HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-06-05, Page 1•' 1 $2,5Q; A Year In' . Advainpe--$1 ' 0 ' Extra n.1 Rate Iinchange The Lucknow. District ,High; 0o1:$oar.d sat .• for:tve -.;hours; Soh SAD: THROWN••FROM BIKE, st'ahe , regular June • 1.0 tig., on UFFERE,D CONtrUSS)t011I Monday night, . with much of the session devoted.'to the matter of•, teacher vacancies, nc 1e s, .school . bus routes and contracts, iha1,-957 . ta'x- 0 U.S'. LUCKNOW. ONTARIO WEI}NESDAY, JUNE, 5th, .4957 • rate,. and , what to •do ,about the' power !°rower, `which his seen. better. • days. . It was `' 00: Lin'. , When .the 'meeting broke up, • Mr. J; R. (Cliff) Murray of St. Helens took. his, seat at'. the.., Board. as the,. West •Wawanosh. Town- ship representative, and Was ex .tended,A welcome ,b -y *Chairman: Henry MacKenzie. Gordon Montgomery; ::w h o holds the contract fortwo of:the :five bus routes, attended the• meeting at the Board's request.: Allan Reed,the other operator, was ,unable to make it'i back ' from Peterborowghfor the meeting.: In view of higher costs . of ;bus operation,..a .21/a cent .�a mile In- crease was suggested,; and the matter was left in the hands .of; the Transportation.. Committee. • to be finalized: The present rate is pc a mile for four •busses and 18c for a 'smaller vehicle. The routes will be checked by the rd:-:after--the-nista' --o- -Board-after-the-start-Of-the-Tall- Orin., oa.... rt• , ,f ,thea F.1a11 term., The bus operators Were: complimented on ~ their service and efficiency. 'Resignations Received Two teacher resignations . re- •ceived the latter part. of,.,May, were officially received and ac- cepted They were from Char1 D. Peppier, • teacher of ' history • d later t Mr. -'Basil Wright, teacher .of; shop work and commercial. Eng a ';Teacher. :t5• Four applications'were receiv, edfor 'the' position held by Mr.' Peppier. - The Board engaged. Ronald Kelteiiborn of Wellesley, who : has' completed a • general arts. course at Waterloo College, Kitchener. He is' •23 and 'single, and has 'taken :an tractive • part in: sp its,, includifmg; track.; . In April the Board rdhired Mr. KeithC. Laur of London ;to ;suc- ceed Mr. J. ,R.�.:Abel .as..mathe-•• matics teacher. `Both Mr. 'Kelter-' boin.�and.Mr. Laur._w111. take.sum..-- mer courses at the O.C.E. in Tor- onto. Mr.. Laur will require' an 'apartmen:t locally about ; mid- August , • , • One vacancy still • remained. on (Continued on • Page 8) Dr. Terry Rathwell, son of ;Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Ratwell • suffered conte cussion,,;cuts, and 'Shatter- ed glasses when he, Was: thrown. from a. bike on Tuesday evening` of last week.. • Terry, was riding on the cross bar of Donald Fisher's bicycle, when his foot caught „ in the spokes. Terry's, shoe was torn off, and he was .hurled to .the pave- ment ave-. ment .-suffering "a cut 11p, and :a two -stitch gash to Dr.. nose. ' H'e. was treated ''at Dr. M : 'H. .Cor rin's office . and taken to ;his 'home where h'e: was kept quiet LL'ard under •Observation for ''twenty- four • hours.;. Terry was knocked out' by• the impact, and couldn't recall any- thing that . had happened. LEAVE THIS 'N1hEEK FOR R GERMANY ��•.� , .•.- Sgt and Mrs. George, Robinson and family sail .this week' from -Montreal -- for --Ger many -•--where George will'commence' a ..three year. tour:.of duty 'with the Roya Canadian ,'Air Force. Sgt. And Mrs. Robinson: hav two children, Joyanne,:age 10 and. Randy, .mage 7. The: Robin son family spent' last week' her and.! left :.. on. Monday, for'• :Mon Areal:" from . where they'wil sal in ..:;. onia. They will dock ;at Le Havre France ':from where. they wil proceed. to• Zweibrucken, Gel many, -Geo e 'had been at Downs ng,. view for some: time prior to hi overseas . posting.: He is a son o e= e' George graduated :from O.A' C. - with his, B.SA. degree' and for e a" time was ,at. the Experimental Station at Kapuskasing. From. 1 there he • went West to : enter the emp oy. o . e ear e ram o., e, and' ' was appointed manager, of. 1 their elevator at- 'Bataume,. Sask Ger It was while in, Saskatchewan that he'x.ined. .moo the: R.C.A.F. - World War II and took some of s his training inthat province. f,George was reported. missing AME LAKE: AFTER r . HELENS.