HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-05-15, Page 2• • At! • PA ILII ALLOW N;CE ANT INSUR,A NC E ISPIT; ook at '1 E: E PENu SIONS. +'. )R UNDER FARM PRICES AXDEDUCTI'ese- things.ONS, Ido you think they are good :things?:. you _lo, support the Liberal Government who made them appen.It's asimple as thit, 4 For continued good: governmei t and Liberal Action• (This advertisement. ' authorized by Bruce Liberal, Association). ON:. CKNX:RADIO FRI., 1'2,15' onoor .Ar '=t !k. t ail ? c�E • tr. 1 e" r W EDDINO BELLS. SiVi1TH—GIBsoN ;t the home of the brides par= ents:: in. Ashfield, . on ; Saturday adternon at 2,30 o'clock, Shirley Viola Gibson, ;became the' bride of Donald • Charles Smith of Lon- don.was, don: The cereny. was,:perform- d by:Reit' George Riatt, of Dun- gannon United Church. The bride is 'the daughter a�Mr. and Mrs. Marshalla' 'Gibson, and••.the ' groom is•J:the son of `'Mrs,' Hattie :O'Neil •an �d the lateMr.;' of TillsozLbiirg ',O'Neil. O'Neil in marriage byher' lath:. Giveng __. er,, the bride was 'lovely in waltz ' length ' iwliite nylon'ruf- fled skirt over taffeta and ,jacket of matching lace with jewelled :collar •arid . 'lily .. oint sleeves: P Her veil was a 'pearl -studded' with lain ,fingertip nylon lon. oig.inza. vaeiL .;She carded; a red roses ' bouquet... , .n, The 'bridesmaid was her sister, Miss Beatrice Gibson, who was. gowned' in pink flocked. ' nylon A -reception follow,ed', at. the I rbrnde s :home with her mother' receiving in a dress of floral sky blue crystalette with pink :.acces- sor'es::Mrs: :O'Neil chose a navy cored nylon •. d dress, • with white dyes . , accessories, For a wedding trip to ` the. States :Mrs; . O'Neil wore a . light blue. • wool suit, • with black . and white accessories ':and a corsage: a f.,pink roses. Theoun couple will' reside Y g P ... in:: London. ' Guests werepresent "f �� from ` Lon- don,' ,ro Lo don,• Tillsonbun Woodstock and Aylmer. 'VOMPETED IN AUXILIARY. EUCHRE PLAYOFFS,,, AMR Two teams from the Tucknow Auxiliary to:' the 'Legion,' com :prised of • Comrades' M. Solomon, M : MacLennan, E.Henderson' and: E. Barkwell, " went to Harriston.. on: • May 2nd to play euchre . in the. Zone playoffs.. They ..weren't; lucky enough to win, prizes,: but GOT.'E4,RI Y START,,WHEN . R I P'I EY CHURC TTHE TRAIN -SHE BLEW TRANSFORMED Che t Jardine ' daiu hter'• ry g of 'Mrr and Mrs. Ken Jardine,: . • Was one of the 'public : 'school stildentsWh o• en o yY ed the J trip to Nia ara Falls '- ' on Frg � day—and ' thereby h gs . a tale: T r Arou• se ' tithe + 'lowi of .dbJ�...b �'.. a' train;, the 'Jardine: house= hold;w suddenly •:aware. , that. they.had slept:. in"— Or n .or sothey thought..• Cheryl ..Must,+;catch • that trairi,,. and there ` was, a wild scurry. - to" "head if off' at . • W ngham. Ken was; short :af• gas.,By phone. he., `got .Bill Hunter gout. of gibed,. • Who : in .effect said, Take my .car .' 'Ken .did and . with one thought. only' in Mind—to get :Cheryl: on" that . Y train—they,ere soo. roaring out No=8• little ` rl's : rmot� � er ;. rl� h putting. the �finishin`touch . g tonehes • ao Cher. l's chair -do y. Suddenly it ``,dawned" that : daywas slow " in' breaking g. and. then,.`. and only ..then--- When their= when • near to Whitechurch --they beeam.e. conscious `':of., the. fact that it wad about -4:00 , ,a;m. The: 'train wasn't - due , asn'tdue`: to'' leave :Lucknow `till •:'about '•6.45 a.m. The train tliat�had startled e awe e wa • s Rev, G. A::: Meiklejoh.p), Ma ' .12' and 13 'of '1'957. have Y e on= •days:. ' ox th c me rest �beco , . , g# ,.. 