HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-17, Page 7•
Beautiful Flat Finish: for walls and. ceilings.
Applies easily, smoothly :. ,,.
y. ,One coat covers .,
-most :surfaces . ; no, unpleasant o or 2dr
heavenly colors that keep their freshly -paint-
ed look longer.
Mrs: fferbl Clayton presided
over• a Easter—Thankoerir�
rneeting •vyhich was held 'at the
home "of Mrs, Sandy McCharles.
The thee• of the devotienal per.
tore readings were by Mrs. 'John.
IVic,Charles and; 1VIrs.' ;Norval•' Ste -
Wart.' Comments• were given' by
1VIrs.. Howard Henry. 4, very in,
•teresting • Eyster talk' was .given,
by dvir••.-John Collig.�A solo: On`:
, Rugged _T—nil', was rendered by
Nei s. John. McCharles,An Easter
Peon -1' was read' by •:,Mrs :,,Sandy
Mc;Charles,'The` business •part of.
the n eettng vias co u,ei.e,d-,.4,11',
` •Mrs. ..Herb' !C'1'ayton... ' Mernibers
were urged . to attend 'the.' Bruce
Presbyterial of the United Church
which is being held at Lucknow
on Tuesday,.. April 16tih, Mrs.
Don -McTavish ,moved a 'ivote of
thanks to the hostess and all' tak-
ing part in the: meeting. After
the singing of aa. hymn and the
W M S.: beredretion;, lunch .was
'served arid.. ' a . social time spent:
.Service on palm Sunday • :a4
-•Oh:vet United_ Chtir'ch =uuas :yir61
attended,•The choir rendered,the
anthem: "The • King Shall 'Come.
• If, you aro contempt' Ging INTERIOR ?A.INT
see• our
. V
.or every room of`,the .house.
'his"has been compiled by`$enjamin Moore & Co Ltd.
in' HconjUnction with Better Homes' and Gardens.
The;' Teerf,Age class :conducted
the Sunday .School. Mission ser-
vice. These h e ;wlmo took W
:part were
the teacher, . Mrs;;., Mel ' Cpi.1in„
Misses l uth • Black
. and; Donna
:Osiborne,-Ronnie: VcCharl�s andT
Miss • Betty Kempton, who;
spent. the::. winter :months - .i .
Georgia; visited:. relatiles `:here
last Friday. .
"Mrs Mel Collingspent. a.,.few
days `iast Week' with. Mr.: •8r Mrs:
David King,' near, Tee'sw•ater., ••
Plumbing, Jieating, Wiring, Eavetroughing
ST. :•• -1'ELE'NS ~ .Helens, Y.:P.U; was_held - ori April
• 14th. Marvin .McDonald ' •was an
'":; Tlie "Eas.ter pageant, The charge of. the adm>nrstra'tron• The
,,,.Story -:of :th.e Cress'.' ;as' present;?d' m:ii7utes ';o,f the: last'rnei;ting aria
• by, the pupils of ",Fordyce:-sclaool the . treasiuicr.'s: repoi t af. $?7.34
• under the, direction of -their" tea-: •'cTe read .and , adopted.: Donna
cher, .Mrs.• .George.,
musical supervisor;, • MI's. .,13oc1
gc�ri� was the imp�resSi'v:e conte:
voncl'uding' n.urn'ber of' a fine
concert• in the CorXmrnunity .'Hall.-
Friday.. . vening.: Mi • O'Mal.=
Eley was the;efficien-t £liairnian•
for the program of •ch:or uses, r e
:citations; dialogues- and h tthrn-
selections: and . Skipping
eccrses: At the conclusion, :1'
Was. 'toll ved r1,1,hTdainei.ng ' to Th.e Sort plo�ss; C a t the? `aero-ar
Woods took. the ..worsliip. Bev 1
e i. e'. s udy which
Gr•ec�n had th Bbl '•t
wasPfoilow�ed•by a sing''son ; 'F.oi.
low•itrg "�recrea't.ion, Rev:. • Gree'
cloyed •the'ineeting with the bore'
rel ion:.
