HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-03-20, Page 7WEDNESDAY,: MARC 20 1957' .INSURANCI FIRE, WIND,• CASUALTY :. A lTOMOBIL AND.. ;LIFE To Prote0 Your Jacor Yt�s"are�Witla�;k �-`Jsoday, 3.,A. McDONAGH 5.1t. 3, Luaknow, Out. 'Intone 614," Dungannon Insure With, The LROSS..MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.;'. Reasonable rates; . sound pro-, tection & prompt, satisfactory • settlement of claims.' :.FARISH_ MOFFAT _. , Your Local. Agent. R.R. 3, Teeawater 'Phone Teeswater 57.r41 ARMSTRONG OPTOMETIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1110 • For Appointment or Information See . Wm, ,A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-wp Lncknow enneth J. ``MacKenzie, R.o, optometrist. LISTOWEL,' ONT. at the former Wrona Jewe'lery store. Ripley., • 10: •a.m. to 9:; p.m•., WEDNESDAY,' MARCH 27th and every `Second Wpdn Eyes examined -.Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ftipley.. McLENNAN and .` FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accerd- Ing to your wishes at. year Horne,' your Church, .or at. ; our' Memorial. Chapel at no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 181,.Lticknow Day or Night , ,Registered Master. Electrician -ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR- rSpecialiiing Electrical Wiring and Repairs AGENT' FOR' SPARTON .TV and. • TUE I+UCii-NOW ' :SEN*EL, L C# OW, ONTARIO SAGE SEVEN �eUm patrp TO CONSIDER';BY*LAW' WINGHAM First Show :at 7.15,•. . niure., Fri., Sat., Mar, 21-22-23, -Frank •S tra ~-z .na ma •,.u--ynn--- in . Take notice that a ty.lavv for raising $100,000, � under, the pro- visions of the Tile Drainage Act, Will he taken into consideration by the Council of • the Township off' Ashfield at the, Tovcrnship ,Hall on-th'e--10th <tarof-APriric the hour of 8 00 oclock 1n .. tine. evening,` Donald Simpson,; Clerk • JOHNNY CONCH0" A' cowardly young man who tries � �oapttal eon his -!bandit 'broth r s' reputation, • Mon. Tues ,Wed. • Mu. •��25 26,27, Theatre Closed:. :Jaelt af4CA►r oy cif ' T v i 3' Wngham -arid 'Percy Horne, .who had been in Win,gharn 'Hospital., were recent- ly admitted to Baker's Private. Hospital., .. , ..._ ...._ _.. _ .... WI NGHAM a MEMORIAL ---SHOP- We Have Been Memorial I. . 'Craftsmen' foe Thirty -Seven Years, .Always . Using. THE BEST GRANITES Along With . Expert Designing and Workmanship,: , •.Prices:Mast Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a. Specialty R. •°A.SPOTTON 'Phone. 256, 'Winghum, Ontariot ROY N:'BENTLEY. Public Accountant ONT. 'TelephOne 10l1 Box .470' W. ANDREW. Barriiter and Wiener,: ALAN WILLJAMS IN LUCKNOW WedneSday ,and Saturday . Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block , Telephone: Office 135, Residehce 31-J • ARPER est Street, -GODEillCII ONTARIO, .TelephOnes. 343J 343.W ;Office on Patrick'St., Just off the Main St. in ' Day Or Night, Fist. Showing . 7.3.0• Second Showin6 940-: . ow,• Playing—"Walk The. Froud.:Land"-•-Cinemaacope, • '--'color .. AudcHerMurP --Ann —B-ancrof .. BABYCBICHS Bray Chicks Dayold;, started; Pullets. Broilers., Wide :choice, Including Ames 'In -Cross,. Pilch' White 'Roam 'Agent Finlayson, •Lucknow, phone 91:-... MEAT: FOR . SALE Good' ;beef for sale by "the quarter. Beef 'killed under 'lic- ense . from' ,the, ' Department of Health, Choice Hereford . year- lings.. -Custom- butchering a•sP ec ial ty. , •' ' Raynard Ackert, Rolyrood • Phone 24-30, Ripley -- —Sanitary ;Sewage Vi$posal. Septic tanks, . cess -pools,,. etc., pumped , and ' cleaned with sari tary. modern,.. equipment. All: work•guaranteed..: Write Louis Blake, trt4 2, Brnsse2's, phone 42-r=6. '•Brussels. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION :For .;artificial inserntnation • in- formation ' or service • from ' all breeds • of.: cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding ' As= sociation at: ; Clinton .f HU, -2-3441 or Kincardine 460 between 730 and 9.30 a.m..,We have 'all' breeds available- — top quality at, low(' Cost. "Adolr • )Tj OM OF THE BODI'LE" • CinemaseoPe Technicolor' e brother a successful 'attorney., one an ' escapee ``convi A tense :414. 