HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-19, Page 9' NF DAY,. JUNE:` •i9th, , 1957 :ow . SENTINEL, I,,UCKIrTOW; . ONTA do PAM. NINE a� . f PROGRESS The .Tune ,meeting of Lucknow by ' W -I. was held iii the •Recreation Centre with Mrs,. B Reach pies - ROSEMARY THYME . fo Alt �f. those in n the chair. In ..the. ab' i ass.iated me in my j . ,campaign aA sup; j ported'' me "Rat the polls I convey my sincere,a.reciation.' PP .. 1. I ' will continue •.to., j represent. e,veryone ' m ": riurgn :cortsfit- ency` n . the future'. the same as I have in the pat•. Man : You re • Cr ' Forgetyour agetTh u ands ' are �i eeppy it 70. Try ' pepping; uP,`i Ostrez Contain' tonic' for weak, rundown feeling due solely. to body's lack of iron which many men and women call "old. Try Ostrez Tonic Tablets for pep: younger feeling, this'very day. New "get acquainted" size only 60c Fos.; sales it. all drug stores everywhere: . HAMILTONa.t St.. Joseph's. hos- pital, Londo ' '.-'on-=Fria'' May 31st to. Mr. and Mrs, ' i .>. Jirn. Ham• Ilton .(Doris Irwin) of London, a . dao ht 'r,' daughter, , 'Elizabeth ^Margaret. HEREF}ORD SALE' .BEL l!RIDAY ..AT KENNEDY'S • 'Twenty-two<lots ;of. :Hereford raftl� cn►tsigned. 'by George K nedy..arid H.J. L. Eedy' and.S.ons' were .auctioned off at, the Ken-' pedy farm .on Friday. The twenty lots' included ten calves.'. '.The sale .,grossed, slightly over.: $5,090, fora 'lot average' of approximate- ly'. $228.00:: . :The two .log cows, ,.Were from ':he Kennedy herd and' sold .' for ..295'' and X285, respectively, to Donald J. Steinacker..of Mit" tanley' ackson' of Kipper'. [he top priced bull: was from he Eedy herd,' ,bringing $265 and ;oing.. _toy.: elif.ton.- F .' Mi11'er of itaffa: She sale s=off with -7 -be lidding and: good ,prices, but. 'tap- in • Strawberry 'tithe again; Besides being ' the. most luscious of ,fruits;• .nQ ` ether .fruit lends itself so beautifully to. :dec orative effects. While I ;am, sure that -no°, fruit.. tastes ibe,ttei= ,than just .plain berries.'., and• scream, or Milk," 1` sometim"cs . can't ,resist' trying some of the 'recipes that accompany •'the lu`sh pictures' we p. see• in -:magazines with strawbe-r. . ri„iL>s us d , in, a:" variety' ;of ways. Try a Pin Wheel Bavarian; for .instance -2. cups sweetened or 2 ,10-cz. pkgs, frozensliced Straw- berries, 2 tbsp. (:.envelopes) .un - flavored gelatin, '4 cup cold" water, ' 1 . tbsp, „lemon juice; ?a j tsp. ,. salt, 22. cups heavy • cream, whipped, One recipe Strawberry ' gain "Refl. t1 .using frozeri straw- berries, thaw and let warm to t room, " temperature:. crush her - ries Soften gelatrn••in cold water, COUNTY COUNCILS OPPOSE dissolve- over'hot water. ` Stir DEPUTY .in EPUTY REEVE INCREASE strawberries, lemon' juice 'and salt, Chill . until.,; ,partially' set. 'The.countV. Councils of: Bruce, Huron and Perth, have, all reg:- istered disapprovalof the '.recent amendment to the. Municipal Act, that• :would increase ., the num' ben of deputyreeves' on . each Board.:. The ameridment'stethrned f :om ,n..: a controversy started by the Du{ am Chronie•1e, oVer-`the. Te= •]Qlcl in whipped` cream. `' Place-, six :1 -inch slices Strawberry -jam Roll , around . edge : , of 84 -{inch spring -form , pan:: Fill .'with-. the. straw vc�berry': '• xriixture: ' Chill till firth, about:. 