HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-05, Page 7yyVD,ly'ESDA.Y, JUNE .5th, 1957` GU MORE MILLER St Boniface Roman Catholic Church,. Zurich, with a setting of carnations•'and snapdragons, .was 'the scene of a iovel�r June wed- —dingon, :$aturday, a: 10 30 a m?, tiyhen Ashes �Cece-lia ler dau= ghter of IVI'rs.::Walter Miller of Zurich arid the late :Mr, .'Miller, became 'the bride of Gerald Pat- rick ' Gilrrnore,• son of Mr. and Mrs., R. Ashfield. Towz?ship ' The •ceremony- was perffornned by Rev.: her `M. D. • Monaghan.: ' •:Given in ,marriage her bro= they;.' Hubert .lVI'iller,' the ., (bride, :was lovely , hi princess line.•gown of 'nylon' s7ieer, .featuring` round 'ed portrait. neckline with nylon applique, , ,and : lilt, point : sleeves. The: skirt featured large: godets. —falling.' from the hip'"line softly to the -hemline, Her finger tip veil of , :Frenclh illusion . 'with :chantilly lace applique: w a•. :ca -light to, ,a headdress • of ••cY�arit illy lace. ;scattered .with ,seed: pearls. She carried a. hand boa duet • of hybrid ,; orchids arid stephanotis: F Muss, _'ranccs- Qill ore of -Lon.- don, 'sister.: of the .groom •- •was bridesmaid arid -the' ,matrori of honor, was Mrs., Russell Oesch of :Varna,. sister of the' .• bride. ' The attendants „ We r e ' identically gowned iii . cocktail -length .gowns of nylon flocked symph9ny,, pale blue. Thee bodice moulded• to the 'figure. featured a large shoulder strap extending ; 'from' the front. bust ..over' the ' •shoulder to' the' back; "with .bouffant skirt.': 'They• wore ',matching. crownless Pict- ure'i ats a�n,d carried handy �Gou quets`of .Queen Elizabeth 'yellow. roses. ,The; groomsmen were James Gilmore •arid Arthur: G:lmoi�e; �brathers, • :of the groom: :Miss.. Cecep Denoane ;• of Zurich:' was orgy ist and, the :soloist •was:' Bdn'. ny S:t;innissen.Y.The ''ushers were Joseph Judge and Samuel 'Bryan of Lor:iduu: MHZ i.UCKNOW S ENTIMA LLICQ •_.. W, .ONTA,R,iO (Continued from Page 2) the Romney and the' Corriedale.. are the :t*oundation breeds, cross- ed With the.Southdown,., The higihest' price 'ever known to have been d wool w,as: —51-0-peirce per,pound. The' young lambs were 'shorn.- of the first early fleece, and: they' were again shorn When the fleece. 'had, grown out, . This • wool was sent;., to. Italy'.to acidic cloth for: theat rival costumes: Th'e' plan: is lis approved ,of .by many, as being: too.. avaricious; if not cruel ,Down `at Bluff which' is, at the extreme .south ,of Sout4° _. Island'; and incidentally. the most smith_ enty pgrt'in the British ;Common- wealth, freighters. ' were being .loaded; 'over, beyond the',piers, is a woo' "- (bailing .establishment where smaller sized bales 'are ,be- ing .pressed to ,make bales of ;450 pounds, each A freeziri'g • plant. is, rearbx•., Railroad' carts '• rattle along• as ,,the wool and, the:meat -are carried—to-the---ships, w%tl1 :destination at European ports. .'• • Much. ' ,of. the Product of 'New Zealand: "is ,,.used for ' borne: con ,,sumption. There Are woollen: s mills sand :garment factories Fifty, percent :of the carpets use are of ltome manufacture and these carpets' are of • artistic' • pat- ' tern and, desirable. texture. .Lea-,. then is also produced .in. abund ante :..Froin te various confider-, ations' New. Zealand :.should 'L.be. a• .country , with a prising ' fu.t-' ure:''Thos'e whovisit these, South• Sea Islands are certain; ::'to: •,re ceive a .earty welcome frorari _:a:., hospitablhe ,_peo_ple who s teak the; same 'language; 'dress i. a alar: manner, and act as'.'we :do.: This. distant land is crow' easy to get .to, with ;comfor,:table ships and reliable .:air liners....New Zealand possesses attractive toui• ist possikilitics. •'with its pleasant clitrna.te, :as well .:a's''� its scenic beauty.. • .J .1174 ' For a.. 'reception at Zurich , Dominion Hotel, the .bride's. triter re`ce vel in 'a blac.k:fai:lle, dress. with •. 'black, and ';white cessories and an' Orchid corsage,: The groom's mother chose . a royal . blue dress with navy ; .and:' white. accessories • and an .orchid. !Osage.: w The bride's travelling costwrne was a 'hoige'w-bol uit .witch—green: ind brown; accessories °and' a : by irid ,orchid: ':'corsage' After ;' a veddir g trip to; Quebec;: Mr.