• FLIER ., In Northern • Saskatchewan placenamesV are being given.; to, ,lakes a.,d areas inthis hitherto uncrAu tered . hinterland in • honor Of' the Province's war dead. 'Near they^ -northern bdari ou� ar,' ay currently under.'survey, are Mc-. Quillin. Lakes,named after F.O. Geo a -,:A M�.tillin of .SSt: Hel .e • Mrs.;.Tyndal Robinson; : a jd his. wife,; � �'is - � the •;' former . lydena Ion a bombing ,mission; in Janu- ary 1943,.and- his memory •is 'to ,educe 1 y. Road lilage Improve SIXTEEN,. Lucknow Municipal Council, has.struck .the '19.57, mill rate at 253• ,mills,which is one ' mill. down from' last year's levy of 25 3..Fmills _` _.In _.... doing this the ..,I3.oard. •h as - 'td eted-f r_ Contin- -agencies•as well 'as. "picking •up" ,I a deficit: of, $1,363 on. last'. Year's operations,.as. shown .by the 'aud- itor's ,report. Much of this one .mill reduc- tion 'is represented by a reduc- tion in hydrant rental from $90 to ,$65 per hydrant for 38 hy- drants, Which amounts to $950.: This • is possible because of the sound position of the :Water Sys - tern, which has . a substantial surplus, and • the $65,000 . deben- ture : which 'was' 'originally - issued ROYALLY • RECEIVED' AT ASHFIELD AND .RIPLEY !Revs. J. R. MacDonald and members of 'his ` chureh choir at Roseville, Michigan; in suburban Detroit, paid a �,visit to Ashfield and Ripley Presbyterian church es on : Sunday • and were well re- ceived. ,Rev. MacDonald conclud asuccessful pastorate _rn_ these.. two churches late in the, winter. Rev 'MacDonald conducted the service and ' the choir provided special music: Members,of' the Ashfield . congregation ,served dinner following the service.; The Ripley ; service was held in •the afternoon, followed ,by a,. chicken dinner before the Mich- anites turned southward • on the homeward trip. ern lakes ,that: now bear his name. 'Geon 'exwas , y f..,. g .a .son• A the:':: late. Mr: and Mrs:. Wm. McQuillin' His ;sister :and brother, Beatrice and William reside on the homefarm. at `St.. Helens and another sister., Mrs . -Wm. ,Pardon ((Mildred). re= Beaton, daughter, of, Mr., • and by •; perpetuated :' in the : rovince • sides in' West Wawa osh A, n a few• Mrs.•.: James Beaton of .town' where hP •arilistPr7 by t' l --ern-ile-s--frorri-Ahe--ol',�.� nit. DOUBLE WEDDING FIRST NUPTIAL • IN 90 -YEAR-OLD CHUR,CH DISCUSS SUNDAY SCHOOL PROBLEM AT__ME The problem of overcrowding in the United Church -Sunday. School was 'discussed at an Of- ficial Boafd meeting on Tuesday` evening of last week. An' estimate was received ' on a '.two-storey cement , block 'addi- tion at the • rear ofthe, church. chur Alternative suggestion$, were ad- vanced, as possible solutions, 'but. nothing definite' was decided upon:' • • ._An . augn?en-ted. committee was named to give further:'; consider- ation ' to the problem. LEGIO _ D_RiIi �. SERVICE •SU ND A Representatives of • . ! thirteen )ranches. of the Canadian Leg,' on $:ESL , comprising , Zone, Cl ' *eon"' urt Y -. or the annual zone ;drumhead iervice,ts the first �tirne since .941 that the service has, been ,for this uty will Abe re:tred.;in: Reeve Joynt commented that It was the' Board's endeavour :to; .!. give! the best service ;in the, most. c-ono/11ic4a The 'general tax rate• will be struck at the next • meeting when the • school. levies' are in; The High School, rate will be un' changed, .,. but a higher County and Public School. 'rate,' will. • more ;,than , offset the one mill reduction • in the . villagedrate, it is expected. • -Road Improventent Plan Members. of Council ; recently ,Made an .inspection- off Village roads, along with. County_Engrl . eer Eldon • Yundt, and - drafted a program of • road improvement estimated at '$2,100. or less than; half of the '•Government ` approv- ed'road budget .for 1957 on which provincial' grants` are''' receivable. • The proposed; . program pro vides for .a told mix .