HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-19, Page 5. TTIxEL, Know, Bruce County Council convert ed, for the June session at Po Elgin, with Warden J. 'Fran Morton of Southampton, presid ing and, all members present.. The °_•session: proved to be busy' one; •; and. a; number . of 'fin .portant items: of. business weer d'ea'lt with, .in ` addition to th usual routine; ;matters. D.eli(bera -tions were suspended on Frida to enable the rneinbers to,.-jourin ey: to Walkerton :for the • offic opening` of the new addi.tion.'.t the; Re#istry. Office and the ren ovated . Court Room Specia speakei:s• at this ceremoniy were Chief •Justice ,.J .: , :-1VMcRuer o , the High Court• and, Attorney General Kelso.' Roberts Counci then returned: to meet on.,Satu:r • day •corning 'to wind up the business of the; session.,' m Fail To Change School Areas Most contentious ;busi ess dealt with was an abortive a,tternpt by the Consultative Committee to complete: the division ' of . 'the •+whole •county •into. enlarged. High School 'Districts.. A report.of'the Committee recommending. that St; ` Edmunds,. Lindsay,. `Lions Head and parts of Eastnor and Annabel-- •be . .included- in.' alp eri larged :'Wiarton. High School Dis- trict ..Vere "soundly defeated, while another report . of the Committee .recommending that the' southern portion of: ;Green-: ock. 'be attached to ;the ''Walk erton District ,:met a' similar'fate. A third .report of:; the Commit- tee recommending inclusi'on's of the; Village -of Tara ''and a ' srna'lj, por-tion :of Air -an -in- theNortah- Grey Suburban High :School Dist trict was. adopted, and subject to • the'. approval of.,' the•: ;Minister_, of. l ucation; and -tile ''County ofs Grey; will' becom ' . effective on'. January • lst, ;1958. ' ' Another' ',division : occurre � n d on the' •iecorninendation of•. • t;;he. Highways,. -Cominittee `that ' $40;•= rt k a of the Legislature, the Adrnin.s. tratton, of Justice Expenses Act was amended so that, all fees,' court costs, County goal expen- ses, coroners, etc., will now 'have to be bor_ri.e_b-y--the,-County wrote with, no rebate, from Prov-: ince, Last, year the Province con- tributed 410,238.00. This , amount -will • no �! '.have. fo ,!be pro: ided. for in , our yearly, estimate,..,;As' we •w ''re net 'aware al•change 'al' the' January: Session, o no allowance , for ...this extra •a ynnount was:.provided for. It will 1 therefore be necessary' to, 'raise the provisional rat( of len mills f_. by att ,least 34 so -f a. mill vide for this; loss of revenue. 1 The County' rate' was ultimate- ly' .set at 1014 ,mills.• This includes the raising of funds to repay this year, one, third••of� the $100,000.00 expenditure on'the •Court • Roor-n and .Registry.' Office addition. Of .this; 4 Mills'. is, for'-�highwa .ur- Y p poses and ` 6;1' mills , is.. for gon eral Purposes: The Highways. .Committee re-' Ported its •inten:tion' .. , this year, `to' •'eonduct an accelerated program.. • County En ;i. y., Y g neer Eldon Yundt, reported• little winter break-up.. of " the . roads. ;He said tha ,highway project , West. 'of .Bel - more '' is . nearly . completed and tile '$20,000.' highway :h , h gh�y;aY Project,''east %of . the village". will be ''done this 1,11 ii , :... • ° vv v '•'fir r %rJ/f%!r� ...... %r! /r i, JUNE IS DAIRY MONTH DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA, . '. 4O9 Huron Street, Toronto • CULROSS ,CORNEA Miss Mary Collison is• i • Cal- gary where she . i:s einpl P o�ecl Election day passed' off , q let' iy with 'most of .the electors ,„cast- ing their: vote..' • . •• A--bulldozer-and .t. rooks belong in . g_.: g to111r;..Joe Kerr of ,Wingham have been 'busy . 'lev Y elling and• Widening ' the'road on Con.: 1.Q, Fast, , Kinloss. Sure' a. big.. .im- provement, • Several 'fro m the C'Qunity attended- the. showing films at fall. 