HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-17, Page 47,7 klii14,411.1” A.04FOull HE U.Citkrehi SENTINEL, 141,1c1010'W, ONTARIO W:ElpilESDAY, APRIL 17, 1957 ()MING EVENT At $t.' Joseph's, KingSbridgei, On -1V1Onday',•• April Car, riither's,. orchestra: L, arVey gannon. FOR SALE—new, 2.,Whee1 trailer. 'Oliver—Plena, • Phone ,74-14341. • Lucknow. cedar feriae phone 694Dun- • OR' chines'. Rat $7.0b*Per da phone. 218,, 't71;SLEL. large 'white,. Pekin duck Mrs.. , Litcknow; FOR., 0ALE ---'- .13 plIgS,,7 'Weeks IL-4-‘7MeNa1l, -.R... 5;1, „Luck, ,now, 'phone 662-w-4 Winghani. FOR: -SALE-- cedar4ence_posts,. also a ,few anchor poSts, Millan 100re, R. R. 5, Iducknow, phone Wingham 612W3. • FoR-sAupwardt of 200-buS: of Clinton seed . 'oats. George 'Stuart, St, Helens, Phone. 56-r-12 •.LucknOw, "." FOR SALE—a ram and 11 ewes due to.. lamb 'around! May 1st. 'Louis Hogan, phone 76-r,17 Dun- gannon, • FOR SALE quantity. of good timcitihir seed, reasonable. Arn- old Altan, phOrie Dungannon 67-rl. • • • FtoR, SALE — invalid's wicker • wh.eelotiair with reclining back, • good_,Condition. Can' be 'seen • at _ Johnstone's Furniture Store, Lucknow. In the Estate of tVIlliam, Cieorge, Armitrong ' A044 -PER •40ainSt the estate' of the: above 'rnentiOned, late of the Village a •Lucknow,,in the CoUnty. of Bruee, -1abQreri, WhO.4-led, on-th•e4SeVenth 1-.1a,y, •of ,F0hrtiary, 1957;,• are .,re, 'quired, to NO PrOOf Of same with. 'the ;undersigned, On or ,before the: 20t1* day of APO, 197• , After that •date the%- Adminis; trator will 'proceed to • distribute the estate haying regard.,onlr'10 the claims. WhiCh he Shall then have ,had.inotiee. SPARE Rini, 'SAVEREE:*- 10.0r Sanding •Every $1.00 per our or Wednesday,.Friday, and)iraday Finlay.Decorators, . loolit. at :the-, el"ww' •• Conimerelal Hotel, FORMOSA .. ENT -,-..1.09: adre grass farm . . , ith .spring cheek running thru it. APply to .Geo.,Fiihert White- church: ' ' tlus . RA -.--:-.7 Eir• A R .14 EY. ,gONTC 'I'S , now aVailable;•eloWers and grass seeds . . . . for sale. Elliott's .Seed House, n . phoe • 154-j- Liieknow:-. - Night phone 255. .. . , • ----- BABY:CIIICICS ,BABY CHICKS:— clay old 'and •. . • started. • Agents for Newhauser 'Chicks, Hy-Line•and Big -4. Order ,yours at the LucknoW District Co-op. •„,' FOR RENT-150,;aere,:,graSS tarin with. Spring water, .or„:Will -.take in. Cattle cfOr the season, Apply to ,ThOinaS• Austin, s'phorie -''RiPleY, 27.-r-21. • CANDIDATE, TO SPEAK' 'Hear Donald B. Blue; Liberal ,Candidate,, for „Bruce,: on CKNX — ;Radio, Saturday; APrit.- 20th at .6.25 p.m. , EASTER',BARE SALE --.7H' Blake WA. Will •hold a bake sale- in.' LuOknow SaiiirdaYi ,April 20th at 1.80; at the, forrner Stewart Gift Shop; ajoining •Sanderson's. • EVerYbody:Weldame. .• , • BIRTHDAY PARTY , The Legion AtheiliarY Birthday Party s.will be held in the Rooms on •.Thursday, April 18th. Will BAB* CHICKS ,each, member please bring a tea towel, also gift for Penny Am • . - ' Bray ChiCks. For all • Marketi. PulletS. Started:. Brollers..proinpt ShipmentWide ChoiceAsk join In the fun. A go8d. evening . : agent," D. R. FINLAYSON,•Luck, now, phone, 91. • .