're ation of St. Andrews United. g g Church in • Ripley. They 'mark 101 years of history • and a :new era "in the 'architecture of rural 'known :churches.',Those :who have the building: ' as it was,: will see or m at o in. an.: ' amazln trarrs� m n , g. r . a c ' 1e "ds to , the . sanctuary, ., which n Y, •`;both' welcome and worship in 'the 'lieautiful '� lines of its structure.' A:11, :trhe finish and ;furnishings :blend to •• cultivate the `beauti ". of Y holiness. ° over full•: crinoline skirt- m prun reported;a; very nice- :time. This cess lines. She wore a, hairdress was the , finish: of" a :card tourna=: of pink carnations . and carried" a meat that started last February in Zone Cl,: Zone C3 • President' Comrade Anna Johnston ' and Zone'' Cl. sports. officer Comrade Eva' Black; alsd-enjoyed-t�•re-trip:; ss Sybil - Thanks is extended to Mr. Wrn Schmid for • the• prize donation: .latching �bauquet.-; The :best , man was Wm. Alvin Snitch of'Woodstock, brother . of the-giver/1,— The organist was g • Barger. -- LUCI NOW -SENTINEL 'Lucknow, Ontario Authorized as •second,':class: mail,' Post•'Office.De airtrient Ottawa Established.1873.--Published Each Wednesday Aft ernoon , • , ; .... S ubscrri tion rate - ,42.50 a ear in advance -to $3.50 : L• Campbell Thompson, ' Publisher WEDNESDAY, . MAY • 15th, 1957 • th rn- • k w s the occur- .. sionvspecial, ,north 'bound : to--- the end, of t e line at Kin= : cardine,$xorn L ere t -he --trip-=- ,: was- to start about a couple of :hours : later. •Advice to r,•e..hoU 1 e .Among the furnishings and gifts :were: the new. lectern, choir gowns and hats donated' in' mem.' ort' ,of• William• Busheal -•by'-his wife .who 'now' resides in Luck= now. .On -:Sunday the building overfloweii : with people • •:'who were'led in worshipthe.mini-. by I.. stet, Rev. D. •A:. Brydon and. a former pastor, Rev. Stanley .:Gi:b_ son: ' y On Monday night an.,cvenrng of music . -and .- greetings, concluded with. a. social' time downstairs. Among the guests : bringing greet- •'ingsr` from: neighboring churches were Cameron 1VfcAuley. of Knox Presbyterian. Church, - :Rev. J. ` C.: Huttot of Pine. River; Rev.' G W. Sach of Bervie;; Rev. W. H. Si mmerell_,_of Cal rd, chairman Bruce Presbytery.; Rev. Y II:: L. Jennings.and. Rev. •G'. A; Meiklejohn,. :who :also t'.expressed; 'the • congratulations . 'of' Bruce Presbytery L • Mr, ;and MY'S. Pavid: & fami1 r rnoyed from Niagara Falls; to the storey on Thursday, They plan, tq have th`e store ope;ii. in; • the 'near fu:ture..;We every success.'' • Don't -'forget- ed dance `VridaY evening.. spoz�.s�r�'cd'' by' S•S,; No. s { Rul?}ls� and; t14ir eaejier, .Miss' Lois, Rbey i Mr., and..:Mrs Wm, Evans a#id Ted' visited Sunday with. thpir. son, Mx and Mrrs,,' Eric EYan and family at Hyde Park:. Sa ranient service:will .bc;.:hcld ; rje Ct Sunday, May 19th P,i•c pto, a•tor y ,servi'ce' on . Wednesday u,;•••.: ening',.: There wiFl ;he: no church.: at 1 ang idp cin Maw, 26th-mv� ...,, 'to anniversary, -services- in• \'Mite. chureh Presbyterian church. The sYrniiathy ;of this coninm' ity is ?extenduri ed t:o all, those- mourn. the' passing of Mrs,, Wm. L. MacKenzie of . Lucnko�tir;', prig •Sunday . Morning. , '$efo.re her marriage, ' she was Mary ; ,Mac-; Intyr.'e. • Warn: •Wm •i1Vlac.Intyl'e :is a •,brother, : . Sympathy,' is..also ex$endeci.; to those Sympathy xnourn the passing of. Mr. 'Johns . Gollan, ' ;who pa'c s • d : away on7Satard-ay at—Bakei:s'.• Private Hospital. M. Gollan 'Was a. 'long. -time '.resident D. th.e--?nd' con.,Kin oss us l , , just, east of of ,South KI loss hu h: n . c rc• • Mr.:' and. 