HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-05, Page 2tr I
, •
'4•41ell Time For A .PiefelAlaker GO.'OrP#OP...t" ' , , av44.5 „My jpilxisQ4,. OaligMer, of ,' ' . (13‘Y. Benson ox)
. ,
Sil, ();WER 4 TinlitSPAT: A N
A e a an.
,,, .. „, •.
• I I
•Wir. I aTid Mrs, Ti9,44ers Johnson, It began' on ilooarct a paSsellger 0 ten.PPP:n45- The3,1s..flit ocar,
, . .
v.vhose marriage AS to take PlaCe liner op.' a 1,200-1ile VOyage from eer -of a Shearer is saidto end
L' 4..0444t4ti$141,1rwdwaYa:fwaveriis*guile: 9.:!, li:nn.7• SY.:cdh_740 iteY, Australia, to IV, elliTlt• ,a(mn2.;:trt aitir.,,atYi;dliLv.ethL e.,„eso xgrgre!ttitioisn.___tzli,___4,:,'
:C?,.1,/),i.rin9usia1::e r4san:11' ::Ispo.' at al, :. that enrc:c:gAn:i:„Csilinst.t'lle:iietePatw:;a11:Frtoe:9;1:1ttithhilil; ''1:t eiem::4.' co'...h,f1:h;:tt attracts .iIil're:' gr.attif, fet:al:te:
nogh.b9loing, ilerrie Mrs, Ed, . article niade th,. accioaintanee of o'orollOoittho,e?.,sal'inecla:r,,i. n,glciishoeckd.',,07:,a/mre ..,. •••
A,.:Co-hosWsa Were- Mr.S; Mr.- and Mrs:Gordon il3,1aikie, op- tions' Of, flsiiiee1307,.. `SIFOO1 way'
.4,.it.;. Agnew and'MrS. Joe Was-. erato
... MrS. ' !PliVer Glenn; Mrs: lc. C with 'enthusiasm ' aid In , due Pf,-'the Canadian is the . "knock.
, ening contests Were.00ndtkoted'hY them it their. farm 'waa. accePtPC1 'ure' w ' ' .01:1 .aetn,•fol°u:
Murdi /Cr' 'Mrs, A. C. Agnew' and time he 'was at the plaikie home. off: for tea .4 ten
fr,s'Ros.a.;.:Crl nlng,-4.eadinI•nvere'ariill _is 4a...,..':.thriving citY:0o:e„rl!ok,x,bWork ceases at th,Else
ver;,giverbwrs,ioc.Thptt,aferleplai7a4dwihin;hours nTcOuntries "down:p.Hseni vrs.4FrancTlviiieand_mrsraeirlil:gLofksutheraluos,,Laoipletcs
Ronald Forster, MissGladys
•• •,' Zealand's ' • ' a tiCion rostatillstialnl,;, even trains
MacDonald 'gave': the--.,13reSenta= Island end!fTilNigeWdisirictsiali:s14trinil to . . '' ' '. s.C"(2'
and Deri.s moore; a,, britie and, the .'' production Of concentrw.atoeocii .inbailitioscinoa,tlonst:etijo:rsevoalnirde::.dihl:ifotises:nless. ..,
groom; presented,.the gift, 10 30y milk 'lk powder and high 'aPriatid!et4eat.•3,Aerhesetalusra40fts. facatilodries and
.. who' waS assisted in . and frozen Inixtton.. , , it is a of this eonthient would follow :thorn ,bY Lorraine' '.2aker.' Miss reijon. 'of ' regular . rainfall the
jOhnsen thanked: the iadies . tor opening . grade butter, and e*p,Aogrts ,
their , example,' there might
•: , tion address andItaren,:Wasney
their lovely gifts, .and refresh- 15aqure are green andins14 and -
are animated with her& Of:pure-. fewer actidenTs .With
,•enmitsss .wijoereasoserrwased;-al h* bred' jerfjj iseYd cows,h.'7nd 'flocks, °f.T. tlipett;tprisf, ianteta-iictnduteatnPitsnuto;theefauotrr tabsareofueintnr-t-dajtobe
An intensive system of sheeP- hours of • eleven:.and 'five, when
are‘divided into paddocks of -10'
ar-ming is-pursiied'r--thP farms. the_wtirkerls suffernw-from fa -
t° 213 acres, and tth flecks 1.9- 5The life of the pastoraJit
Phone Frank Hamilton, Duniannon. you' N9' PARSES dtaalyear,ort,o sof.res4lepawst.euur_ems neavgeerdy nteont asfrrisrelliiiffreoen; sne,enepemaier:,.
