HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-19, Page 112,50 A , Year. In Advance" §l,4.[l taxtra ,To . U S'A LUCKNOWONTAR • 10 WEDNESDA Y JUNE 19th; 195'7'' Arden Party US�cION, Quartette At a .P. HIT. B E HA NOTA HEART ,ATTACK ,, TEN P -AGES' Andrew' Rob on, " re elected' Progressive • Conservative mem- ber for Bruce • riding, did 'knot suffer •a „heart attack as;' was:' an - , " ed -last wweek. lIe collapsed in the, L_dining_ it Ofr a° Wiartori hotel and'wa , n' to the ;Reis. • Cross .Hospital at..:Wiart ox •where doct:ors�have since attributed his ,collap:se:. •to` exhaustion caused by.low blood pressure. ' / Dr.• Wm.', Cgmeron of, Wiarton has_ announced that his condition is good,.but recommended that. •".Andy" remain' in. the hospital. for a' few days to:obtain the rest he.'should have received.' inrimed-: lately following . the strenuous, I election. campaign..• ,SET, FEE. FOR 1SWI CO The • Lueknow Branch' of the. Canadian- Red Cross hasreceived. .1 a' letter" from the ; Teeswater Lions • ,-Club:. announcing ,. that swiminirig classes will begin Very Y soon. at the Teeswater, pool• un- der three- competent full-time instructors , ' ' Several changes:: andirn r st&gel on Tuesday. ,night, , with im ortan:t ' :.in rnents 'have:.been. r made amort keePing things, +• _ _Tg about 250' persons . sitting <.down ":runnin , srnoo ,which: is , tilge. dn. poly,'` vial g,. thly... , y o a .delicious ham and ;sal :ci Fregard :.to, fees.: eh .r .ed . •. rom ,right ; to left . are .Mrs.• ,• charged for, . r supper, with all the : trimmings Andy, . Ritchie ' . Mr more. i . r In ord a e encourage' Mrs.,. Alex ,Hack, . o. and:'to . ed.off:_.with_ ` es _.: .�. _rte .re : _ e ula> _-_ '.: AR P ,..cakes ett�, -Mrs. 1 m1 i Mr r g attendance at areiTrg, anzl. Mrs:. and ,tarts to' no end. Ralph Camero• classes; a. fee- hast been. set 'of •P n. Pictured. are• the •.kitchen quart-' Sentinel$3 00 per pupil far"a full swim' Photo. min " tour e , g se of • at least fig Iles fteen• sons; terminating with tests. and the presentationof 'awards 'and 'Certificates.. This ,fee will be. payable on registration T.ucknow istrict Lio " • , Any; ;pupils :'not • registered for ns Club. first Ladies'' Night was, held`ini 'the; Recreation Hall on Wednes-' day night; taking 'the. form of a rPgularlY conducted meet n wlsh:ing • to take, the course . May g, • register a:t the Luck oOmimencing: with a eh ion's tor -:I now Town tHall...n Saturn .key dinner servedlav: Jtule : 2 Y'' � . Y . 2 from ., 3=5 a d' •7.g •.p„"I; men s;; Institute: and '; cond.lidn g. Tr' ertati ,with a•very nice ` ance t:o �:rnusic • p on will. be. �provid� �,. s i revro o Car a us e rubber P ars . Y s r Y. b O c�estr ' the rant o The. ladies of''Hackett ...United- ette : who kept.the `busy waiters Church Women's .: Association 1 well.: supplied,A n I.And not to • have'•., earned the: distinction` 'of, be forg, gotten • are '� the .'dish -washing Titin on 'garden t a-'. a d n partyde-• . •p g , g crew, the Bever. . �'beverage :br• eu+ers arid. 1. g n d luxe. This. annual .event was' . all those whose. whose• sex�':nces.