• : arid';'PARTS
Complete° .Line of
arts ,Aiways of Hand
We will be.please"i ` to discuss yourfar;n machinery
need,• with, you•. r -}o obiigation`'on',t-wait=u�%i'1.
the ol-d machine -,fails' -When, you need it mo{•t.
er Vous
Phone .40,' RIPLEY.
MacLeod and ]vathers Group ..
The`'.April meeting Of ' Group :3
met at• the, "home of Mrs.
Jo int.
presided." Mrs. N :J :' 'MacKenzie
yead the scripture:' • . Mrs Mac-
Leod :gave the meditation:. and
p1•ayer Sewirag dommittee
aerial was received and shown to•
Members. This was left With the
convenet for • future, use• :' The
date of the •. Blosso:m Tea', was 'set
+for ” May 23:rd and;cemrnittees•
were .,arranged. ,Mrs, MacKenzie'
,gave the Sick• cornanittee rep.ort-'
Thank •vou' cards • �tiere. read 'anel
KINLOSS' NEWS the.: roll call v� as;.' ancw•ered,
. an Easter Bible verse Th1e .pro:.
Fourth •and..•- ixtl
S >t gram, 'a.ri Easter ' servrce'' of: woe•='
unch. ship was .used, 'With Mrs. ;Hall.
C 1r
er Mr
S Si
a ..( o
Ore n
t a
ra B
, Mr•
D •m
c )
in •
. atv ve
the nsR
• p .. 5 with an attendance ..of, •22 art •. in the '.
' p service. 'Mrs. J. W.I.
ss: Doreen C` ' , children.. The leaders year on•Aniifit or `th D . a'r'e' '1V,1rs• Fi ink' Mai:Ke i r. ,• r - -
epiart-''rent • of : _ ... , , end a d--�v-rtti 4 -duet.. Nlrs.• Haz-ula
tib .was winner of 'the d.oar •church 'basement op'. Monday at.Mrs: garnet Henderson'
rice `�#.1 �taking
Mi raft, Home Fc year Jo'ynt and Mrs John Hall fav
is the tele `ho ,
: , , lie still' pro kin
It's most°•unus>al when
a s.torm;affects .-'•
telephone-. ft-s-'reass:u'r i�r� -to 'know' th aur,`::
has a ; '. .. ,.� , .:� lata
habit of'stay rng on thejob.
e reason is•'tha ,y
t , our.te'lephore ope=rates . •
. from banks ofgiant�batteries'in the tele hon
excha ,- .. P.... e
nges' Should .power go off for any: rea-
son hese', are chargeii by a Diesel motor
standing by, for'just' such an-.eme •-
- .. xgency� �.
So • tlie• uninterrupted service
.. . P v ce you enjoy is
accident, It :"takes fo
e .; rethought; equip.',..
rner t -and• money :All are`netessary if -
are 'to have the` besty yeti...,'.
possible telephone •...
service 24.hours'a day,: :
Agriculture;', dem.On.strated :the Mi s. 'Ira,•.Drckie The meson gave a. reader' Mis
Making of sandwiches Mrs."Frank •. , : Linda. ':B
.g• s
for all �oC- '.hostess • .for a MQcKen�ie , wa's .which, shefon ;had two numbers l,eagi.'
ons to. • 47 'ladies including ,1 vely . shower ecited, Mrs. •Garnet.
g'ilests , from: Whitechurrh-�_an�d '' Which • was• 'held far .Mrs. Pied -++.Here a son, eon'd•uo-ted-;a: eont-es-t -'
Dungannon: in.. tihe • VV'oodle, :' 1VIar Lunch'. wa • ••
Hall on Tuesday; afternoonunder Saturday'evening ...' cornirirttee. Mrs. Hall thanked
the sponsorship .of the loci -'Wo- ,' Miss Belle , Graharrr, nurse -in -',1 Mrs' •
Joynt for her home• and.
