HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-10, Page 11Aiff,:p40th, 19;5 '...
PAGE mgygN.
_ ii✓_iiiwi�=�-''==-`�-'-'iii iiiii-ii�,� � � � .._',�
-srvsr?. .•,,{o,,>l,��;i�„�.,gY�iou:i'j�ii.' ,_.1 ..d....,. :.", �;
Semi -Gloss Enamel for walls, ceilings
and trim . ,_.or kitchen -cabinets and
doors: Excellent' for bathroom decor-
'Wing: 20 heavenly colors that resist
steam -a d -moisture Flowson-like-mir rc
re paints
1V1is$ Kaye Hamilton, student
Of Torento Universit : is visiting
her grandmother, Mrs: J. Ham-'
Ilton and, will soon re t,•rn t4 the
city, to. wr.:ite' off' the .1 ear's ec;-
iMrsg: Will WAS. a.
'patient in • Wipgham Hospital • .for
two weeks,; has.'
greatly iinprov,
ed and returned •to her home on>
Mrs. Abner. Morris had. as, vis -
;tors .. ft r the week -end Mr. and
:Mrs. Anderson •.Mugford ;of ``Lon-
don. and Mr,. and ' Mrs... Harold
W44.gfgrd ,sand three little. sons Of.
1V> iss Barbara ,`Wilson,. a student
nurse' at Victoria "Hospital, `Lon-
don, isvisiting: her parents, Mr..
and. Mrs., James Wilson
.We extend our heartfelt sym-
"pathyp-to (the relatives :of the late
Alex. Watson, o Colborne Twp:,,
••who only ,hived a fe,* hours af-
,anc�• `1ZTS
pi* iplete
,> >rr a ,off .;Parts lWays.;
•We will be pleased °to discuss your farm machinery
; ds witvl y u—no 'obligation,.'Don't wait until•
0131-- n 't:-irie ;ails when `you .ne dit most :
interur. tae
Phone 40, RIPLEY
ter the foreeful blow... of •a ;wind;
vote •of thanks to Mrs' John din
1-own-r-11-ri toff a-tree--last--mliur nigan (for leadership° in mission
day:, during: aand
severe wind' .
p - band work and wished 'her.' sue-
cess and happiness at heirfuture.
a's'e• 7'> e
47; tet ' o
1 -ng': 'o'• sell--•-,moi-th
- hynin. and • benediction.
Mrs, 'Robt.' Stothers . went last
Sleet , storm.
Thee...'Women's Institute. spon-
sor? a • s or. :•:course .of :i' days,
April: 411-1; :5th 'and 8th ,in rnillin4.
ery,held in. the Orange Hall.;with l'Friday. •to.; .her.. sister's, Mrs. ,•W
Miss.:'Nora 'Creyke • of. the Depart- I4" �_iLcod; Kincardine,. for a .rest,'
Ment; Toronto,' as ;instructress:' Mrs.; Chas', Fowler is assisting: 'in;.
Those • taking, the course were; the home during... her ' absence.
Harvey Alton, Mrs.:;Omar • ,Mr.:and• 'Glenn Weaver '8z:
Brooks, Mrs. • Clifford Crozier, '
,Jerry, ,Brian' and°`Glonda
Mrs Wilbur • .Brown, ',Mrs: Mary of Bid_ietown .who • have-
Barr Mrs. R. Kilpatrick; ;: Mrs, Mur
chased the farm of Mr, and. Mrs .
Lorne . 'Ivens; M:rs•• Geo, ,'Hodges; Mel'' Stewart, on tle•:4th Con.. of
-Mrs ,'.:Harve:y' . Mole :.. Mr.s: Otto A htfiel : ' ar
• , , d., a welco:med`' .to the
Popp, dVlrs,.; Hugh McWhinney, :cath iiity -
_ Frank':--Pentla d' Mrs. ` -Le_
n (Mrs W,. R. Andrewa
ioy S:tingel,: Mrs:; R. MacDonald...spent:,
Mrs Jahr; Ryan spent' ,few : days last Week visiting her
Wal -
the. week -end w is ting their, dau .granddaughter, ' Miss. " Don' Wal-'
ghter,:. •Mrs. ' Gordon Kidd,' Mr ::den
"Kidd; , :and famil y,' Toronto Mr. and .".Mrs.' Bert Whyard &'
Mrs:: Grace.: •Straughan' 100 •cvoung ,.son of: 'Lond'on." a
yena;r -goalvde ,ahuenrt a"ofsuMrprsr:i, J .• vHis-aitm
Slippy afternoon •oilri- halli:recenfl� .with ''R`i'llagear• s d,
Mrs.' Melinda Ni ins, ° Clinton.
