HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-05-29, Page 2• • row sENTINI .,, wawa Amo w. 1957 gook . at it this •. way.' you were buying your first car you'd choose one from a reputable, experienced" anufacturei who...introduced new, improved models each year. ie Liberal party has been gipg improved government for 22 years, changing to act -changing. conditions. lie =opposition introduced, a "depre on" 1model and offered it for five years les; They couldn'tgive it away. "That's the ' extent of their experience.) f(*.continued good:. government and Liberal Action adveriiseiinent' -authorized h'y . Bruce Liberal'' Association) .~ ON. CKNX' TELEVISION Monday, ' June 3rd — ' 6,20 pm.. ON ' CKNX RADIO Friday, June 7th 12..15 p.m; MAKE-PILGRIMAGE-TO-7- SHRINE AKE-PILGRIMAGE TO - SHRINE AT LONDON.. The following members of St. Joseph's • subdivision C. W. L:, Kingsbridge, attended the "37th' annual diocesan convention held at St. -Thomas: the spiritual dirt- ector, !kir. ;I H. Van ' Vynckt; .presi- dent,' Mrs. Ray Dalton; officers and members, Mrs. Walter. Clare,: Mrs. Ed, ,Myers, ; Mrs. ,Leo Court ney,':Mrs. :Joe O'Keefe, -Miss 'Yo Van -Osoh, Mrs. Mary' Lierman and, Mrs. Mark Dalton Several members /and '.;their families attended the annual' pil- grimage age to Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine .at` Mt. St. Joseph, . Lon- don, Sunday,, May 26th. • The pil- grimage was under the direction of Fr. H. Van . Vynckt. High School Auditorium LUCKNOW ati• 8.15 p.m R. 'Members of Amy Johnson's .. trTCKNOW' DANCIN : SCHOOL 51� ARTIST McKinnon•. of Owen .,Sound and Pipers; o the 48th *ighlanders . of Toronto, compliments of;.. the Colonel and Pipe Major, Archie' Dewar. $EM1rMBER .Irs THIS EIiIDAY! ATTEND.::=SEND-OFF EVENINi FOR YOUNG. ; MISSIONARY DONNYBROOK The June meeting of.the WMS d WA-will-be-hel< atLthe-h �a ' tier Mrs.' Ernest Snowden. Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor ' has .»re- turned home. after )visiting.: at the .ho=ne of her brother, :James .�F 'family of •;Clinton; ,Mr. and Mrs - Alton aynes • and family Of Bel- ton s and Mrs. .Elizabeth' ''Camp- bell' of a. Robinson; London.' IP e - - BORN Wingham 'General' Hospital, • on. , Thursday, May16, 1.957; to Mr.' ;and Mrs. Albert Harris, , R.R. 1,.Holyrood,. a son, Thomas James.: ' ED .COLLYER, Registered ; Master Electrician ELECTRICAL' CONTRACTOR. Specializing m. Electrical- Wiring and Repairs AGENT FOR :SPARTON TV and All Electrical Appliances' Featuring Two carloads• .of Young ,People from Lucknow United Church 'at- tended a •F"send-off" 'evening in Walkerton United 'Church on Sunday.. for .Miss Elsie. Brunner of. Wiarton, ' who will leave, in August for the mission field:in »yin Northern :. Rhodesia:: ' Miss .Brunner spent two `years .at ahe United 't; ur auung, Mrs:. John R. Thompson and School and . has: since` served in Howard were recent visitors the Church if; All: "Nations ' in with Kincardine: friends Toronto ands more recently at Au „Peoples'' Church in� Hami1- : ton. ilVri c' Louise. Jefferson, . is home after completing her .year's stud les' at • the :Stratford Teach' College: Visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. J. Thompson and, Howard 'dur ' ing ' , the week -end : included ,Joe ,Thompson of Goderich,' Mr; and Mrs 'James Leishman an de r;t Aged; Gentleman Passes' Murdoch ' Matheson, age 87 'years, and member of a Huron Township pioneer family, died at the Thompson .Nursing ,Home in Ripley last week.Among, : the 'survivors ;is 'Mrs: Albert< Trap lin of Owen Sound and , former•- d Iy of Lucknow. Sunday ; evening's . service. was arranged` .by the Bruce, Presby- terial; W.MS. and the Y.P.U. in ' ; attendance from Lucknow Were: Beverley,` Elaine and , Joyce MacN'ay, `Jean .Richards, Joanne Hunter, Joan' Crawford, , 'Nancy Webster, .Shirley. Moore, ..Rev. G. A Meiklejohn Evan Agnew.. Phone 46-r.