HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-17, Page 27.72.2PW.,11710. !! . ,..rikgr TWO • • onfl Lucimow sENTtNEL, LVCKNOW, ONTAR.10 • EDNESD .01414 i7, '1957 • ••3 • • I once again, seek your support Influence in the i forthcomng Election. 4 , , It was my privdege,andhonour to represent Bruce Ridmg for four years (1949-1953) . and. sine that time 1. have endeavoured .0carry Out . , e,--Ibusinessof-thannen4OrkLEtrucel-Co#,,ILI stituency for one 'arict,a11.,„: • . Ai the Liberal Candidate I humbly tisk foiNN Tyour heti), to -re -elect -the Liberal Government at ' Ottawa. • 4 Letter To The Editori 1411 -,nit ALUMINUM WARE Dear Sir: Recently the residents of Luck - 310W and vicinity have received letters denouncing the use of al,. uminum. cooking•-utensili; as --the - author of the letter 'put it, . . `Poisori in your Pots and Pans”. We have gone to the trouble to investigate and we have found „ out that practically all hospitals use aluminum ware. Below are a few • of the many Canadian Ilospitals using cooking utensils made of aluminum: Victoria Hos- , pital, London; -St JoSeph's Hos- SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered :War,ehouse No., 'Weston, Ontario • : LOndori;••• 'rile Beck Mem- KINGSBRIDGE orial Sanitoriurn London. Queeti- Elizabeth Hospital; Toronto; Tor- 'onto General, Hospital; Hamilton, General 1-lospital. This is what.Dr. Walter' C. Al varez, of the 1VIayo .Clinic, has to y: "One of the most.firinly, ; r' tr•-• 0,— — THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES '• TexiY001,Ago Ileeve•.„.114.eh4rd retired ,41-07r '18.Ye'.„ar.$7.:'Wmtok-i.PalS. reeve.. Reeve '49$44...*4 Thirty Yeara Age Jack Cantelen• a member Qf e•--13ank--0 --ri--VrtirltreAF-§tialr fur . t 61/2 year so was tralisferi'eci tg, MeefOrd- • • • 4' 4 ected by acclamation for k Mr. arid Mrs.royyn; term,. tQcoi4Pcillors' were W dent4, '9f LueknOw for fo'uteell iSolomon, HarveY TreleaVeri0 $aln 'years • 'moved • to ,Sinicee, erW:004 WWI Cthir Healev' •••EllP. Veil candidates stood' fpr el-. Mrs, Sansonterra• and daugh- ters, .DetrOit, spent the week -end' with Mr. '&•• Mrs. Norman O'Con- nor..Ware, .pleased to lth earn at Mrs. O'Connor :was able to re- --turn to her home last week: from, established of wrong and silly .a 'London hospital, ideas is that 'the eating of.'food cooked •in alurninurn pots. will poison: 'people. For thirty •years or.,more Government Health.A.g • eilcies, have been telling, people not to pay attention to this . . silly fear of aluminum" • This isciwhat Good ,Housekeep- :ing-has-to-sayOrpod_HQusekeep- ' vesti ated tharou hi thematter of. absorption of aluni- inum from cooking 'utensils.' and we believe .thete is , absolutely nO danger frorn the use of such • ware. Aluminum •cOo.king uten- sils have'been pronounced harm- less: by the Hygienic LabotatorY .of. the i.,.Tnited 'States Health; Ser- vice. and by other organizatiOns devoted to the. public. gOod. •,You may, therefore, use