HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-10, Page 6-"•"TiN •"w
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(Kin10.4 Minutes)
ISAIless Ceuricil net,. .1r1 the,
•,',.jA7, as per'ad'
423t. • . ; . • •
, • A ..Therninutes.at the last TeOlar
• !1•1Wing March '40i. aa read,"
• were apPtrOyed, andsigned. '
afr ; C ' • • t
as ' an. indigent patient at vic7
" ioxia HoiPitatl,, London, Ont."
"Councillor Murray was • dele-
gated to look after the providin.g
of. heat. the furnace .to the
„kitchen...at :the. Hall., •
Close BOad
A • deputation with Petition,
• •
1 .
, • . .
. . ,
1 •
WIMISMSDAY; APR/14 1 Oth, 195T
on ill Wail,. Anne TOdd had
HELENS nic'neY
argq -Waraa1V-AnCrire:97
, ',balance •on hand 'of $236 78 I I ler for Mrs Junes citiiurran
•d ded to hold a prograrn.:.W'„ Autherford and. MO; COPeri took' :the Bible •studY.,' •
Choosing as her subject.'Hope',
Mrs. •• F ----G. reeri,
thought-provaldng address. at the
April. xneeting: of • the Women's
Instttii in the community
on ThursclaY-afterrieenT-Mr&
qatint presided for the inter-,
estink,prograrn,whiCit‘ OPite of
YOrY Gliaagreaajble Weathers was
attended lay 22 ladies. The roll
was.pall responded to /by . the
payrng9f 'fees and. JOr. the hanif-'
mg in of •the nistOry 4:4 yo:ur.
fatnijor the TWeesdrauir, :Book.
Mrs •Fred • McQtiillin•Wpresented
the, annu4 report showing a
• , •
in. the ster olidays seeding , Th eports of the•aud,
• Ea h Woods e r was
folloWed 'bY a sing song led
• • • - . .•
OPerations .allewect-Each7111011v---itors-Wes Pr'esented-4)- rs. Anne Todd. end Pons. Miller,
'ber Ito arrange. for one number Webb. Plans were made for the'had recrea eV, Green
o 4 the meet rig with.the. benedic..
• '.11.1mch,fceranlitrtee-compoSed-of--ali-.9.C•__ciaggPS.1,a_PCI. a 1?1"a!lt' s°C"• • t•m• n•
- --•
.further •i?lans 'in rge, of short,. cows. e on. sandwietieS ,
MI: • a L —1q7*---.3;IV-IiIce 101-hour-TWas--sPent----With",-Mrs.--A,
Y P-ap
Nfr4.,, R. Etri,h8t9Pratid .3/firs. 11.-'Patint and W. A,..1Willer.
Garntnie. Mrs: Chester- Ta 1 t Janet and Don414Hand IVIisS Lois
played "'he Baster ParaYde9"r ' ' °;iet!".,,,Lt!: Keith BIS:V. lc. of...Lachine, TtMilrbeYand°"3/411f,ed Andrew 1-$.14n-dY ' With
lVfrs Gammie gave a' reading ' or; rQue spent the week -end with ' ''';.--"' ' • ''' ' '.n,.- ew 'Qa4nt.'
Lent, ,11vrrS: D,,. qibb. one on !'11., lVf.is:: 131ack and. boys ' ' - • *
Bag of Tricks" and '' Mrs, W. #. 7' 4ip,..re- gula.i.:.m.1.0_.etirw, ...:"Qf'.ithe.st: ,s'aforth.,..distr'it' ivsidents..hai,,,e...,..:,..
"Out ora Limb"; Reports of the li:e16,1p71:1170:-.7.'.4:5:,wiall.riledri*°4' Sun- blikreehinph. stb:tlyit.,21.11te'44y `ae'xIpbraelsIsat;t1ebiyr•
".Millet , a. humorous one from' : '
twanciitig'' coin-''rnitte6s,. shaivihi' ' el:16° - 11
d • * of the adinin-: .Pre"fererice' as to- Nivh • '
heavy .year,' ,Were. giVen Mr,S*1'isttation. pithls.were-I•hide to' at-forth.'.stbres
' i 'all .at Bel raVe. -1,. S'aturdaY.';eveiling*. . • • •
Yer.of Much activity7ancl .MrS: Puidort,, tend,: r „ . . .,, •
• ' ' •
. • • . • •
• •
waited on Council askingfor the.
