HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-05, Page 11$UNE 5th;:A 195:T
,Ata Board off' Directors meet
India Prose
'ing of the :C•eorgian $ay Devel
• Qpment Association ,held, in Mid-:;
, mana+' er, e^ p.
land, the general g N ,meeting of .'I:ucl£now
-kresby ori - ;. M.
_7- ;as truo ed . to_ . t an W: S wa
v�lle',...�eef-e, w. ins , ..x..... , . � .. _. ,, _�• held.. in
lans t k e a ,the church on Tuesday e
roceed with p ,. o ...•,., Y vening;
i,.•t ..�Co t
;trap; to �nglanid.8nd :h� ,:...nln•.
ext February and; March on,
ent n . , and;
behalf Of- the economic ,develop-'
e Geo ' ian. Ba re - •
The . trip, :would ' probably
ion . ,
take. about six °•weeks and .*all'
municipalities „and ' industries • in
area. will•Ibe covered for leads'
t�e area
of the' year:
during.. the .Fall' y ar.
percent of'.a11, indust-
bout.' 80 a , ..
°res-°��thc�-=�• g laflow-
e' . representatives.df 'L
been yis�t d ..byuekno.w : united . W1V1 S< :from
May 28th to •ho or'• Re
r. n V, Angus
MacKay; •and Mrs. MacKay,.`
sioparies; from India, "wheyplan.
to,.,retur'n ,to .the .laid •in the.
'early Fall, - Mr. MacKay, went
out ,as ` '
a teacher:
. _ teacher,, ,._. , 3.0 Years.. ago,
and ' Mrs,.• MacKay' : went froin
some fiv
e year$: hater.. • .
. ,T .
Reid 'presided with
Miss gar a
;�L g . r.etk 1Vialgolrrii ° at the
iano, a nd-welt" . .. T
,�, ' .. �.�. 6n?,� gtzestS .from.
the °Association. and • a : cotnpre-
'henshre classified Hst. is in' pre.
paration .
A cruising guide to' the Ge.org-
ion Bay waters *ill be published
'in the Spring of '1958 , covering
'harbour details and: points' of
,up the. east side of Lake Huron
around Tobcrmory Point; the
southeast • and north 'sthores` of.
Georg' a back—to-De
•troit; The, Association• is jointly
sponsoring the. guide, . with the
Ontario ' • Department Of' , Travel
and Ptbblicity. Ken. and :Lucy
Wells; ,we1.1 'known ` author and
artist' respectively, will: cover ' the
area by •boat' to .gather the' . in-
formation, commencing their .trip
around July est of. this year. ;This
will he the .first such)effort .coy
ertng' the ,:G;eoigian Bay ..Region
and is designed :to •
attract • the
lucrative yachting trade; from
the Detroit ;area..
Second, :Fourth arid: :Sixth'
Rev. Robert and .Mrs 'Marsh-
arsh111` and children were' Sunday .
;uests. at. the home.', of ',Mr. ' and
tIrs. Frank. MacKenzie.•
South Kinloss W M,S`, and' from
Dungannon ' After prayer by
Rev.' W. McClean, the ..meeting
was 'turned over 'to th'e MacKays.
' r;, Mac , in his,. address•
Y ►
g.�e_ _histor o . s
Y�...f the Christtan,
church in 'India, fr
, om;, . earliest
times, the tradition • being'that
!the A ost the
p .. le ThoMas• was, the first
Jnissionar�y. He to1 '•. of tile e world
of .the, mission, with h vuhch the
are. 'eonrieeted• and said', it is re
ss onsib � : ,
p ......le for so'rri 5 ,
e miilo
intereting way 'OP the colored
slides that gaye glimpses of
India: and of thOir life •and 'work
there. There is Sc much .beauty
both in, architecture and scenery
as • well as, sordidness and ,ido)
atry 'The coW is :a: sacred animal
-arid -the Ganges. a sacred: Inver
where .millions' go: to, wash'•awa
their sins India. needs: Christ..
She Sha
,.,. ,said,their hearts :• are:s ;there•,
and they must' o back Ther•
Y are men , and, . women, in India
_ Who ' can ab`so • '
.,, , ., .., .. rb knowledge. • in
n' all branches and can rise to s_pir
people. I -Ie emphasiged• the itn
portance of ••buil rr
d ng up an in-. •
dlgenous:. church:' and
t nine
nationals to...be; leaders The-
.__urches: ;atm . , °; • : , � s
• �,. ; . to be self, upport•-
itual Chet h.t
g s•
:Caned upon ' to . t `:ank
h. he.
speakers, Miss 1Vlary` rMacLeod
..., v�!e feel,::�a sense of .relation:-�
;hip • to'°r. .Mala `.• it .
Y.f. , nsornuch
and today missionariesg. 9
the' role of,; 'advisers who' assist
the nationals. ,and' enable them
to reach' their own people.
Mrs. MacKay spoke in a 'most
as he„ comes from Whitechurch
'community, and" is a: Brother of
,Mrs, Pardon of :town and' of the
late Mrs. Mowbray. 'of Winghain
who' ,•was ani 'outstanding' worker
in the . W.M;S. • She corrimended
Mrs., Ma lay, as being a most.
Informative missionary speaker
and assured ithern that the $ c
tett' would follow there with
their prayers and interest:.
Mrs. Reid ',and
. . ,... Mrs. J Adams. • '
_presented _Mry MacKa :. w.
. Y w� ..
cheque for., $100, ' a' legacy left
,.g...y ._.t
�y the late . Mips.: Da., �d h
v. �' omp
Son' to 'the Society f or'missionary.
work: Mrs, 'MacKay. .
;1V1iaaKay was, present-
a 14iively ors. e • and.
,, , • o•.a�, .nd .• .
gift of.. chi a. Roth.
e • their a
w thanks and
reminde •
a of
1 '
.. •n r
prayer .a again 'take u
'their Strenuous
e r • tas .s •
k in a •rapid,,., .
Y.. c ang ng world �D'oo.:s:
_ .... r:.
open may ,•--soon :--close . ac
the •'
'present ` need ;is• great and re '
p ss.
int There :, is • a great dearth. of `
:Christian literature. .
The ladies of the' Senior 'Aux-
iliary served"'a dainty lunch' and
a time of . fellowship com 'Ud. d.
an -outstanding evening.
ed wit
With a
• ' ••.::a
veek's fishing in ::,Algonquin
-Mr:. and Mrs Sandy 'MacDon-
ld and .Mrs T. A. ,'MacDonald
/ere recent" guests with . Mr. and
fes; Ira'.Dickie • and • boys_
The teacher,- pupils and sever
I parent's from the Second Corr
?ssion'.school enjoyed ,a bus. trip
Niagara , Falls on May '22nd..
Mrs, ,Harvey Houst-en,: 'Drstri'
resident of. the, W,I. and • Mrs.
,Emerson, secretary, •attended'
ie Brute: • Central ' :::District An=
ual ' at - Arkawright and -t}ie
orth`• Bruce . Arinual-.'at Zion, •
rnabe1- POWnship, .fast' ,week.
Week-end'vis'itors with .M,r; &
rs. ,Harold .Austin • and; boys
ere Mr and •Mts. Lloyd Fraser
Exeter and:''Mr.' and .Mrs Jim
d{rnley-an rthee- daighters:of
Mr. Thos 'Austin ts, . a' patient
/Victoria Hospital in' London' •
Miss Betty. .Rami torn who "has'
en, •ill:
in the . General Hos ital'
Niagara; 'Falls, ' Was able to
me home on Monday.' '
Mr, and. ' Mrs. 'Graham Mac-
tald, Anne c& Jimmy of Lon
U-; and ; :Margaret:
ss Margaret: Mac-'
raid and Mack: MacDonald of
rnia e :wer
.:_. _ ..home:. .for •tle.' week-
*, and Mrs, ' Evan
Keith and
,; .
and.,: Mrs: -.Dou las Gr .hff
r b air . `:.�
e guests • at 'Mac Keith's wed=
ig at 'Ringwo9.d„on._.Saturday.
