HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-03-20, Page 8AGE' RIGHT'
• ,.
4111.11/FL7461111.1"1 161"1"11117"1
ODNESDAY,, ,MA rCf f 20, 1957;
1956 Pontiac , Deluxe Sedan. fully equipped $2,150
1956 Cbev., Sedan, 'with ;power511ds� ,...,:.. ,, •.. , , '_.:,•$2,295
1955 Chev. Powerglide. ,Deluac
1956 Ford' Sedan, fully ;equipped. R :,, .---91•695
• 1955 Pontiac,; fully equipped , „ , i x
ts. $1,695."
- 5 Obey. Deluxe Coach fully:, equipped ._,:f _ $1,50
� •�. ..,. • .
1954. Chev. , Powerglide Coach, fully equipped $1;495.
1954• •Citev.'� Sedan , ,;.., , . ,,,; .,, • , , ..•$
1953 ()hey. Coach 95
1953 Chev . •- ..$1,195
1952• Plymouth Station ' Wagon ;,.. ....... ..... .,•$1,095
1951.Chev. Deluxe Fleetline Sedan`::.,:„ $ 859
1951 Mercury ,.Sedan, Ai. condition, fully'. equipped . -.4:894,
1950 ' Chev. Sedan;. ., •.r•.• • , ..
Two 1948 Pontiac' Sedans .$ • 895
1951 Dodge '%2 T6n Pick -Up $.. 375
1949' Ford' Panel $ '225
_ e
'.. 'Used' Car Dealers,'
'.• : Huron:. County s. Foren>tost ,
Cash, 'Trade, •Terms_ , Open. Evenings: Until :10
• '
5ervice Dealer — Phone 73x,' Brussels
,)ties ' .
(Continued from Page 1).
each team scored once 14ucknow
Missed ;,On several ;chances, in :the
jai period batingthe goal post
not' discounting'. the •Ayr
tender, Dance, who stopped many
shots that 'Were labelled.., TYiFe.
Ayrgoalie is one of ,the few' in
hockey, :wearing" Masses and, a
protector Lucknow carried the
play for the majority of the game
but the conditioning of the. Ayr
squad• was : evident as ,they gut-.
skated ;•Luclnow 8nr the breaks.,
1st• Period
.Ayr; Rf s (Betchei) 5,50:
2—Lucknow, Gcrdner' . 7.30
3 --Ayr Taylor Taylor '11.50
4—Lucknow, Emberlin (Cr<ar91-
. nee) 12:50. '
5 --Ayr; Ross 13:55
6-Lucknow, Emberlin • 14.50 •
7: Lucknow, Arnold 15.25
.Ross . (Lister) 18.11
9—Lucknow, :. Gardner .(Arnold)
18.16 '
Penalties; : Gardner, ' MacMil-
lan; Podger, 'Wilgress. ` '
2nd Period
10.—Ayr; Ross 6.35 '
11—Ayr, Ross (Lister, . Hartwick )'
•; Penalties: ' . Gardner, ' Myham..
3rd Period •
42—Ayr, • 4eSs (Hartwck) 1.25•:.
13: ; Lucknow, Fisher, 9.45.
No penalties'
Treeswe t. Large 4:$ oz .
4• 3 oz Sale �,.
`:... .:•
an'ada 1st • grade, St'o. 'k up. `Special, •
.: t
forlc c lt'o e. I1Mi!tY 2Q �o .
TORNADO ':,FUND- .GETS $6500';..
' were recently dis-
Cheques • , .. Y , .
tributed 'to farmers :• in ''Bruce
;County,, 'who surffered disastrous.
damage in the -tornado -et -July,
of ; last year The most exten=
sive ' da:mage' was in most
blow «cuttin :', a
swath 'that started; in Kincardine ,
Township and the tip', hof Kinloss
A ` .'B3race County ,Tornado
Relief Fund Was 'set : up,' and ido-
nations soared to ' over $20,000.
John 'Riot, Paisley ' ,banker; was
treasurer. of, the .' fund.. which.
was: later. turned over to • Bruce
County: ' treasurer; T IL Alton;
from 'whose, office cheques were
issued recently to the storm , .ic-
tims : in' 'the amount of $20,844.
