The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-24, Page 9• fgt i'- ' WE!J tN ' s. UN 1957 d• ' fig , ILUCKN . CaW LUCKNOW, QNTARIQ I. PAGE MN 4. Fi1E, WIND, C-�AI,TY. AUTOM4t; ANI) 1<..IPK To_ Protect Your Jack .._ J. ,A ► : MICDONA.G'H R R.; 3, Lucknow, Out. T bone 614; . Dungannon Insure With eThe T AL U U. ; � RD►SS UL . M . for • Reasonable -`rates,: -Sound. pro:---- ' tection & p1rompt,,satisfactory� Settlement of claims. :.. PARISH MOFPAT, Your Local Agent IL,It. 3, Teeswate! 'Phone ' Teeswater 574;41 `. ' . T . ARM TRO -NG OPTOMET �0ERH e • IF'(JR APPOINTMENT 'Phone '1100 , r•f . For Appointment or•Information See: Wm. A 'Sehfnid, Phone 10-w, Lucknow' Kenneth J MacKenzie;:• • WINGHAIV • I st • S114w at • 7,15.. Thurs„ 1'r1., Sat Apr'.j4-26 27 Bill Haley azv1 His' Comets "DON'T KNOCK TOE ROCK" Bill ''Haley and 16 Rock 8 . ,Roll • _t Songs.: Monday, Tuesday, Wedhesda'y ' April'' '29,. 30, May 1. Theatre Closed, oun er..- 'beck -.-Books for 'sale. at The Sentinel Office. • :WI NGHAM • M -M • �R IAL SHOP � O , We.liave..13een ' Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven 'bears, Always Using •--•- T E -$EST GRI1NITES" Optometrist , • `LISTOWEL, 'ONT. . at' •the:,'former Wr.ona Jewelerk, • :store,: Ripley,, 10 a.rn;' to -zona Wea,riesd ' - .Glasses. fitted Eyes, exami.ned • ,For appointment 'phone • ,Roy MacKenzie, `9li-r.-24, Ripley, Along With .' pert ,Designang� and Workmanship. •FricesMost Reasonable Cemetery .Lettering a Specialty':. 11.A.'S POTTY? N •'Phone 266,'' W'ingham, Ontario BEN Public Accountant o Eitmblil; 0NT, tura", e1 an---Of-the agrieul engineering e*terisiot ser vice has' issued a report' on, the accidents that haver occurred to. 4,farrn--petite ick. Breree,--•-County ,during the year March 1; 1056, to: March 1, 19!57, These results have been Obtained, through. the ico dperatiori` of, the 13ru,ee. County Federation of "Agricu•lture who have :cond:utod': a earxlpai gn :dur g "rig ,this tike to keep a' record of. all accidents happening to. farsri :people. With the rapidly •' lnereasi.ng e . t l cr �'1t: tihat� ,sornotbAng`. 'shoul'd . ib.e done to., try to ,lessen ,the terriple ito11 taken frorri fariners ,every • year, But before any' program can be • su.ccessfiih facts.ani1,.figures.,..rnus. ';bo. ohtained tia .shdW. What are the main causes •of.:farmacci fly • k -4 c1 'ii'at Showin 'x•30 �Seco�nti; Showing 9.30 • Now N' kLENNAN 'and MacKENZIE ZI:. E FUNERAL SERVICE. Services conducted accord- ipg to .your. wishes ' `at your, Home;, your' •:Church;'. .,Or ,.at our Mer iorial ' Chapel at no additional arge: ' AMBUL*NCE SERVWCE Telephot e' 101.1 `Box 478 • R W:ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, :`'.ONTAR10 IN_ L vOiNoW Phone' 181, LiicknoW,• ;..' Day .or Night. • vu, -` TED--COlLYER Registered Master. Electr.ician. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTQR Specializing in'. Electrical . Wiring and Repairs. AGENT FOR Si AR1'ON `TV • Arid '• All Electrical Appliances AC Pp h -one --46 25,-LtickneW - Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon;:.;. At 'the rertime very little . iii .the way of'`' information• ori. farm-' accidents . 'in. Ontario. is available., #•ierice the ,reason .for. Ihis_._,ast year's "campaign to" re ,cord the •iaecidents happening' to Bruce County . farm folk__ It is to•.•:be realized that this report does .not cover every farm accident that ., :happened .within the county.; Most of the.oriel ac cident' deaths have .been .record ed.' But there are , inany acci- dents, of a less serious nature= that few people ,ever :hear of, arid hence were, not'°:reported :Realiz ing''this, it is, estimated ,•that this' report covers • somewhere :in, the: neighborhood' of two thirds ; of '.the_total.•:farm accidents' taking' place ' within . the year. • Sy. the same' •token, the'' figures given in 'this 'report for .the financial loss, that, is. lire ,1oss,`•propert.y. ;age; medical and ;hospital ex penses, . and value : hof time lost, may hover• -only 'about: two-4hirdS' of the tnta'1 Accidents reported, including. Office in' ' the.:'Joynt',. Block , . f • Telephone. : a 31-3. '. ... 135 � :Residence Office N WI LL.I AMS ►RPER Chartered Accoun/taut. 'West Street GODE1tICH, , ONTARIO.. 'Telephones.• 343J - '343W • ,Optometrist btfice' on 'paatrick St:, just oft the,. Main St.'. in • Professional. Eye Examination On'tical' Services Phone ' 170•;.' Wingham', .• CO-OP': AUTO: . N�SURA . CE: , M N Can Now Accept TOWN' :'RESIDENTS &, COMERCI4 L TRUCKS ., as well as the 'farm business. ' For information:.