HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-19, Page 9' NF DAY,.
JUNE:` •i9th, , 1957
The .Tune ,meeting of Lucknow
by '
W -I. was held iii the •Recreation
Centre with Mrs,. B Reach pies -
fo Alt �f. those in n the chair. In ..the. ab'
ass.iated me in my j .
,campaign aA sup; j
ported'' me "Rat the
polls I convey my
PP .. 1.
I ' will continue •.to., j
represent. e,veryone '
m ": riurgn :cortsfit-
ency` n . the future'.
the same as I have
in the pat•.
Man : You re • Cr '
Forgetyour agetTh u ands ' are �i eeppy it 70.
Try ' pepping; uP,`i Ostrez Contain' tonic'
for weak, rundown feeling due solely. to
body's lack of iron which many men and
women call "old. Try Ostrez Tonic Tablets
for pep: younger feeling, this'very day. New
"get acquainted" size only 60c Fos.; sales it.
all drug stores everywhere: .
HAMILTONa.t St.. Joseph's. hos-
pital, Londo ' '.-'on-=Fria'' May
31st to. Mr. and Mrs, ' i
.>. Jirn. Ham•
Ilton .(Doris Irwin) of London,
a . dao ht 'r,'
daughter, , 'Elizabeth ^Margaret.
'Twenty-two<lots ;of. :Hereford
raftl� cn►tsigned. 'by George K
nedy..arid H.J. L. Eedy' and.S.ons'
were .auctioned off at, the Ken-'
pedy farm .on Friday. The twenty
lots' included ten calves.'. '.The
sale .,grossed, slightly over.: $5,090,
fora 'lot average' of approximate-
ly'. $228.00::
:The two .log cows, ,.Were from
':he Kennedy herd and' sold .'
..295'' and X285, respectively, to
Donald J. Steinacker..of Mit"
tanley' ackson' of Kipper'.
[he top priced bull: was from
he Eedy herd,' ,bringing $265 and
;oing.. _toy.: elif.ton.- F .' Mi11'er of
She sale s=off with -7 -be
lidding and: good ,prices, but. 'tap-
Strawberry 'tithe
again; Besides being ' the. most
luscious of ,fruits;• .nQ ` ether .fruit
lends itself so beautifully to. :dec
orative effects. While I ;am, sure
that -no°, fruit.. tastes ibe,ttei= ,than
just .plain berries.'., and• scream, or
Milk," 1` sometim"cs . can't ,resist'
trying some of the 'recipes that
accompany •'the lu`sh pictures' we
see• in -:magazines with strawbe-r. .
ri„iL>s us d , in, a:" variety' ;of ways.
Try a Pin Wheel Bavarian; for
.instance -2. cups sweetened or 2
,10-cz. pkgs, frozensliced Straw-
berries, 2 tbsp. (:.envelopes) .un -
flavored gelatin, '4 cup cold"
water, ' 1 . tbsp, „lemon juice; ?a
tsp. ,. salt, 22. cups heavy • cream,
whipped, One recipe Strawberry '
gain "Refl. t1 .using frozeri straw-
berries, thaw and let warm to
t room, " temperature:. crush her -
ries Soften gelatrn••in cold water,
COUNTY COUNCILS OPPOSE dissolve- over'hot water. ` Stir
EPUTY REEVE INCREASE strawberries, lemon' juice 'and
salt, Chill . until.,; ,partially' set.
'The.countV. Councils of: Bruce,
Huron and Perth, have, all reg:-
istered disapprovalof the '.recent
amendment to the. Municipal
Act, that• :would
increase ., the
num' ben of deputyreeves' on . each
The ameridment'stethrned f :om
a controversy started by the
Du{ am Chronie•1e, oVer-`the. Te=
•]Qlcl in whipped` cream. `' Place-,
six :1 -inch slices Strawberry -jam
Roll , around . edge : , of 84 -{inch
spring -form , pan:: Fill .'with-. the.
vc�berry': '• xriixture: ' Chill till
firth, about:. 4•' hours. Makes 8o
10. servings:: Stralwberry•,jam'
Rohl -4.' egg yolks,' 1/4 'cup sugar.,
tsp. vanilla 4, egg , ar:
whites, ,a.
gality-•of„ some ---deputy: reeves in
Grey County, : uali'f in •t '
9 :�' g o 'sit
at County 'CounFil
The amenciri ent
- - — - --- prouides'���G
both husband - and .Wife .may be
regarded, as pr�:perty 'owners. , A'.
