The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-24, Page 7t
=OW SENTINEL .:UP.M •' t'! fi
`'Christ. Legacy of Peace"i was;,
the theme of the Worship serivice
-of--the-W.A. -o -the i-Jn ted-Chweh.
held in,. the church On- Thursday
POW ivoino!sm4F,ImipdtimiNgstaKi,tim_ 44;
Heavy Ditty. Batteries
. Generator 'Exchange
Brake Shcies. Exchange, 'full Set
w .�E SUM:
-Sales Manager for rieticiit',t,
who read the :scripture leSSOn,
4aster Wish" by Mrs. J, Carner,•
‘Vr.Olt. •MeOttillin and "The
Rutherford, At the 'canclusion. a
pleasant sOcial hour was. !engaged
Annie. Durnin as hosteSses.
.pr. vacation ;at 'their home :here,
A.pna Stuart at; Toronto
'Mrs., Alex Murdie and Bob of..
Kitchener: .are holiday Visitars' anci 'Mrs.' Lorne Woods
Windsor, is 'Spending 'a
:holiday Visitors with ..Mt. :and:
tiretrirriuni y. a .an
The•;Easterineetirig:.Of the:
ileleris,Y...P.:11, was iipld• April
21st.:. The :Meeting ',opened: with:
the administratiOn; 'during :whiCh
ininnteS ;of.; the. last, Meeting
:and 'the treasuI7erfs f.rePort .were.:
showed. Slid.0 of the Holy Land
Which :,Were (greatly apPrediated,
studY: Dorii had :re-
creation' and ReV.... Green ClOsed
. the. Meeting. :benediction.
Phone TYler 5-4321 •
The " 'Flu bilg" caught up with
S-eyeral -In the'. -Toornmuliity-'
The. coinn?UriitY .ektends Sin -
eel -6 --sympathY to, Mrs. Cliff
loss .at ..kier' father, the' late Wrii;
Me:Connell. •—
ed hoMe -Friday. after spending;
laSt Week .With Mr. and Mrs. Don -
.1-ramiltop;; the ',week -end
;Mr.. and Mrs; Everett,Whyto.ok.
fa.rnily :and; :Messrs: Carrnan
.LarrY Husk, .'Who UnderWerit- an'
vii.ited Sunday with
Mrs. ,Wraith . Were, Mr,. ahel.
Mrs, Rob
:spent• 'the
'end, 'With Mrs.', A. Green &
SeCO'nd,- ur .and Sixth
Mrs. -,Wm. MacKenzie of Tor-
onto has been with Mr. Tom. -
MacKenzie and boys while Mrs.
T. MaelCenzie has been a patient
in 'Wingharn ,Hospital. kiss Kath- •
er visitor at ,the homes of her
brothers, Frank and Tom Mac -
Miss Mary, Ma,cIntyre,-
. Margaret IVIacDonald:' Of
.Sarnia-- and. Miss Betty naintiton •
Of , Niagara 'Falls are .hoine. -for
Easter vacation
Kinnon are With chicken....
,,Walter ,DiCkie ;had' hiS tonsils'.
visited relatives , Ildertari
•‘ReCent,viiiters „at the hame 'Of':
'Russel and .Everett 'Swan. sPent.
We are -glad to hear xis; ,Chai,,,• Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs, ...Earl'
steri5 :is visiting With Mr. and. sPK—ht e week -end' witii Mr. ‘Sz
th(Ar. parents; Mr. and Mrs:'51ack
Mr. and Mr:s. S'oitth and • Dogs be confined in Kin.
Sunday "with Mr.' and Mrs: istc
The annual meeting of' .Para-
mount Wornen's "' Institute •• Was
held at the :borne. of MrS.. Eric
1•Taekett en April ,16th, with
teen' Present. 'Buiiriess: was
'mittee .reports were given by
' It's .a:gocid idea always AO hold water,: ,'• , • .
•tou never graduate frcini the
school, of experience, but •it giVes Houston. and (family, .
tpn, :Wigs Martha, Martin: of Tar.
(into and:Miss' Donna Hawke •,of
Orangeville: .1
Mrs.; Roy Taylar,.. Barbara. .and
a Walker -tan; sperit-. Sun-,
day with Mr.• and :Harvey
your head Op, •nroyided YOU, keep •,:yrs. .Iteid tooi. the 'chair for
your nose .at a -friendly the electicin of officers.; honorary,
E. IVIacLerina.ri.: 2nd vice . Mrs.
Fred Martin; assistant Sec.,
-Waitirr-71Yottei--T-tirstrict director,
Mrs.' J. .1tetchabaw; alternate,
Mrs, J, Cheerio cominit.
Richards; press reporter, Mrs. W:
ton, r;s, ac ay; istorical
Research:, :Mrs. Ketchabaw:
CoMmunitY Activities, 'Mrs. W.,
an d
le e
needs 'obligation. -Danl. 'Wait iihtil: ' "
win and Vlis.; W, Pexter,
The OUpen. and Insiitut
&lase 'With a dainty lunch, 'WS,:
itetchabaW thanked fly liosf-
t956 ,Iteltit-C.hev. Man, ,powerglliTe, fully' equ'ipped S2,495.
1951 Chev. Deluxe Pleetline Sedan 759'
1950 Plymouth StatiOn Wagon
Ilurott_ 'wants s• Se4 at