HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-05, Page 34 e • • • • • • . • • i • VP:OSP:AY/ JUTNT 5t11, 1657 LUCKNOW .ONITEP; ifev. 0,• A. NleilLleiohnl JUNg„,, IS.D. . 31 41.,90••-.4;*;•' "SO •. • •• • .••,•- • -•:-,,- • • LOCknOW Presbyterian hu Aey.. Wallace 111cClean‘ • , ist'• , • $lJNDAY; JUNE ,9th. mr.:. Sunda •3School: 11,00 a.m.': Scrmon,"; by•. 'Reed.• • , • • •3.00 p.m.: 'Dungannon, • Jim' Reed.". ' 33e4 1I,14. 1411011,0V Luc„ <erne: lteeeel4PtreAt,A, ••*$.• 7 '4 • •• " 7.117,1r117T . ! „ • e' " %•,; • x• and Mrs. Thomas Burns Observe Diatriorld/Vecidiri Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas H Burris, spent the anniversary With them: lifelong, and highly 1,e4eenied, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harald • Burns and resdnt nf this David--of--Torontof,--Mr-r--and-Vtr- Served. their sixtieth wedding an- Stanley Burris of St, Thomas and niverSary 'On Sunday, June'2nd. Mrs.. SteWart Burns of Detroit. The • y. reCeiVedHgreetings , arid Mt. -and Mrs. Burns have twice best wishes on this special oc-• *been sadly bereaVed in the death. • • cision -- one that, comparatively of ,:tWo ISOM, Stewart 3 and. Elliott; • few are" sparedto celebrate, and .n(.1flowers in the Church, on which bro.ught: messages from SundaY •Were..in, their. memory. MANY ON SICK Hon Louis S St La4rnt. J.nara, . Ann Beaton, darIgliter ,of . , Her.. Majesty The,' Queen, and mrs, Burns was former The'royal rrlesage read...."The3'3Mr„;and Mrs Angus eaten' of LIST LOCALLY: , Queen' sends -.YOU •Warrni C*.i:)rigrat-.ParatriOurit where she was born ..• ' 3 , illation and good wishes •on YOur 3ancl' raised, andLiii -1897 'married . . This Community' seems: b diamond wdding dayMr.. St. to .Thomas -Latirenes greeting 'read'7"..1 have on Con 19,31-luron.ToWrishiP anti came ,t63 as a 'lad He was employed at the "14tiek•-, now: -Table CoMpatiy for 5.2...years and this day 'does not like to. be idle, and. keeps .buy, -Rt this time, of year his spacious .gar- . . at ''the ,present , time with some I learned from Mk. D. B,..Blue that • . , . Y cases having 3;be caus.eltir con- . .,.. , ou will 'cel6brateyour diamond ern. y ,:: .:.. T . a : . ' . ..r .' Ur eOrtg anniversary. on Sunday, One; of ..the ' more fartunate Aine-znd, 1 .sendmy ,w4rin con, TiCtinis'. was ; Lorne 'Reid, • local gratulatiOri§*and,Very„good'Wish-. rn hoe repair merchant..Lerne Si4.3, , to yoU. both on this.occasiOri”.. feriaay.erypainful kidney stone l. Bokh Mi and Mrs, Bitrn.s, were deil•,.. Mrs. Burns is likewise in-, ttailt,a 'Week -ago ' 811114, ay„ Hp 89 years, , of age in '.May. ' Both dustrious and keeps . her .,home .388 t4k3e,11_,i0.,,:..WITIgliakii .1:IPS:Pit:al enjoy tornParatively.:goOd. hea.itii SiotieSSly:..neat, . A. bi -arni-iver, na later to31..Viietoria .,3Hospital, and are 3 alert "and -aotive. Devbt- sary..a.ke ..graced the.livirit.roOrn ... . piktliin,;where PreparatiOnS were. ed :and faithful thikieliJolk they table,.and.Mrs, Y.urns took much belt* made for surgery whexi a were in. the .. family ,pew.:.in .,the pleasure '• in ,serving the many O.:Operative X-ray..reVeiled..that• miited,, Church ..Op..SundaY.: With friends 3-'' who Called to. extend he operatiOn was not rieceasarY, 'members of 'Alieir.:family' -, who., their Siricere ,best s•WisheS. 