HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-03, Page 4Pu9,,�E FC) THE 1.4UCKNQW Sli; TINE1•, LIN :KNOW, ONTARIO 0 N FVE�r SPARE' RfBS, SAUEIII.RAUT Every Wedr1,,,esdaY, Friday and Saturday night ' at, the . . ommer,, FORMOSA. cial 11ate1 CONCERT. AN»AXCE .Y A concert and dance will be. held ...in St, Helens Community Rall; on (Friday, ,.April. ;12th at. 840, sponsored)by pupils' of Ford - Yee 5ohool, under ,'the direction ore Fisl•,err °Special Mrs - featiire will be. an Easter Vag-. eant, Door prize. Adults 50c, lad iea with. lunch 25c, .'e+hiidren..15c. Dance`to,. follow; .Carruther's OI.- .chestra: • ' • ' •• CRIBBAGE CHALLENGE Next. Monday;- April. -8th, •will be the Leglion's last cribbage, party of, the. season:; It's "Cha11- enge: _Night", ;and you • can . pick - .your own partner., Good ,prizes. SCHUMMER CHICKS Since 1939. -.m __.Merl.-- Monkton . • ,:'For y' , . "Extra Profit" Chicks . Wespecialize. irk egg. produc- � tion' breeds only. Suss:' x; ' Red, -Red x' Suss:, `Red' x• Ii,oc , Rhod. ed '.Le horns .,Leghorn Island 'Red, ; 'delivery. ► .:. Crosses. Free delivery. Schum mer's Hatcheries, Linwood; Agent Stanley McGratton, phone 3008 Carlow. : NOTICE, TO. CREDITORS in the Estate 'of William George • Armstrong ALL PERSONS, -having. , Glamis against the estate of the above mentioned,, late of the Village of , •+ •.� }sd.iqai,M,qfort...rut'!►, t0!0.1 11,++' 1.411,01.13+!!R• 1?NE�DA, 4i4134.4, ' rd,, 1�7 u�►,t�iL!r T!*n�r► • • Pi -* .. ' . aver , see • Blake Alton, . ;R, R.' 2, Luck aw,' thone 84-14 an �Dux1g ... non.. FOR SALT, --1a* ge white gamier, Frank . Miller, Langside, FOR SALE' - . large. • r .. .quantity of oats and 'barley, mixed with peas, fit for., seed or feed, '.Meh• Jermyn,, 53-.12, Brussels,' AR''AR '. S- FOR RENT • Mrs, Wellington , Henderson FOR SALE dry limb wood, Frank Miller, phone 46-r45, Luck- FOR, SALE --Rodney .oats' grown from; registered `seed John' S. Mc- Kay, R. 3; Coderich ptQR, SALE= -:Beaver oats suitable` :#for seed, George Errington, Dun- Bannon.•, . , S LE�20D� �;'btrs--ofXnixed- +grain• ,,•. Apply to John Henry, b .. ,.•. . 'Pp Y - _ phone-.Lucknaw 166w.. ,.�.. LOST—in' Lucknow last ' Satur- day, a green budgie 'bird. Any- one . knowing" its whereabouts, please 'contact Mrs. ,Ches. Mason, bone 148, Luc:know:, FOR RENT-7—floor sanding ma- dines:..Rates, $1.00 per hour or '$7.06 per day. Finlay Decorators, Phone -.218, ; Lucknow . WANT ED -6 , to 14 head of ; cattle for" grass for season. John MaFar lan, phone ,18-28 Ripley. ' FOR.. SALE Galore .barley. for seed, cleaned .Win. Ferguson, • Amberley, GRASS FARM FOR .RENT, 150 acres,- ' good. fences, good water: Y '' to `John:...M-aeR-a 61-w, Lucknow. • FOR SALE=500bales of mixed hay Jim Devereaux, R. 2, ;Luck - FOR SALE-Lthree Hereford heif- !heifer dile April' 10th. George '.67-13 Dungannon. wishing to.