--are very; LUCKNOW .DANCERS ,DID WELL AT CIIESLEY 1UIem'bers' of "Airy. Johnston's dancing school :.did .well in :the. hit highland, dancing competitions. et Chesle on Saturday' Y• Y.where. score upon; .score:: of. Sottish ''costumed lassies, danced to ' bagpipe: accem- panin ent by Pipers, James • Mae- Pherson and °Reay Mackay of. the I8th Highlanders. • Local winners', w :. ere • :Highland, ling, 8' and under, Joan MacKen :ie, lst; 12. year-s_and=uri'd i• j. sa a the R own to... the I .the Red Cross:; itinlaYaon; Lochalsh,:.3rd, • •over. banquet at candle -lit tables.,and f. 2, Mary Allin, lst;' sword. dance, with, the hall.. attractively ,dcor. :1. ruder.' 12, .Sa'ndra Brooks, :Dun 'ated in Lions colors .. of purple,'-AQQ-TO--C- annon�-3rd °'ver "12, rY and ,r gold 'Streamers and 'bou- in, 1st, Barbara Finl ayson, Loch. tits ',of lsh, ;3rd. .... • •w """'- ., q , PPeoniesand:..:wfestooned��L� C E�I�:E�E� � with balloons: President Rae Watson: presid- ed, introduced' the officers .of ,.the Club, and at the • request of. the LADIES' NIGHT HELD :'BY LIO N , full course.will ibe' charged at the rate :',.of .'25c per .lesson` • Anyone• in thin-'': communit. y r6 X-RAY CLI'N'IC IE RE N FRIDAY • A tulberculosis- x-rayclinic ,w:.iu eheld' this *Friday, ° Juke 21 t, 'the Recreational 'Centrel;` L_uCk- uw froth, 2.00 to' 5.00' in'• the oaf= moon and. from 7:00 to' 10;00, in 9e' evening.. This is' a :one-da� ' mica Y nd is,.part''of 'a County- ide surve tern sponsored Y g , ponsored by .e Bruce County,T ober u.. culosis ;sedation. . The LuCknow • and District ons Cl'District ub• is Supporting the local inpaign and is . represented ' �n e'Count Ex4 Y ecutive by GQr Montgomery' :and'.—Gerald �thwell'.'• A crer,_of',voluriteer—ca-rrvar ; have canvassed, or are can- ssing`the . village., and a� `acre .. ral ` :area ' in. dJ nt r Bruce, inviting. ryone ,12 : years arid ov ve an x-ray taken er 'to dosteve .one � is now 'familiar' :h this'procedure.- It is. free, ;ekes only a rnom. � longer ger inethan it takes to step and .step away ' from the Committee : in ,charge,. ,gaue the :address df. the .eveni•ng.when he stressed•the fact:•that Lions, need. the ,support and' help 'of the ' men .to go forward in Lionism. Lochalsh Cemetery., is. ibeing enlarged. • Originally, there 'was about an acre 'ofg round used for burial purposes Lot's are now ' al'-` moat ,completely taken . Up "'in .n the, original 'survey, ,•' and , a start has been made in o `nin: pe ,. ,g a• new sec- tion . adjoining ti1e -old `cemetert An additional:- acre o� "We -:—can't ; over emphasize' t f hand. was Fr , the .. importance . Of their ;hel" ` he purchased.. some` time' .ago for p 'r .eventual .'extension f' said .'Cam MacDonald •introduc- , from ,Herb ed' Rae:•,a..,; d he was,. _ than keds, :by Georgen W.hitby' and '.Nresented with • a :gift from the Club. Guests present were' Mr and 'Mrs. Jake Sweitzer of E:xeter;, Mr, anal Mrs. Whitney d Grose and .ry Mayor' McKinney • bf ' ;>Wingham. They were presented to the aud• - Ensign on whose farm the- ce xr etery. is situated on thee south side : of ' Highway 86. 