HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-05, Page 9WEDNESI AY, Vu 1,957 f.UCKNOW SENT CANDIDATES IN BRUCE RI DMN B: - BLUE Liberal Candidate. )ANCE ,RECITAL., ;ONCLUDES TERM Pupils of Miss' Arny Johnston's. ancing . 'school , '.:concluded the arm with a 'dance;recital on Fri ay evening. . in the Lucknow Dis- ict high., .School. auditorium, [iss . Johnston . presided and rs." Jessie Al;lin•. was' .pianist: Guest: ists d 1VI sSheila cKiirnon;'• Owen .'Sound dancer' i.d members .'of .the 48th Haigh-. nders of ,Canada, who did's:pec Ity piping .and '''dancing Their ivices. were: available by .the. urtesy: of the Colonel and Pipe shot Archie :Dewar. Members • this' lamed_ band in attendance Dre Pipe'.t. Ross:. _Stewart,•. Monday • next, .June 10th, is .D"omtnion EIei~tran- .Day- -- , .i -t: ' polls open from 9.00', •a3n. 'to 7.0.0 across the. nation. To exercrse • One's : franchise is. a privilege And a duty' -=-a .duty • that should ,'be self-imposed by one's gownConscience, `Our ancestors recognized the right:• of a , dernocratic vote and took,the matter much More: ser iously, then do' we today ."In" the last 'Dominion. election ?over 2 ' ii� ".lion voters failed `to :,take the trouble to ge tothe polls. This should• not. be, And such, indif- ference is a stigma on our •ap-: preciation of the democratic way' of life. On Monday don't •say,' 'My Vote doesn't matter"..It does; be sure to cast it, ' Vote as ..you like, .but vote! .ANDREW E,; ROBINSON,-: Conservative'"'Candidate Dalton, ly lorerice IVIaaLennan,' Mary, Elizabeth •;Walden, Jean MacDonald; Jean Drennan, Bar- bara MacKenzie, Joan/ MacKen= zie.• .: senior• group was con.pos- cd of Banjara Fin,la.yson, 'Jane Finlayson, ••'Betfy f3e1:1, Dianne. Jamieson, S`anda Brooks,'. Mar- • gat et •:MacLennan, • 'Mary Ailin,`' Finlay Maci+et,nar MILK PRICE INCREASE EFFECTI'vE NEK;T•MO1VDAy Mrll; prices • inLucknow,`` common with other dairies. in Bruce ,,,County, are '•due for. ..an '' increase., Regular milk: •will go up :loci!!'.: on .Mond•av by •2 cents uart t• Chocolate iriilk .pri:ces also go tip i more 114 • HON LOUIS; Sr.' •.• . L,A URENT • dellritmy: MacPherson':` sl,igahtly, with table arid ' whip The; prize for selling, the most :,pi'ng cream rerrxai zi : ; _ ._. r ng uneh-ant, ed at '23.c and• 30c � �.,' ,: respectively . The • .increaseis due' 'to:, . Gov ei-nm.ent legislation „ 'whereby, `Br•uce',.(:ounty •'low; comes''u•nder•; the provincial bargaining done;. with county' producers—.of .fluid rri;lk . 'h.avi.n.g been given • an i.n, endrea: e. '•bv :s he : 'Milk : Cpat>=o_l_( kgts to the, recital 'was Won Wendy MacKenzie The:' variety' program as pre lied .:by t:he dancing school pils was as follows;: . • Bye; ."Bye 'Blues, ,•Fay Hogan, net .Carruthers, Jane ,•,ioyirit, aron. Mowbray,: Joan Mack Wendy MacKenzie,:. Jo ilker, ' Karen Walney,: Bryan eenaway; Ain't:' `She Sweet, zabeth` Finlayson; Children's cam; Helen' Courtney,... Janice' �3 se; Linda '��=-Mir-ra`a—Gr-i-'f •- i, Lauda, Hodgkins, Wanda. nter; Me and My:. Shadow, is Conley, Sharon. Lowry, Ty Aliin, Elizabeth Finlayson yCe, Board;': which • is being passed" on, by the: dairies o :lfhe :. ..Prior:. to : this,•.Biuce• County dairies were; their own .:barga'in-, ,agents, .'end:. milk 'prices ,pro- vincial bargaining. zones:: An .advertisement in this issue lists the prices in ..effect ° in'' the Village' next :Mondey,. idy, Thompson, E an__A. e - luta ful' Baby, Karen .: Wasn.ey x The. on.e"th.i na .: b worse' than a,� 'r ntella,,Lois Conley,' Sharon quitter is the nian:.who, is afraid.' Y, Mar' y. A .lin, Elizabeth Fin,- 'to begin'.' son, Trudy Thori pson . Evan g aeW,' Irish -Jig, .Barbar'ai Mae. 'Kathleen ;Dalton, Karen sney, ' Joan' 'MacKenzie; Tap Ice, Lois ;Conley;. , Five Feet o, ;Helen ' Cou;'rtiiey, ' Janice e, Linda Boyle; Gri,f Lana, , 1 -to' 1ig.kins, ;'Vanda Iter, Irish Reel, Barbara Fin-' ion,, Jane.... ,Finlayson, '. Betty Sandra Brooks, lAargaret' `Len•nan, 1Vlary Alln,. Diane iieson; . ,•Finlay' ' MacLennan; aries, Fay Hogan, Jane Joynt, ton Mowh u'-, Joan Meek Joyce 'VValkei•;. ',Continental, Y Allin, ,Evan , Agnew; Little Y Make Believe, Joan Mac- 'rap, Wendy MacKenzie. en Wasneyc,. 11r van Gree,na_- Jit%`t . C rrii_i 'e '� .Too--I3a number, Mary• :Alli'n; '1'� n, Lowry; Ballet, Fay :1 -lo- Janet ,Carruthers, 'Jane' it, Sharon Mowbray; Joan' I en'7.ic., Wendy MacKenzic,' e Walker Karen . , i'naw'ay •` Tip""dance,, i. Agnew, Toe ballet,, Lynda.' oi?: rOt•,iFiini;s groui4,. Dark - 'Strutters Ball, Fay' I- oogan t.�-L.Carrtrt re s, Jane .foynt : on ' I fowbraav . • Joan 1\16,Ken-: Wen y MacKenzie, Joyce' area' Wasney, "Bryan 'naway: ' Love's Dream,: Sen• pallet group, . otch dancing; featuring the land Fling and Sword dance Perforttncci, by both the jun- Ind sonicr•Stade tS, • l.uniilt _ ro:___W g`... up included" n Wa;Srie .ry i . yx Maz;y. �''ilnla spin eftderson;' ,'Kvathle ori. JOHN 1,DIEFENBAKER CANDIDATES IN_ ELSTON CARDIFF • Corse-vative Candidate START' SECOND, CENTURY AT S.K. South Kinloss' Presbyterian Church: has entered the second, century-; since the' establishing;of . this historic congregation•• and on: Sunday . fitting • services were. • held'• at' the Big, Church' to :ab ser e .the 101* anr itersary;' .. The newly ;inducted 'minister, Rev. Robert'.T. A. Marshall.; who arrived :here: from Northern .Ire;- lend Ir-e-land 1 ust a `month 'ago, .delivered, inspiring ',.,sermons : morningand evening to, large congrega `i s.. Baskets. of, spring' flowers Sur- rounded.' the .` altar;':'incl'udtng •,a basket of. roses • from the7.4Mac= n.z a arni y • in rnemnor,,y of . the late Wm.,• MacKenzie ;of' Luck now; 'The choir, under the direction of Mrs. ,'Phillip •'Steer and with Mrs. .Herb :Buckton es: organist; provided ,special music.'that was well, received, andfwhose efforts ;drew ••'a word of. appreciation• from the ' :'minister,,. ATho ` also tha !ked the ladies for the• floral de.eora-tion ,. '°In the Morning the•choir sang the. ..,a•nthenn•• '`O Beulah; Land`'; • Phyllis and Ruth Steer rendere:d- ;a duet,..