If you are cdntelnplati;ngINTERIOR :PAINT:.DDCORATING
• see 'our' . •
for e
is has
been'cam'byiled B 'am1
P� end n Moore . & Co. Ltd,
in conjunction with Better 'Homes and Gardens,
Plumbing; •Heatipg, ,_Wiring, Eavetroug
MRS, FRED 11MlacGREGOR,. •; Mrs • Ray Balton
oh Scott' - 1VI:r' ',orin.e ,Famish; 'Church met.. on :Friday., afternoon • Mi s. Jat k Errington:.
th ;Mrs. HarveyAnd'rso •
e . n least, . • Mrs.: Herb 'Stothers � 'w ' '
ho Was
The 'April :rneetin of th:e i{i' `'- lVlrs •Wilfret: 1''S i ih;... 'Branch �'�'i
. •; :!? . a,,. .• .. ,;^ ;' ._ . 'a,n'd ,Mrs:.Rav+rrinnd: F`inni an' 'taken
was held. at ,tae :home d<.ectcrs,•,Mrs.. Bill MacDonald;:. g ago, Ilq �.ita:l,
. p a� n;g .t}.e h.rin•ns. After the about two weeks a go .is. 'serious
of Mrs Archi.e Melgurchie :::It Miffs Dave MdcKen ie,..Mrs:..Bolj'g '
sei i.pture lesson was,. `read by the • lY'.ill. and •. showing n.o, improve-'
was, the:' annual ;in,eeti ig 'and e1- F�ai-rish', convener:>: Co niriunitY leader' a is:
,. � ; d cussion •took place Ment.`•'
. •cation of of i.cert' A1'1 the, ctaxndi- Att:lv:itics• :an3..' Public IRelatio �s,',{j .
' �'. , • ' ;�Q�;• • .:. �` ,.. y Mrs." G:,' Hodmes;,Mrs ' Herb . Lasa Wednesday April; .3rd':•
ani, coram -tree: menibcns :b:rought ,1,Irs• Henr�v IVtaeiCenrie,• .Carlad-: l innx an an •: . T
d Mrs: Esther R.ivett�:card. 1:iJart� ;was '�held`�at S�:S ' N;o.•
and 'read..thei.r , rep.orts.. 'the •. roll 'an• Industries and AgI`iculture • ' " �.''
g, ,� on. • ,T,h� ,C:harch is the Body . sof �6,' , •Ash`field • .. with 't . ' , �; •
call was anSwere,l 11v.th;' ``What's ''i'.'. Jim Li.tilc,.Home E anomies:Played.
yi h ;1: 3' ; 1,
r Chnst , •lrleven�''' 'answered'', t•h•e" 'cards:, `�1 . •,
o r: need.. Prizes ��•^eri't •..
11 call, lMllo .epor:ted r:14 h�ospi- • to. "high 1adv,.— Mi -s srdon Con • ,
1calls and 4 house :calls.::' An .grain; high snail; •• Mel' Stewart -
extended to... the: :low • lad'v ;,.. Mrs:. G1'en:,W ��.� ealTei.:
i 'Mr' . ,, ,, , ; ,, .:. e. T e.
Fie d:- M�ic• 3,:1or...tlie i e•On .a
p G� , • A nd ��-Instttu �e offerir7� •meeting = of the � Nile chrldren ^d
h sold • t.)c�.t
tj�SOp 2rad�-race, --MI s,- Ste ai-t�-t3aosc iii-c}�a gc ---T}�e. f> uin • a .xrii$:�i
ovary mode: :rbe.fora::1cr.'nch ley. little
MacLennan; •se - �
on• t drive em until i
Ge their
You Beef", Mrs;. Ray Da;'ttin Was and 1Tea1 `ii Mrs. Gordon . Fin-
appointe the .re ii•esentati,ve .forT1 i sap; lfirensh o and .: EEduc--.