men's. Instia'ute, . training at St. Joseph's %hospital'' also- the -:lunch, cotrnrnittee.'
r Many friends are t glad to' London, was; Thome ,:for"a' 'few
knovii that Mrs. win..., A' Hum_; : dayv
pending . bl mon •'be .home 'after: We ,,are sorryto hear that Mrs. ,
phreyis, •able ta'th .. in
r- 'Victoria. Pota:. Jy1acKenzie is
Il patietrt. ir,
pn a; a "on ori, and at' the Wingham••iospital.• We •wish•'her
home of her daughter, Mrs.'.•Roy a speedy recovery.
Robinson, ,Belgrave:s •: MitJack Needham'':was
` del
Mrs ' . Rosg,• Errington ' arid Ler- egate� :froi •i Corot na ,Presbyterian
in were visitors-. vatlsistr4 - Chu-i•di to th , S�rj-Ten-l-ii� Lig=
iii Walkerton for a few days last towel last. :Week . and also ' isitecl•
.week - •with. he father, MI Rod Mac.
MVIr George Stuart, who this r ougi i at. ,the, 13ra1.cr ,;Home' 'end''.
• Yat t e�tirred after 21 ,years 'faith, 1 \'y th Mt and, ;L7;t,' f.4,toy c1 'MYtc- I
til" si i Vice_._as at diroetar of the i l2_oue.11 tans _. 4.11• :1y . -
WiiVrarrosh- Fires -lir ttr arc c Mrs': Walt's i `-IVIM b"t17re, wlro
(.(1,' Was honored: at a surprise hit` :1).0.1.1t:', the .t.intet". in 7'iiplc,y
t�rtthcr1ng nit phis home. oft 1?,1'idtiyy tin's .i'ctitirttcd to hPr,'horite. on they
• c vc'tring All, the diiccfoi s viitl) Fourth,•
ihc•ir• ladies,.22 ii- all, enitt;Vccl t` ' Y•
Y . ,Elctc1 '1 rctlltCS S .' •I-', .
it Pleasant social' evt�ninq dtiring ',15r ogra•i7.1 ws. o.t .;,p6'6,rai inaci`est.'
oric•h read an address' tin& Mr
l)i•n ran for noon when wv 'saw ;Ma h
s. I it s:
Eh111rps_ preie:ti-te-ti Mr *y H;cia•st'i'r•-•-`clemon,trftiit,g thr l
r "tut,: t with a lovely ,r)ccasronal rt`-+finl:5hing of furniture.,"
r.Ii.<W �Mi& to �'► 't -�.w- '"•made 7 _
tlte, iCcn fent f Sa ,b arttiful rose' MaS5rrticc� MacDougall 'laid a:
c argago;•
nut7iliei` cif lttt•1(. friends , in itis
help 'her.; celebrate . h=er tenth
Plans are being, made g ioi' a birthdtiy ..
lairily Night Tri the Camm.u'n;. . Mr, and ''Mi•s. Mpc Ramage tircl",
rt p
Y' Hall on Wednesday,: April 24 fKirnily df ��.t. Helens -visited Sun -
under . the aus ices 'et the 1 We-, day with M'r: and Mrs,' Gib Min._
inert; stet
� ute�-Eae1't�-rnetrrrb�r' �s'- �n asrf ...fa,ri�ii�`i�W`�"`
arrahygteyy�'for ot1 ' flttrtiitie'r on'"
L ,the pixtrarri + ' Y •.
,• Pew i hildren.fear '+Vater 'utit�
The tegular'tneet;irig.of the tacitieih ;
...04 •?0§ 44'0.4 v; o •*,4,4 e '• • • . 0YW.•`l.<W) Y,1! a
Head Office
London, Ontario
y-�,•w :.
LJis%r'tcl Representatives
ltutrn n, Phil» * Dun an be n= H. Agnew, Lucknow