HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-03, Page 5.'V :WEDNESDAY, A ' , U 31 d , 1957 ON IJ11+lENTS LKERTON. Va; are,. the only .nanuac-. •tturers in:tbia part' q►t.:Ontarloµ: o:, high !class.: monuments,`:' who import, granite:,troin ,the, Old Country in the rough; by =.-the-Car'loadindP roeess.from -they rough to ` the,: ;fiitilshed monument. = No middleman. when ,choosing a .'monument come and see one of the largest seleetions inn Ontario: 'Established over sixty.,years. --Write--or-ph-one-Walkerton `8' and reverse charges.. SKKELTON EMORIAI S W R LKFRTON • .703 JCTI :YEARS AS LEADER (KINLOUGH NEWS) 'At. the' 4-1i.: Chth alchievement day held last Saturday at, Walk- erton, Mrs,' ,;Perry Hodgins. was, zrwa. e4 a certificate, having c-orri;pleted seven years as, .local Leader.. From the' class by Mrs. lodrgins • :and ,Mrs. • John Barr, Joyce 'Hedley,; Betty and Beatrice ,1-lalderi'by, rece. ved. County hon.,- ors.' --Ten, ,girlsamoleted , this, course on sleeping „garments.' Mrs •J.. visited on'. S.urday- with herr. sister, Mrs Wm, 'Bushell, at Lucknow 1 The Evening Guild - met . on ' Thursday: even'irig-r at- ,be. home of Mrs. J-aickm:Hewitt 1Vfrs. oRon- ald 'Thacker was in charge. :Marie; Schneller:. 'read the scripture, sand, Karen Nicholson gave 'thernedi tation, The hymn "0 Master let me .tiv:alk with Thee" was sung. The word for the 'roll 'call was `Faithful", ;B_nit ess was dealt with and the ,Deanery allocation was accepted.. The evening was spent in :Sewing , and fancy work. .. • .closed: with--pr-a-yer: and dainty ''refreshments were. served., Mrs. :Ronald• Thacker will be the next iiosTess: '- A• successful' social was• held in •the•'' school on Wednesday ev ening The. annual meeting '-of the. H W.I. will be. held in the holy- rood-Hal-!-on.-Th.u•rsday, Apt^il-4th; Roll call, Identify your Sunshine; Sister.and payment of fees; topic; Conservation;: ' .motto, r In Jsei ice. you will find'the greatest joy Re port,'of' standing m comittees ;asi'd sec:-treas;, election of offi'eers; director's; Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. :Roy Graham, . Mrs. Jim Smitil and Mrs. '1Vlorley•• B.. usheli, Mrs and 'Mrs Wni Haleienb M WS NTINZIA 141IPMOWR, If' O' , r • • R recent years, the; Canadian, steel industry has. roar -e - ex- pandeddl -rani �tha�-they;-steel-° �ndustry�., gf�any. other major nation.. r Y Between 1946.' _and the end of 1956, the increase' capacity in Canada was 62 per ",cent, or . about 2,140,000 tons. Stelco ,is the largest ' Canadianproducer,' and,' in • the same period invested $195,000,000 ;in new plant • and. new material sources. THE E. FEEL COMPANY 0 LIM>ITED,'. MONTREAL G'ANANOQUE • A ILTON:. BRANTFO.' p TORONTO • r• d- •epa and. Mrs..Geor e- •' ' Fialden• _ .. ; r ss.. _ e. or, .}iad• .a �ve _ _ M . Ro McG� g ry •N Tractors : ehn,, s- 1 u r r Ma & S >< l �'Vorl- by . pent the. week -end 'with rel- ; f successful sale an :Tuesday, 1•ast., ai, :ves�:-art— r -o to _ . l_ :.. _ .. • ..: .. •• , o n Ca borne-�-a-nd- .. � _. :.:. - 7d-a-Thewas-$014: A.CET'YL�Nh& AR.C�.WEt;DI°NG , ' , Clarkson, .: _of-the.'�sa o a--- r•e, . . 