HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-03-06, Page 9' ;,1957 • ,MONUMENTS KEL.TON WALKERTON. Y, are the . onlp manufac I . turers ib thls part of Ontario of big . , class': monum, nts vbo import granite: from the Old •Country to the. $ ough b7 the carlitoad`-and pJ oicess from• ••the ,rough to - the' f inistied moliumeut. No, middleman.. » when :.Choosing a' monument come and 'see one of the largest -selections In -.Ontario. Established- over sixty years. Write or phone Walkerton; 8 as '' reverse ;charges. SKELTON` MEMORIALS �A►IIIRFRTON ..�.�t..t Om. ter: T R. P. TH TE EN �l R F t I TRY. NS . O M Southampton United Church was the: meeti' lace for Bruce I'r'esbytery • on . Tuesday,. Febru i 19th:: A..real e'`message-was g'ven by the ,president. 'of Ham iltor .:Conference, Bev: ',H. W. Vaughan., : He assessed the Char aoteristics . of our : 'age as. being conflict,' deceiving P re ' stress�, eceivin ress 'cornmon o o rtunities 'for 'education: and :;widespread trans- ' rtation and: mass comrnunica=.. ' tion•; ;In` viewyof these, :he real-. THE LUCKNO, , � SBN',l'INEi, I,UCHhTOW, ONTARIO ULROSS '' CORNERS Mr .Albert :Harris returned inome. • recently. :from • London where he had 'been• visiting his Mother, who had' suffered a !heart attack, ' ,Mr and •Mrs. Cecil McNallvis Teed with- Mr. "and'rsillia Henry; ' Whitechurch,; 'where . a s• irpriSe birthday party was stag- ed for Mrs. MaN'311. ,' Former. Resident. Pas:,,eS Me ••Maurice Stewart died,• .sud denly at: hiy home. in, Ed noriton on .February;,-22nd..I-f e • ,vas 'Jborif• on the:; farm now owned- by, Mor • ley,, Wall and. attended :,school 'at 3• ••Wgstf ord, Interment took, place in ,Wingham' Cemetery on, Mar. I'st ,•Sympathy. is "extended:to -the relatives, . • Mr. • and MrS. Jo1jii Schumacher spent T' S4 a y evening. at Brown's.' .-Mrs:-Frank Brown ";spent: day: afternoon 'with Iyfrs. Cecil McNall.,. Several from the camrn:uriityl attended .the• reception for Mr. and4.Mrs...Donm Robertson at : Ber vie on ':Friday evening.. Mr. Beg:, Brown, accompanied Eby 'Messrs. •Hugh; and ' Stewart Lane,. visited Thursday with `Mr. and Mrs. Campbell' Brown ':and. Joan,,: Markdale: Jas. Wraith:spenf:ThUrS7. day afternoon 'with .'Mrs. • George' Bell, :Kinc�xdme Sympathy is extended to: Mrs; James: Edgar in 'Ole, loss et her, father, the :late .Pete Carter. ' : • Mr. and M .. 'Mi ' rs.dford• Way!. and. Donnie spent '1Fr' t SYN e• ar c r- ific�atio n • ei goals in life, 'the in- tegration togration ' of , universal. longrange planning'ao tope with• the ae+conomic needs of the world today,: and 'the. offering of . Chris-. tiara. rederh tion fort - p•,. -the trans • forrnin ' of • the' individual and a, d his' society. y He.. insisted that Christians must not itse, religion " as 'an in-, . S'trurnent to bolster democracy,' ng with Mr.:. and `• Mrs :::Ce' i' QVf c- Weedendvisitors with ``Mr. Mrs: John Ross were :Mr:. & B+b, Millen•and 'Sandra of 'Tor- onto, Mr. and..Mrs. Alex McKa Y of Axton and. Mr.' and Mrs. ;Don - aid , Ross. of .Tor : onto Mr. and. d•; Mrs. s, ._Don Robertson s ' t the fwee k- " ,pen end.'.with. Mr. gi Mrs. 'John Schuna• cher.' .,. 'ford Willing; ' Wor `.ers met .' on ,February ' ,. Y:2 $th''at.the home .�of. Mrs. Jack ',Bair with' th six girls present: This P was.:,a v►rork, meet- ing., . � :'� e, next .meeting: will be at the home of. f Mrs.'''Perry . Hod - .gins - od. gins ,on March 5th. • 'A dainty. lunch was "served. • Donna ' ilii - Y. den�b'•thanked• the' h ostess; but rather see : deniocracy as the. eventual: ;font :of government wrong Christian people:' Men and LL women are equally loved. of God: This fact .is t'he. ,true Khasi respo'nsibl government,.: and de= mocrecy is only good if ` it is re.- sponsilble: . •So 'for r Or. age, D.r, 'Vaughan ,presented:,the vital merits of ,faith — belief : in God h---O":—able, . and willing, • and in His. Church . which isa means Of; revealing;'. both the •'power and the williaigness of His love. '1 The Presbytery reports showed a general: increase in. missionary lgivings, and .in' the .