4•' hours. Makes 8o ,.t 10. servings:: Stralwberry•,jam' Rohl -4.' egg yolks,' 1/4 'cup sugar., tsp. vanilla 4, egg , ar: whites, ,a. gality-•of„ some ---deputy: reeves in Grey County, : uali'f in •t ' 9 :�' g o 'sit at County 'CounFil The amenciri ent - - — - --- prouides'���G both husband - and .Wife .may be regarded, as pr�:perty 'owners. , A'. •niunicipalit' :iriust have �,, Y ye 1;000. :property owners on its.: voters' cup sifted ..cake- flower 1 -tsp !ok ' par , strawberry'. jam. Beat egg yolks until `th`ick " ' d• . lemon colored Gradtaily 'beat, in '1I4 eu P sugar. amid' vanilla B'eat'e whites a1= gg' most Stift, .gradually add il�. 'cu' ai p sug and beat very • stiff. • Fold. yolks into ..whites `: Sift together. fist toflour; baking::Powder and qualify far' a. _depu;ty ...P nri saa�;` reeve; fold into egg immixture.. Spread the. H111164 Coun y the new • eg- lined j.ell roll. pan• Bake -in _" iillation•, ,wouldincrease; -the en (375) i 12` minutes s or until cake sprinngs. back .when; lightly � y touched.. Loosen. edge, of 'cakt.. ` and ' turn • onto towel sprinkled with' sifted : confectioner'' s sugar Peel off waxed paper quickly but: carefully so you won't tear cake.: 'Trim off''side crusts with' a 'very � cry. sharp knife While' • cake ,is still warm' • '.1ay a .; piece' of ' gad;. ° v.e' • paper on it;.. roll cake • quickly,: County. Council from :‘.1.1.0''about 40. members Ashfield would be one +Tawnship .to gain/. a:.d ut= f. �'p . } Some time ago .'.the' Signal Star had it figured out. 'that furnishings and .''remuneration .for the new inezrrbera• would run CO: $4,500 in. 1958; an' estimate which the, 'Clinton. News -Record ered :off as • there were more, cat ..tle 'offered. than; there;;' ;sere .buy- ers• ' N. S.• Tyndall of Richmd(nd H:i.11 1956 Chev. Sedan, fully equipped . 1954 Chev. Belair 'Sedan, fully equipPed .. 1.440 ti 4" ' 444444.4441,41.4.44. 44044 paper inside. Wrap in • towel'• sprinkled. with ;sifted confection-` er's� sugacool on ..rack. When cake is 'cool:unroll it; :rem -61'0 )ielthl7aPet : ' Spred .cake vt-i strawberry. jam. Roll.. •. And, of 'course, you must have nce :o,rs, ::axnsnie, _Mrs,' A. havens acted as. secretary. Bost esses were..,;M.rs, . N. ' MacKenzie,. Mr$. •., A • Mac1\Tay, : Miss' OliVt. Webster, Mrs, Ei:' Thorn and: Mrs.. , J, "Anderson. '• Roll: call was answered. by. guessing the ,con bined weight of 'president and secretary: Mrs. Eli: mer „Johnston's, guess ,. gas est. An inv.ftation:.Tfrom 'the. Kali. Shea W. to .attend' 'their." June meeting iii Holy`rocid 'Hall at • 2: p.m. on Thursday, June 20th was. .accepted 'and. a, proposed trip to Collingwood by bus , was discuss- ed Mrs. W. 'Welsh : gave a report• •of the District Annual in Tees water and . Mrs: P. Stewart ` re- ported the •slate of .District Qf- fieers. T Guest! speaker, Mrs. `Fred :Mar- tin of Paramount, gave •ami ac= . Count of the Officers' Conference:'. held in Guelph :May 9-10. She said the! motto of the meetings. was "The•` horizon ever widens forforward-looking. folk" and in keeping with \ that - theme,, the various speakers streased the fact that knowledge .