• ''-closing of .Sider.Oad NO, 5 between
- the 8th and Rh Concessions., The 1.
•Clerk was, instructed to, prepare •
•a by,law andpublish the same
,according; to Section 469 • and
other relative*;‘ sections .of •the
14unicipa-1 Act,-411:S.O. 1950:
rOvir,tenderS were receiVed•n
• the proposed bridge at Lot 12,
•on. 2 and the. tender Of the
King Bros.. Construction : o'.
'Winghmii at $5,012.80 was ac-
cepted,, .and the -cement-- needed
for the':::bridge will be provided
11* the-s.Bruce' County :HighwaYs,
at $1,00 per big *delivered at the
, bridge site Then.,' needed.
Arbitrate gehool
rePerty Transfer
Puma:ant' to,ibe petition at.. the
Mhreh .4t -h meeting,. arran.geMentS
were made to' have Inspector
Game 7 Of Walkerton attend-Abis- -7,
tneeting :to discuss ,procedure. re
traniferring ,proPerty assessments
from SS... No. 7, linloss, to the
• Lucknow Vnion, Public &hod
After.consid.grable discussion it
:was decided 'tocprOceed'with a -
Board of Arbitration. as provided.
under Section 32 Of the Public
Schools Act, and Mr.. Allister
•,lid es was 'appointed .as
e oar I °se
catincil; with members apPoint-
041;0! other interested municipal-
ities• • .
An order for, weea•:.spraying,
• rnaterial 'Was:: given to Chipman
ChemicalS, • . •
• , .c9iMcily,he*:adicourneci to rilet
agam on Monday, May 6th, 1957;
..Or atthe call of,the:ReeVe.:...
'Cheques Issued
Relief, "$75.00; Spramotor Co,
' Ltd.; repairs sprayer, 124.75;
Webster. St McKinnon, repairs
spryer,354,S R Hart to. 'Ltd.,
•'tax sheets, 7.75; Saugeen Vall&y(
Gonservation ,Nuthority.,-.4.9 5 7
". • • • , •
. . .
. - . . .•
. •
. .
. ' • . .
• ..... . •
' • *
• •'w4
levy, 87A4; E. Ackert, 16 'months
•Water at hall, 7.50.. • • • •
•.1liglnvay „Chequei :
• Pay Roll No. 4,- $387.85; Armco
torainage'Co:,-citlVerts, 179;52; ,C.
• E. McTavish, fuel oil, .114.15;
LlOyd•snow • plowing,
55.0(); Dept. Of.. Highways, fuel: •
tax, 65:23; '..--Briace_-MacMillan,
snow oplowing, 45.00; J. It Lane,
•• .uneniployment ;stamps, .92; Lorne
Becking, snow plowing, 84:65;
Sam Farmer, shevellandle;...1.p5.1
J.' R. LANE, Clerk,
,•• .
, .
PRIL 1, 1
' • . • .
. •
• .
. .
. '
• • ,
. • '
• ,.
'•.'' .
. '
On April 1 1957 The Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Act came into effect in Ontario: The Act •
provides or a tax of 20 per gall -a -Iv -on fuel oils, other than gasoline, such as diesel,
domestic, furnace, light, medium and heavy (except bunker), used to drive a motor
vehicle O_FLused in any manner in connection with the -construction and 'maint•enance
of an • ubliclhoroughfare. .. • - ,••
Fuel oils common y nown as • Elat , • = k , I - LLATE
ARE EXEMPT FROM TAX, unless they are placed in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle• ...
.or used in any manner In connection with the construction and maintenance of any-.