your alum - 1 Reliable' Grading. DirOct Settlerneint • •- • • Obtain-Lsacks,-and-t-Wine' Without' charge, from PHILUP H. STEER 1 R.R. 5, Lupknow ' . or by writing to Canadian Co•Operative Wool Growers Limited . •2 1 7 Bay St., Toronto, Canada • • .tot'•• • 4 . , inure ware without fear of threat to .health. The Widespread pro- paganda, against aluminum is. -without-scientific foundation and eininates from unauthorative sources". In short the use. Of aluminum utensils is approved by The De - Welfare, Ottawa; 'The Canadian ,Welfare, Onntwa; The, Canadian. Department—of-griculturef---Ot 'tawa; the ,U.S. pant Health Ser- vice; The American Medical As- sociation. . • • • 'WM. M1TUDi & SON. • . Arnold' sMarsrnan 'visit • With 'relatives in SildburY' the past, week . Mr. :and. Mts., Don Frayne; Peter and.. . Margaret, • „spent the . week -end:. in . KinkOra. • M. and MrS; ,Jack',Fitigerald and' family of Stratford' 'Spent the'_weelcend.:With_ Mrs:. P, M Mr. H. Captein, who -spen t past few months .with his :rela- tives in,' Hbilancl, returned to his, home 'here during the past week accompanied by his tWo'broth- ersCorigrattilations to 11/r. airs. I V. . • N. rest was named man- nealtn and it the ',an \vas ap.. Frank Dwyer- •of St. Catharines ..(brother of 'Mrs. Don, Fr,ayne),. who are the parents of triplets, three girls; Mary Josephine, Mar - IvIer4.hei;i7,C0f;itile7.130-4Id7OfFttl4.';',etion in Ashcfe1d with •cartio.n.,..were T. W. snlithp. J,, -elected reeve over: Jolla ••• gacMilian,*,! Robert,,-. Rae, Mrs,. Hender§en; A,E. MvIirn P�iJip'Stewart,;. W., V, „johnStO4 and Erne groword,::wTfrll ' yaeancy. caused bY.,' the .death OrGorclon 'Taylor. The • death occurred :of Muriel 131ake,':daughter of Mr; and, Mrs. yaFAish; 'John?, Canle4rOn defealcing . :Archie .Johnston as.. „deputy reeve arid '9•914,10.11.9rs el'ected TheinaS orryw •Arici; erso.._tnivrlarrs: 41.%3Hgecce_n4ii,00..' 611 •JohnSton.„ who retired ait6r. • ten years as reeve of I,,Uelidow, Efrnest her 27th year: .cowleillorS were ,4,E... ShI:renclinebeeyneali4anaf iron n clourintgr fc7. vR Robert Spindler iptir , React: Ago e1t.Rae ac overForty co " .athe. 4getind ing: Polio in September 1937.• Her ..bretherctiiffOrd,--stricke-ri-at the •• t . •of .ip ,,t.thp same time, died Within' ten days ' of hig• cruner.A. 9 -year-old.: Keith b6;-(2te'r.61.1 antrch;1.to. BlukeT-Was-Itlie-thircirrierriber--of- • the ''family, to ,cOntract 'the dread Lt in 1 18, le9'11‘4'ar!1; disease. His • recovery was corn- „ • . ment . sel ••• '• vicei when the. first call caMc Agnes M Pie*ar nurseShe offered -her after: Several Monthe treat-'•qtlaig Sailed for ovseas as a . , . 