• , • A private funeral service -was and fertile fann can support six,, N
ew. Zealand 'where Sheep faring
ed 'at • a. shower', in 'Kincardine
where se, had previdUsly ,been
• .
held on Monday for. William It'. eight aild,'e/ifea7nitenv:iTitee7dp. I•inoa'stileai biaonrddetrhone iiarohtiogle-1.itinmayoUrnusiltainooLiuts, '
• . Commenting on. a recent fire- -
a` head since some of those in-
- . . • - ‘. volved are not too welcome in Dr. and 1VIrSr''We':a.A-o,d1Y1' csItab'bo°rif tanCrrne.oVeTrh,e.O.f 2,000 ' hep a yCar., ' grab' a Zyt9oub,rige .c19ahmstibeadndat
of ',-Wingham, who :passed', away - Dogs"' are an important feature it:away etrTSY- .
'!FEELING litUNNISIa.IllIGH''. ' Will prebarbly. bring matters to 1‘ilicKilbban'
eraelPg ineadeAlt, like, Ripley Ex- • • , .• after a lengthy illness. The lad. on a sheep fan*. ' Mr.. Plailcie , ure. The ' ked, a Variety of par
Oketh, . concludes the item, :with their, ,. own ' mttniell*lities' • , - . is survived by his sorrowing Par-. *keeps five; four working
4 •r dOgs,. rot,has acquired the habit of ' at_
7the' figiov.:lng.,"r4grap4 , . . . ento and .a sister Marianne; and one:. young dog . in. training' _b.tth7creminto4‘orci.dsl:ibetpaeriP:nin'thh:ei:t.fsaaltigeahabtkoinugt . the on
"In repent' weeks feeling. :has . -There's the 'Touching Story of Mao grievously bereaved'::by The working dogs should be fed;
:been-Trunning---liigh-:' over- the a-: braggingyoungIrian who said- -Billy's-.-cleath :are ins- grandpar.--- --fdr,they are-under:-a-strair4 "saSrs-
, . . "
in „the •
idiot* of Kineartline"and Luck- to I his girl: "1 bet. you ' 'Wouldn't ents, Ali.' ancl Mrs.: Wm.• A. Rus- Mr. Blailcie; Each night they are kidneys. A ..bounty is offered, for
actions in the village cannot be she not only called his bet, but .sincere symPathY of.a host of 'meat. . . - . • 'ect to foot -rot, ' a . i f t'
now youths whose presence and mar, ry mer ,„ As it turned ' out, sell of Lucknow,. who have•• the given a substantial r ration of its destruction . • Sheenp, nareec."siouubs- ...
cofiCI°ned="L. ast„ .,week's accident- raised ;hint five. . friends. , . - ..weiil trained dogs on. a sheep disease. which . causes larrieness,
. . . .
r, ..., .
ranch are masters of the situa- and May spread 'thifoughotitthe;
tion When. the ' Sheet), scattered .flock. The work of paring the
. .over ten acres, were needed,. to feet to correct this .Condition in
'pose' for a kodochrome, they volves a heavy task. for the -far IT'
,. , ,
were. assembled iti. .three miii- staff. . . , . , , , • •
Far i Better Life for all Canadians
.„ •
. "Election Act requires. renioval candidate identificition_froni:cias by :midnight ,4
June'. 7". •;
11 4
(This advertisement inserted by Bruce Liberal Association)
- •-"- -------- 7,7-...7-7'• 7- 7- -.707,---'0.70.-'-...70.7-/-/-,----.7-,70.7-.7•-•7•,707-..7-...7-7...7•/-7.-.7"--7•,•"•...•70/0-707-...7-
Cannon face di th in very,, (package
.CO .pac g
for_ 3,5t_
Table Cover, for only 49c Vvith $5.00 piikehase
VVagstaffe's Marmalade, orange and grape;
• fruit, 20 -Oz. •3• for $1.00
Kleenex Tissues, regular or chubby, 6 for S1.00
Southern Cross Tuna Flakes,'7 oz. tins, 2 for 35e
Salada-Tealiags,_pkg. of_60,T2,enpr_pkg;--...-75P---
-Golden 'Hour Candies, take home pkg 29e
Sunspun, Salad Dressing, 16,,oz.Aar 3/e
Red & White Toilet Tissue 2 for 25c
Supreme pure Black Pepper, 4 oz. can 2P3
Aunt Mary's Sliced Bread, 24 oz.' loaf
r8i- WTea Bag io 65 bigpkg., 10e off Offer, 59e'
R 84, Vit Instant Coffee, 2 'oz jar
Cat orma New (washed) Potatoes 5 lbs. 21e
Juicy, tart, Sunkist Lemons, pkg. of 4 „.. 21e
. •
'r •
e wner, Wi 1s'es eep is no ip igeno tR
,about him, shouted, "Bob, sit the 'Si:Stith. Pacific ISiands... It:is
dawn"; t"Jack,sit :clown". The said that, New Zealand 'posisessed.