---Of—this -amount$13,896 -was-
donated.. by individuals,_' organiz
ation* , ' and municipalities,, and
this `amount ''was 'matched 50e for
each dollar: • b . ' Y T?rovinvial gov-
Since the fund was 'dispensed,
a ; donation of $6,500 has -.been
received' from the ::Canadian Dis-
aster Relief • ' Fund, with : head-
quarters at Winnipeg.;
' Y No: 1, WHITE.�'�
• Gnti<�;�r�a, HONEY, ,
�. los 09
- Gold.. Saye ti�:to2Q..,_."`*
Fira,tc, � . .. 1.
Visit Our Store. For .:BARGAINS• :GALORE.
We Have The Stock 'Aji ci Can Save
you ; fl Lot. 4
Shine' , On Saturday•
Every. one On ,'the' , Lucknow:
team'. was at his. :best on Satur, .
day • night in Ayr •asthe " local
boys upset Ayr: 6-2. A; large nurn
ber• of fans ` accompanied, ` the
teaan to • the 'willa,ge' 'that, had el
iminated Lucknow • in Juvenile'
hockey. in. . the , winter. . Of, 4940;.
When , the .sponsors :. were th.e
-Lucknow-.Legiori;'LuOknow' jump.-,`
ed into an early lead: and at the
•end ,of 'the first= )period led' 3-0.
They' ' had ;increased the' lead, to
:5- i' a ;; a en • o e second,. and
-in the.third.,period, Ayr scored,
twice : and j Lucknow_,'once. ,Goal
scorers for the local team were
Jim Pedersen and .Roy Ember
.lin ,2,, Don Arnold. and Jim Wil.
Son. 1.
We Sell For .Le8s .
'Phone 119, Lucknow
:Suffered "•Bad GaSh'
With about ' •two 'minutes' to
the Lucknow goaltender.,
Jerry Mow'brav,,'suffered a gash
when' struck by a. flyr<ng"puck:
It required uired ' :fifteen ' stitches to•
,clos Jerry IS reported to, bet're
covering ' ;satisfactorily. . -Hugh:
,MacMillan .r,eplaced.;+him in 'goal.
for the last two'nminutes. Eugene
Gardner. also ..lost a toothwhen
struck y a
' uck ' b flying ing `stick.. ' Luck -
now. were,treated to a lunch by,
the Ayr; ' ' team following the
gae.' They were fine competi-
tors and. ,losers.
Lucknow: ',goal, Jerry.' 'iVtow
bra ; :defence, :' Bill :Fisher,, Hugh
MacMillan; ventre, Eugene'Gard`
Planning a' new ,buildings, or fence for','
r. farm? • We can show ou how, .... .you � P t �y
2 by
CCC -Pr -e • Rale
.. ..'
and ' timber, 'you•, can, save �► to •50°J
on' the cost of farm. uildm
•''Low Hist; cost
:ong' lasting,
ner; wings, Don Arnold, ROy, Em
berlin; alternates, .Jim Pedersen,
Fraser, Ashton, "Jim .'Wilson, Art
Howald; . Bruce Baker, Alvin'
Hodgins,: Bill:-R.olbinson; 'Donald
Ayr goal; ' Dance;' def.-, Buck,'
Podger; '::centre, • Lister; •wings,
Ross, Hartwick; alt.; `•Bridle,, •My-
ham, ' Bechtel, Forbes, -'_.Taylor,
,Cochrane;-',Wilgress; G0ul1�
Values. 'effective•
March 21,'22, '23':
Jack ; Caesar 's 790, N' o r; e eh
Park's 722 and' Doris,'Hodge s 720
were'. too' much for the Squirrels'
*ha. could. only eget one point. '..
from 'li ese Cubs. .The . ;Squirrels
•single w , was' team efr
',parked byin Buster, Whitby's '262fot'
single_ -
The. Coons scored -it very fine
!teaan effort: led by Don'' and; An-
nie Mason with 697 &;610, How-'`
and Agnew with ' 646 :and Jane
Treleaven with 628.;,:.to take .three:'
po'ints from the Lions Singles by
Freda and Mary,'. Errington top'.
ped ` the Lions team--effort--for
their single ,point.