•'thy' Cancer Society:•ata~:n .11'In s:' L'ar 7e Famish
The elec+ion
of off'errs'. i'e:.. is Mi sr,' Vlryld the Iasi •st, lay ,
1� p
.meinbei s •.to, attend• the: Thank-:. low . min; Harold.`: 'Maiz •�h
Gregor;. 1st :vire,. Mr; ,'ai, CbI, Grice .nasi' l ti r .b a so �c e;s
, u cli «as ge'rved'by� 'Auxiliary on. April :24th A let-1set of dis'he: and 'tie ra\i; was
�e In
n `lois OId RecoPP.,
, c ticas Mrs. Ing will .bc at. the home.of Mrs in Japan, thanking for a ;$5. do Glenda Weaver. The Wiener Was I:
director, Bert Alton
'nation. Mi,s: Hodges � moved • ,a Mrs. ®'Gordon' Cong•art1'. ,':Lunch
Bert.. Alton , district t1'3z� •... . '. .
ucknow, Juveniles, runnei•'s-u...
feny'ty` , the. Ontario "D" champion
1 , �voi li,rninated ori" S• ttii°-
day. •Wth ,w ....s g
. ;.: � al Sam,. �'11r$ protul''e Vitas
taken in Kineardin tfoilovltin.g
_ c first, 61 of the series When
• C`
1t G�lil
io,ing 1).8y ;
Eti e'rie Gardner., nruct :taker,.
Art 1tovitold ,1311:1 1 ob in ;m JeYs�r
Mowbra:; • Dorialti,irnold,rtr1
1:litieked it
"Wilson; Roy ti be.rlin, , ,
• Back row: -Albert Chin Alvin
Margins; w` % ie acMi rar,'JiM.
Pedersen;: Piasei Ashton,' nen il,d, orde ed at Tie Sentinel-
;r , lief C1±iCZ,
. tf i.
tttt:stori ll Fish
r cf, (�t,to �' . �
' � eel t � ,
t, i iii d P�11` :toltnstorie.Y .. titi,h Pito
ort& Auto Supply
:•:: Phone ,.65
• ,:x
was . served.. After lunch' a ',sur
pi ise :presentation • was :made tai
Mr. and Mrs! . Mel, Stewart ,and
fami y. ,Margaret .Black• 'react an
address and Howard Black and
".,Ross Eedy made the • presentation
of •a' beautiful table 1ainp and•
two w blankets, MeI--th:ahked:-•--•--
everyone :very much.
The April meeting of St.:Paul's:
Anglican Guild :was heli at the•
1� orrle of Mi s :Tilos: Pari:, x
e' ;'Mole the
i} , • president•, hada`.:..
charge of the meeting. The scrip- .,
lure' was read iby Mrs. 1-i:.,L •Jeri-
nings. The roll call was' answered''
by a versl •of scripture ••contaii1
the uoi d ,:Sc, Y y�,
were: Mk members :present, Mrs:
ricto`i- • Black gave , a rending.•
`"Fetic?es' and Hoii7on . Articles,
are to be brought •tri tht.- Peat
meeting • to be, pat Vin .the c ane t.p. ,
tiitiibQarrd, A 'dlonaltac�_tt
tti tiiT` ..f`: al te'r sr l e,t l;
lice°..11., 1.,. jennti►n';•ti• 4 ('ci r '1Yr`
r aCin' 'lit 1e'k• Ind Mr,
4 w'.•
of moor: , nut,' hitt atii:. drelr."°
pe�•t;3 l eti'gJ�iis''
in The:house 'when •wou"11'11,-
o i"t ltry c1
, _, _ �1,}lE?-�-Cl
RI1t1y. � • . , r , .. .... , .. , ,. the
obs .of,. th . tecatl1 Iila� if w : , Yy
.,.: .„•: , ,troiitent� on t.lye fiotli .
Mtndain Oh„,ho, o, l jut itic4.4„li[•,
Foy husband had been •lctc kir; ryC7r
ars sot."fps,