The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-05-22, Page 7WEDN,EsPAY4rn
22nd, 1957
Tug raslQw
First, :Sho:w : at. 7.15
ar : Fri . Sat. : Ma 23 24 2 5
rem Swell Jayne `Mankfieid
dL, enterta mep,t
Rocic -444'roll to;, a peal to ,all,
Vioir �,MTues., Wed Mary•27=28 29.
Theatre Closed
Mrs Qeorge Hoover:, Stoufif;
vilie, 'wi tt s, to ,announce the en.;
gagerhent of her daughter, "'Fern;
Malcolm (Mac)Gordon
Keith, son of Mr, and Mrs, Dun-
can Keith of 'I'eeswater: The wed:
ding ,wilr take place o •S -
da3'F-June-lst -90- -at 4 pari , iri
Peaches United Church,
Mr,. and is B er. t, . on
,.,_.Sadd ►Kin-
cardine, wish' to . announce ' e:
engagement, of their.. daughtethr,
NancY: !Doreen, to Donald Hald-
enby, son 'of 'Mr
.. and, Mrs. Nor
Man .'Halden'by, , Holyrood.. The
marriage 4to,t take place on June
w` ow Prices. On Fceds
lob; Grower, per.; ton $6500
'ustom Hog Grower
per tone;
SPC011. oulrth and Sigth
Misses_Beile Graham. and .Aud-
rey Stanley, nurses -in -training,
'spent A the • hoilday at their re-
spective homes;
1r.. Mack Mas�AQnald,. who. leas,
finished, his year'; ' at Western
University: is (furthering •his.
study ' in science by working' iri'.
.the laboratory ,at Imperial 011;''in,
Sarnia., He and his sister. Mar.
garet, who teaches •school•,: in Sar-
ar-nia,., spent the week -end with'
their, pat`ents,.'. Mr.. and . Mrs, W..
FMacDonald'. iu
Aged Lady Passes
'' Sym.pathy, •is• extended to :the
Hamilton : family iii the.. loss of
their mother, ; arid grand mother.,,
Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of :'Toronto..
Mr. Gilbert Hamilton was in Tor-
onto for the funeral on Wednes-
day and was `accompanied' home
Friday night by his wife, who
has spent two weeks in Niagara
Falls. with Betty, who. .has been.
seriously 111 .following an opera -
tion -for, a 'ruptured aPpendix;
Mrs. Violet • Loundstbury • •wof,.
Toronto spent . the *reek -end
First Show
g 180; ,Second Showing' wing940
Now Playing -Martin and Lewis with: Anita _ Ekber � in
.2".Ho11y_wood ►r 'Dust':: A_merry_treat' _ g..
or�peryune -
your faaraily! !
1. JUNE7
3rdto JUNE 8t h -"OKLAHOMA" -at. regular prices!.
• ,.
— One showing each nightstarting at; .8'.00 . o'clock —
with her ;paren:ts,. Mr. and Mrs ;BUILD, �N E.�
MON., TUES. & 'WED.—May 2'7, 28, 29
James Stewart, June Allyson and Agnesborehead
A' Blue Hilbbon 'Winning ..Encore: the story. of a• big I'
ball player, Monte Stratton
. ,.. • . >, :who lost a l'eg, ��t
fo: _�....,.
,.,_..,irnd new courage.
S. FRL::, .AT. -Ma
Randolph $e .,. c aramm.Ha a an Ja RL
�.. y, 3 Dyne' 1 . Double Blll
1 d Y plan .
A ' inarL's ;search for' <.tI a truth"'behind the' tragedy
immortalized as Custer's` Last' Stand.
"7th . CAVALRY" :.
In Color q
At our second feature, the story of an adventurous' trek..
- Nomas • Aust-jh. ;
Mr- Jack Needham and friend
Mr .Turnbull of Corunna, were '
holiday T guests ,-, at Lloyd Mac- (K'tNLOUGH,NEWS)'.
Dougall's: During: the past week new side -
A large number of +children walks have been built an .the
and,•:grow.nZups:' enjoYed. a bort- 'village;, The work ..was: 'done ,'by'
fire;; '• ,firewworks. arid'marshrna'l- Mr: Roy';Schneller, 'local: contract -
low 'roast .:al Lloyd `MacDottgall's o,r, and :.hi '' workmen
farm pond on Monday night• •,The W.A. ' ladies held•' •a quilt-
HURON HEREFORD SATE ingat the church 'on Tuesday i of '
BRINGS' AVERAGE- OF $2'71 •teMisse;•
.'Misses • Edna and May Boyle
T;opprice was $5304 at .the 8th,'spe'nt 'the week -end With: 'Mrs.
•annual .spring s�iale: of tone 'Huron Charlie:, Hodgins a't'Wirlghaix.,
hlei-efoi:d • Association held., Tues- • The' Presbyterian W.M S Met'
day' of..las,t• .week .at the ''Clinton.. at `the' home of Mrs; Lyman Community. Pak' cattle` barns ton;: i.With 17'.'.members. • and one,
Twenty-four animals, were eon- Visitor present, Mrs;.Ben •Scott
:signed +13Y,members of the'associ=+presided: Mrs.'Mark Johnston
'tion. Total sales Were $5,970, at read the . scripture and Miss , Mar-
sa�le, average.' of. -$271. ;; garret Robertson . led in prayer
The day's highest price was•1 The, roll call Was a fruit 'or fiow'er;
a' d,T.b Wylf7=e'd J: ran .��f-t°he •$i:l
B. 5, • Embro, 'fo;r a ;`16 month-oldbull consigned,'by. Ralph.'E' Fos-
ter, Goderich;' Ten' lulls,:..Sold ..for
$3,025, :averaging '$3.78, while .12
.the ' missionary Several 'mem
b`ers read from %the., study book.