•and o . mixed : quartette cif • N!r aril Mr Meer, . , Rarer 'Steer` and Frank . MacKenzie. sang .,"Great Is. Thy Faithfulness." At' the evening 'service ':Mrs: Steer' sang a solo and the choir i endi_tion_«ca `'GG.utde-Mem D 'Ilhou= :Great :Jehovah" Is ''yo.ti' .subscription pard? OUNGSTERS; PERFORM AT LOCAL• DA NCE ;RECITAL Some of the enthusiastic young dancers' taking ng part in the G600 -it .the Lucknow Dancing School' last F'rid'ay ni.ght the 13`igh 'School Aud t,irittrn are lett to right: Myrna. Griffith;, daughter -of Mr. arid Mrs. Per Ciiif-fith of Bervie , 'Vanda Hung r Wt, da'u��litci of Mi•, 'and f ` r 11 l;.ni' iitlttt�.i of Zaorit. Li•ncla 8:04:1p, dataghter' of ' i,Vir=. and Mrs: • James nuc . 6 1 tk..o...tli . .- .i cc. lit,let' ba1•u rit1as took '.'t art' in x,1.1 t s:". ",Chi1di'e?Iv's' tkvatti', dtirtc'�/� •GA. • tititiiiE�1' piiotis; ANDREW X ' Mcj EAN .Liberal Candidate LADIES IN• CHARGE ON SUNDAY • AS. PASTOR. ABSENT, • The ' M.S.. ladies, had charge., of arranging, .and conducting:. Sunday morning's. service in :•the. United :Church in. the 'absence of Rev' G. A.'Meiklejohn who' was.,;;,.' •attending Conference; Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, presi , dent of the W.M.S., ':conducted. the service,' and • Mrs. • Orville Jones, •president' -of the ' Evening,' = Auxiliary, read.the scripture. Nlrs. B :Green.• of St.' Helenas gave.a��sp•lendid' address on • the. theme, :Rope". Ushering and'.' re sewing : the'. offering Were • Mrs. Burt Roach, .,Miss' `'Ada Webster,'. MiSi George •�Whitb ' sand: rrmstron g•. Mrs. Drennan made ',reference' to74-1-lovely.-- nemairial ;bouquet ..:: placed. in the church Burns .:family.. She also paid 'crib Pte to .1VIr. and Mrs. Burns;_ who that day were celebrating their diamond • wedding::- 'anniversary' and, Who through ,years ' have been .deeply devoted•• to the .work of ..the :enure i; , }1. BRUCE: PRODUCING COUNTY AI the annual meeting. tit the ers, attended by Over ..100! beef men, ,the ° gathering was' ' . told,' that ' Bruce is' now the .top :beef ,;pro- .ducing County in 'Ontario. .4„-ew McTavish -=•of- Paisley -';is ' president'' of 'the, Association; Ernie Ackert. of Holyrood, vice president,: and,') ,Nortval ::Stewart,. R."6, Lucknow, secretary-(reas=: • urei .1 CONFIRM. 'ELEVEN A:T ST PETERS On .Sunday';;,; June • 2nd, 'et 1.1 in' St:.:' Peter's ,'•Church, '. Lucknow,, the' 'Rev. H. ;L: Jen=.-'' nings•' presented a : class.' of el oven candidates to the Right Reverend W" .. A,. Townshend., D.D.., • Siffraaan Bishop , of • the Diocese •x Nurn-n Those confirmed, were, Agnes Marie Black Clara Mae. Stewart;:.: Mel•in Wayle' Stewart, 'J'eanette Rose Mole Douglas Benson Mole and' Mt s. betty Ann Mole. • • • H. Cornish;'' 11drs: ".Janet. • Anne: Farrell and Mr: .:and. Mrs: Joht.• • Dodds Of St Pants, Itiplcy. • ,' Richard Dodds, :: ,10 -''ear -old' ,son` of Mr, and Mrs.. John •Dodds of 'Ripley, very, ably acted..a_s. -s •p s ctTapia1n, carrying the Bishop's: staff :durin,g•:the', ser \i'. A lon regt4.°\111 fiof mrnt - . "bei s—ofarge tice our'acongregation ` Were' present, froth. Sty P'eter's "I,ucktrow. St Paul's ,Dungannon, Chtit�Paul's h til �o �ip.ey Albert -arid Christ ' ` •' J isitors .were present from ' Kinlouh,. Ailsa ('Craig and Harriston. Thee' •chtoi'r, rudder •th'e leaderµ liip of Mrs, Fred fur, 'itilli . pr'esented' a .sultaab1e tnthenz for.'" The Bishop. and. 114148.f Towns- hend- Weire' entet`taint!d a•t lunch t`on . its the.. eGto'ry;. ` aT• •