HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-12, Page 5, W NBSL?AY:/ 141. 157;
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The ',Ashfield Township Area,
Picnic was held Thursday,: . June.
Gbh .'atfr the Kintail Presbyter
Camp. . .
Following are the results.,
the races and other "events;
0.95 up, Girls, 6; years and under; -Ka
ryn $tothers," Marilyn, . < M
.• �'... $8•09S iIntyre, Margie Simpson; boys
r, years and °under" To`
�� u? Ma�ciD
• : , . ,SZ,85 aid,: Drew.MatRae Ronnie nnie. H
in, girls, 7„ and .8, 'Rosemary li
D tri
... E, ngton, 'a .Ah
Marie . ,Bowler, ::boys, 7 and
��d' i Grant Kil atru'
Donald Alton, gar-ls 9 a :"d;--
Elaine Hodges,. Ma ' Andre
Kathy n'
: Gould; boys, 9 :and
Donald Dinennan; Johnny .1Vloet
beck, Billy Blake; ; girls, ' 11 and
12, Margaret Farrish. 'and -Annie
Van. der Lay, Helen McNay and
Jane ,Finlayson, Sharon West,
Deanna Parrish; boys; 1.1 and 13 .
Alex .'MacKenzie;: Roddy :Fin.lay.
son, `Walter Mole;• girls, 13 and
i4;. (Public school: only);,,Lummie
Logteniberg, Carol .Pentland . Ed•
'na Carter; ,boys, 13 and,14 (pub-'
tic school ,,only),. Danny Dalton:,
Norris Sampson,. Art' Bowler
,= young; :ladies' r-'acef. Elaine . Hod-
ges; Annie, Van.' der '.Lay, Edna.,
;Carter; young- men's race,'. Dan
ny Dalton, Norris ,Sampson; Rad•
dy Finlaysdn,, relay race, Kin s-:
brill a Dunganrnon, • .Lochalsh;
•wheelbarrow 'race; Art' and John
'Joe .Bowler, • Barry • Bogie' an
Douglas' Brindle' Finlay Y,•. F ay Mac
:ernxian..'and Roddy Finlayso
kicking: the .; slipper, Helen` Maz'
Nay_,:.';Eleario -M CNay, ne-
Alton • sack race -a.
.. - . and . _ ., f girls:), Wi1heI-
CULROSS CORNERS .. Sunday visitors with ,Mr." mina. Van • Onen, Johanna Van
•': Mrs:.. Tom Stewart, were: Mr and Onen;. • Lurivmie Lor to '
g, . nberg,• 'sack
-:Mr.- •John Turner- whQ --.::. Mrs: Gorr - n:..McW - : _ i �; ._ : - - .TKO/ _ .. ,_. ...
, wars Q hrnney &Don'. race; (trays.), �:, Welter :Mo.le
.born' on the farm. how owned p na, of Paisley, *Tr.'and and Mr m:.' . , a
• y . , .., ► ,,, s.�.Ger y .Fielder, Danny Dalton; girls.
old, .Stewart ..and Mt and.Mr' 3 le g "
Mr:: and: Mrs: ;Alex Whytock,gged race,..,Eleanor' ;& Helen
passed awa in- .the Kitche Ralph .Goessel and
� h. net ,Randy, ;K�iz .
Waterloo<,, Hospital. 'The funeral 'cardine
was in Lucknow on Tuesda .; Sunda
Y y visitors' with Mr and
• • •.'I'
1VIrs. Jim'" Smith presided for
lar , the WI meeting held; in . the
yrodd Hall , on Thugs: a ev-.
of ening ren r was .decided to
purchase a trophy for the win-
ner of the public speaking, to be
ac- held in the . Fall Further im-
6' proven -lents, , on . the hall,. were
on- . discussed: Thank you notes were
NO received: from `'mernbers who are
111' Mrs. Smith, reported on the
he. District :'Annual heli at. flees=
8,, water on Wednesday, Mrs; P. A.
ry, .Murray read the . distriet.,,,Officers
1,P -I appointed, at : that'Meting: "Re:
w, ports of standing, committees
10, were given, • also the Federated
News by Mrs: ;Sam Farmer The
roll call, a vegetable ” starting
With ' `the' first letter of your sur. -
name:. The Institute layette was.