>hardtop. on East Willoughby St. from the High School to , Havelock St., . at . a . cost of $1,000 .'for . 'a 16 -foot roadway. it also rovides for P construc- tion . .n..iwork- on;.�three..., � other streets, ine - . rati PTeI� on for paving ; at a,: later; •, date, : probably next year. These streets include Canning St. from Ross St. to the Flax Mill, which 1. will • . require : scarifying, : • hill: ; widening and gravelling.; • Rose St: :ifor .two blocks , from; 'Havelock to Inglis, which , will require scarifying and :grading and in one: section a gutte • corrugated tile ;under 'driveways; `Hamilton. St which will require' hill =cutting -at -the +bowlmg;green, . .and fill and tile in. . the next black. Total cost 'of this re .arator Iy P.. Y work is ` estimated at '$1,100 Council ` : also budgeted.. for cleaning and widening' the : river to the Flax Mill. from a bottle- neck -point ..where the. _ Park` ditch. enters t e . river, ,an • : causes a winter ice ja:rn. Council is : seek ing to establish the .Department of Highwaysrespoasibility • this ,regard;. as this ditch drains . Highway 86 • west of _.town_to the Irwin '.hill `watershed; , • Discuss. Snowplowing :' ': While i n.ot• yet amid -summer, Council discussed : at ` length ., the snowplowing: problem. The one- way plow currently in Use is not satisfactory in • the Village' dead-end .'streets. ;A V -type plow, with wing"an,d hydraulic lift. and: sufficientlyjpowerful : truck; . is . 51 { Y:f regarded is the 'answer, .and ne= gotiations• ; are being • carried out with . Gordon Montgomery, with a,' view t� 'making a, change of equipment ,at a nominal cost. •'Thea Board was informed that, a heavier motor •was required, to efficiently 'operate the' new road patching- machine; built by Walt- er •Breckles This' outfit provides:,' the municipality with equipment • for • hardtop road :repair, and• for applying .a seal coat to<` he roads;. ,• on inued on Page 3)' 'o 4 Et: will n , be held, at three o'clock .the Caledonian* Park, with: Jen, Archdeacon` If••1)V`al, •a... ,,.�.oy. ,,D,• Mess kertori Following� 'ns guest' speaker. ...the .service .the sal- ice will be taken at . the. Post Mice,:ds th e. a � , rad p e ro cee s o � d 'th n' :the ninety -year' history 'of'. the Langside Preyterian ch�irch there lad never been a marriage( in the., Kirk until Saturday, When a double wedding was 'perform, ed. : The Lan si .....-sisters, _ ..., h., g de .,who .aPh f'or a.Memoriall made: history on" this. occasion, ervice' .:grid t . .. • , . the prae'hg' of .are L s, 1VI rgtir to rid Myrtle *.Leona,.. daughters 01 ivir'_�and Jreaths.. r . i e om e a R 4 ; Mrsh Jon C rows.ton. tang, side. Pictured above as they were; leaving the church' jrninediatelYimmediately following. the ceremony are .left .to, right, Mr,,.. and Mia. John , Clayton Alton (Lois) and,Mr. and Mrs, John Orland Irwin (Myrtle),. The Ceremony was performed by fev; Robert T.. A. 'Marshall, the, new: pastor of the church, and recently of . Northern lit - land. • n The • yo ung bricks are shown carrying, White. Bibles which were presented.' by the' `congregation to Mark,. t h is, :unique occasion.,. . • Sentinel -photo; 'Rev°' :'Robert A: " Macconnell obi served his 93rd birthday on Fri-,• day, May. 23, at the Baker. Pri- nate • Hospital, 'where he has > , been a• patient, for the past •few months since: suffe. ri, a , tt•• . e' is age -Rev acconiell is making a favorable reccovery `anti is able ;lb' 43:6-6T), again.• Mr-, r.. .. Macconnell still readsLL_without s es,`'and un i is recent..ill . gess had the' ability, to still Oc- cupy the pulpit and. deliver "a stirring sermon, • A number •of friends, called• to extend congra Mations' on this n •.. 't of ew ,' brth . 0 C�aSi"" y, on that *ain't '; let pass Without the traditional birthday cake . and' a . ''ha.y`; birthday.�'f.salute front ten ,.• .ti m • �file atter Lave staff at... Braker a Hsi �pltat. 1 _ a•.