'Twenty' Yeatt Ago. for. r124rsC• 131.it it was Some tim e later before her services were Maitland Campbell, 2•1 -year- . -old son of Mt. and: Mrs ,Malt• required In the meantime had taken a nursing .position in land 04%614:kelt of Con. 4,, Huron ToWnshiP; drowned in a swift- Chicago which she resigned. im-' ,::. ••• •. • - • ;flowing cree ontheir farm, swoollen by ram and tnild.wea-! Fifty YearsAgo Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ShetWOod, . In a single 'week • there ivere: df Belfast observed their 54th ten carloads of . grain, lumber wedding -anniversary. •• and livestock Shippedfrom the G.T.R. station. . • Ree'Ve W.:B. Anderson was re.7, turned by aecla.mation; Council- W. S. McCrostie was elOrk of, lots elected by.baliot were .J. C. MeNab;.N; •E: Bushell, Dan Fer. giison, Alex- -MeDiarmid. Ashfield, ',died RcickrWood, Rev. G. M.: young. waS..induct- ed: at South Kinloss, succeeding Re -V.: J. L. .13urgss, 'Who let the charge. the preVious August West •Wayranosh, arid -M.J.•Allin .was .lerk of Astifield.'... '. • A Public, •meeting favored ..the -Village-COuricii --sukahlt t ld-o• .i -b• .7c 11*T1Z- ing• a loan of, $4,000 to the. Luck,. 0Ow. Furniture co. ".for. a 'bd. uil ing .,,expansion. Mr. ,.fglinButton• 'Stated' that .,IVIr:ITreNi.ett was. tiring from' the. fV.incitie1t.:111 • ager .of :the Bank.' of Montreal, proved, two young, m•actiea1.1110, garet Lucille and Maureen Fran - and after distributing . palms to the parishioners, led„ a• proces- accornpanied by' the'altar boy s' and meinbeis of-. the con regation,while-the-choir_san "The Palms". The.: Passion 'ott Our • Lord, was read aloud by Maurice Dalton, :-Peter Martin Danny" paRon.. succeeding S. D. •I•Vhaley. .. would join the firm.... • • . • ' ' STAGE,. SCHOOL CONCERT 'plan to. stay open ori• Friday'. TO • AID :NIAG*RA, TRIP. • nights until R.30 p.m.,. .add. on, • . $aturclay nights until 11 0:clock.. Ces, born ins St Catharines hos- Students 'of Fordyce, School, • : . . ' pital' .last,. week. under the direction of their tea-' ' • ' • • ' The Palm , Sunday services cher, Mrs._ George Fisher, stag- S. BR.UCE__.W.J. PPIECTQRS_ commenced at 8.15-a.m. Rev. H 1ed *.an interesting, concert on Fri- PLAN FOR ANNUAL MIXTINpVan- -yynckt'biesed-4he_Pa1mSr. • ,-../.4/....,44 • • • • /4....--474.7,/4,--'•/4.....4 -;claynight at-St-000ns Ilallf-fol4 :lowed ,iby, a dance to music by Carruthers 'orchestra. The, pro- fits are to:be used for the,trip to Niagara on June 20th: Totn,0'Malley utas-Chairf. man and .Mrs:., Phyllis , Rodgers, • rniusical •instructor, .pmicied • alt the 'Piano. The' program •included the following nurailiers: (*ening chotiis;*. Welcome .reCitation by .1Louise 'IVIacDOnald and Sharon Rintoul; E0,•titch •sailor song Hby 'Seniors; Alibe Blue Gown by Sr.- giris, . a: play, "The Dummy", With .Louise Irwin, Anne 'Ttiritctui, 3kaY;n' Martin, 13illY Robinson ' &. Bob. Taylor; the Juniors' song, in Your Yard; ...skipping drill. by Donna Rintoul, and Marlene Martin;• 'rhythm band by Jes,;.- EaSter Fashion. Parade; 'a recitatialif Thy Dotig. MacDonald, ."Generosity"; "Peter Cottentail",„, by the TaYlOr fam- ily; Easterge,ant; 'The ',Story. Of the Cross", 'With. solos 'taken bOtig1as-7-G4unt and Rilly • Robinson: • •.4..0.044.**4104.