"displayed A rug making. project
was discussed; The rally at Che.s-
1e-y is to -be heId-on -August 15t1i:
A' 'bus; trip. was also . discussed:,:
-Mrs.:P i;A: Murray gave a're ort
on the• Federation of Agriculture
:meeting Which. she attended' at
Toronto•.' 'Mrs. Alex Percy: gave
the 'motto, on Co operation. Mrs:
Jack Hewitt' conducted a ;flow, er
contest Following the closing
'remarks 'refreshments :Were: .ser--
al ancI n: _
to -0
Bell'; Telephone Building.: ' : '.Wal ke,
' k Orton,
Mrs. Fdl'en-Cerson returned to
her '.home' at Kincardine; after
spending a, while' with. Mrs: Har-
vey ;Hod inns
• Mr::. and. Mrs •George ,Graham
n+ entertained'_at�,a family.dinner,
on Sunday. _
`NSrs. Wit% Haldenby was 'a re=.
cent visitor , with. Mr. and: Mrs.
Norman Fry and f it :,
y at Clio -
Benson Cox ;wi1l��give
an. illustrated travelo
Zealandgue;on New
at the.; Anglican church
on .,Friday,evening.;
. Everyone'is
, welcome
After the funeral; these y.icit. :Mrs., John Se
ing at the :Whytock home were
' Misses Annie' :and Pears Turner,
Toronto;.' ':Mr: and. Mrs' .:Albert
Blackwood, Gordon and'Brian;
Mr. and Mrs. , Orval 'Blackwood,
;Mrs Cecil McNall was a' gues
at the Wadel.;•Crowthers • wedding
at ,Brampton on Wednesday.
0 ' ..". .
•. •11
Wm: Wall were Mr. "and ; Mrs
Jack Hewitt, Mr Wm. Wall and
Allan of Kinlough.and .Mr.' and
1VMrs. , Don Robertson of . Harnih.
ton.. •
:Mr. Gordon McNalI : of. Wing.:
ham spentthe week -end _with Mr.
and• Mrs.: Cecil 1VMcNala.
Miss Lois Haldenby is spending
Mr; and Mrs:. Alex' Whytock'this week with. Mr:.and.Mrsp'Don
spent Wednesday' With M'r. end Rab'ern Hamil
Mrs. Lloyd . Whtock of Wing -Sunday? visitors with: Mr.. and
tiann:'. Mrs:_, eci1 McNall', were ,Mr. arid
.Mrs, .Harry Swan:' and children
Of, Teeswater; ;Mr. and .Mrs. John
Thonipson:.and Janet of •Wing -
harp, Mr. and . Mrs. •'Jack 'Thornp- ,Mrs MacDonald Ki1, •un
ese Ma'urice Bowler (eleven).
o.N T A
Mac�Nay,::'Annette,', Dickson:" and
Elaine Hodges, Johanna and Wil
'hemina VanQnen, Carola Pent
land an. . ' • .
1/ e
Richardson . ' and Evelyn .: Cant
well, Annie.,Tan der':' Lay and
Sharon : West; ,boys `, 3 legged . race,
Art Bowler' and: Alex MacKen=
zie, Danny . Dalton and Walter;
1VMple, 'Billy• Finlayson and .John
McCharles; chicken calling.,.. con=
test (girls), 'Elaine:: Cook, Evelyn;
Cantwell, Helen' �MacNay ; hog
calling ' contest, :.Walter Mole,
Barry ` Bogie, ;John.; McC.harles•
.Whinney,' Mrs. Gordon Ander-
son; :Mrs Cecil'.‘;Blake;', �ball� on:
'blowing. contest, .;Harold'Erring.-
ton,,•Jerry Logten,berg; D. A.. Me
Lennan, .•'oldest Berson.... pr-eseni.t.
nto y i . young,
est person present, John. Farrish,
son. ".of •Mr. and -Mrs.' •'Alex. Far,',
fish, largest' family, IVMr.;. & ,Mrs. ti
son : andfamily of • Bluevale a
Mr: and -Mrs. George Wadel a
Andy, of ,LangsMide
Mrs..; Walter ,Wraith of Te
..water spent . Tuesday night with
Mr: and Mrs. Jas. 'Wraith.
Mr. and.: Mrs. Ivan Pollock,
Kaye and Ronnie of ' Ripley. spent,
Sunday evening with Mr. '& Mrs.
Midford Wall and Donnie.
M and Mrs. Robert Heam and
boys of •,Zion visited Sunday with
M.' and mi.'s: Alex' Whytock' •and
17_P4rlla�9 rt'drorto�
end FAr terature ta'
Jou. air+r■,ii rrI. am 1111YW'..