•niunicipalit' :iriust have
�,, Y ye 1;000.
:property owners on its.: voters'
cup sifted ..cake- flower 1 -tsp
!ok '
par ,
strawberry'. jam. Beat egg yolks
until `th`ick " ' d• . lemon colored
Gradtaily 'beat, in '1I4 eu
P sugar.
amid' vanilla B'eat'e whites a1=
most Stift, .gradually add il�. 'cu'
ai p
sug and beat very • stiff. • Fold.
yolks into ..whites `: Sift together.
fist toflour; baking::Powder and
qualify far' a. _depu;ty ...P nri saa�;`
reeve; fold into egg immixture.. Spread the.
H111164 Coun y the new • eg- lined j.ell
pan• Bake -in
_" iillation•, ,wouldincrease; -the en
(375) i
12` minutes s or until
cake sprinngs. back .when; lightly
� y
touched.. Loosen. edge, of 'cakt..
` and ' turn • onto towel sprinkled
with' sifted : confectioner''
s sugar
Peel off waxed paper quickly but:
carefully so you won't tear cake.:
'Trim off''side crusts with' a 'very
� cry.
sharp knife While' • cake ,is still
warm' • '.1ay a .; piece' of ' gad;.
° v.e' • paper on it;.. roll cake • quickly,:
County. Council from :‘.1.1.0''about
40. members Ashfield would be
one +Tawnship .to gain/. a:.d ut=
f. �'p . }
Some time ago .'.the' Signal
Star had it figured out. 'that
furnishings and .''remuneration
.for the new inezrrbera• would run
CO: $4,500 in. 1958; an' estimate
which the, 'Clinton. News -Record
ered :off as • there were more, cat
..tle 'offered. than; there;;' ;sere .buy-
ers• '
N. S.• Tyndall of Richmd(nd H:i.11
1956 Chev. Sedan, fully equipped .
1954 Chev. Belair 'Sedan, fully equipPed ..
1.440 ti
4" ' 444444.4441,41.4.44. 44044
paper inside. Wrap in • towel'•
sprinkled. with ;sifted confection-`
er's� sugacool on ..rack. When
cake is 'cool:unroll it; :rem -61'0
)ielthl7aPet : ' Spred .cake vt-i
strawberry. jam. Roll.. •.
And, of 'course, you must have
nce :o,rs, ::axnsnie, _Mrs,' A.
havens acted as. secretary. Bost
esses were..,;M.rs, . N. ' MacKenzie,.
Mr$. •., A • Mac1\Tay, : Miss' OliVt.
Webster, Mrs, Ei:' Thorn and: Mrs.. ,
J, "Anderson. '•
Roll: call was answered. by.
guessing the ,con bined weight of
'president and secretary: Mrs. Eli:
mer „Johnston's, guess ,. gas
est. An inv.ftation:.Tfrom 'the. Kali.
Shea W. to .attend' 'their." June
meeting iii Holy`rocid 'Hall at • 2:
p.m. on Thursday, June 20th was.
.accepted 'and. a, proposed trip to
Collingwood by bus , was discuss-
Mrs. W. 'Welsh : gave a report•
•of the District Annual in Tees
water and . Mrs: P. Stewart ` re-
ported the •slate of .District Qf-
fieers. T
Guest! speaker, Mrs. `Fred :Mar-
tin of Paramount, gave •ami ac= .
Count of the Officers' Conference:'.
held in Guelph :May 9-10. She
said the! motto of the meetings.
was "The•` horizon ever widens
forforward-looking. folk" and in
keeping with \ that - theme,, the
various speakers streased the fact
that knowledge .- and ` skill" are
More un' 'ortant.
p than 'ever before.' .
