular •'emcee, Ge3;clie Tapp going...tivough his •usual zany :antics., 0, to.5.00.and 7.00 to 10:00 p.m. • IS is a one -day clinic sponsored by the Bruce County -Tuberculosis Association- and is part of a County -wide chest, x-ray program. veryone 12 and Over Invited To Attend e.ddied. 441:ini:f4ii .. :19ongt:1:11.ind:lipPe ,was last: se 1 *until one. of onte 'the. yo er,. .as." he ,.Adeet:bo hdera ,Eln tona • pi to shor( -----Wifki ' ifirfIriw theboat:boat, Wait* ,..D:Pu7C4):1$CI\TilditiES:S:alc:2".1tLtlitii '11,:ail:1Lot,:seeliii..*;s:i:111 -the 'Royal C ,noW. • .We 414•Ve that while ihe y' had „ not .13,cen rn good ,ilealth for a 'time:she. aYs: befOre, her death., Her...hus6and , . , is 85 years of age:. Mr. and Mrs., • l3litz:Stein sold their business in • Toronto a few year's, ago and —were ---'living -retired:7- the attend berea,veinentin the ,in .a short time. Teha's 'Dr: Morris Zeldin, . :died May, THAT the Presbyterian and Utk, ited Church conrgegatioris •Meet • jdintly, hi- the United •,Chilich.4uring 'Jul* With Bey. McClean as.ininister: THAT Fdinerson Irwin was :.taken to Victoria Hospital on • Meri7 has .not been enjoying • good health for a time na surgery is decided.; .as being •,posSible,.• it is expected•it.4111 • be:performed; 'very soon: . IIHAT the controversial Subject of 'staying -,9P1 'on • 'Friday .rilgb.t seems to tbe swinging in favor 'of. the _old system.' One diStriet.,-toWil,"Zhai--revertedto - • Saturday 'rightand another, it reported, will ;follow snit. THAT.. last, 'Week we Mentioned, the death of MO.' Abratiarif Illitz,stein; formerly of Luck- THAT • Janie Joint aintertained a. , 'riUmber of little'. 'friends last •ThuradaY, on .tiie OCCasion of her-Vtli THAT'. Mrs. Etta Roberts under- went Ourgery. in Victoria Hos, pital last Thursday,' and was on the operating 'table ,for 3V2 hours. It was the second major , operation she had Undergone -in less than to weeks. ' ft • RA:YON .6LIPS--ladies' twin seam; size 32-42 $198 PRINTKO' MASTIC 5RASie278-ic TEA APRPNS—ladits' printed, Plastic 'GIRLS LASTEX SWIM SUITS--; size 4 to 8,- $1.00; 'size 10412; $1.29 GIRLS' COTI`ON LASTEX SWIM SUITS -8 to 14, .... 0,79 MEN'S.' STRAW HATS-piuch front fedbrastyle, sweat : patchrsizeg 3 ei; e o ea et 1;ei to 000000to oeooleo i oile•ooe;ial Pi S HA R peanut itraW, • . • , cycle tb ooeitailii4;;;40iioo••••••••eei;4;i14•Oel400ii•oeioti*Iteeleilitoieoir0000iSeilieo'eaeloeTeet .-83#11-A jersey and lted, yellow, royal, , to fit sizeS 4 to 8 years, pairleitortenio 79c to flt siteS 10 to .14 ''Ytka'rai 'Pair $1.00 'S SWal ,1111,UNKS,-brief 8tiY1e, rayon lastot, assorted Colors, L, 'pair . 411;iiti;i • - ; $ ;Oioi 6 6 • 6 ; $1. 1198 4 4 Wellington Hender- son was a judge at an African Violet -show- ,-at Owen Sound last Friday. , 4,, THAT A. M. "Sandy" Nicholson, fOrm.erly of* Kinloss Township,' was re-elected ,as. ,CCF mem- ber of the .MacKenzie'constit- uency in Saikatcheiven, in the Dominion election last week: , We failed to learn final fig- , Urea; but With 143 out Of 167 polls, retorted he had :close to a 2000 -vote lead,* a four -Mari %Contest. ' THAT a MCCharles family lath- • ming was held on Sunday at the home, of Aft. and Mrs. Ol- iver McCharles.,There were 43* preaent. Those fronia_distanee • were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc - Charles of Ruthyen, Mr. arid Mrs.' Scott Malott of Kings". ville, Allan McCharles and, Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacRae Of Tor- . onto. IlliAT .there 'as. improvenient in the 'Cbriditieri: ' of Mrs. 'Cliff 1 Haokett of Aslitield, NAO. IS in Wing harn HoSpital; 'and, last' 'Week was reperted te-to iedlly Ill.. • , 'ItHIA111 'qeorge Richards, gm, :of i. and. Mrs.. OrIand Richards; has succeSsfull* Passed his first. year examinations at 'the, On- tario Agriottittiid t011ege,- at !Guelph. • 1 . °CCU P. OF .• LAT pied. the p •Church on . cult, servicf ',congregatioi . dress: She , argP'J R. Was • -the' circirit was 'Motor' acci Was seriOn Under the d •time. She 1 .place on t1 date. M. •th.04e, of - at -13 elL. a • DALSANDLCA.5.1): To keep y{otlr' feet cco1 in 1.0t, • T•f*,6).ther,' • '•• *WOMEN'S and CHILDREN in Whte or, Panama in Leather ashahahriS THE_BEActih iromaKEDETTEs atilt red-ci' )1,0Let.Wasillahteilapers, - ItiiK 707 Sarti; o tge Charge,. V —Vence �j . Wert have Sine Rev; 'Stu washingtoi D. Thomas sOloist Shoo Stoo VINE FOOTWEAR FOR ALL 'rig rtiv*,,,Y