)ntario bepdrtmef, of Travel ':publtcltjr
Flon', t`irycn t4,�nti+f r$, M,flhtef. -
. Puring. the afternoon, four:
schools played off, .for: the cup,.
In the (first' gamer,Hemlock City
defeated No.. 9., 'Iii 'the ,second
game PortIAlbert'was "vietori`ous
over -Dungannon.
After supper port •Albert and:.
Hemlock City. played: Hemioek ,- ,;
City was. the :winner. , .
• Joyce and; . Delbert'edley Aen
tertarned the AYP4, at their -
home nn ,Sunday evening with
Delbert presidirrl,g, flag, Aden_
by read the scripture and ,Doug,-.
las Haldenby . led in prayer. A,
the Palaner family,: in their be-
reavement. ,A. discussion on the.
int 1uence of Sunday School .and
Young' Peoples organizations: Was
.led �by +May. Boyle. Helen.Halden...
;by, presided for .the: program and
conducted a contest. Those tak ..
in,g': part..weret Norm, ' and 'Rae.,
Haldehb. ,..and
:Y.._. el n Ni ,
-Y hol
.c o .
Dainty refreshments were served
.and Karen. Nichol$on. 'aver • t o
-losin ,g h
�. re rMrs. ' T' J. Anderson of Lucck
now, ,Mrs. Charlie 'Hodgins; Ruth
and Kathy of Wingham visited
on • Sunday with: 1dna and 'May.
Boyle.. ,
° . Sympathy is extended to
•Rev . • and Mrs. J. A. Palmer and
family in the. death of her fath
er, the'date: Mr. Hatt of 'Marton..
• ',Mrs. James Hodge:. returned.
'home from. Victoria Hospital,,.
where she : was'.' a. patient,
Mir and Mrs.. D� '
onald Halden-
!by returned from:their- 'honey
moon 'trip and are visiting here
-before' taking-: up: residence .in
Mrs. Howard Thompson .will be
hostess for :the W:A: meeting' on • '
Thursday • afternoons . • .
Mr. ' and' Mrs ' William Lloyd,
Mr. `and ;Mrs:• Karl Boyle' &,Car-
01„' of London visited . here.: with
relatives "on Saturday- evening.
. ;Mr. and Mrs. Donald Currie'•& .:
son- Johnny and'.his.. friend,. Jo
Stauffer-,--all-;of Galt visite
,..., d. on..
Sunday: with. Mr, and r '
M s. Frank•,
Maulden and Keith and
R Lane.
'I'm thinking' of „gettin.ga div:-
orce' :MY 'wife-, hasn't spoken; to
me 'for . two weeks".'
'`'Better ' think
twice ' . Wives
ike that are, hard • to find". '
an Now:: To Attend The
he ::Recreation Centre
This is, an all -day clinic sponsored by ;the Bruce County.
C ty
Tuberculosis Association : and is part of•
County wide`' chest x-ray program._
Everyone 12 and;"' Over Invited To
• Attend
Tuesdaya? June_4th,„Was a._spe±
al occasion- for the' W.M.S. ,of
:;the UnitedChurch' when they
'ritert fined olio t .. tlf fly • :.meth-'
bets of •the Ashfield W.M,S; in
the Fellowship Room of the
-church: The 'guest /speaker was
Mr. Elmer ••Um�bach ,who gave a
fine, helpful address .on Woman's'
e re erre
to. the. women of the, Bible like-.
Lois and Eunice' who ;uphel:d the
faith .and, were filled, with. wis-
.dom and love of God and the
Holy Bible. lie stressed •the ,,Bible',
its great truths which n'ever
Otr ' pleasing.numbers ori
the-,preig-rarn-w ere .v -i altrriSel
tion by Mrs > l'sike Alton, with
Miss Elmira Alton at the piano;-
instrumental by Mrs, Jcihn
Gardner; 'a reading• .by Mr's. L.
Menaly and a duet by Mrs J.
W, Jbyns Mr'g�a
t ' and Miss
Rae .•..accernarmed .. by Mrs. Jw :
Ham., •
At the 'close of thee 'Meeting ,a•
'dainty lunch, and social' hour was.
enjoyed by
• •.
Read 'OfficeLondon, Ontario
District 'Representatives:
Duthie, . Phill'Nps .
, ititng$nnon, E. H, Agnew, LucittnO
4, •