Yoti ;have. acute' ap • n-
'air Patient: Oh; Doctor, don't
:ter Pirie!
he village of Neiistadt,. locat=
five miles •• south of Hanover,
he 64th •rnunici alit :.
Ford Skyliner "Hide-Awa,y". 'Hard
to most'exciti g nc Hard-
, rth:t:
Alt .the snug protection of a hardtop
plus the sun-lovingfun: of a convertible. .' ..
Another automotive first from Ford.'.
ea -
1 • I_
say ®everopment
dation. •
his is 'the -highest. me
that the Association has en -
)y 'strted i-t-•incorpc ration
at t vo years' agb. • .
Zone 2, Whieh' 'comprises
Counties of Grey and 'Duf-,
' •the Only 'incorporated
lcipalities that are not Inet'ri,
a''re Chatsworth and' Flesh-
I.:There are 13': irtembers in.
Bruce Cdurity, the only
oticiis being' 'epwortli Farid
1'. All entries must: be submittedon official
"Sales Jamboree:' entry forms.
-2. "Sales Jamboree" entry forms are:obf:•
tainable • only ,from your local Ford
Monarch ,Dealer:.
:. 3, Complete this statement in 50 words or
'less: 'I .would like••to Own and drive the.
new kind of Ford because=- "..
4 • To be eligible, your "Sales Jamboree"
_.entry' tnUst` be signed -by your—Feed;'',-
.Monarch Dealer or one of his salesmen.
5. Entries must be. deposited in' the official
"Sales-. Jamboree": contest entry, box'sf,
' 6. A.y person resident in Canada and d pos-
traIrdriver s license is.'
gible, with, the exception of employees . .
of 'Ford 'Motor Company of Canada •
Limited, : its :dealers, ,'its' advertising,.
agencies and• their; families.
There',, nothing •to buy! °'15'glamor'
: ous prizes will be awarded during,
!he. big Ford -Monarch •"Sales Jam-
boree"- June
am-boree"''June 10th -August 17th.. At
the "'end of '-every : second. Week a
winner 'will ' be selected from each
.of these areas: • The fdur Western
Provinces, and • Lakehea'd area—;
Ontario --Quebec,: -Maritimes an
• For ten .wonderful weeks, we're holding
• abig "Sales Jamboree". At' the end of
every". Second week we'll be 'awarding
three fabulous prizes=a Feld'Skryliner
"Hide -Away" -Hardtop, -a; Monarch
Lucerne Convertible and a •Ford Sun-.
'liner Convertible! • .rust think of it,
there are 15 glamorous'new cars'Wait.
ing•• to- be won—and you ..couldbe a'
winner Get•,the full• details from your.
• `Ford -Monarch dealer.'
The` glamorous• Skylines is a' mile
stone in' automotive design -the top:'
car in the •• Ford-line—but every Ford
Model .from Thunderbird':' to Station .
Wagonand from'Custom''.to l~airlane: ..
500 is, just as outstanding" :` in its., field
Monarch toe, is the success car in its•,:.•.
r .
'field. Fired with the spirit of •the`luture,
Lthe all-new'Monarch-'is 'wa u 1�i-ii size LL '
and, with its imaginative styling,is the •
Surprise carofthe • year;.•.
' If you want to own the -leaders ...
in performance and preference . in
stYle and stamina ;,y in Sheer glamour
and newness.: go Ford or M'onareh!,
cull et
Monarch LucerneConvertib,le-•-fired Ford SO 11 nor ‘Converfib!O.-,
• with the spirit °of the future. Surprise this sculptured -in -steel' beauty 'is longi
titer catinA 'field 1—�-
- . ew�-rid*loa`ded�
'eatestlealtin low
Y r.