• • • -- SCHIJMMER CHICKS Since 1939 Formerly Monkton ' "Extra Profit" Chicks We specialize in. egg Produc- tion breeds only. Suss. x Red, Red x Suss.Red x Rock, Rhode is guaranteed., pot Luck ,Supper! FORMAL DANCE The TeeSwater Junior ;Farm- ers and, Junior InStitutewill hold a Formal' Dance *in the. Teeswater Town' Hall on Friday, April 26th, Dress. optiOnal. Dano- .ing,9.30 pn. iintil-1-7o4clOck a.m. Miisic, supplied by Henderson's day of l6rch, ,CrawfOrd. & Hetherington Qntario • ' licitors-for-the--Admi-r.th- AKTIFIPIAL INSEMINATIQN For artificial insemination fOrniation or Service,. '-from breeds Of ett.le,, PhOne: the, Waterloo, :Cattle !.Breeding As; siociation'at Clinton -.HU 2.-3441, or Kincardine 460 -between 7.30 and ,.930 aan, We .haveall breeds available. ,— top ..qUality at lo „ • , Addltionakl Classified On Page •,9 7 / . Island Red, Leghorns, Leghorn orchestra. Mrnission . $1.50 per. Crosses. Free delivery.. .. . couple Everyone welcome. mer's Hatcheries, Linwood. Agent ---- Stanley McGratton, .FORH.SALFr-m' ine cloth' Coat. '8E iiitie7iiYlon7taffeta dress, ' for. girl 8 to lb, years, reaStinable. Can •be seen at' Mrs. Bert Ward's; or • contaet, Mrs, Jim Nelson... • ." SEED FOR SALE—Beaver Oats, • Kizired barley; also baled first and second cut hay; high quality, • lowest • prices. ..Larie Gardner, • phone 69-18 Dungannon. • .FoAkSALE—one Enterprise com- bination coal or wood, electric •range, good as new, priced reaS • onable. Apply. to Campbell's •Sports & Auto Supply. , . .FOR SALE --4959 Meteor custom sedan, biscayne blue, radiO, dir- ection signals, back-up lights. K- G:Whitely, R.. 5, Goclerich, phone '.Carlow 206. • FOR 'SALE—John Deere tractor •modei-A---with-iculler-and• Cor -n planting, attachments, in good , , running :condition. Hydraulic at- tachnients. George• Drannen; R. -7, LucknoW,Ont„ ' ' • Phone :3(.108' .-Carlow. [ OOTICE Income .Tal( Returns • Write.. P.O.Box. 741 or phone 149.fOr appointment. ; •S. J. PYAIM, Accountant BEAT. t$TATE, WANTED listings on farms; liornes, bUS.inesses, • sinail BIG.: VALUE BUYS IN TRACTORS .8; . IMPLEMENTS, CA AMA 'tractor •with mounted plow and cultivator W4 ,McCorrnick tractor No: 81. IVIaSsey-Harris tractor • .WF •AlliS'.0halniers tractor ' •, 774t. Case, :cultiVatgr ,on rtibber 10 -ft. . John 'Peeve cultivator,. on. . rubber ' ings, properties all descriptions. 2 -,furrow Case plow Lucknow, Ont., .agent .for Stevenson -Real • Estate, Mount rt. • • Contact Rohn', Hall; phone 26,1,3 -furrow ..No: 26 Massey -Harr • plow • • . • New. Super 77. ()liver; and plow • , OMAR BROOKS M -H, Dealer, Phone 6; LOcknow • Sanitary. Sewage Disposal Septic tanks, cess=pools, • ete. Pumped. and cleaned with sani- tary ' modern equipment. 'All - work guaranteed; • Write Louis •Blake, RR.. 2; Brussels, phone 42,r-6 Brussels!. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL 'PERSONS having claims „against the -estate -Of 'JohnLAreh- Cainpbell, late a the Township of •Astfield; in the •County of Huron, Retired Farm- er,. who died on ' or about the gip HORSES WANTED • daY, of' JanUary,. 1957, are ••-T,H15.." SURE 1$.• WONDERFUL SERVICE YOU CO-OP FELLAS GIVEME. OTKNOW WHAT. I'D DO WITHOUT IT I.TS A PLEASURE TO' SE.RVE YOU,. imkgs MYWORK EASIER TOOr WITH ;THESE REGULAR ROUTE CALLS • FOR •SALE'52,. DeSoto, deluxe •sedan; light green; with direction 'signals,. back -UP" .lights, , !radio, good,heater and air conditioning,: also With: snow tires."Aiyin Hac- • kett,. R. 7, Liiclincr,v, phone .704-, 19 Dungannon. - ' • FOR SALEhouse' and \barn On Haveloek",.St, , Luck - now, : property .of James.Burns and the late, Mts, Maria 'Burns. Contact_z_Mrs. Alfred Ritohie„, Lucknow, ,or