'Loc-halshis :.Cemetery • Y over a hundred.' years old. The oldest headstone in this hallowed 1 ...... ,, ,spot s :dated, ' 1852, and', is that' of a young ,pioneer; mother,, The cern- etery _ .is:now - : r :unde perpetual ie.nce ,by, Harvey Webster. Mr.: 'nd : 1VIrs:. Swetzer. Iver care, and' : is kept attractive' by a a Mr.Dan Wylds, who_is�ctin, '•'n both_..called-on-.•-to, speak. Mrs .-- me; comzriended . 'the tiivive the capacity of : caretakers s The Cemetery 'Board is'.coin to -go along'. with the: husband's in Lior3ism • for they'� � belong ..to prised ' of .President Murdo. Math-: in i� ,,eson'; Trustees) 1i rank t a he best': cLen t or M ganization in- the ° I world". . nan, ' Ewart Jamieson, Roy Mae- Kay;• - -- . .. ..., Y, y t easurer, Gordon and .Beat, Club•:•,,..... ,:Fi'n sort: Ili. ,. , ,sits Largest � Y Jahn MacRae • sits Mr., Sweitzer, governor ,of Dis- in,, inti ,A1 • in which are 4 at ,Board meetings, for none 8 clubs, is. more familiar; with the Cern- said that Lucknow : had the, lis- etery than': r • he: Mr: tinction , of being isle largest and "served for i{'ft ear MacRae one. ;iVo one shouldthe best Y, Years as secret think he Club in the district:, You. a :. sh.treasui'�r e is top old_toha��fla t,A.fti .� .. i and :caretaker, un- _ dei .o=b tial--. the. material •_ athibtion and the . . :e, ,ties.,sev the .•..• ., ; • , .� .,.. , eras years ago, • canna ssers wil , a... - o: Mr, Sweitzt fly , . l,le, Ve..,Stir r i ' one %_Si3 :gam Ther c ares ... • ids fdr . •.._._ . . �w'`�irrals on � each Member :of ernors of tioniSun throw ho :t. the , ' , ,, fa .g , .0 ..,• •north side �:i h,wa � . , - g 86� 'b fly 12 . y _. ,........ .., • Y. f txt w t .. Ltitt.. W_ � �,�:anci�.ovet�.=�=These_.._o�Jd.�.axa.d.,�:,r_�cently....u� as�narnecl,_-t-h.�s.. _.:.. �,,,�>.w,.�, �µ.,��,� ,, ill,ed itt . before . an irtternit',"ar counsellor sec ids _ ion „Of come urs e .,..,. the Jurisdiction :o>x the Lochalsh coin an 'to the Clinic 'in orderCanadian director.- to . � '• '• ' Cemetery .Board Burials 'are no delay, Cecil Dlake, second Vii press lon er made 'an'' esidents in: ".... • • � g , that �se�tion, the adJacen.t: H'tnion .dent,, pro'pose.d ° thew• toast ' tel ...the •las't one �tY areas will not Abe a g about five ladie: • . ., ,viii ;ed c n . • ' ' Y° rs.. ago, . been Dr. Jaynes. Little' and Mrs, Ross a r but are welcome. ,tb' .at ' ,_ , . • : ,,� 1' the• clinic it they: , ._. so w•1sh. Cummings' .provided music ,'�vh,•ile e, in Brute', .whether' or not the assembly was ,gathering and, ste called on are...._ � ,Mrs..Gtim •ing• •wa a iiteildt e�tpecteti m g s ccompanast • t , Ivirs, Minnie Horne,,Mrs: Lis. liars Ellis and Reg .Hodge of Tor, onto were week -end 'visitors 'with CColatllaa ..-o :: age. 101 fr ends:an, the..colrirnttnity ures ontgom rrest A • tire and wheel . ,off 'a .:used. car at Montgornery Motors lot, may 'be the;.:clue that will enable police : to 'solve •the --week-end =crime 1 ave- -•- -inB-ruce:=and:prey. Counties, . On • Monday .:. -mow ing 'Ross Cummings discovered .that , en• trance;. had .been . gained by fort ing the' rear doors of his Super- test:,Garage Coppers all;, that, was in the .till, were • untouched', and the only Missing item:; ap. peared: to .::be a. tire tool • That same morning it. was: dis•- el y. e - e g covered that . a ":'tire :and whe Diad been removed from :a! use car at the., Ford ' Garage. Ther didnot appear .to have been .an effort made to.....kreal�.into.