'drama, , e Van Johnson Ruth ' '' • THURS, FRI "THE TALL 11+IEN" o •lr, Cinemascope — ' Technicolor.' battle (veteran, hardened outlaw, . , e _.... w, tough trail boss, �confirtne bachelor, until cowgirl brands. -him C1ar.Gable, , .Jane Russell.' �. ,, •. Condn.•a Next The• Man: Who. Never.• C n .Webb, .G'l'oria, Grahame CARD' OF THANKS.' Mr. Joseph Boyle and family wish . to sincerely thank friends and neighbors • for all their kind- ness and : e',icpressions of ' syrr- parry extended them in their be reavernent; A special' thanks to, Rev,, : Fr. Urbanski• Dr. Corrin and Mr.' Keith ,Arthur. Prevent CHIMNEY F"IRES .Use Fire Chief Chemical chimney cleaners.' To elim- inate soot and scale, from your, stove and pipes. The smaller the f • • lame, themore,soot and carbon For use inoil coal anal woad_ ired units: For -.sale at: Lucknow'• District Co-op- . . MVtiller,!s • Store,:; .St:. Helens d✓olwell's Store, Kihioss We wish to sincerely. think all those who 'sent Cards, ;and' treats and who '..called on Mrs :-Rabb during her illness, in Wingham, Hospital, ,and to acknowledge. with .gratitude the many • kind acts and .. expressions, ' of , sym apathy, extended us at the .time of our fiber eavernent in they . oss of dile,AdiCi.gbRrothkrierl9anvi'gg'0111.celerr'1, °RrYichoLdall' Bakie, who .passed awaY, March IS mitoRiAmy -.L4ver remembered 'and 'S-adly RD OF THANKS Mrs. John, T, Carruthers wish= es to. than*. Jill those. kinci friends who viSited her in. Victoria 'Hos- Pital, London; and' so kindly sent letters,- caids, 'flowers.. arid gifts; a lovely basket Of fruit, the teg- arid Dr.' Corrin arid Nurge Thomp-' son for special attention. I in- deed. appreciated ali,,verY ;much. would like -to sin,cerely thank all those vlip .remenobered with their -kind ,expressions of sympathy, Since' the passing; of my 'dear grandmother. ' Mrs, .frank Miller: a dear 'mother: Wesley and Jean . Rabb, The,, Famnily of 'the. late Mrs. Wm. Young 'wish to •es their sincere thanks to all rela- tives, friends and neighbors for their kindness . and sympathy shown ' them during' the . loss . ut. a . mother, and , grandmother.. Spe cial thanks to . all who sent floral 'tributes and cards and for the acts Of thoughfutiness at the of their:recent ;bereavement. BORN CRANSTON-on pronday, 'Marc l8th„ in Wingham . Hospital, to' Jerry, and' Cora Cranston, 'a dao= ghter;,, a sister' for Ivan. NOW OFFERS: --Hospital plans paying up to $8.00 per day. Surgical plans paying all Doctor's fees for surgery, . maternity, setting of fractures and other benefits. benefits, life insurance, and loss of- time. A plan for Catastrophe illness Costs up to $5, 1. Phone ;Ili,. Winghain No Extra 'Cost • Mederate Prices Established 1894 co -Operative Life •.'Insniantee , Mercantile, iz Far* Fire '''''771:0111esinnae 3 'Phone 10-i-10 RitrigannOn AA • 'The IOW 'cost of 'these Plans brings thern Within the reach of everyOne in Bruce County. The prompt payrrient of claims has earned us 'the Confidence and ,co-operation ,of /hospitals and ',doctors. The folloWing letter frOm an, Ontarici. doctor,. following extensive .surgical treatment of One of (kir 'niem- b,ers, is cin file in our offite: . 1"Ity.most firin feeling is one of. coMPlete confidence in Smaller. businesses such :aS .yOur organization. There mnst be • Many times 'when, the; fact that yen' know perstmally to be fair, to.'theM:. You know thOse Who .are, trying to y,ou, must Often have opportiinities tO minimize 'Sharpshoot- ing to the advantage of the more sineere° Subscribers.,3 The sorial; and miist make More mistakes, as a result Of not lia-Virrg-the-lparnan ,elementrtn Mind, in eabir case; do not detibt that the perstinal element mentioned above. is of more the length Of hoSpital,coVerage, since it is an imuSual . Which confines a ,patient. to hospital beyond One 'inorith• 'have-'surely_beenAtiipres -by Al* • For information, dip the attached counon, and mail to our head office in„Paisley. nvesiliate ,Before RE1111.EN WILSON ',44,44'44,40iii*O444040.404# .044.44 • Address Oil A 48'418 148884481 $88818,848.88 Pi 18884888 8.