'A a': rKinlough on Fridayevening, major. undertaking this . g, • Summer this,' '• wre`, i pictures miner willP .taken be the . i . by rnr'• A ove- +• 1 the Ment .of. the•county•r' ' ReV!• 'Benson'' Cox 'on 'his re, road ;between cent tripto : New . Paisley: and Chesley: • The bridge. w Zealand and A'ustrala •' over the -'Durham street mill ;ace., .: _: ..__._:� ': ,-.-_:T . '.We .are ,son :. 'Walkertan-- _ry„ to ; report fliat will. -be- -started'. M'rs. Wm., : Wall of .:. � l early 1'n 'July; The ,structure Will'' ,his. Kmlough, who has been" ' spending - ,have :a 364 -foot .road; a' :`$0 . foot ' saixle ; :time span 'a d with' ;her 'daughter,,:.Mrs. John Will be of .�rigId fiam:e+-=Sohu '. a - rn cher.:..�;. • -rernf_ rr��.T_ �._ _. ,. a taken to or�'ced e . Wing, oncrete ' construction. ',nam, 'Hospital g Estimated''c'os�t•• wi be .' � l?, : bn••Friday.. l . •$25,000. Mr. Hairy.. Brown M The. County• Home ., Mrs.. Greeaza•-, Corrimittee wood,, Mrs. •'Grieves and Michael, reported that. ,the 'pr'ocedure cnday for �:;Riehrnond' Hill,•' :admissions to:, the � visited Sunday Home . will .be:. with Mr. changed whereby' and Mrs..Prank Brown' ere e .. , by all adrnissron (Reserve Fund be cash' e d and used' for, highwayPurpo, purposes. this iI s year.•The• recommendation : of. the `Committee •was": adopted.: It was felt that the Provincial Gov- eminent would be less" 'likely,. to grant assistance hy 'way., of .de- velopment roads while mnici= palities have' unspent reserves C •y:,'•e O nil thee but ut:. the. 'Chairman r th Tman.of eCo ., mmittee would. "' • In ,. ,cases of emergency, have authority to ad- :mita person pending a'pprovalf., 'by .the' Committee as a .whole. • The followin g: grants were au-,;� -thorized during :the.sessiori: Grey County ,Festival `of Music,: $75 00 Salvation Army, $400.00; Bruce- This will :leave a balance of Grey..'Ohni, Council' $1,200.:00;. . $ ,18,0 00'bonds . • r Wa; ke•rto�. s �:. Oppose Increasing, " . cardinc Hospital, $1,;750,- South:- Council placed ''itself ;on: record ampton •' Hospital, $1;750 °;Chess is strongly ' disapproving the: re ; ley Hospital,.,,ix2,000;00, Wiarton 'ent-amendment :to the: M•unicip-ail' -$1- .-$-1,7--50 00,: •Dior' Hca.. 4ct•which would have 'the. effect Red Cross`Hospital; '$1,000.00•` : ff in '-easing•-the--numb--e-5r of e,. -he -.4 g- resolutions: were adopted . .by Council • during t session { 1 ruty •reeves in county councils. As: 'a' result of ,an urgent re - Pest from 'the 'County' Library loard, Coian'c11; '.took , cognizance I. the need for ,a new Library .c That th•e:Minister of Labor be' urged to ..have g Clause 78 •of tie Labor Relations ';Act, -.Which ai uildrig by placing Itself on re-. lows Municipalities to determine ord <•.as recommending',provisaion Dr a• new ,building, in the': 1958 stimates. The estimated cost: of le`.proposed.: building is around 15,000 0 furnished and equipped id it . would .be located at Port kin. The • Library Board pre - [tied that it would be able. to 'pay the County in yearly. -in alments spread ' over seven• ,or ght years.. . Higher County Rate ' ; County Treasurer T • H • .Alton ported that, at the last session sled To Repair .AH Makes Of Lete : ac Des &Shop Work BTYLENE B ARV WELDI NG hl--GARAGE- W. BRECKLES 'hone 18-r-20+ ;1Ripley '' E NOME OF QUALITY SERVICE d Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS • •5P. their own laborr lati.onf, left in • force,; , That the local assessor he not- ified when the ' D e a rt m ent Of f ' .MunicipalAffairs .Assessors 'f4 •. com e' • into ',their anuni:cipality sd , that - they :may. Work with'them in 'ar- riving riving .at a proper ,assessment;. • ' Recomrnendirig' to the Depart ,nient • of Municipal` .,Affairs that the County' Assessors and , Ass-,'.: 1 essment Commissioners in the ,Province •b'e.