J. D?, Burns,. Wing - hair'. • • FOR SALE Gary seed oats, •lingi. Custom butchering a sPec- traffie ther eleahed and treated; 1•Tew thMuni . Old, horses wanted. at ,31/2c Per required to file the same with , - lb.; dead. cattle at value. If dead, full particulars with .the under - phone at once to 'Gilbert 'Bros. signed bY the.'4th day May; Mink Ranch, phone collect :God- 1957, as after that, date the assets erich 1483J4 or 148111. . .' of 'he estate :Will be distributed, the - SALESMAN WANTED - • (- • business. • Sell to 1500, fainilies. of April, 1957. • MAN . WANTED for Rawleigh,„ County of Huron, this 9th gar Write toclay_Rawleigh's, Dept. 'HAY' and PRESt; . —Goderiolr;--Ontario. JD-271-S.A.,Montreal : •Que • • • Solicitori , for the Estate: • . • SALESMAN WANTED • Aggressive, Men/ and 'wornen. Make intereSting :profits On each voU sell. Well-knoWn rnanufac- BY -Law No, 5, 1957 turer of finest household nekeSs- A by-law for the purpose of ities and toiletries has openings closing Side Road No., 5 between in your surroundings. ' Wrae--:far--Lots-Nos4--5,--and-6-4h•-•the--bth and 9th Concessions in the Town- ship Of Kinloss.' . • "Whereas the Municipal Cowl. of the. Township of Kinloss have-receivedi-a-Petitiefn'reqUest-i• -ense from the , Department. of in that the • said side goad be there is, !very . little. Health: Chbice Hereford year, 'closed. as thereby. relieVin" e ,cieon,palityof g maintaining.' , NOTICE • TOWNSHIP'.OF KINLOSS°. details and free catalogue to 1600, Delorimier, Dept. C, Montreal.' • MEAT FOR ;SALE: Goticl beef, for 'sale bY the quarter. Beef killed Under lie- iality. , 040 • 41readers-and--•-triowers-,anct. the -having_ _ te , Sieried an•.agreement-to-do the 3 -41e:P. 'Wainer electric Inc)tbr• Orle.24-3% Ripley. George' Wraith, Wa.terloo' ' M -M. • • •' • , • neaessary ' fencing, While t • he farm machinery,. Purina Feeds, Phone 1285, GOderich. WANTED—a colony hot, 10X12 don Miller, It 1, Lucknow, phone 64-r 11. t her A qualified PrOtesta d_ Wanted by West Wawano sh .Township School Area:Duties to eornrnetiee SepteMber ptcl, ,1957• . This is. a tine sehoel with ,furn- ; s,ae, hydro, and *Ater tinder gt.Tre7k-ntiirordESt:-Irelerorsdiocth- APply stating ..eXP'eriente, tfuaP ifieations` and salaryrequired t� W. A, Stewart, SeeretarY, gatinon, °At.' • SEED FOR SAIJE Certified Rh,goi, alfalfa,. $29,90 bus.; Bruce COtirity: GritnM.•alf- alfac $20.00 bus.; Bruce County , . , 0 0,60 ,•White Ot yellow sweet -clover, grade. Also, for :sale are ilsiket, laditiW4andr-.WIfitd,r'--dOteh---..clovers? orchard,•brorrie and'meadow.,fes. .kras..5-s • for permanent pas. tire ,• mixture§ at • reasonable prices, Rog, Oatl.oatg, $1:,05 bus.; • reg,' Brant' lbarley, $3.754;4.04, COrnatiereig NO, '1 Gary .90S., :$1.55 ibus4-doininereial,N6-13r.arti. barley„ $2.95 bus.; also Other r - ROY , , (1tA1411•I & SO Piton 01'?"hoit4 04111 6,81Ar.$.'" ' Council have agreed • tO do the. necessary levelling on the, road- way ,for; farm atiltivation", of 'KintOSs, under authority ',o Section -489 and other--relevant- Sections , of the: kttnicipat Act, regular meeting oh. -May 6, 1957, .prbeeed td Consider and pass 'the above by-law, unless .at that, time OppositiOn .stifficient is tortlitOrriing to the final:passing Of the y.Law, Which must also COuritk:Council Of, Eirpee. doun,!.1 144.10, diet*, 'rOwnship ' 010,446.:62zek,:kjoi. .211114N% 11~ .'Phone .uckflOW