There Was also a Bible quiz from
the` first five chapters of St;. Mat -
bred heifers sold -for $2,;415,anithew. Mrs • Margaret • McPherson.
average'. of $281;' i read. a - letter• from ,Mr, :and. Mrs
;• To'p buyer was Percy Wi]lei°t (George Malcolm• Mrs . Alex Pere;
•end; Sons,Zurich, .who.paid $275 thanked; the ' hostess and those
top ..price fora a •+bred heifer, an assisting;• with the_, program:. 'A
animal .. consigned from °the ;lot' • delicious;. lunch ,' 'was , served' by
of :.Heber . J L; Eedy 8i Sons,' of the 'hostess and committee . in
-Dungannon Willett also ';(bought 'chat ge
1Vliss: D : .
a•,'' two -I•. onna .Nicholson of 'Walk -
„ .ear. l�l :bred heifer .for
$100. also; from. Eedy's herd:: and ;a erton ...spent the week end at 'her.
seven-year-old:.cow, ::with, a 4=HI hm
oe ' here. • ,
',heifer .calf Consigned. b ;'William rMrs. Phillips Sr •:Mr:'' and Mrs.
g y ,Art''P it i.s and .Po'•
hll' spent 'the. week -end, with Mr:
and Mrs. Frank Maulden and
Keith and Mr.. J...11, Lane; Who
returned` hor e With them for a
• Association officers said :bid=
ding;' was ,reasonable 'fox', an aver-
age crowd •of buyers. from .all
over Western Ontario Auction'-
eer was ':W S. :O'Neil', Denfield,
'and • sales' manager, James Rw
Coulees, Bclgrave. A. S Bolton;
�. assistant agriculture representa-
Phone ? 1, h.ucknoW
rtive".for Huron County, tabulated
aYre :b`lds`
• 3.30 : p.rrt -,-
NIr Percy Barr left for. Algoma'
Ore', Ltd::iron' iYFines; J h.estown,
1VMi and Mrs Jack Bair and
batt.` NV6re recent "visitors .witn
her, grandparents, Mr. and Mfs.
Fred Buckton, at Whitechurch
Friends from. here attended'. a
shower '' at 'Kinloss fon: Misses.
Mildred.' and 'Esther' McDonald;
bred of _the :reek.;
Mr, 'a'nd Mrs'. G.i'alian : Pinkney
and •Glyn"' of Ajak spec tt the hol-'
• ida,y with .Mr..? and 'Mrs. Ted .Col'1-j
yer. H.. 4
1VIiss. 11/Yai garet Moffat' o'f 'Tor-
onto yeas a week, -end visitor with
• her '•father, Mr:` Foster Moffat,
The death o'cctirred• •oii4 Satur
day at,r_) u rhani Mrs; J%in c
y'� ,t1,oth 'r The'r al::wa in
Tuesday. 'Sympathy is' .tended:
to •Mrs, ,�Conl'ey.
Mr, and, Mrs. .Mailowe Cici'vv;
stori' ' :a'nd Lida of Kincardine
Spent the 'weel -end with::Mr,, and
-rs. Jola Cxowston.'
w €onseervative '- ~
, . •Candidate
ere "WilrWl :e iih : 6hureh seri
vice',or. Sunday' School at Lang,-:
itte- 0i -the • next, rvt iyp ' Sundays
ecausc of anniv ersat yl services
,A� � •� - .t�.Vrlli�'c�liuic�i �ari�''ut1.Tri���
Ions, ,
A double, sh:otveir was held at
Lan'gside hall on Saturday, night
for, Lois and Myrtle Crowstori,
S•S No,. h students' and teach-
er hid .a stxece'ssful concert . on
`rides ki inti `-i r d ^ t
.help defray 'the cost of a bus trip
t� Gttelpl. » J'oin't dillies Wets t11ie
".44:0404:0440, ..: ,, .., et`efit• .i°i c table ion).W •' ..
In, Attendance' : , , ,...... .,::..
r-., -eacl-Wedneadaa►eg •h
• k
tSpol sored by, trade •Consetis tive',Asst
, Aniberiey 11.11-P. No. 132, re
cently exemplified;the'Red Cross
degree :to sax' candidates. iri Reids
Corners hall, Included in the 96'.
present were visitors from ..Ches
ley, Tara, Fordwich, Wing'harn,
Blyth,: Varna and Woodham; pre
: ceptories
Jaynes »Ketchabaw, W:P.,, was iri`
the chair Dan Kingsbury and Al
Maynard took the lecture., ~John • T' .
McCorrnack.''gave` the Charge. arid
the clfaplains. were Rev..
;Hutton and Donald C;ourtney;''The
Marshal ' was Rob't..: Lyons ,Jr.•;• the
pursuivant,: Eldori Miller.; condiic-°
tors, Robt. Lyons,: Sr,, Cliff':,Ged=,
'des, Al : Irwin Jas 'M ,Karn
Ripley, has ''been engaged ,to'•
teach at SS. • No: 9;: 'Kinloss'..
(Mtzrray's School;) ' next term,
She will succeed :Miss. Lois: »Rib -
There, wee fifteen a`
1; ppi d lads.
for. the ; pos 'tion 0 married: lad,:
2' -Normal• students:-and;sever3
High' School students:
• SEE!'•
EA R'.
beral Candidate» in'
iV4 CDNESbAV., '1CIA1 t28th
G:25 6:3 p.rn. •
THIitt,si AY, ,ri'IAI'' 30th:
8;25 2" 0'.3Q pini:• .
(Published' by . the Huron.. •
' Liberal ..A s Oeiatio.n)