1 ' Mrs,'' Harvie. Hod ins `visitedmoves Y g Granton who ~ to it in. the 1•NL�O`` GH': GARAGE '• V • with' Detroit relatives during the fall. week.. ' •, ,� ; .:Mr. .•: the An li SerVice-. and ;Mrs: Harry Moss ,,and g can aery-ce-. 'Pe children Of 33lattsville visited on held at 11 o'clocki : during the ,Sunday Sunday with Mr.' and Nlrs:.',Ben .1V1eClenaghan and'' Carl: W. BRECKL'ES ; .. khrine'ill4720,Rply. THE HOME OF QUALM SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS Mount Forest : me'rchants`, have voted uinanimously to continue to observe 'Saturday night as ,onen. •gniht( :, e a ,,: ". g' , , . be�rause Mount, Forest.:' is:4 a farmers'. town",.; and the feelin of the meeting ,was that the. rural° community's'` interest ,could � best be ' serve . d by. kee • in , open on Saturday,.. nights:.. •A. prison warden suggesta_,Lhat prisoners •should•. be kept .up. to date on world news; That should stifle 'any' desire', to' escape: • month of April. • • The ,A:Y.P:A." 1net .'.on .,Sunday.. , evening' at the home of • Mrs., J W.Colwell with Douglas. Hal7 denby rri 'Charge. Donna Nichol-. son, read : the :scripture and 'Rev... Pahner• led in.Prayer:.'A verse•:from' the Acts was.: to ans--' Wer the roll all followed b " discossion:.froth .the.Acts by Rev. 'Pali<ner.:. The',hymn "Jesus: bids: us shine."-•-�--.v�ras�suitig• .Pz=ager-closed. the ,devotional' part of ••the, meet ing ..after which, ,the, followiri ,program was .:giiven' '::readings: by Bafbara °Haldenby and .Ted P•Pal- c ,. y.a .1VIr Dan 1VIeGregor, Who.. has. been visiting. with, relatives and friends ''here'., for the past' .couple: of weeks,,' .loft for Londoxi 'on' sd:atervisit-his nephew- Tont before leaving for Kenton, ,Manitoba • Mr.,::,and Mrs.. Harry: McClusk- ey: and Mr. Joe: ;McCluskey of Guelph ` uisi:ted.. then _au nt,m..Mrs. Kennedy,' on' `Sunday 'evening.. The ;Institute meets this Thurs day afternoon: This :is' the annual meeting . w,hen. all :reports will be nher- -ton-te=sts---were=ce6nduetedb3F glen Mrs- oss.1VIart�vin n: orf. R- Eleanor Carter and;, Ted. Palmer. ley will be the special speaker. An A Y P.A. service, will . be held and "Resolutions" is ' her subj.ect:•. in•'thechurch 'on ,April' 14 • "Palm We. -hope all members' will be Su nday i,„.at : ? alwhen ,• mem Presen tierswibe takingpart.. Mr. Walter Jam es , of Woodstock Sharon Sharon Hodgins visited over the week=end with cher cousins,, Bill, David, Joan and. ,13rian: Percy Do- it -.yourself and LET GOOD TOOLS HELP YOU! Porter Cable tiMoe' Cb t't'd off j ' garage i, finish' off rthe attic?' You CAN if you "dn.. t.. yocirte If" th -thb-itelp1 of `PeeterT Cable Power Tools, What's 'more, 'you' can save half the cost of most house.' hold repairi by doing the labor yourself,. It's quick...it's easy,. :with Patter. bid quality -built tools. STOP IN FOR A DRMONfIRA 100. ChrrirSbiitoir ':Phone' 80, ' Lucknow WH1TECHURC has been, buzzing wood • `'the,- past week, for farmers. There was ag ood crowd in 'the 'all on Thursday ihight`; to'see-the pt •tune on the St . Lawrence;Sea= way-'and--h-yttro-Kin,-The--Kin,- s-P ec-te °' e Mr. ill of W.ir gham was' called and . consented .'to come • out ,and bring: the High: ;School'„projector. to sh vr. thee pictures :,Thanks :to. Mr. all `Mr- and Mrs, Russell Ross . and children were in London on Sat,-• Mr . -'and Mrs. Victor Emerson spent Sunday with Mrs. Tiffin aid;Mr. 