CONSUMERS—Please note :`.'•;
A tak Of 200 per gallon is payable by': . • • . •
1. Every' person who receives fuel oil in the fuel tank of motor vehicle... , ..•
2. Every person who receives fuel oil that is not exempt fiom tax in a receptacle of less
. than 40 gallons capacity, -unless such.receptacle is directly connected with a machine
that is not a motor -vehicle. , ,
• Example—The Person will nor -be required-to-pay-the-taX-OW-the-luel received in a
tank which 18 directly connected to the furnace for heating his home; or, similarly,
a manufacturer may receive the fuel,leis tax, if it is Placed in a tank directly con... •.
nected to his manufacturing equipment.' , . • .•
Every/persori Who• is•not a' registrant (ee Registration Certificates below) and who •
. •
• • ,
1956• • • ; •
• Durmethe year '1956 the Orit-
• ario Ternperance Federation gave
co-operation • in . organizing 23
Local 'Option contests.. Fifteen O• f
these resulted in , dry victories.
Between ; Septeniber 1956 'anct
February *1957, .nine out of eleven.
- contests ;were won by the .drys.
, 'Nine votes were held from
' ' • . December 1 to December ' 12.
•/,/ "* Four -of -these-. were- on ---the tanie-
• . had the 0.r.F.
been: confronted 'with a heavier
day's .work, All four „were dr
viCtorieS.,;„ ,
• . The storyof the 'vote in Geor-
ina TomnShi York . .Count
IiiggeSIS- One': of .the "Secrets of,
success. In „such Contest. Every
iaIn area
Mnste• rthe
gave his sup-:,
•a letter urging tl-ke. 'Voters to'use . •
'their franchise: The result was.
',tlie'best dry Victciry" for years, In
TOWnship, tiear Chatham,
the ,dry Vete was !:greater - than• :
• in . the 'previous vote our year'S'
• •
. '
'receives havfrig-a capacity of -40 -or more -gallons, unless_such
receptacle is directly connected with a machine that is not a motor vehicle.
• SUPPLIER • S --Please note •
. • ° ..• • , •
All suppliers of fuel oil must become registrants (see Registration Certificates below). •
Fuel oil !nay be purchaseds'less fel by:• ,
1. Any registrant who receives fuel oil in a/receptacle having a capacity of 40 or more
gallons. Such a receptacle must not be the fuel tank of a motor vehicle.
2. Any person who receives fuel oil in a receptacle directly connected with a machine
that is nOt a motor vehicle'. •
Examples—Furnaces, manufacturing units, etc. Such a person is not required to
become' a registrant. ,
Application forms for Registration Certificates may be obtained from the Comptroller •
of Revenue, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. A $1.00 fee ,must accompany each com-
pleted application form.
Eery regiitrant-must-forward on or -before the -25th day of each -month -to the Comp-
troller a return containing a complete record of purchases, sales; consumption and
inventory of fuel oil for the preceding month, together with payment of the amount of .
tax shown therein to/be payable. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the
Comptroller -of Revenue, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2.
Persons who have paid tax on fuel oil that is not Used to drive.a motor vehicle ,or in
'connection with the construction and' maintenance of any public tiloreughfare may
-,..-apply-for refund of such tax. Application forms r t .6 purpose rnay beobtained from
the Comptroller of RevenUe-f"Parliamentauildfrigs;:TOriirito72.:-__.....7.-.--,;L:,,1117-,.1
• ,
. . ,. .. . . , , •
. . . , . . • ,
... , __!IsrperaFtnalditig a_Registration_certifiCate in goOd standing suririlies'fuel to "
• 'anyone he will be required to pay -a -penalty -of for each
., . • 2: Every person Who fails' to_parthe tax in accordance with' the Act shall pay a penalty•-.''' '• 1
'iibte-,47-iNat 'The-
* ; trade ,has Idarried to avoid kringu
it* on t ontes,ts: in any 'other thatv,1
plate§ **titre. they ieely'nfi
o vidto
, •
1 y
N1°• „•
Al •
r °
equal to the amount of tax. and $50.00. ' , „ • .)•
Act shall pay a penalty equal to the arnount of the tax that he refused or neglected'
'tocolect and $506.000 , 1-
4. Every. employee of, a registrant'Who Supplies fuel to a Ptirchaser, without collecting.. .
frori the -purahaseir-.the tax 'imposed' by the Act. shall 'pay a, penalty .equal to the
amount of the tax and $50.00. , „ • , •
• .
• Treoiuier of. Orlicirio 'Comottoiier ot,-Dev enue ••