- and ` skill" are More un' 'ortant. p than 'ever before.' . ".Sixty • .Years Y .. .. in fieview .. - ' and, . pre the 'minutes. read and 'adopt•= ed.. 22 nenibe 's a r nd.: 1 'visitor ans-' veered. the roll call. '"hurts for; travelling',' As .our; groUP., is re- sibl spo ,nb. a for •-dowers in, :chore z : -for bhe months -of Ione' and :July. : SKEL'ON: ME.M We are the only rrianafac •tuners. in this pare of• Qntario of, high, class. monuments who import granite:' from th-•. 01d Country, in' the: rough by. the. carload and.pr"ocess from -- the, •rough, 'to the finished rriotiument No middleman. When choosing a monument come' :and see one of the largest .:selections in Ontario. Established over suety years. Witte or phone Walkerton. 8. .and reverse charges. • • } vit MEMORIALS: WALK:.: ERTON :sented ,by •a panel .skit traced••tle progress o'f • the W.I. 'whose , f oun dations are: strong because built' to' serve- abasic•: need -The Home •:andtlae _ Sch�o1--arse-the tivo-•��nain- • • ii fluences` in mild development: arra .. . pment.. arrangements • were. made • fog, . The'•ton.e of, our,'.country is made then: Miss Ada. Webster re." r:t 'in'' the "fami�l; an po. .. •• y :the d success is not e$ the fon the arden ea• measured by the dollar,,sign but July 4th} at the garden of Misses:: Flora . to arid . Olive � Web :. ster'. The .several reports were • ;read and • collection :taken and hymn 575 `sclosed the 'business: section. , ' Mrs. • •Scott presided ` for by the snaking of good Citizens; Mrs:; P :Stewart: sangaccom • 'panied by Mrs:' .W: :Joynt :.and Mrs. ,. Thoin'. oontr' mooted' a read; Ing'' 'The hostesses. served lunch. - .,. ' • Scott and • :Mrs. ' W. B:. Anderson : > • Group 1 -W A. Andrew -Webster ter' a;nd. instrumentals by'Mis. Cuxri^ r Mrs.. Alex ::Andrew, ,presided .. finings and .dune Ackert • Made ori for' the meeting and :with lt2rs.to 7 .ln resting. program,.. ,Hti m.n •,50; .;. . Cummings. 'at: the:. ;piano ..We and :; the, rniz.. ah' •bend' •' s: . p �ctron sang the 'theme' h. : n., 'and'. r - Yrn e ped and meeting.. AsP. g.tim.eTlin ate ' ' h,.... tkeated„,thei motto and prayerin was enjo.% d with ' unison:': aVTrs:'•Horton .'took • tte 1.Boyle;s.team' oproVing 11!Irs: `•. ` to be.'tlie..,..: scripture.:.from . J o :Job: �2,. ,verses' 1-, better apellersc Lunch, was en'o - 10 • and.•.read:,m. a Y edtatron .. and':.of� 7 I ed . and. a vote of'than - '' tender.- �:�• • fered prayer' Hymn • 156 Was sums ed, the, ho , ctesfi is' • . • Pour boiling water over. the. ber-: 4 0,1 4,0 • covered. 20,min. or until it sheetS: ' from a ,Spoon in the Jelly test. ries and \let stand 10: inin„ :Pour Bring. tO• a,' boil and bOil hard. for 10' Skirl? and let. stand. for to• keep.: frUit coming to'. for' Use. tOo.,,SPiced Cltrrant§ serve Ahern with oefeatSi• 21•;i: ripe red :currants,. 2, lbs. l allspice. 112. tsp: cloves, Simmer currants With ' stigar and continue cooking 30 min. Pour For Spiced Currant 4113.7, Use PROPOSED, IMER SEASON 44 vItt. Cash, Trade, Tering An open door 'oas',ori n till the. ans\ver ,t6, a, ser„ies Cobriti,, Council' is in tav, only' if and when neighberl, Ituton Cdunty Council.; is OppoitiOii id an 06/1 '$-eaeon, UR 4), For 10110.cm:it Painting ej Streamlined Brushing • High Gloss finish -is Dress Pcsrade Appearance Just ask for HOUSE PAINT ,04 1 :4 oore paint .4 you r,:e.,.ennto:npiiiiiris, INT,11.1011,3,,AiNt ee , for every l'00/11 of; t1ie *. in C'onjunction with Better llottes:.and "Gardens. •