- have latindry. done, , call Mrs. Gerald Wagner; phone :263; Lueknow. loi timothy, also alfalfa.' Harold POR SALE ,— ,large Size ehild's ' Mrs. Currie Colwell,' phone :101-r- 23„. Lucknow •1- �u�e'�and�ba-rn--an ch°toe lot, Havelock f ati, . Luck now,. property of James, Burns and; the , late Mrs, , Maria Burns Contact Mrs Alfred Ritchie,, Lu�ckngw, or J. D. Burns, .Wall ing- harm' • - FOR' `SALE , 500 to 600 square bales, : Q, .: mixed- hay,; • A.pply • to. 'Charlie Anderson,; phone .Duma gannon 69-15,` .a • FOQR SALE --Ford tractor, recent ;. ly Overhauled an low APVIY: at Sentinel Office/ FOR SALE'- § wheels off' Ply- mouth, car with tires 5:25x5.50x 17.; �niotorex' battery, generator, two seal ..be am 'lights; also . se_t' of 2004b. counter scales. All in 'good shape. , James Keane, ,phone Dun-` +gannon 14-r-21. , FOR SALE OR 'RENT- reason- ab le 50 ere iras►s .-farm;---1' Miles east of ;Grey Ox Lot 16, _4th Com, . jr..in1oss :. Mrs.. Elwell Weibater, Phone .6-w, Wingl ai , .or. .Mrs".' Elmer Johnston, 'Box" .11, :Ltiek.now. FOR SALE — 5 hen feeders on stands, . 6 .chick feeders, , 2 inside doors with trim, ;several '. pieces of 'laid linoleum in: good.'shape,. and a' "Warm Morning" ; stove iheatier . like ` new, with pipes: Stove:', will :°hold:100.1bs. "of, coal. and burn for'three'days. :' "Sam; Chislett Livestock and Farm .Implements-' :BABY. CHICKS Bray chicks:' For all Markets:: Pullets. Started,. Broilers. Prompt • shxiirinent. •- Wide choice Ask: agent, D. 'R. FINLAYSON, Luckr. now, . phone `91, Dia yOu want to make rrnorieY?. EVen if you .never &Ad -before, 'write today. Get the .faCts, theyi Make up 'your- mind. 1600 Delor- SHORTHORN. SAiE ArtiCe County' Shorthern Sale, Walkerton?, Friday, April ,13th. Hossfeld, .Walkerton, sect-treas. At The Farts 'Of ,MES WILSON cession 1, ,Kinloss �1'owiis}iip First Farm North sof ;,IPVhitechurah, oa' 4( 1:00 o'clock No reserve, as owner is, giving, up farming, ' TERMS CAsH. ,LAMES, WILSON, Frop .SMILE . •MacLENNAN, Auc, ti......".....40"*•?"...!`"4"1"4411"'"'!"-"m"'"11"beNDw*,••••',.4.,....; BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS — day. old and e started.. Agents---for-Newhauser •Bi 4. . Order Chicks,.. ' H,y-Line and8'- , -ours-at- the-- Luck low_ D:i trlct Y . Co-op. Luoknow, in the County of. Bruce,.1 .laborer, who .died on the" Seventh day ' of ,February,• '.1957; . ,are re- quired tofile "Proof of same With the undersigned on Or before the 20th day ..of April, 1957: Auer that date the Adminis. trator wih ,proceed to' distribute, the 'estate- having regard only t'o` 'the claims.. of which:he shall then. ave h d' notice. DAT.tD !at Winghanic this 26th Wingharn, Ontario •Solicitors for the.. Administrator. TENDERS sEAT.4) l'E.,61nEtts will be re,; ceived .bY' the' Undersigned' up to and' including April .15th, for transporting the pupils - NOTICE , The annUal , meeting' of the For further. ,partictilar's *contact: . tender pot: necessarily, accepted, _LAngside Community Centre will Harvey Houston,sec.