'and Mrs.Charlie. Tiffin visited it (Lwckriow: A farewell party for Mr. Ross MacGregor ,will' be• held on Fri- day .night in 'the a rr>er; s 'orchestra and local v oca violinists: wi Will : assist` w th < tth '• D.n`.. ����� u ail on vV.I : 'Meeting. R'. u . g.•, ' TheVarchmeeting, Of -Dungan- non ` Women's Institute was 'held',, on Thursday evening at the once of Mrs: Hugh McWhinney. The president,'Mrs•. Errington, Was `in.' 'the' .chair ;:with nineteen members. and four visitors resent.:,:The :meeting ,opened • with• . the :Ode and . Mary ' Stewart 'collect. After.' the `ibusineP ss' eriof': ..Mr's. Cecil' Blake • gave : -the .n,? ..tto, "1-labits are -firsit-`cobw•ebs but soon.",ie come cables ".,.,,Mrs. ' Tait'.. Clark;. district, president,` conducted the ele�t on rid. installation ,of:offi- cern for' 1957 ` and, also gave' a very 'instructive paper o..',Agri- culture • and Canadian 'History The. topic' on health 'was pi epar7: ed pry Mrs. Dawson, ' and read b' Mrs: • Brooks: "Lunch. was : ser.ved. • by. -the hostesses at 'the .`close :of . the meeting. FEDERATION NEWS A lifrcitl 'F'ederation of A i- culture executive;• directors • and their wives, 'held. a social: even int,at.. the Parish Hall a nonon Tuesday, M rrh ' ; � a ' ' . 26th: The' , : G ” erich: Bra • O f od ch o th Ian,' Cancer Seelety showed s 'and 'gave "a' horrt. g short .talks. This. was 'followed- by an •ail out (vote;' that • :the Ah ' l • " s fie F dery ion ri<i � d e t oke ':a ha _ use- to 'hou . se ...canvass for.' ds _ � ••: . , fun for the Cancer Society: . - •A lively game of cards was then held with Mrs..'.Fliner' 'Gra- ham and; Joe O'Keefe winners' of ':. the prizes. ,Lt inchch ` a . n. n da social • tim;e•, .brought gh t a�;very ��ple;asarit etren.-''. . i.1ag. to a •close.„ Miss • 1Vlarjory, Coulter', ,Guelph. General Hospital; spent,', the weekends:.with.°her'. parenti;,. pn.d Mrs. Albert Coultes; Mrs: Wafter Lott • 'returned ';herne..on ,Saturday :froria•r Toronto; accompanied 'by Mrs. Ernest' S.parlin,:r, who visited fi iends in' Kincardine at :the iweek-e'nd',' Present Newlyweds '1,arrtgOLcr-owd.:-4, eata:ded Lien ception in the Metrip ial Hall on. .Friday night' for Mr, and Mrs.' Gordon, WelWood At th'e lunch hour .•Gotdcsnand Louis were Called to the.front. and''Ross Mc; e opt_ asi i� 'add, cssw a i.�13iTh Pur•do'n” presented them :With a purse, of n• ley:..` Gordon. capably thanked the 'conmtin-ity: for the T,�'one%_o�is��t ata_cl �th'e_gneciTtYt�tt"_' t,ogether..: • Mr,' and 'MPS.. Bill a`i1 ei an ,children . of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'B'en M'celenaghan'''and Carl: Mr, and Mrs. Jack,Mitchell and fermi ly spent the Week -end in Gait, . ;Mr, and ,Mi,s,! Herb Laidlaw` visited Mr. . itid Mi Jack Keir, it their :farm on, Satttrday. HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION TIIE CANADA. TRUST Head 'Office = London;" nturio' W , ..._istric-ltr--,-••cpresen• ry-es t� �.. W . .�. �.•.,. lurnini, Phil! s DungMtndh' E,y H+; Agnew', Luckinow V�,