--th building Thus little important was attached to the, missin wheel,' • although P.O. Don •.eed was informed while investigat ing the ° Supertest 'break-in.' I was thought that some 'night hawk"' 'Might . have required a tire to • get home, and :lad help ed: himself ;to. the 'Wheel.' However--' on 'Tuesd'a -.`Police •advised_Gordon-Mo . .. ntgomery. that they had made the arrest at Tor- 'onto . of.,Arthur. r Generous'an there ,appears : to be; incrimi pat - frig evidence"'agairisi riim. .• d. 1 nere was a. series of: w*eek end brew .kms' at Durham, h u ;am, Iver ton and Underwood, and police were, ,questioning: the ..suspect; in an •effort • to establish if there is a connection. between all s ;thee e robberies '. We ..understand -that Stothers :Garage at , Dungannon was: broken n o the same night.. The Tororilto ia+rrest steariined from an: all-out. 'effort' by totrack. Tice track down the gunmen who shot P C;:, Ronald Rupert :of Mil .ton early Sundray, morning after he. was 'aroused from his..bed and interrupted a. gang: . Who. had n.4 ++4n Store- '•oront Inspectors' Open Office 'Pu,blic-• School' Inspector, J Carne and' his ,assistant, Mr.- Wal; 'ter Houil n;': have ,established 'a '. .don; wntow'.,office ' •in • Walkerton • with Mrs Arthur Weiler. as Lull .tune steno. grapher. SISTERS -IN LAW PASS AWAY "TWO HOURS APART • -Mrs. Thomas• Lockhart Of Res n, Manitoba, ,passed' away. On Saturday, Saturday,:June 15th in: her 90th year. Within two hours of her ' death; • her' sis.terin-law, Mrs.,: George Fraser,• also passed , away at•'; 'w Reston. She as in her •85th . Word to' -this effet+t has, 'been- • received by Mrs. Tyndall Robin.- $on of 'town • The Fraser. ,family *ere: :former residents' of Kin loss, • Surviving,; are. Mrs. Robin- s:on of ':' t'ow.n • .r , , M s :Earl .:Freed ' (Lauretta) of:Det oi.t 'and �' d Geo; .';. .Fraser of;•.: Reston. • Mrs . George Fraser,. ser' ,the form er Kate Gollan, is the last alnegn 'ter of ` the :Gollan• erl•Famil ' -form- y_ of theY� 'Second• .of Kinloss:••• Her'•' brother, Johr' Gollan dieda few weeks 'ago at the Baker .Pri- ivate 'Hospital. OA RDS. . ST` R I K' E P.S. TAX L EVY At • the June meeting of the.... Pu'blio • School guard the 'sum: of:$12,800• Was levied• for the'' year 1957: • on.. the three .rnninici= . , . �. .palities. in, the Lueki ow -'•.Pu blit :School - Area`The• p nrag� erce- , a payable b. Y 'each , is ::?Lucler'iow;;; : 96.45;'Township of West Wawa-= nosh,.3.45,Townshi of Ashfield, 10. The budget is ,based o .d• n es- .. timated.: recei •. r -- pts `"and.' expendi- tures ; for the year. .® TS rea.kers, police made tile. arrest that.' may hOld • the anSWer,Lto the. RE..