-treas„ be held in the Hall on Monday, No. 3, Holyrodd, Ont. the election of officers and gen- •Counter Zrieck Roirks tor sale FO coat and hat organdy trim, like new. Mrs. Cy- ril Brown, phone 74, Luckriow. PASTUR,E FOR RENT and nod.7 . ney seed oats for sale. Mrs. Geo. - 9, West Wawanosh, phone 71,7- W-4 Winghaan. FOR •,SALEr-il3Oy s ,navy. blazer; used, suitable for:child 6-8 years.' hone 255. aided. For , partieulars, Mrs, Vernon Hunter, phone ,206-22 Cdu; 6, Kinless. Township', 50 acres, suitable 'for pasture or Crop, good wathi• • supply; 15p, SALESMAN wArrrED' lauslnesS'. Sell to '1500 fan4lies.' Write :today, Itasideigh°3' ,pept, is requested. Ladies Please -bring NOTIcE • Ineorne Tax Returns - Write ,P.O' Boat '74; or phone 149 for appointment.. S.' J. pYilVilM, Accountant NOTICV at T1:i Sentinel Office.. of farm stcick,. ',Machinery arid' hop:8'0101d effect:S. at Lot 24, Con. • WEIDNESDAY,.: APRIL 10111 mare; team, hainesi; CATTLE:,:2 ?the i4gular Meeting 'ef :the ed; Blue co*; fresh; 1 Black due. :tithe of:sale':. 1. Jersey .co*; Goderich Branch a .the Canad- ian Cancer Society will be. held in, McKay lialf ,upsfair room, North, St., Goderich, : Monday, April 8th at 8:15 pan. Volunteer can-Vassers' are ..aaked to attend. Anyone interested in the work of the:Society or;willirig,:to assist BABY ;CHICKS • Bray Chicks. Dayold, started. Pullets. Broilers.' Wide , choice. Including Ames In -Cross, :Pilch -White Rocks. Agent. .—' :.D. R; Finlay, son 'Lucknow, 'phone 91. ,W1 no:Ares sn' r Et p9. rwob,p ; • -:tn, atagiln: On. sdt ofs ocnrr p. fwat. nts: Stevenson ,Real 'Estpte. •Matint Contact : John. phone. in the campaign -is welcome to at.- pouvr,tRY: 75 year-old: hens; IMPLEMENTS: 'Alba -Chalmers • model 'V tractor:, spring:. tooth 1955 Ford .,Cnitoinline sedan , drill Nei* manure ipread: 1953 Plymouth Oainbridge sedan er; Viking. crearn separator, hew; 1052' &lick, 'autoinatic, etc. • 2 -wheel traiiere, Wheelbarrow' rack; 'wheel' barrel; steel , 'water' .trough; colony houSe; :hot-water -healer:, 1, set 'itof farm, sleighs; 1 'and other , equipment;' forks, shovels, Chains , and other articles; quantity of hoUsehold ifurnishings; HAY and GRAIN: 19$1.1Vteteor 2 ,door coach: 1957 Plymouth. automatic Belve, dere sedan, 7,000 miles, new car warranty, V-8 „ Your- Chrysler, Plymouth end IVO Alealent OLD HORSES WANTED Old horses, wanted a.t 31,l2c r pe. -lib„dead- cattle-aa,'t'a ue: lf- phone-, at once to .:Gilbert' B&'os. Mink Ranch, phone collect e'rich 1483J4 or 1483J1.. cFOR Idleeaan"eder., streaGantdaedrym;•oseawlseeadr" Nse 3 H.P.Wagner electric 'motor,' Georges ;`:Wraith, waterloo •M•11 'farm ' nachinery, Purina :Feeds; Phone 1285, Goderich .Septic tanks, Cess-podls, etc.;' pumped,: and 'cleaned v,..Yith: work guaranteed:: '' Write Louis. Blake, R.R. '2, 13r.ussels, phone 4246 :Brussels: '