:Beavers 4,, 'Cubss . 3,' Coons
Group "A" h
The, • Gophers, and Pole' Cats
staged a real battle which t -,e,
-salted rn=-a-two--•• po-int-'-tie..,T-he-
Pole.' Cats. 'team 'effort' led by
Dinnie .Hathilton's 762 was good
for two games with the. Gophers'
1298 ' high enough for the.' extra
point Kay , Crawford ,and Ann
Anderson}' ;led the 'Gophers with
668 and' 653 i,
he._.,2ebra;s anti .Wolverine --
'also : rolled 'too a ' draw ' with the
Zebras taking the' extra point orf,
,high' singles by Merle: Elliott and'
Ken. Jardine. Wolverines Toby
Greer, Mar-y-�.l isher-anti- -%ap Ha,1.1..
1�were. mainly responsible for their
rtwo. points. ..•
Squirrels: 1, Lions ,:1, Tigers (}.:
The banquet will be on Wed_
nesday, April 24th with Bill' Run-,
ter -'and Alvin Hamilton ;as ban-
quet- committee :.and Chas. Web=
ster .in charge of entertainment.
Could the captains :find. out how
many tickets their, team requires.
I and let the •banquet committee -,:.
know fore April '19th'so tick- •
Mrs 'Roy . Black underwent '' ,a:
• major oeration in; Victoria Hos-
'ital, ' • London, last.: Wednesday.,,
She .is making 'a favorable, recov-
ery and it 'is expected.. she:,may
be 'able' to: return '.home.at 'U,he
end of the week
'Phe, March, meeting of, th:e
was 'held'. 'at the home'of
Mrs. Norval–Stewart, Viirs Cly.
ton read a' ipoem, which ;was fair
lowed by a' hymn and the Lord's
prayer, :-repeated iii• unison Mrs.
Herman Anger.. read. 'the Scrip-
ture and Mrs`: Ray Ham:iltori loci
iii •prayer.,'"The Tree'` was . read
by Mrs. Orville '.Fmlaysori 0'
s• decal t'_.'._ was rendered .b
Mrs. Brydon. 'A chapter from the
study book on Formosa was` re-
viewed bvw • Miss Mary , ltou lstph.
R911' call was , .answered • by 24
r jer kers. A letter was
The l(an.garoos team effort. led
' by Larry Salkeld's 615 .and Al
riiamrlton's ,ala outscored t -he
,,7"-Clirpmun.ks for three :points
.Hooky and , Anna Johnston• and
'Bud Hamilton wire tops for'ithe.
1C's•ngaroos• 3f • Gopltet:s
.tee _.—....._a
:hprriutrks• 1,
tfroirr our missionary for, prayer,
Miss Constance C•happel of Tek
yo; Japan:- She. : expressed,'• her `.
gratitude for the ,parcel of child.
rev's clothing sent to,;.he, 1;ir4t
were' .given -by Mrs Waltc r.
tet :and Mrs
of than;k, w'as 'moved hv, tile.
Oliver" McChrirle to tht'tr, ;`
'and : group. 'the rn'eetir'i ; ' Lme
beneciictrotl.. Luneh wa
lad., il' goe,ial hour :Apo, t..
1VIr" Alli n''�1VI'eCh��r It . u
�-C1 tC2_•�•S•{�:h�1�t. �'F�,19, ' . F�;<1S, .�„. r {` r . � i' t
with ,his ,pa:rent.. `, Mr, rrrtcl T'..
f7l:,�rer 1ureCharltr ,., '
Soloist last •Sunday, :fit U10'tri+,
United '.Church w :Mr q,"•
,irrl7ai .
M:eCha:rles, tnh0 :sari "Thr. 1tCii)r •'.
of Calvary„..
a >1Vti s .Barbara ....Atige
cail`dine'.spent. Sttridal' tit ,'hitt
� , it, with �u. �AII ut''
• Let us,, y .�',`
dis�u�s y y
requirements' will be handld efficiently
and promptly.
'Phone 150
Lucknow, gat ' t •
Groups 11'' '
_ `the .,ilL'e_aers�-st�lt-otly...
tock four ,points from the l'i ger;,
but made. most of ,the top group,
look like ` beginners:,
Very fine • team • effort lee) by
Donald and:Marron. Mclirinon's
716 and' 50 and Fern an:dv.Leon.'
and Mat?onaktwitltL67,1 and 630..
telt Abel again led,'the Tigers
'Voltadidn't ,hatvee a• 'chance againat llonie o4 her rarer . , Mz tirid,
sued .tipposition; ,Mrs: ,Herman Anl *,