dogs obeyed 4fistantiY..4 wave of no mammals- prior to the corning
his, band brought the other of. the Europeans, but that 7rab,
dugs into action, they Were off, 'bits and .foxes Were irripOrtea 1»
like a flash. ' sportsmen;and cattle, horses and.,
Quickly, .without • sound,' the, 'Sheep were brPught 'over ,for cc
dogs ran to the .far side of the onorniC reasons, neither, are
mf i eolyde, • aonwdrtlict.e.dhshe eceot_r,eb:gwanhert: rthegerioeti,ispytin7cinuakeeisii;...iiins :.iafaticnta., .tn1-1,de
we were ---Standing, , and---7aIrriost
In, 1805 Captain MacArthur
before we Were aWare'.00 she ep
were standing; facing' uS.,, There ,ported a :flock of .thirty sheep
seemed, to be no . fear,' and there from rigland. 171e Purchased '
ikra-sino•-donfugicin; thein at a sale of ,the :flock owri-
ing sight, and. Offered a harmo_ture_din
n- ed by_Tinkg_,e9w_f_eoG:td
ite_ieinL. and Londonpas;.:
ious study in wiiiie-77
- '
With wool .at 10 pence per
The -Captain perforined. for the
pound, as it. waS at the New Zeal-
and public sales (held :last'
umn, the sheep-marvin the coun-
tries: ``down under" may
be re-
garded as possessors of the
"Golden Fleeice”. As a• result 4:Jf
this, 'liberal rate the pastorahsts
-.are --the-Linoneyed- New
Zealand, arid Australia." In Nor-
thern Australia, w h e re 'the
ranches • are of great ' area, and
since the .xvoOl Of the hot, dry
climate' :is of finest 4tialitY, the .now a resident at the Baker'
Northern sheep -farmer frequent- vate Hopita1, •
..becomes a 'millionaire; the • ' "
New Zealander is also commonly MOTHER .DIES IN WEST.,
in• cornfot.tab,le ' .CiretiinStaneeS. • vv 'ether of
The people. are unanimous in de_ rs, Mary asney, • m ,
daring that the farmer is de jawoe % Wy itias:riwertin' iopfegt.t°Jwon'P
brother Stan of liamilton,.rnotor-
Tedu.oWsctti,-.. ta:-attend the
people ,of the, antipodes a great-,
service 'than •he 'cou'ld • ever .
Experithents followed,.
andin 'due course, the -regions of
'the $9.uth. Pacific became,known
for , the excellent- quality of the.
wool, prOduced. there: Crosses of
:came :poritilar;' M.' New Zealand,.
-(Continued ,on Page '7) „" •
R. J. MacKenzie of town is
serVing of it. all, , as he has 'fre-
quently suffered from hard
tim,eirf--zthe--pastr-: .
And these men are no idlers;
-there ,is'plenty.'io dei On a sheep
farm. Lairibing-time eiriplqys, the
constant 'attention' of shepherds::
pireverit---theTraviwe7O-f" ic s1
There is sorting •and •6411ing and
docking Of 'the lambs, The flock'
is to be moved from field to
fielC1in' a sistema,tic rotation,,
Hay, turniPs and -rape are grown
the tiasttires, for, • as the winters'
are Mild • the_aiLiesto, _is -14.
housed, There ,is alsajli7
in g..
The ' work of shearin .18 . act
tomPlished btravelling Orgarf-
izations which move tihrough the
country, bringing With:them Oh
ettric§ clipping ' niatliines, wool-,
.biris, ,presses, 'shearers;:, sorterg,
rollers and helpers, A, sheep„. is
• shorn .in three Mintitei if all, glees
well. A shearer'. willi
'olp one'htp..
dred animaiS a day* , 4rid his l'Y.ay_
1 .00:
• 0ortoprm..t.
_• .1r, :hethoirSiT
' -111-1 7
'at 'the
eases ha
cern. .4
.. victinis.
shoe rep,
fered a"
• .,attack a
an a
being ni
. pre-oper
the oper
. 'Lorne .r
and is
Mrs. *.l
• a majo
' factor
a 'heart
td rest f
erson ha
• health a)
• 'Cherie
fered .a
taken t1
• Baker's
• ,Charle
stroke o
itis 'the.
was not
•is itnproi
'able to..
' 1.4bYd.
• Monday,
• where h
, weeks.
good' bu
' requires
• ,, sciine tin
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taken to
• .iinn,,.011
WOit ati
eek. Et
light stt
'be cause
be cr.!'
• prove .al
' YerniO
Ditaly • L
'4liter,, ha,
„ Phone 65 tuchnow
• 1 • . . ,
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v• , , 1,
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