6 .,''. , .3 orne:retiirried.:hOrne on Friday • • ' . .• '3'1 .3 ,. ' '‘ . ' •3', . : :7 d is back- on'the job again,' . l'surgery:,..in • St....JoePb'.'s .1-loSPital.. Mr. arid Mrs: Iiin...B.tirt - and . reight, has also • Undergone' a- NOrrria •Burvand Lou Carnignar,N, Maier operatiOn in • Victoria M $ , , • etv, ' ° • Stock oddnier0- in. all sizes oottons; Silks,'nylon4 rayons. • • Meg* are oriOiAally up, to $18.9k • • - 49400901'0044440":0•1'4*0440347.01.0.4,!+,..4 69e ; s • $a.2.00 4•. Wrt ; • • NYlons • . 75c *Girdles: t't t Panties -,7-;,.............. Bloases liitSkirtS s 14 Shorts 2 8 Shorty Cats 1/2 Price,. . Tris 5 Many Items 'Not:Listed . • • . New Shipment of . •. COTTONS including SUN DRESSES 161/2-241/2, 10 to 20, 36-53 , , $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 . ` :1 4f.., • 311:• ,. • 3,3 3 • , , , • • •• 3.3 7 • -7774 At. 4. 414 • 42 r o 7. Ladies' and Men'S.: Wear Fashion Millinery 3NOTICE RE . • ••. '•: , • g 3 • - 313' ."; • 7 77 • •• 33, •,3 '3••• . • • -•;3.4,": 7777 • • . •. has - v ''S t Due .IO-70oVerrirrient,Le,gi.slation, truce County: h ,. ,.. . , . • . , 3 ' been. dedlared a 'Provincial" Bargaining Zone .and all .3'. Producers of fluid,Milk tO the Dairies ih'the;COunty .: • ' Were granted an increase 1-..,,,y , the Milk.Conirbl.Board .• • ,.. 1 I. *.: • ' ' M 4 11. at a , hearing on May 1 t .. • ' . , -,.. • : .. „ • We regret that - we twist pas incregoe . , to the consumer And as of r • • IVIrS. James 8eaton underwent • : fortr.ier „4.tickPovitei: iRdY girls 'attended the wedding *.of- aipital, Lotion, a *eeic 440. SetiO. s Operation 'London: •Saturday, at Toronto. A 're- burSdar arid Is 'Making:: a ,Thelittle .charige in the Ikas held •foiloWing ..the' . • -1 ri-of Ha r ve y3.3Brook.-1,10,--Weddingaratt-he Seawar-Hritel. iaCtqltTreeqvel:Y'-'7-77.'•has-. neVer regained' cons0011sf Mr. Fred' and GOrdrin ,SteWarcl, • Charles Anderson.; of.. Zion • is.. srie s f011oW,ing seitire' .ovet Mr, 'and. Mrs. Hugh, •Cirining,„ onfined to bed at' his home with ten-; dayS, was a little ..44 uloria, and Billie all of London, .*heart and: • *ill. have•: stronger- -StMdaYT.-t ibut and Henderson • of 6 rest fOr'SOrne thne. MrS. Tuesday his condition rson hasni..bee4.-eni-o-Y-Ing-g-ctcl±traireakerred% ' Toronto visited 1 st w their parents,'„Mr;.and Mrs. Chas. ealth and was hospitali4ed prior .3 • • „ •SteWard. Charlie,. Who suffered ,ItEDUc li14414, , r a stroke the 1i:rat ,of last' week,', Charlie's .iIineSs, .- Charles 13orinett iOWn .stif3=. ered stroke. recently and wad aken to Wingham On onday •he', was transferred' to; orniett bought: the t'auckriow aker's Private -Hospital., 'Mr., esidence .Of. the late.,..$tithard: alter /folliiwing his' death. , ,.• „Charles.' Steward: suffered a broke on Monday of last week. ils•tho: second' such seizure.ibut vas pOt seVere and Charlie' s hiproving so well that,.he was 'ble to, be' tip on: ,Sunday', Lloyd' returned 'home on • ondaitrotti-Winghani 'Hospital here he was al patient. for SiX flfa.P" . is, feeling pretty ood but his. complete reooverg quirts -Continued rest arid he V1.