HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-05-15, Page 3h. 4 7 oTEDN4SDA ' 'MAY 15th, 1957 JUCISNQW •S.NTl[NEL, LUC15-* . ' ON 'ARilo GAM* 6 r EV. 'WATT tQ4t Tm, oil her ae- .is to of fid'. vas +na 1th td . on. zn in- to eft. at. al; st-. :tl:= ev en. ys. Minister.:' (_eV, a A Meikle john; SUNDAY, •MAY 19th - 10..o0 a;n!. `•. Church Scholl.,': 11,00 am : Rural Life :Sunday 7;®o p.m. Presbyterian church • Anr!iversary • � L ucknaw �•� resb.yterianChu rt h :' • Rev. Wallace McClean, Minister SUNDAY, '1VIAY 19th -10:00' a,m.: Sunday, School. •ANNIVERSARY.:SERVICES 1.1;00 'a.m:, and 7.00 p.rn irest> speaker Majo-r-th-e„ Reverend; J. Y. Fraser, padre t 'Sunnylbrook MilitaryH'os- pita', : Tor""onto Service'' at Dungai 'non. with- drawn 'in- favor of', the; anniversary, Nits W.'.1L:. Maclf ENZL•E ' PASSED AWAY SUNDAY :This com ' unit . • was shocked �.Ths m - y. on Sunday :mornirig • Mother's. Day --to `learn . of :the death.' of 'Mrs. W. 'L..Mackenzie 1VIrs. Mac'- Kenzie 'was. convalescing':'from. a heart: attack and- her .. cond'ition } `\^as regarded as •,rnuch improved • ;,;hen she suffered a° seizure' Sun-' day morning' about. seven o'clock, ."%nd • passed':: away within ; about `• half 'an. hour, The. ,:funeral service was held on' Wednesday` afternoon at the. McLennan and MacKenzie Mem-' orial Chapel;•.con•ducted Eby Rev. G. A.- Meikl•ejohn: Interment :was •i'n'outh ,T(iiloss.-Cem S etery. ..' . art On.; of en rid on. 111,_ We're proud to present Canada's most sensational ready- to -wear suit value r th 1'0 at, $55.00. Value' Packed! . 7c MEDALIST Ela b 'lie- up to ;, •'minute.itylrng far whrtft TIP TOP: is It „:" fam'o0s! yr •'MEDALISt is tailored in Canc'da'3 'most scientif1ecilly designod tailoring. shop •yoU get onefoimly,high quality!` `•'MEDALIST''gives yqu•dollor�for-d. 'lor ter 444401,era: 'NEbALIST fr s well because TIP 1013'S kilted:'de'stgnets know.'iitr r : Io combine w•Et rif, t imfort:and nioderniijilingl ear Ikii5PA .15tW S'u l kith'Mate For `5o Mdeh .lass, fVlrs,.',,Tack.:England is. assisting in the ;offiee-at the L449191aw:I�ls trict Co op: '' ,r, and Dc!Irs..Jack ' McOpil ..o with his' rpareiits;,• Mi., an+ Peter Mcca1L Miss Eliabeeth :Welsh has re- turned', to her hassle, here'. after,• spending the winter at Ottawa and Osharw: Mrs, ,Robe CCampbel will be hostesss,for, the May .21sT, 'meeting: of Paramount Wornen'S Institute. Roll ca:ll, exchange : of . slips or, seeds;. a Mr, and Mrs.' Hug' , h'. MacMi1 1 an .of ,Detirb'it: and ' Mr. and.. WS. Myles':' MacMillan: of Teeswater ,were, Sunday 'visitors. with 'MI,: and .,Mrs, J. L, MacMillan and Alex MacMillan .;who plansto re turn shortly to Whitehorse.• ' • GOVERNOR : PAYS` OAFFhC-1A-L-- yLS1T .LucknOw District Lions 'Club -receive d-Dis.-riet--E:overn or- Jat,e- Swei•tzer of. Exeter, on •s official vi'sit,'on • Monday: night: He ,gave'• an outline of '. Lionrsmi ,wicti had its birth 'forty years ago' -in ] 917 =:in ,United States • and spread over •'the border.• ''Wi'ndsor it '1920 4,Or the first • Canadian ;• Club.' Lionism no encircles' the .globe. and is ,to be'feund in 7.8 'colnt-,. ries and geograp.hical, areas. Ong; •such club• is' in French tq uatorial: Africa': where Dr Albert Swept- ze'r is, carrying. on his. great. hu manitarian work. the District • Governor : one 293of, such offiicals of tl:Yis round :. the- World: ation or ani g z ,• said•, the' fellowship: :he ::: has enjoyed,' • in ivisiting 52 . clubs :in .the district, was.. pr.iceleSs , IIe' torIgu4tuld.ted the :Luck;}o•v.r Club for the enthusiasm its:,Was r 'sliowint,• ...and the i.ns `ir:ation:.: be-,• of ered : and h .c e Predicted p . .this nev1 y oi;an z'e d'.elub: wou d l prove ` "a shot in the arni": to other ' clubs: '."in the. north end ' of Zone'' 1.6 Mr. r Swc'rtr..er was inti'odu;ced'• by, 'Milton,Ravner. and .. thanked by,.: Lloyd!.Ashton,':;who, presented him.-iltit}a r--,h-irt can .'Lich-al.'f, of the Club Blake, Alton reported. 17' ;idem:-: hers in the Grain ;Club, •two Meet; in i held, and all +�,ra%ri; soured: • Pre'1 the . importance .of the .Welfare Committee b'erni informrs4 of Cases tequ.iring their `'attention,.. The. President: also .arinouncea that J14 -n Reedy iin1i1 ,give blas channpioriship speech at"the.Lions.: convention at Peterborough: C mh,nmpson, supplemented his woi ds of nrai.se for Ji'm"s,achieve ment and r ercornmendedhat t t he Club, Continue . to. sponsor the contest. and..., encourage. a'dd'ed' compet,itinn'.next' year. :IVlorgan I-Ienderson r•cnoi ted;''Oii plans for Ladi;es' Night, with.: