HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-03-20, Page 10PACE TEN Tom, LU KNO . SENTINI.,, utgcwO o TARO' .i ets , p' `' (Mostly Little Nugget). -•-sizes 4, 5' and 6x only. • Clearing, at -.,. ',..t.,....,!..,-.,...•,, ...,...,,,., w.,.,,,:.,... One -Third Off i , n , -a-1 es--to-l9-J€r-= P ssor-ted-tofu s;- ,'Clearing ,at , , :, ,. , , •• , •', •, _ , .,. ,, ., ,: '-$4 95 &'15,95, A•. T'F1N G COAT SZ.TS-rgabardines, size 2 only, • Clearing at ., , ,,,?. ,,.,,, ,,,,,, , t, , ..•„ , ,,,•, ...,, . 41.98 YS' &` GIRLS' $II4K COAT SETS -'--sizes 6 .: s ,' 1 and 3 years Pink and blue. Clearing; gat .;,a.. . ,,...,.,.,,, $2 98; All the above• coats `;are from-- last year New, Coat Sets ar`e hi; stock- now.„. adles ...ureses rackof Siurn'mex .Dresses, all sites, Priced' for quick', clearance from . 33A to; 50% ; Off. AG.ENT, FOR., KIN'CARDY_NE', CLEANERS 1 .Pict- Tp 'and • Delivery, Monday and ' Thursday. en's, •Ladies', Children's Wear --Piece Goods and:. Woollens .."'","."--""",""/•• A .:complete line of No.• 1 Legumea, Grasses and 'Pasture Mixes ,•now in 'Stock, including, . . LA SALLE RED CLOVER, VERNAL & RANGER, ALFALFA and 'CLIMAX ' TIMOTHY LONG: TERM` PASTURE MIXTURE per acre• 1 'r 'Phone 91.. Lucknow. OBITUARY • MRS.. `ALICE , ROBB Less : than 'two months. 'after she had observed her 90th birth - ) , Robb. on Sunday, March 10th. in Wingham Hospital, *here she had been a patient since 'suf- fering suf-fering.a Fractured • hip: in a fall at her home .in Lucknow on... De • cem • ' r 29th.. A lifelong resident of thedis- trice 'Mrs. Robb was ` fonrnerly: i Alice ;Melissa Marwood and was born., ' at Donnybrook. Shewas the last member' of, a - family :. of nine ..After , her marriage ' to. James Robb they ' fanned on the . • 4th of Huron Township, : and lat . —e ' inn the • T halsh distriet=-lar fore_retiring to Ri ple -.where_. kr, Robb's death occurred a ;good many years ago. •• lkirs': Robb; had made her •home u; �in 1,,ucknowfor; a number .. of years andhere had added 'many 1 new acquaintances to a wide +o+ ' -t i' circle;—of—friends-who ; held :.her_j in high esteem. ' ' .• The funeral service was held at the Johnstone Funeral Home -� • • u - • ►1 'I- on; Wednesday; March� 13th; . con- ducted by Rev., -Wallace-. McClean of Lucknow; and ev... Math- peson•• of C'hesley. ' Mrs: Robb lad been' a.. member el •.. r b ems r•,of Ashfied Pres.- _ byterian Church, • Ripley.` Cent., etery, the.—.‘pallbearers .being :K. C.' Murdie, J. L.:MacMillan, Jas: Cameron, Kenneth : Cameron, Murdo :Matheson ..`and - Harry Nixon • MrsRobb is survivedby three .sons, Dr. W. J Robb. of: Winni- ',peg, .: Dr. Edgar .J. 'Rabb of:: Van- couver, and , .Wesley ' ':Robb of Huron Township. .Her only 'dau M• o- I,- WEDNDSDAY, MARrCB ?A . 1957' NT'I NEI. , • THAT auictiOn;. sales are,; numer ous at ,present with The Sen tinel Office window lined. with +bills.' In six 'cases xn ;the cur's rent list, ' the proprietors . are all leaving the farm: THAT Mr. and Mrs. D. A:• Mac Lean ' • of Lochalsh • celebrated their•'45th wedding anniversary on_ Wednes,daY • 'sand Wednesday: --HO a n y friends will' . join in : extending; congratulations and best wish- es to this popular couple, i. THAT Mr. 'and. Mrs.Art Breckles. ,left by, motor -on.: Tuesday' for_' Florida, Where they .will spend ' three 'or 'four' Weeks with his ;. .sister, Mrs. Leonard Cotton.; and Mr; Cotton,' at. Tampa,; THAT, an estate -clearing Sale.. op- ened on Wednesday.. - at Rath- :well's ,;Shoe, Store;: With, eircu lars going, out, :in the mail 'an nouncing the • event z. THAT accomodation waslunted:. at the Lions Charter. night, at I `.Atwood on Friday and a , bus load of twenty local 'members who "had planned: to make : the' trip,. ;had to be, reduced to a carload of six. THAT a card • which'" =Harvey Webster• received the latter part of the week from T. J. Salkeld, at ''Lakeland,' Florida, • • , : n was "cold, wet . and miserable .I and, it = was. feared the 'temper- ature temper•ature m.ight' ; drop to freezing that night; ,o— • THAT an .advertisernent in `last Thursday's 'Free Press, �.aY por. ryed the ..personnel of`•Rob er - is . Holmes ' , Books 'and .'Stat: • ionery'firm. in 'London. Includ- ed . was -Miss -MarjGrie' ghter, Mrs R. J. MacKenzie (Millie)'. predeceased. her Fewer ,Farms, In , Production A tabulation . of last acs :cen- Ye sus figures -show---a-reduction-of 239 in the: number of Bruce Co. ,farms in . production ' overthe past'. five ` years. '.• -The • redu'ction was, from 4682: to 4443 or 5.5 per- cent: Tihe` •acreage . . put to ' agri- cultural purposes in . the County was not -;-so high proportionately showing -a drop of 'a -little over 5,000- acres, rom .149;196 'to • 744,028. E] JDANS=--10 oz; faded blue - denxzir, ;rW-estern style, likes 28 to 36 waiSt ...Y.....Y .:1,.11:1: .i..,YY., ....: Y.:YY.. -$4:50 , MENS TEE SHIRTS --•fine quality, White cotton, Ca: .... 49c, • Or, 2 for 89e askorte.' 12 MO. 14 'years' Y P. 1,1,111: ,P 111.1,: 29e ` each'or 4, for $1:00 •• ENDER-' NEy' SK,ZI 'T'Ssizes 1t1 TAILORED- SL • 'e • WASHABLE 'VELVETEEN & • COTTON StrI'rS•''�n Size 2, ea- ' • ors' wine With vwliite or blue with 'White Only '.1,1.111 '$1196. OV, YWO L` BLANKETS -size: '60x80, reg: $8+95.P Now irYP $#1,99 •ORGANDY CURTAINSreg. $8 98Now ,`Y 111,1171, illi YYYiY ii $1M9 l .tDDIES EA s f NS--- Gln (YrY2 ,' w Y4i Y Y Y: _.'♦•'Y' % A i ,'`�1YYY b' '994 • i YY li'�Y,YYiY i Y PP'rl iY 11AYY"PY,. YiYI i,i j i 0- • ` U BITU,ARY M-;.QSEPH' BOYLE': FRUIT COCKTA'II 2O oz•: .A. 'PEANUT B• UTTER, YE SAL ON Cimile.riger' CAKE MIXES:, B'e+t'ty Crocker. _. OOP -MORNING Shirrif f's, 24 oz,. or 69c Prices effective March 21, 2 'op., in fm, Free Tickets on` 1957,.Fori ., Phone 20 Lucknow FREE DELIVERY CNii.O•m/Y , ,i�1 tuo , , ii ,•i.`awrti /41.1%40.41 4e.,i. U ,, ., ••r ',001.061111100111,5120'.i{ Y":66li..l,1164i.r„471�,►�ri!♦+�i�11,1la.U11111"°a'"*."';.a '. orts an Auto sap' Is' The - Place To' Buy",:Your. AUTO ' SUPPLIES andREPAIRS Check your: car ' and tractor now and buy your 'requirements- at our' store • at Lowest PricesY .I3atteries Generators, Water- Pumps, 'FuelPumps, Mufflers and Pipes.--:' „ 'PHONE .65 OODRICH TIRES and TUBES: GASTROC:: OILS and :GREASES LUCKNOW iMOIN>rl, ( i u•01.Y ,;• mon. 'of Lucl now who IS in charge: of gift wrapping;ool :sch c bge: . supplies'. and text books: • TiH'AT. Mrs:; Armstrong Wili on commenced work this week at •.Saiideison's Ladies' & ' Men's: .Wear. The death occurred suddenly of THAT ' Mrs. ' George Alton was Mrs. Joseph, Boyle ' at ..her ': later f , :.the winner of=a case of ;grape, residence, Cn 6, 'West ' Wawa fruit at Shorts I GAY • Market nosh, on-'Tuesday;,lVlareh 1.2;' Mrs: , � - . ,::. last' atur a Boyle 'ws preparing to . aceom- y. pang 'her son Cyri1 • to 'Clinton to ' visit her :brother When She' j7•8on. Sunday'morning' ,Re. • ' .,G••. A. MeikleJohn received into W s.; stricken, with a heart attack. • the membershi of'. the United. a ' i'n about -a - half P. apassed . aw h• • • . . ; Y Chureh-by : professi.on of faith, - hour, .. Mrs. .Ro ' : .:LMrs: Ha,i'- -'_ -Mrs..- Bo le + the .former .Y Havens, �- YMary wey Shanahan, '•was:. the eldest daugh McQuslhri; ''Mr...:and , Mrs.': Honk Kragt, .and Alvin Irwin., ter of the late •John' Shanahan . •. • The. • latter • two also rccei� ed :am nt: Of-baptism.ahe.sacr e ptism. • oa. ne r er, r. and "Mrs;'Harold, Greer,. en-'. tertained ,a number ,of, little• friends' last 'Wednesday on the-- -.occasion he .-•occasion of ',her 4th. bir th.day. • • THAT King Winter, is ' hanging', on. He took .sta of irit;, blow last week '' With gg temperatures: soaring . to the 60's ' n the mid-' ,, ±le"ai e- -f t i ro'pe'sfor a omeback' with • less ' •seeable '.."weather albs it, a • mor e: seasonable. As if •.to:defy rizt �'s -arr.ival.�_on fniursda\•, Kin dura ed about 'three: The g P : -�in- he,s of sn � • 'this, district c ow . Wednesday 'morning:'• and Anna .McIntosh.`, .She was born on 'October 12th', ' 18$5,. in.: I-Iullett Townahip. , On June 11th; 1913, she mar :rieO=Joaeph,-Boyle.13oy1e was a devout member of St. Augustine , Roman•. C a t h •o lie, Church,.' a memlber of the Altar society -and League of. Sacred' He. ..Besides her husband, she' leaves ;to ,.mourn, t'wo ..daughters, Mrs. Lyal '1V uihern` (May);' Reg. N. of Chatham; .Bernadette," Lon., doe; one son ' 'Cyril—tit,.,hOtne_;r three-g'randchildreng two Sisters, Mrs. Jas, Wilson : (.Anna), ton; Mre. Chas... Smyth (Ella), of Ottawa;.' four" brothers, -'•'Charles, of London; Jack of Clinton; 'Jos eph, -of St,; Lambert,' ' Quebec One .sister, Mrs. Prank •Caughey Elizabe1<h.L.:._Pre4.ec_eas ' ed' ;her. in 1918 •Salcttm rcciui, em higt mss_ r as. Celebrated l± riday, 1VIar'e;h 1.,5th at St, Augu:ytrrio' Church' by Rev.' .Urbanski;;. Rets.,,.; Fr..V':. . B:i 'Graham Rev:, Fri `•� - • ui •` La � FYtaler;'•.' 1•nterment was tn.St. Augustine.. Cemetery, the, palibbarers being`. o.�:,�o-y�_e,...Brow� Sm�rth;.�ieh-•. net Cummins, Mason' McAllister, • Gus Itetitttotai uohn A. Thornp,,.. son, '��_d:�ti.►�'1s'�'S 40, KAIRSHEA WOMEN'S : INSTITUTE ANNUAL N` -FALL, LUCKNOW • Prizes -0 •.. f-$3:00 A $2,^ will be gtvrr. for ihe prettiest . cotton clresa 'in the ` following classes -Ready-made, 0 years ,,and under, 2-4teady-made, 26' ,years and over. 3 -Home -sewn, • for •Lucknow• District high' School,.(.ir .. rize shone. = c ona c HaCI' s e aiid,`W. y. Y (Win'ne•rs• not eligible for 'Class'4) ome-,sewn, 25 'years and Wet, ,5 -'Home sewn", 26 •years and over, ..>. DRESSY PARADE AND , JUDGING At, 11 V. Sharp Lunch, Counter -- '„flame -Made, Mby. Pies” ' .y icsic is. ,� CARRUx ER'S • ORC)IiESTIt•A Iy"r'• Dancing front. 9 to 1 a.m. � ' ,Admlb.cn. '.Come and Enjoy the, Fashion Show`,of' the 5C