� consult T. A.. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone .Dungannon 70-r-10, ` EY : JOHN •McMU.KCIIII , E , RIPL• . Phone ' 20-r--23— , '' ' '. i ILPA, GENERAL INSURANCE Automobile Fire Casualty . ' Ask 'about our Special .'Package Deal a R �•v ': Lucknow, h . ?'phone Dungannon .7? -2', JOHNSTO, E'S. NERALROME •. 'Phone 76 l)ay or: Night Amhuiarice Selrvice . USF, OF-.E11.I t:i'`a � 1OME.1, At. No Extra -Cost Moderate P'tices Established 1894' INSURANCE • :.. ., r -r- -. .i .- td. Berg ..-:in ,f`.Anasta.sia;,.. ,iU ylit ner,--4.CinemascoP.-•: Avademny AWard:. NW a r; ., ON: !C' g9I 30, .Na 1 Adult •;Entertainment. , Ilunipth;ey Bogart and , Ian Sterling- with Rod Steiger, .., Jer•sey Joe Walcott _and Max Bae*.. .' ;' . . sporting story of the �prie ring and: an ..e se of some' of 'its 'frauds, HE HARDER THEY FALL" S..& 'i'VED,--•fpr. '1i Ur':; •:TI1I - iBAMY '2 BOB HOPE, Eva Marie 'Saint ,and .Pearl' Bailey< Strictly 'dor laughs a „top flight •.cornedy cast • presents:, a complicated corfed.y, 'romance, ' "THAT CERTAIN -FEELING In Color Vistavision Coming—"I'LL :CRY.'TOMORROW" —4 Days.- Adurlr"Enterta-inment • CONSIGNMENT L30 sharp doom 'F'oe 200 Cattle ROBERT:.MacINTOSH, •Lucknow, 'Phone 62-1 1 Dungannon fires);268; •to , c-empile '.the, • lists Of .eligiible• People 'killed 1. 12 voters for the Dominion .election. People injured ..:218 on June '10th.: Enumerators' are People..involved in accidents (Out riot; necessarily' Kurt) 258 Number !of .fires ,: . 27 Financial losses suffered as ;.a. result of: these accidents: Fire ,.. $ •97,116' Property damaged.. (other. than fire) X4;53:5 114ed�cal-arid : hospital requr .i•ed to' lave the prelimiary'. hats "completeda .this week. In LuarkndW ` the work is, .beuig done in the : three polling `•sub:-,, division's by. ',Mrs: Burt .Roach,,• Alex. MacNay and, Donald Mac- L'.ean, . Is your .siihseriptiot:paid?• Total $147,146, hour eiay;s,::Time'' lost.' through ,accidents, 4;r9 ;:day$ . Iif' these' `, days are .10 .walue ,`;w�ithaverage'a'in of '50' :cents ,"per hour)` total fin ancial:. loss ;through time lost 824;78,0,''Or' a. totarl financial.loss• of, $171,920„ Compare this =firtancial loss. through '.Yarm accidents '.ter .thee "disaster'' which struck: Bruce County in, the form of a tornado last July; : In this case total data `age ito buildings ',;was :,$101,998.' This was termed a `"disaster",.. great consternation ,s:truck . • the ••'heart ,of 'ail Bruce, fariners :or ga'nized, local, provincial•• and .federal.. aid •' Was "•in'rmediately sought.' ' What .is bei -' done about• .the g,. loss ti� Bru e.-- ulity�`tllrmgh r'm..accid.ehts•=--•.every • year? • • Co Operative Life ` Insurance f ENU1t ERATORS AT WOItK Co -Operative Automobile' ON. ELECTION LISTS In'stiranee ' •• Mercantile '& Farm Fire Insurance " •'Economical `and" Reliabler ' .. See, , 1.UCKNQW 'Phone 7O4 -1p . Dungannon R. S. 'HETHERINGT01�� STATC FAlt11'I MUTUAL �. D�rrtstet __ c. Win itakn and Luckneiw' IN `LUCK4OW Each Monday . a•. ..and ' Wedneada 'Located in the Municipal 60,16t, iohWit haler Office`. • 48 : . Resideaee' MNSU Invest'igaite Before , *nvestitig, 1t1 VI EN 116SON' E': U"rbdifrcli :86!t4 151.ilfgatit'oti LUCUNOW DISTRICT CO=OPEIEING1." :phone .L el�i ow'74 "KING ,SIZE" COKE `MBE ITS' DEBUT LAST WEEK r, 5. Last: • Week was ..a. -busy. .one for'',.,, 17n rsset .and the staff of: the , • g Bottlin g . Works as• they Goderich 9• distributed' ::the •: new • king size coke to retailers in this area., •.. ' The 'regular 61/2 ounce . size 'is • still available 'While the regular size is - pric- ed at 's'even'. ceps ''a ,bottle and 36: cents per• carton, the new "king size"':will ,. be; priced : at: eight. cents a. bottle and 41 cents pex' carton• in most retail outlets., • This represents the .first: Major: pac]agtig'change made b.by,.Coca,_-. Cola Ltd. and . its authorized bot- tlers y tt]ers in over 46 :years ,How,e%rer,:, . the new, 'larger .bottle preserver, the--same-basic 1-ir-ies 'Whzdh-'hare distinguished the productfor so'. :many, years:: ,Since 'purchaser g the. local: ,bot-' Cling, business: from Can:Ober', T`v`e dittritAugust 1`555; ►°i r. Enumerators across . the coup set has been expanding opera;: try" swung into action on 'Monday tions steadily, Don`t :waste valuable t nie ghee seedirig with that old'battery in your. tractor, • " exp ace"b t_.',�.it SRT- BA BATTERY these' flatteries ,carry a .good guarantee aiid are juiced As Low As, $7.95, Exchange' We 'also••iiavefenice 'batteries at $3:95