• called into•: consul- tation on expected necessairy. changes to . ,the .present Assess- Ment Manual; Recommending that; in view of, the increased value of cattle, they subsidy be 'increased from $1'00' to $150 for.. purebred .cattle and and from $40.00 to $100,00 for grade -cattle; - Recommending, that 'Bruce ' Co, in' have 'an open :deer 'season in 1857 only if 'and when the neighbor: i"ng counties are also'' open.,fot; the ,shooting of deer, and not o'therw'ise'' lid' the ,'e . 1 O.L IV; V11..0070 oya� 'complete set (Marie fraser's ' •• Summer Dairy. Food. recipe •booklets. Free!, • The June . meeting. of, the W:M.S.. 'was, held. at.. the ',home.' of Mrs: 'Allan' 'McTavish. , The ores-: adept;. ,Ivrrs. Herb Clayton,.open- ed the 'Meeting n eeting �w1th� ,a. poem :and'. hymn. ,The: rot call .:was .answer- ed by 24•. ° members. _ , ers The stvripture. and Reg:., 'Mr. and Mrs,. Kei :Lamont and family spent Frida n .. - „Friday evening with Mr.. and Mrs; Stewart Ma c Donald' and family, Mr. 'and Mrs: 'Hugh Nicholson and Harvey'of Bervie spent' Sun= •day, '.'evening , at 'Brown's, Mr.: and . Mrs: 'Art Bartlett � of Vancouver, B C ., spent last: week with Mr, and -r -Mrs. Er ' nest Hanna and family. ell : Stevwart; vvho ' has. ` spent• the last,.three three '.:ears in A Y_. armed services; .returned home from': Europe the end of the week. .'Russell ;w ll spend: some tune' visiting hiss parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart and other rel- ati�ves 'before- reporting for,duty reading by Mrs, Guikema was followed. by .prayer by Miss'' Beth','' McTavish: Mrs'. Oliver 1VIeChan-. les gave a 'very, .interesting talk on •her visit to "The. Cathedral_ ,,. der of the Pines"; which is' .a living g me+rnoria-1-`to`h'rate' son' of• Arr. and Mrs ' g Mrs: Douglas Sloane,..and located '•in .- - located :-- _ :the___—,State -_ of :New . Ha.nnpshire Miss Mary •::Roulston sang . ".Teach 11/Te to. Pray", y' , and was; acconpaniecl by Mrs. Ross Black.Thee- devotion'al: closedperiod -with, 'a `poe'm . by Mrs. 01 y Iver. McCharles, The ` . offering .: . Was dedicated lcat ' ed ly . y•1Virs; john Cb11:- ing The members were asked to . please have any'good. used- cloth ing to be shi "` ppetL overseas � the : •, latter ' part of ' June; t • •the: x of'• ome ••, Mr.S, Walter. ��ioulstori lMrs• • Alex MoTavish thanked the members.. for their'kin .dress dui- 'ing'her reeent=-i�11nes - A=-vvote, of--- thanks .to the' hostess and ou p was given 'by. Mfr's... Howard Henry, ; .The meet• closed with. a hymn, :and the' W:MS..benedic •tion•: > Lunch : was`: served b :by the .:hostess: and grou• in Char:• • -- • a r,. • ., ..Dr-ive the car that's -new all `th ' way, throtgh the car that leads: in'. Canadian ;motorists', 'preference',.'::, in style performance ... in -value. Choose :from; 19 models in. 5 , great series ! Choose from 2 big: . wheelbases! Choose from a wide; range 66f Silver Anniversary V -8's or the most;modern "Six' —Ford's 'Mileage Maker; Six. Choose the new *Ind of Ford. �. : � `` • There'sa new look in pickups •. the new Ford' Styleside ' Pickups, Yoti, get the smartest"=:— pickup styling , and the: big - ,.F gestordpi'sckup 1oanewStylesiddspace'bme, diebecauss,exse- tend to the'full width of the cab. And .this extra wide body is• standard at no extra cost!' Price , if. yati'ilt ea • get happy surprise., FORD. F -too STYLESIDE• PICKUP • monnacu • ogs _ 1 n : eer rbcpro- ru•n'i in". Enter the' ' big Ford Monarch "Sale , ie " liibited: • : "Sales Jamboree;Contes,'t•--yo�:L.cart.....rAci.nE.!-:: Str ugly protesting the recent 15- 0eu r:Ofciu's a1*s•"to be given :away! Seer . Clue F :•.,. amendment to the M'un:ici al• Act_ w. • n h safer 'Bich •w _. or Mo arc D would""navy the :effect o y .., . . increasing, the -number of dept ly reeves. Recommending the, Provincial) Government to Institute a pol'icv i .' .of compulsory'automol)ile insur-' arise, •, YVothin, i"s' ever jars, :by pc:0i to- ,exJotot your seat on, the buss Mfr v r r .. Ii, .�. -. • K t.. • • •