-25, Lucknow •' McLENNAN and MacKENZIE.' FUNERAL SERVICE Services- Conducted:' accord 'ing to your wishes at, your Home your/. Church, or "at our. Memorial Chapel at:: no .:' • additional charge "AMBULANCE SE)ity.CE. Phone 181, L'ueknow, ,# Day' or Niglit . . 1 RESTAURANT Delicious •FI'Si3 AND C.HI To' Tale Qut SODA . FOUNTAIN Open A41 Day Thursday hone • 130 Lucknow' VHITECHURC} Clialrners' Presbyterian Ghurc_h )Field their anniversary,,, services on Sunday. ,with. ;Rev ,Marshall ,occupying the pulpit ; At the, morning ., service Mrs...'Andrew Gaunt sang- "It Was, By., A acle'.'. The Forster :quartette •sang, "Ahnost;. Persuaded",•: At ..the . ev enixg.. ervii ie a double duet- theMisses' Irma and. Joan For- .ster,' Mary Fisher- and.' Doris Wall, sang "At the" Crossroads" and a. mixed ,quartette, Mary ' .Fisher,..', Mrs. G. Fisher;' James. .Wilson_ and"_Murray. _.Gauntt-sang "Will Your Anchor .Hold Large . crowds, attended both. services. . On.: Monday evening, a 'social evening was enjoyed, by all pre sent- when Rev. McClure was the. guest speaker.;, and gave sone very humorous . and interesting facts about the country of Ire land, and'• also displaying ',a • shil- elah, etc:; brought from . there. Mr. and .'Mrs: McGee, ,Mrs. Fisher and : James ,:.Wilson sang;;.. piano • numbers,; were . 'played iby Judy Wilson. and Mary F`isher;.-a' saxa phone, solo and, Farrier;. a recitation. '+my Mrs, A n,d r e• w Gaunt, a definition of a::boy and. girl by Irma and Lorne Forster;:.. A duet ,by '; M. and. Mrs.,Philip , Steer 'and• one' by Reith an•Phyl. lis'.. Steer . were :rrmuchenjoyed. During, , the • program, Mr :Nile' Presi1"t d priva e •com- munion " set ,to' Rev. Ma'rshall'; which is to be .tikedj in 'bringing communion• to, those who, are; un. able to be. presentat the com munion,;,table owing to' illness or elderliness of age. SEE! R. T. KI LPATRI;CK. .: GENERAL INSURANCE Automobile - Fire -: Casualty'. �l about -our'- . Speciale `Package Deal Rat. 7, "Lucknow,: Ont:. .'Phone Dungannon 77-2, a , iiiiiiiiiv✓-iii- 1: IEINZ :'KETCHUP Reg.- 25c, 11 oz. bottles 2 for 45c. CatelIi' / s�Ready C�okecl:Spaglie#ti 5c, lg• 288.- 'tilt Habitant `Vegetable Variety Soup .2128 z "Reg c, lg.• 2': tins 37c Ogilvie White or Choc.. hirriff's Instant=Potldii -gs `for.::23 ..mors .Lr & W ' Orange Pekoe Tea ags,B.special Oc off ,offer, 65 bag pkg. •"5- R & W Jelly Powders, .7 del. flavors, 4 for 29c .York: Cream Style Corn, 15 ,oz. •2i39c;. 20, 3i49c• R & . W Pure , Peanut butter, 16 Oa. jar ' $* W peanut -Suite 4. z.--ice-.•bOZ-jar--4. Red & White Blend ' Coffee, .ib. $1:03 Aunt Mary's` Blend Coffee,. lb..... 95c Early Riser ' Blend Coffee, „1b, .........87c R & W Instant Coffee, 2 ;oz. '49c; 5 'oz. $1.11. Golden Hour r Candies, new summer lints,' 29c •insure. With''The CULR;OSS MUTUAL E4$tS R' -A1 GE --EO.. r for Reasonable rates, sound pro • tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims.. PARISH-MOFFFIT-L our-i:o 1 agent`. Teeswater 'Phone k. Teesw'ater 57-r-41 Frozen Grapefruit Juice '6 'oz., 2` tins 2 ozea cks; :8 t1z. p . 33c Table Cover,, 49c with, $5 00 nrrhase,.... G• . A,La N WILLIAMS FRESH PRODUCE bbIICE' AT RED & Vi'SITE• �` .- _:� ��ptometrist�_ Lformi: S>vaktitt •Orran:ges, size �-3, doz. '29c �• , : Libe'rid Candidate in Huron WEDNESDAY, JUNE . 5th - il.20 1.1•;36...p.m.' • Stokely's 11oney rod Peas, reg 2"35c,• 3 for -49c arrots,,,` o Boz. bag Y...,..� 3„for 29e + Office on w Sprwg C•4 Patrick Si., .fust Golden Bee'•Hive Cern Syri p, 2 ib ; tin . + '29c Hone grown bot, house Cucumbers, large, 21c �� ' tiff the Main t 40 S . in T"1V2 = FRDit;' ;, ._i /%/-/�•�/-/-/+/���-,/-isi/ //-/�✓-/-/ / /-i i /� �/ //+.moi / /•� /+/-/-/-,�•%'�/ i //-/�/t/-/•/v`y/Y- , //%/,iycj j_ ` � 1'VING`iIIAl1f Professional 'Eye E,xampatiot , bp'tirai ' Services Phone 7700' W inghatn 12:20 TUI DAf', JL'".N'E 4'th 705' - '7..10 ITHURSDAYZ JUNE 6tli, ' '6.25 -' 6.30 p iii: Ptil�lished4'.by the 1,11,Ifori Li'l era) Assodiation)