•• CREAT:IO d . SOHO ' .oL �N JULY 'The' Lucknow_ .District :'Recrea- tion ecrea- tion' Committee, is „again's. . ponsitir- ing a supervised . recreation pro- gram. which will Abe conducted duringhe the month: of July... The plan,' was initiated last year and prayed •.so popular that, it is. be= ing repeated again this:season. The program' to•:. be carried out: will be under the su�pervis- ion- of Miss Ruth Treleaven' ancl. Jim Reed. It will be Ruth's, sec- ond . year in' this work ' '-but new venture. ''for Jinn. They *ill bo attend an instructors' course t iintai 1-�•C in , -fi-o � m�'-J P �Cirre 2 1ST -IP 1. Miss Helen Thompson of. the. teaching, staff was ;present at the' meeting, and requested perniis sign' to take a 'bus. I:oad of ;the students from her : room to ' God- er eh to� vrsrt th u`ron: aunty Museurn: Miss Thompson; stated that 'the Cost of such a.trip.woiild' be $17.50,.. and. suggested that the students -.would each �� ay a share P Y are of the costs. The--Boardm vo el ,: • 4 '9 ,and seconded' that:' each student pay 25 cents; toward the.•tri the: Board P and would: assume the” .re. maining: It was : decided t - ,, o call '.for .:seal, ed tenders. for the redecorating of 'one. •classroom at- the school. 0017 ,. . . Caretaker �i • `' W lliarri• ' Stim'son. .,quested 'that four downs: outs on ' the building: be p cleaned, .and the ... Board :moved that Wm. 11�Iiax and Son do this'work. With .reference, -to ` the • transfer of school ; tax: from S.S. 7, 'kin-, loss. to , Lickn ow School,, • a list of names was read of tho persons on Highway 86, plus two, owners -•-north %of-Lucknov : own rf in land to 25th,. under the direction of g 'in • S:S: • 7; arid .of the ' the Lake • ,Huron Recreation school � ;they paid to in, , . - �•1956.E Council. I e ... appreciation' cid. A; .letter : of was The., "school" which .o ens. received `from Pr" .opens here. in.gipal Stuart . . e , _ C, o of n Tu a. Jul_ _. __- _ er, 2 lYand_ d ,to n _a .. �' nd ch Y a run,teachers s Miss�Ruby to , Wednesday, . July 31st; ' is fo children Iron), .town and distric alike" 'inthe age' group, front:: to 12 years: Only 'charge" for 't..' . ,' g he month's course,' is a 25 -cent registratioia r.' t 6. �•. ode ---a - ,pct�, cash"' fund for the purChas* of. some incidental LLitepas.,;.._suc+h • a paper, paste; etc:, used in crafts There were ' , . . as many as One kindred* children ` in' att'endancc.: last year Members:: of the Recreation Committee which is promoting this supero sed',recreation,.school; as•well as a full, program of sum. mer and winter sports, are:" Bob McIntosh, Hen Cameron, Lloyd Webb and . Miss . Helen Thorne - son, for the , cooperation , the Board' had 'shown ,toward the Niagara ,train trip ii4°'May.. A letter from, Inspector J. M. Game of Walkerton • mentioned a i2et�a r }fn}t , whi • i s n .t 0 e tr�aue�►l� .g n er. school an Sep- • • . . . temtbe . ' r .1957,_._bnust�..be..,.=si-�••- ", ... .•. ,;:. , �� , of age on .or before ' Uecernbei° 31, .1957,, .,:.T:his. ruli Iously been in .effect in L'uckn, ow': Suggest Supply Teacher It was' moved and seconded• that the . nece$sary step's to 'hire MiGs .p, ,be taken, Ap a ' Webster of .Liicknow as a :ati ply teacher fqt Mrs. Carruthers while she iii teaching music to other in the Grades • schools:. The :salary is to e $75. for the ' next full dr approximately 60 ;,hours work. �. Ashton, Rae Watsnn,. Geo Joynt, b W. G, . Webster; -Harold' Greer;.