-be..,hedfast,4Hils-1ionitt" One ttta Roberts 'Of 'town waS, ken to Victoria. lidspital, Lon- On,•ori Monday,. -where 'she'will e -ha , ' • . , _. i ., 7 . •(COniinued' from Page 1). , , Without lhayfng to engage Coun- . • ty eqUipment.: • •- . •, .. .,.,Stanley 'rhompson'l Bruce . Co, weed ,inspector,,, is to make his. inapectior.cot-the: Vil-tage:In--the- I case of un -cut -'weeds, the:3procecl- , tire IS 'to 'notify the property, 1*, owner to ,haVe this,.done. Fail- Ang to do. this by a specified• ItiMe, action is taken AO do the (job and the cost'charged 'against the propertY.. . ; , Council , instructed' donstable , , , 4-71ayeri.s to check-up on, bicycle, ridifig on" the sidewalks, as coni. Iplaints had been ' reCeived -cif, ladies having been') run. inte; ' .ai_reP_ortectiltat_stog• .tai tyift_w levies have not, alt been paid' ,and'Constable Havens Was , aUth- • oItriZvve,do tofelgto tohiierteancsd-:gepllte:ttitphiee. tax and report back to the- toard, ..:v.431,,,m7.., .- of' thd 'to*: : • 1 • t*iti '• • • • .the' following prices will be in 'effect: .f REGULAR : MILK quart 22c, pint Ile SKINI MILK: 16c‘ CHOCCOt.ATE/MILK oz. bottle 6c 77 /—j*BLE—CREICW c .WHIPPING 1/2. pin! 30ci is improving. : • • . 00411111001MKI11111.411141111FIN1.0410.14.11M1P0.1115. — h 'd -*.been ra----B3sPjtat—for'the- ast week • • • , Mrs Mac 'MacLennan .tiiider- . , • . . eoenkt.,an ope. r4tioh. irt31..Oric1011 last Det7r120:tr:4y.r.rt!s'ee.-Rn45-YCgie of tis'itrining'Ny' titiersoo' Irwin has been in relativesii the egitriuiPit*Sr. 1 -108th 4_0.-PP:114_40.-t4.4;Abe,4, telt. Emerson has ,had-, a' very' meetingis being held', at fight stroke but is also,:j0,,ifer;• g eensicierablY ;from What iriOLY 18th, - It :1S" the Oyaridmothers ev.sed. '7-77 , taken this weekrrd lihotrip5ili13,1brinerly7., -64 ,l‘/lrs3. Rae Watiori who h cl Kinloss, wa8 caller in town n critically ill Winghain I, srent ospital, is •cOntintiing tit/ Titiliesoli?1;f1.'14t,Oe ther11' Wirt- rve slowly : • i :84th , iS s• Yea • t 77.7 • ,„ //.:„ • .••:'••,.1sth!p11,•NCEA4 TS • 4 1,11UP,NATIOtiAL-• ART(Okft Feut4ng t11.1E11A6,.GRAVURE'' PRI14TING' (Raised Letteri0g) ".• ,3 Vernie liaMiltiO it �f Ailifieldi Itusseli tarr of 'Kinlough. and 4 r went :Major operation two a former student at- Lucknow eks AgO . §t„, 'Joseph's Ho it -1 High School, has eoin- tal, Londeti. . ,,,Ipleted h,,i's Yeogineering ,potirse .at Jack- trad10,--Allikiera---diitti::*11tordrii-OlNi'Versity, and -has' eein:, ilor, his Also urtd6rgotio ariaitit menced work in that ettY, ' , • . , I' • , , 1 1 • . . , ; 34 . t . . " • ' •, 1,QU R WEDDING PLANS :Li ' ;L ,,,14‘ • 4 "I '' Aitinoun errt''' itett....y.40:, ._.-,....irig,,,J1r40..cy7ti, c . ents..m,,,,, ..., • „.--3- Aahowlecloiehts 3 ,iiitii` :e6inplete: thtteletiee as 'io itiiatity ,and correciness.O1 torra, , *ii Al.•6'',l'oVi. 13\.tb‘ONALIZki; 'Iii,t4;iN.6 ..N1P,KiNSi MAlt:1:( tS .ANO'Ciki4 ig>ii' gl • N •7.7 "t1 • . ; • .77