HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-12, Page 4• • -•• • n•••• •••••••••••:•.-. 7••• .."•,,n•n• • • ...,•••••••r • • ••••••••••-•••••'• •••• •1••=•ntm -•••••• ••••• • • .•••-• •-; • • " • , t41.1r, , . 11741"1411,:11•141F—W7"/"A ,4.2aimbrsiancsai.wrim.r• ..•;00*-11•Tifi• -••• • 191 01111r • ,COMING EVENTS• -I RECEPTION AND DANCE • IA.Whi„teOhureh L.Community ,A741-1..417-71Fr..#14Y.: ' 9.TIPW1-4 1. tih **T. -;•H Sam OhiSIetti phone 179, Lucknow, %t The ASS1NG • SIGNS ,for sale Rt. The Sentinel ,Offioe. • Pt*. SALE—have afew 'spring - mg Holstein or Durham heifers. Irtring ,Keyes, Gl.anus. - • 2 , R, SALE' -t- baby stroller in good condition. Phone 14-r-41, Lila/10W. FOR 'SALE—a litter of ready -to - wean pigs Wilfred McQuillan. , FOR SALE-*--Iitter of littlp pigs, Herb BIcton; 'B • .6, 'kmknow, phone 26-10 Ripley: , 10 -acre, nod. of' ,., . standing. mixed hay Les Ritchie, _ pbone., 67-16- Dungannon . , . . 0 ' ••SALE -New Idea hay load- er,•,steel deck, PI, Al conditiOn. '•-•-Lduis‘[Hogan,- phone- Dun- gannon .; . 1 C014TAGE FOR RENT—at Point Clark. Available fist two weeks in July. All .modern "COnyen- iences. 'Apply to .4, C. 3.1urdie. APARTMENTS FOR 'REM, ,-- • ” apply ' Mrs,• Wellington Ilendev• Lneknow• IVORK_WANTED 'round work wanted for one -ton panel truck, driver supplied. 'For fur,' ther information phone 12-27 - - , -NOTICE - POLIO. A, polib clinic for' Pre-school ihildreni second clOse., _will be held ,in the Recreation Centre, Lucknow,iru 9day June 18th b- tW'een 10 and -11 a m . •• honor of, the. recent .,marriage of Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Orland Irwin. fins- Orchestra,' Ladies Ininandwiehes, „ • ..0.7Eus' The Webster picnic will be held at Harbor' pn SaturdaY,afternoOn, June,;15; Basket lunch. '-'01111RCII PICNIC • The annual, corigregatibrial, & Sunday School picnic, f the Lucknow Presbyterian Church • will be held on Thursday after- noon, .Jude 20th, at Kiritail camp, A 'bus will leave the .chuich at .2.30 'p.m. Those -wishing trans- portation, or those' who may, have roannin their cars are ask- edto V. A.Mowbray,PCM-' '* At Hackett's Church on tin - day, the -Sunday Schoolwill meet at ..2,00. pAti, •at 3.00 • p.M...conancted by Rev B.,• -,F. .Green of St, Helens.NoteoChinge of hours. • '1 NOTICE --• , We -are- prepared, to. do- .-custorn- i sprayng:. of field :crops, burdoclia and .fenob.ro*S. Donald Murray,' venor oftransportation. • • • • R. 2, Lucknow, phone The • arintial • 1? r • •• T!11S• FELLOW SORE BUYS 1,,OS • GOAL EARLY ", ENOUGH *FEMALE: IIIELP WANTED . ; •/ . . ._Avan .., Products has opening, for. inature _wornans to senvice . customers in Dungannon, Nile. - • " ' • ' ' * and surrounding area. Excellent . SUMMER DJSCOUNTS,%EFFECTIVE . . commission. Write Mrs.*M. Stock, . . . 78 Duchess Ave, Kitchener, Ont. Order YOur. Coal Now. - , A . , South Kinloss Cemetery Comm': ation. Will be held in South Kin- loss Church at 8.00' p.m. on Thursday, Julie' 201h. Lloyd MacDougall, secretary. . SALESMAN 'WANTED , MAN WANTED for Rawleigh business. Sell to, j500 families.* Good 'profits .for lifustlers. Write today. Rawleigh'S 'Dept. F -271* -S,' 7005 RicheliuSt e, ., -lir—oiitreal, • TENDERS • REDECORATING TENDERS Sealed•tehder§', will be receiv- ed to June• 29th for redecorating one ..classroorn .of the Lucknow Public •School. For further in- formation contact Chas: Webster; Chairman, Lucknow School Board. -•Catholic , teacher wanted for, R.C. S.S. No. "2, Ashfield, High- way 21 ' north • •of Goderich. Grades 1 8, present enrolment 25. Duties to -commence Septem- ber 1957. Apply, stating .experi- , ence, qualifications,,. name 9f 1st inspector,incl-salar4--expected to, Joseph' O'Keefe., sec.-treas., Kin - tail Ont. • FOR SALE :•—• quantity of -feed grain, oats,. 