` and,. ars, .Gilmore will take' up;,'resi•= lence • in 'London: lay, Inerease` Hospital Rates Although •Wingham . Hospital; arned, ' :$23,577 during • April,.. here was an operating; deficit.of 302' for the. ' month',` : and • the bard 'has ;considered the' pass )ility .,of ,a further' increase in ates,' if .the, situation' doesn't' reprove Rates at the Hospital' were used at the beginning, ' of Feb aaly; The cost of private wards ,ands .at..$0;50 ;per day, semi rivato , wards., .$8.00'; active. ards, '$6,50; 'nursery TO O'FFYCIALLY,OPEN, BRUCE; IZIGISTRY OFFICE- The new addition. to the Bruce .County •.Registry Office 'an4 the renovated Court :House l officially "opened on_;Fri°day "dr- : 'ter• �o n on, June 7th, at • 2 t?0 .ap mi The Hon A. Kelso Roberts,, , 9.C„ Attorney -General. for . the:' Provinde of. O'n.tari. tally. open the. Registry: Office,: and' the: Hon. James C.: McRuer, Chief.: Justice of the 'High 'Court of Justice for ` Ontario fici,atert-House at. :the.',opening of ,'the • The ceremony, to ;which the public rs cordially invited, Will take place on the grounds of the, County ,Buildings,' 'Walkerton, with 'the Walkerton Town ;Band in attendance.' `Dear •Hon'e Counsel: 'Three' Week's ago Xi•iy -husbandwent out ;;fo get a loaf of bread . and I haven't...seen'. him ''since 'What. should I do? --=Mrs. 'J.' 'Dear Mrs. J: ` Don't'. wait any; longer, Send out fdr another loaf. of bread's. nldren's ward, $4.75; .chronic The test of good manners is aid, $6 50 for the first . month,. to be able to - put- .,u,p--pleas:an.tly-. iereafter $5,00:: ' , with bad ones, ,�b�:.K•I NG BACKWARDS THROUGU`'I`J E SEN71.7 1 LE.S 'Teo Years Ago Reeve J, W. Joynt was elected �'he __Village council- rete t�ect ,riper( of gra : t3 - y e etter f-rolrt-•D-i- : . ing. Wm. Walsh of l'(incar Department' of• i-iealth recom- ne . • mending that thee,, .accept the Installation' of an. electric, or-Secondaryivell� n as authorired b the 'Prey bRobert Tr phixl'aialdRced t 'the. Leri.congregation.• ' an Church , � , a e of 74 � � Llrc�cl South:, It're- iatibns' i t; rssue.d a Call.' to .v. Angus Smith to .:sttcr.ed._ r`14.• F,-Dann...'' ned the cost • of dental 'cart Public; selool :pupils, )(mean iMIethirle died: :tiff' the or 52r .• 3rawn m,, ,.. was. aselect rd rden; of, H-itaron Count Ile s the first bachelor .warden t �h stoz+y Of. the'County;an`d frr,st warders, frog" West °wahos]i..:.n69'oar; ..;�.• , x.�_ . 't`w►enty 'ears .AtTt : . in, het 'MWm.otvlei opened practice . here stred'eeding. Dr Bowen. The SecCincl Coi cess r l:i"'sc do�l Was closed because of, an' ',epi` denvc Of. scarlet fe,vc'i;w Heroic efforts , by CaSwell 'Hackett resc;uod his ,three young; sons from ''drowning,after they 'had broken through fifth' ice • oh Treleavcnis-Mill • Poral,. '%,eoiiard McLeod' tucknow nigh 8ehoel•, 'was awarded a°'trip .to Otthvya •as the guest' of W% R,, ° On hin .. that has: been o ' er led � • in this camp,( n is•• Mr St.. :taproot's so t• ectal • g aurent s general at - titude toward . Britain. l Its is practically: the same government that lit:. 1.9 : refused : allow train in..:' Canadian air, a concession which if 'granted .would probably; have ' . p:., the Battle .of r Britain: Since repented then . it- has granted: greater. concessions to the United States; quite .properly, ane. without a murmur. The. Prime . Minister'si i,. apt pude • is disclosed too in is :: grudge + against. such : words as "royal" > >and "dominion"; in his letter to 'the : head,y of the ,CBC and.: to Mr. Eden which . was described" • " . as � "blistering". It .. ,..was ., Minister that attitude trial made. ..., the Pr><me-.:and ', Mr. -Pearson place C nada- with ,the U.S. and us' *** - , R sia in opposition to ' the Anglo-French stand on the Suez; .� • issue which would have settled.the: i matter had it not • been � aborted ; , ' by .. interferencetheir..:: which brought about the situation as it . stands - to -day. The 'to' vez'nment which could riot. •a:ff ord , to add- .. 'more. than .six '•dollars .a : month • to the d•'o . 1 Age Pension was ,glad , o • s ne d -a milliori.'dollars :an eleven :hundred Canadians. to. E • ' t gyp , • the net result of: which is t the ... :.re-establishment : of Nasser as dip tator of Egypt 'and. 'the humiliation of •• Britain and.1'rarnce, • *'1 A' 4i • • • x) • r • • ,. N r, 4 Spohsei:»ed, by. The .other"vstive *Ass ". ' rucer 1. •