".Sixty • .Years
Y .. .. in fieview .. - ' and, .
pre the 'minutes. read and 'adopt•=
ed.. 22 nenibe 's a
r nd.: 1 'visitor ans-'
veered. the roll call. '"hurts for;
travelling',' As .our; groUP., is re-
spo ,nb. a for •-dowers in, :chore z :
-for bhe months -of Ione' and :July. :
We are the only rrianafac
•tuners. in this pare of• Qntario
of, high, class. monuments
who import granite:' from th-•.
01d Country, in' the: rough by.
the. carload and.pr"ocess from --
the, •rough, 'to the finished
rriotiument No middleman.
When choosing a monument
come' :and see one of the
largest .:selections in Ontario.
Established over suety years.
Witte or phone Walkerton. 8.
.and reverse charges.
:sented ,by •a panel .skit traced••tle
progress o'f • the W.I. 'whose , f oun
dations are:
strong because built'
to' serve- abasic•: need -The Home
•:andtlae _
Sch�o1--arse-the tivo-•��nain-
ii fluences` in mild development: arra ..
. pment.. arrangements • were. made • fog, .
The'•ton.e of, our,'.country is made then: Miss Ada. Webster re." r:t
'in'' the "fami�l; an
.. •• y :the
d success is not e$ the fon the arden ea•
measured by the dollar,,sign but July 4th} at the garden of
Misses:: Flora .
to arid . Olive � Web :.
ster'. The .several reports were •
;read and • collection :taken and
hymn 575 `sclosed the 'business:
section. , ' Mrs. • •Scott presided ` for
by the snaking of good Citizens;
Mrs:; P :Stewart: sangaccom
'panied by Mrs:' .W: :Joynt :.and
Mrs. ,. Thoin'. oontr'
mooted' a read;
Ing'' 'The hostesses. served lunch.
- .,.
' • Scott and • :Mrs. ' W. B:. Anderson : > •
Group 1 -W A. Andrew -Webster ter' a;nd. instrumentals by'Mis. Cuxri^ r
Mrs.. Alex ::Andrew, ,presided
.. finings and .dune Ackert • Made ori
for' the meeting and :with lt2rs.to 7
.ln resting. program,.. ,Hti m.n •,50; .;. .
Cummings. 'at: the:. ;piano ..We and :; the, rniz.. ah' •bend' •' s:
. p �ctron
sang the 'theme' h. : n., 'and'. r -
Yrn e ped and
meeting.. AsP. g.tim.eTlin ate ' '
tkeated„,thei motto and prayerin was enjo.%
d with '
unison:': aVTrs:'•Horton .'took • tte 1.Boyle;s.team' oproVing 11!Irs: `•. `
to be.'tlie..,..:
scripture.:.from . J o
:Job: �2,. ,verses' 1-, better apellersc Lunch, was en'o -
10 • and.•.read:,m. a Y
edtatron .. and':.of� 7
I ed . and. a vote of'than - ''
tender.- �:�• •
fered prayer' Hymn • 156 Was sums ed, the, ho , ctesfi is'
. •
Pour boiling water over. the. ber-: 4
covered. 20,min. or until it sheetS: '
from a ,Spoon in the
Jelly test.
ries and \let stand 10: inin„ :Pour
Bring. tO• a,' boil and bOil hard. for
10' Skirl? and let. stand. for
to• keep.: frUit coming to'.
for' Use. tOo.,,SPiced Cltrrant§
serve Ahern with oefeatSi• 21•;i:
ripe red :currants,. 2, lbs.
l allspice. 112. tsp: cloves,
Simmer currants With ' stigar and
continue cooking 30 min. Pour
For Spiced Currant 4113.7, Use
44 vItt.
Cash, Trade, Tering
An open door 'oas',ori
till the. ans\ver ,t6, a, ser„ies
Cobriti,, Council' is in tav,
only' if and when neighberl,
Ituton Cdunty Council.; is
OppoitiOii id an 06/1 '$-eaeon,
4), For 10110.cm:it Painting
ej Streamlined Brushing
• High Gloss finish
-is Dress Pcsrade Appearance
Just ask for
oore paint
.4 you r,:e.,.ennto:npiiiiiris, INT,11.1011,3,,AiNt
, for every l'00/11 of; t1ie
*. in C'onjunction with Better llottes:.and "Gardens.