•;•4444..0,44.4 • • • • 0-01110i4 a . 1" Ind „... Pineapple and Grapefruit Juice Sre4c, 48. LUSHUS JELL? POWDER .• Save 5c —3 • itOsiN..,14090...iloug.''- Ali .000 's'aVe4a • • •: • '" •...- „.••., . ........... • • .::LISB.Y.,-.'S..f•ANCX•pEAS...,.._.... : • • • • " i• Paramount Fancy Sockeye Salmon; F2 tin 43c Libby's fancy 'Fruit Cocktail, 15 pie. tin ',„. '26e 'Salida Tea Bags,, two cup,,,,ok.g. of 60 .,,,..„ 79e Robin Hood VVIlite.Cake Mixi. 15 Oz. .pkg. 29c' R.--e-dale-Toinato•---Juiee'i--48-OE'llirr.--,.,-;-.•:-;•-:.,-;:.:•-•-29e:'. • Suiispun Salad Dressing; 16 02. . jar ....,....1,..; 37c Golden Hour ,4..s,4td: Easter Egg Candies, 29c . "carouseligasir Opera'Gums, 16 oz'. 'cello 35c • . • . , BIRDS EYE FROZEN,' FOODS . ,,, • .. • ' 1 . Strawberries, 15 Oz.' pkg, „„,,,:-.,..,,..„*...,,,,,,,,- _ :43e ' . xed Vegetables; 11 oz. pkg. • Birds Eke Cod 'Fillets '12 oi k 25. Save , 5 'oz‘ tine f 4Te ns‘RESil Pii0DiTE ,RED 'ikWHITE - # 4 ' Sukist= ,SAS tenEat in ran ,e,s,"1 • ir '• R ;•.w .ri ,a, • I , • • • • • • vIr Another SCheine of''HoUr* •': :Paisley 'retailers,havd a • now stor'e' houi's plah,Which they plan, giiiefr'a iiiar• for three inonthS tine, u y an.At.tgust.. Thy will 'Close, alt day IVIOnday, : and 1w:ill-trispense 'with -the Thursday I afteilloAh, they, Supreme brand Salted Peanuts, 1Z 02ce*,296, Ori.tario fancy Northern Spy ApPles lbs37e • • . Stainless' Steel Premium, all .5 'pleeeS only 99e • Large 'heads 'crisplender Lettuce, each c Stainless steel Tomato Slicer 19c .TaSty. golden , "Sweet ratatee0,....„4.4 2 Ihs. 19c, The'. annual District ,Directors rneetirig South Brtice -Woinen's Institute took,place .on 'SaturdaY',.. . April .13 at " Pp rple - Grove heal -with tepresenig t pi..e.$, • ent, from Kincardine Ti.erton, ,Bervie, Armoi,ky ParA, mount,;.Kairsthea; •LUckno•c.\-Rtd Corners, RipleY; .":Teos,W4er., Whitechurch, Purple; cirove Ripley Junior Institutes, Mrs,. .1farVey. 'Houstoh„ president •and ' MrS. Vic to Enx.r- sori :secretary, presicied,.ovpi• th Meeting. , , • Plans were •.laid. Ois, triet Annual' to be held in Te.e5; water7-Jurie '5titrTvv'tth titf tion this ,year to' commence 'ay 9.30, 'Mrs: , Cliff „floWitt,, 3ervi6., • was . appointed .delegate:.16 the • Area; gen.V.ention i nSont'ettlfer, *k4.,,,r‘( t•pp•ortet•-: :opthe 'Institute'Rally to ...6c Chesley, August '5th:it wa's ,planned : to replace.uI group discussions,wiih LIPStiohs 1-5it:T-to-a Donald •McCoAlf,. 'Mrs. NIcIntkee; Mrs.. Orland 'Richards' -and Mr Wrn; Arnold, , .'.•", • The next Alrerfor' meeting Will be h•Old''n't Tht itnbunt:' Ciiminitten ih rivirgy of.. this meeting • was . M rapb: „DEtporee rs.' ran urricani LucKNow sEig,TINEL Lucke untaro . 4. - • • • • 0,. 'A14 t 6.• t I d a g so'ond s mail, Post Office-Dep-artnlent4,' • :t4 .'Each Wednesday A-Ttprilbort.. ',Subgeriptiou...rate,--$250:a yoar in - • • .• • E 26 , „ Campbell T, onipson ,Publ)sher • • ,Kv.„,.'!""Artl)NESIDAY,..AP:FtlIk 17, 1057 . • ••r • ,eJ