'Mrs: Willis:; Lapp- - an A d W g family of in h am visite ; on; Mother's Day`' with :Mrs.' Wm, Orr ;and .Bob. Sunda .School ,started 'on With Sun= day Wath : a., good. attendance: 'Youth Killed. In. ' West • •An .acciden't 'occurred • early on:_, Easter ,morning °which claimed on. the life 'of ','.Thomas :Lewis And....Da r • � ew: ,His, brother •Jimfiiy-roc.eived .. a few• cuts and ` their, cousin'El- :Ke don Andrew, received ' spinal rn- he, juries and: will be confined, to liva Turner . Valley ."Hospital, for •ra i+h while .yet::" The 'three ' lad:left da •at .midnightfront- theirho'ts at an :Mlltar ille,•Alia, dTurnerVal= • ,h� enrou.teto, spend East qqI eir ran mo er, Richard G. Phillips (Minnie`' 11711= ler) 'of Wilkie 'Sask. when, .,..,• ,,.. e... they struck a rid in thee; road 1,.7heri. 1.30. irriiles' frorr; 'home : neai '.ha. corrme,'Upsettin;g the .new station., wagon in the ditch:. The boys are great-nephews of .Frank ler. • /ZION Mr ,and Mrs: Frank Ritchie & Anne:. and Mr. and 'Mrs Robert' Helm ;attended' the 'raduation: last Wednesday . in.; Loon . of Audrey 'Ross Mrs George Hunter. s c�nt few• days With hMr : and Mrs. ,Ke,n Laidlaw, of London.' : -Mr. and Mrs Jim. Smith and family .ofMolesworth vistcd on on ivlc ori in'. see ana.ng. .... r... , - _ SUn a With r n -war � Y M arid "M housewife f. you want, to get he . architect, •Mr..John-.Lm Ritchie: Y. g , 'ones it • . _. wood of Ki• , things d , ' ' McAuley oa. ,. 'ruptions sweep ,hubby ,out' first. strated'.' :effectively: what ican'' be Is visi.trrLg •with` Mr� and '�ZrS r g h the least inter tchener, has . demon- . emon Mrs Ma ton rt' McA 1 f A Five Roses Cake Mix White h to or chat. save. Sc 2 for � • � .55c w„ hip salad' Dressing Gold Seal .Fancy SOckeye Salmon Blue Surf, siVi 4c . ioverdale-Tuna-Fish, ; solid- hite, - . oz, Rose brand' Sweet ,Txed Pickles, • 16 oz,.31c McLaren's• Corn Relish, save 4c, 15 or 'jar" 33c. Wagstaffe's "'Strawberry' /am, 24 fluid oz., 51c Circus pail pure Peanut Butter, 4 lb .., '311,9 . Reer-eoal ho1_l _CannedaChicken, 3x, �lb� tin 1�41r , 5 b -•bag .......... .. , ...... ,..:. 45c;• � Potato Chips,' Snyders, "giant size, 10/oz. 55c G. , E: Light' Bttlbs, „25-40-60 watt' ,.,.. 4 for 79c dope ink-ruraL.:,churcbes:.:to _make - Frank ;R:itchre ='and: Arfin�:`-` -there beautiful drgiifiedt ,•and ' '' Mrs'Wilkns;visi,ted-pn Sri:r�dat•- l (with;:Mr., and Mrs;' Charii.e•Wi1n,, prat Ica • Tire, .: building committee' con- sisted of Mr. Wrri.: Harris; Mrs. R. J..•:'Moore, Mrs;. -G: .Stanley, Mrs: Ross- Matt.yr, M. •Walter Walden and D. Wheaton Thomp- son Together ' with. their Mini- ster-theywere praised' for, 'hay Ing led the 'way in :this ,venture' and pioneeredfor' the. modern rural church; Gifts; of recognition were presented to the' members' of lire • comrmttee ,and to' 'Mr r Bry'don,;, the minister, MOVE TO 'KIRKTON', PLACE An' interesting discovery dor-' i HERE' •"AS . BEEN, DAM' AGED`� • ag the' renovation .was a" piece • 1VI•r., ,! and 1VIrs• • f wood under the old choir loft. _ :. •Ernest Carter `Om it a messa� `:mow oyjnd Fxoriz moved= a -few=; -weeks- from -,the.., ins. ? • jMr. •and. Mrs..Russel-`Invi:n and boys visited on Sunday with Mie. and • >Mrs .'Nelson Baynard. Mr. 'and,.: Mrs. ' Chester Ritc.•;iie.' visited at the'' week -end: kith; the, faint inscriPtiom these words former ,Johnj r Carter -• ',pees of wood ',is ppt, tinder this the care ;of SOO ,head WeSteit platfbrin•by Alexander, Mowbray cattle. •• who a Home grown Green. Onions,' lg. butieh, 3 for 19 eet for home, cottage or picnic, Sirnulateil ?. ,264 .tY,e0arts7tht ,t;r1j:i ''tdh•aeTyla.: hgeL-Ii-aci-Lbte'en 1[1(111.6"- 89Ie5 W4114-4-hoj-h-C;;n"tt'PE,,,.' tae,n,d,,&,th;r4Lm4I'at'- 0, ,.,j,n'en ,plaa...or.i_c•in_w_.•1?..ittp,,,,,±p_11,.k.•:.Ylelsidthiwt-t-atis-g-t ;1,6 -4 --urs - ? At -v-,0,11,47. 7. ---, ---,..,. ,. . . . $2.b9 per. e:atteft ,ivo,-.M.ay, be, ay:ori,..fr.on-i.. going' dok`ri„. 13.0.....V*c.. .tv,a_."..„..,:r1.01,ti,,f.,,f6,,d,..,,,:.,,,,., .s,eln \VII; 1,e,„:11., -647.c --;61,--6-;,-,e T.,,„st Ow, 111 aily nsalec.k:clr. la.);:u:lan;.c:r.:rdri- Ti.; rorll at. •