'barley and mixed .grain;. also standing hay. T. 1I.1 Gardner, phone 69-18 Dun,gan.-.1 lion. • . • -6,200 'STARTED. CHICKS --- all breeds' from 2 to 9 weeks old.; • also 100 Square steel roofing at • ibafgain prices. Ronald Stanley, phone Ripley 76-22: • • . , FOR „SALEL Moffat 4 -burner heavy' duty electric range, auto"- ' anatic 'Oven; 9 -piece' dining. room • ,suite.,Apply to Mrs. rred Nixon. • ,FQRSATely 1dea ,Itay_kka • _ er, nearly new;• and a complete sliding, hay rack. •Lloyd Mac R. 6, Lucknow, phone 126-r-30 ' 0 •.!• • • '1.• !' • . HAYIDIG EQUIP T—see the Smoker Elevators and -all •New Holland- haying equipment. at George Wraith's,' • Montreal St., Goderich, Waterloo M -M farm Machinery and Purina feeds. Phone 1285. - LET US GIVE, YOU a' free es- thnateon your roofing: job , WilL_SupplY materiae only or will :install roof Cornplete. " Irving Keyes, Glamis, • 1)hone Paisley 114-i74... I PROPERTY SALE I , Small farm, 61/4 acres on high- way;good brick house, hardwood floors Upstairs and down; seven- .toomS, hydro, pressure Systern, three-piece bath, good barn, hen „house, pig' pen, garage; new col•- ony: house, •good garden, small fruits and loVely flowers. R. B. • Ai,' • :b.. • ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION 1 For artificial insemination • in- formation or service from all • breeds of cattle; plionethe o . Cattle -litreedin .''.sociation at: 'Clinton •HU 273441 or Kincardine 460 betWeen 710 and 9.30 alTi. We have all breeds • airailable top citiAlity at low cost. , • ' • A , • • PIRSONAL , 1 "OLD • AT 40, 50 609" MAN' Youtx•e-crazyl—Tliclusands-z-peppy- at 70. Ostrex, Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking• iron. For run - Clown• feeling many, men,' women' call "old". New' "get -acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. •PUREBRED' SALE* • • •'42 • head of , Hereford cattle from the herds o George Ken- nedy and Heber J, L:-.Eedy arid Sons will be auctioned at the Kennedy. Farm,' .4 miles east of Lucknow, on Friday, June. 14th At 1.30 o'clock. •., 11i EAT FOR SALE,, Good •.beef • for Sale 1by. the quarter Beef' killed under lic- ense from. the Department. of Health. Choice Hereford year lings. Custom butchering 'a spec- 1ality., • • • Raynard Ackert' HolyrOod one VIM,Ripley BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS day old and started. ,Agen,ts for Newha'uSer Chic/Es 1-1Y7,Lirte ig,4. Order • =w---4)1&tr• tic tickne do-op. • , • , SanitarySeWage .0isposal'" =0- • 'coriditioned Machines instAlt:'oneof_lthese_Or_a_ neW Woods in .yOur barn on ,free • phone Paisley 114-i-4:4 Bray chicks, For in, thakets, " 'Pallets. Started, Bidilera: Prompt shipment,• Wide ehOice:.,Ask Agent,.15. FINLAYSON,'tuck." nciw, phone' 91. • otin HORSES WANTED *Anted at Vic per lb,; dead cattle at value,,Alf dead, Phone, at 'once 16 Gilbert Bros, 'Mink-Itaticfri collect Gott, ' tistowei ' .Ph 88 4* 561, 6tikh'148314 148331, • • AUCTION SALE: • McLelland's sale barn, Bervib, Thursday evening; June 13th,' the riteriber of cows, heif-. 'ers . and calves. • IteiniZed on : • •T-7"7"---"rr""77-4-73--;- : AUCTION SALE Clearing auction k.sale of, farm, Stock • and implbrnents and: 'household effects at, . 6, West- Waivariosh, 11/2 miles east of Glen's , Hill; Tuesday, June 18th at 1.00' •b.in. Farm' consists 'of 100 acres' more. or less, about 30 acres of 'spring crop and lha• Goo • No reserve. *on the farm_ as they want .it sold. Any reason- • able- bid will be the buyer. • • A lot Of good machinery. New 111.H. tractor .333, power steering, new 3 -furrow plow ,never used, 'new hammer. mill 10-A, never _ ' • .• Terms on. farm, 10 percent. day of sale , and ,balance in 30 days, _Chattels'. ash John G. Ferguson, Prop.; Well. Henderson, AuC. ' , • • 0 e 9 • • •' .IN MEMORIAM HODGKINSON,,in loving me bry of our-Abar_:-Iather,--Jarne_s- B. 'Hodgkinson, Who passed away June 13th, 1956 ,and .mother whO Pissed 'away . January 4th; 1942: Deep in our hearts thete's,a pie• -. ture . Of dear ones gone to, rest. , .. i•For memories sake We will keep I •• . ft . ' . Because they were the best. --4FOndly, remenibered by • the - 'Family., ; . . : . - • . ' .cAgb..OF THANKS. ri t Phone 71, Lucknow TO ATTEND GRA1D LODGE IN on TueSday. evening Of last week the. Orange County Lodge Of West Bruce 'held their semi. anrival meeting 'Kinloss • • 'fee • Cliff Geddes',was appointed, t� Hmiaurryons; Cckun,ty.:me, . County .Master' John Ernerson infprmed the brethren. that dur- ing his visit to Vancouver he -,would attend the 127th; annual, • :convention of, the Grand Lodge -e•a• 11. tgh—America. ante: Mem,berS, were present f r omtlie ' different lodges throughout the County Arid vis- iting •brethren from 'Brussels and Belgraye. •County' Master :John Emerson presided. • The anrialgarnatiOn, of lodges Was the /main subject for dis- Cussion.. BrO. Walter, Scott; Co. ,Master •for 'North Huron, gave a ry.. inStrnotive• , out ,the advantages of having the ,Counties' of -Huron and Bruce amalgamated for the 12th of July ' celebrations which' • met with. approval: Deputy' Master To 'everyone who so kindly' re- _ membered me while1 was in the :hospital, I wish to say a most silIcere"ThArmak rellaCoaYou". • ill'thers•• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas , Austin •wish to sincerely thank all those Who so kindly remembered Mr. Austin hi1e in—Victoria-71-los e. tal." • . 1- would like te. express my sincere ',thanks to , friends and neighbors. who So kindly remem- bered -With lette-rs cards: whi was • in, the: hospital in Niagara Falls. ' ,'" F3etty Hamilton. • Septic tanks, cess -pools, etc, ivrinand ac., pumped and ,Cleaped ;with sani-wish 'to express their sincere tarY 'Modern. " equipinent.• •Alf • Speeches, w.ere given, by.: Bro, McCallum • Of Brussels .and Bre. jacklin, Belgrave. Charles Em- • Merton also spoke stating .that 'was the first time .he could 're • call :that a. County Master from West 'Bruce -had ever attended a:, convention of the SuPrethe Grand -Lodge of 'British Amer - Ica,: and remarked: that we were. ftrtwtatt 'in havin,g-Tt brought to the County Lodge of •.• West Bruce.'. • • '• Have you renewed your Sentinel? • • _ . •'. .IF • YOU HAD 15606,14T Qt/Atiey• .., �-9P TWIT4E;;YO0 • ,wouLD HAVE' ,.• TROUBLE .• id, born • passed •..„Water was ir Afte •4* at Misses • Toront • Itlackli Mr. ar Willow Mrs: at the •, at Bra] • Mr; spent • iva thazn. wor giliran r4 e Guis for their Many, acts or kindness Blake,R.R. 2, Brussels, phone during2r8 russe Min's recent illness are happy to report a favorable W.e ..„ • _Osoyery. .Stratfod'Cemetery 1VIentOrials. . • : : . 38, AvOndale Md. . RayShantz ' Pro. . ert Pretty • • '''' • Phme 257w Str tfOrd memorialof las itig kiqatity • •• At a teagoriable price . and, guar. w anteed 'workinatiship 'contact our • representativo . " • Mt Prank- Wi •Iteirip: . ,; Yffling. -.;DOCtOr Passes '. ••,' .• . , Word . Word 'has been received'of the death of bi.,. Putiasti...1qatKeriiie Of • tatiff'.... He was ,.iri. '.hi g ' 42nd year and 'death came . suddenly, ,Ile „Was. the ..".160. Of; to.onald Mac'• Ketie., who formerly lived on' the lfth OOtie68Ittil '...61 ,A8 101d.' Oeai :Altbbt.1y:, Ite.i§:8,t1rViV60, , 'y - ' . , . ... ' •:!PhOite, ti; Lucknow , • ,. his wife An two-,,thildrert:. 0,..tuti,... , . .., : ,„ , ,. '„'. r... " ';.-'', ''':.': ' . ';'' ''• ‘• ,,'.'' •Okit ti.Stet,,, •• ., ' • • • ••••,.. • . .1- - ., - . , • : .. . i ! ,•.• • • . , 41, f !I t!'1(1 *91, 1". Buy Your Supply Now • • O.RT r • Send g .• • Addrot.. 'Post Offrto • °^10110 be : 'Hon, 0