• particular 'ef fort of the ;Heine: Mission fields '.of Cape Croker,'Colpoy's Bay •&• Zion 'R:iversda1e • to undertake ;greater finanici'al' responsibility., --TAtterrtiotr`;w['""drbwn ±` to. the ""'" United , Church ' program, "Pil= grimage" conducted by Bill Lake On CKNX radio, 'Sundays at 2.45. ,p=m• i'h eeh applications ..to enter the ministry : of the, United Chu h:Were•received from rein is.ters • of . otherC t rches and other: lands, including one from - . R'om Cath he priest . Schools for Elders and ::for Ste - Wards were reported . • iXl, the ''Spri'ng plartts of the Bruce Coun scil. of United Church Men.. Mr.: Cameron'. Taylor, president• of 'the . council also drew_atJtenti e !gin House Coriference of i agmen lin the cOi ing sure,- -.si Sess`bn ud.� � Y +to the observaxnce of the: `Lord's ,Day and ;hurdles were ..: asked, 4o .promote ',Christian edu- citibn in temperance:' The' dev:otiona1 periods were 'conductedby fes; W P, Elms`- heat meeting; ot' Bruce n April: y .a to bery in Hopley on HURON & ERIE Molar.' .1. I;RJ'0111Ta1N If CANADA TRUST Head',Office- —. 'London, Ontario District Representatives: in Phillips,' Dungannon; . E.H.. Agnew, `. Lucknow WHITECHI RCH :TyLr.enty ladies:. attended 'the h '.meet rr . at -t e h h9ple"7cf Mrs:: .Garnet Far. ier last Tuesday The first .• .vice' prey. Mrs.:. 1 'Irwin, opened the...meeting' i g with the ode Correspondence • and min- utes of the last meeting were read-- by- rs— Chas $iuell . Mrs. H. Irwin is to' go • to . the convert- tion at.' the OAC in .May:'.•Pins,. 'are. • to -:.be' purchased for some memberswho have moved awa .' Y. `Janice '.Farrier 'sang .;a.sole. ; Mrs: F.. ° .il '� � . , YV� ler gave the topic 'Duty makes Us .do things well; but l ... ., . g u love snakes us •'do them .'beautifully': The: `•Federated, ' News' wag re �P •.. •n. •n• rea• ;by ,Mrs • W. Conn. 'Mrs, ::GGar et Farrier ON*. the' motto -on "Let us -not pray for ease, 'but let : Us pray for the Strength to ;:do:. the task required": The roll -al. ed call was answered by "My pet', economy". Two readings:.were' given b Mr Milan ' Moore on Abraham Lin coin' -and on n dust!`' y. Expanding • Naugatuck - u aturk...C�hhe3nic is , _ - . g a of El mira, a division of Dominion Bu+bber Company,'Chas announced an' -'expansion `'program • that will i o ve : an •,expen •.i ure .o a .a• .million •`dollars: McKee Bros. Ltd:, also.of Elmira, ►.,,,recently made a•shipment of; shredders'to •the Old Countr • y, and . 2�re hope- ful ape ful of an expanding ° overseas market , if " tarriff ' roblei 'a' p ins c n be overcome - • • alent':ne. i, .. After • • • ' singing 'the 'Queen a dainty • Val-' entine lunch• was, served by ,'the hostesses; 'Mrs...Donald. Ross and Mrs. H -Si o A. chart • .course :'in' milli' ery, will ''be ,:held March• 12the ' to 14th.' :Mernbe' taking, -the. course'`. are asked ; to • bring ` their • ' own thimble, ,.scissors;. ..needle ',and thread and • ...extra . trimmings -Forms 7for •Mts • andmaterial; may:. be :;purchased.. kern.. the in structor yeti renewed y'our Sentinel? DEER' OH . DEAR! A large, ,deer was badly m7, jured': recently by a car on4o:" 2 Highway directly in front of Conservation ' Officer Alex. Wolfe's home .atItarnilton..Both'• front legs were ;": broken ' off' at the knees and yet the deer was .: able to •carry on 'for: soie,':dis-v`. tance ‘ before being :disposed of:: • by Mme:, Wolfe `TWe y • later • no Q daysa bher ;deer, appeared in : front of the .home .:. of, 0 . R. Meadows, eado ws : Huron ur n District• Fish and. Wildlife := TDs ..for ':in Galt,' .and due • .to '' an .a rent spine apparent-- s' injury this also shad to' be'.di ed' f: epos o , injured in ''the. country, !but' ,that . of . lite. it •• , e ,would ` appear - that .•oui- deer are gpin,g modern by vis it• uig the. cities: :on 1 y= tling-that. confuses .the Officers eV thertment Delia . of •r -,Lands :and • Forests • .:is this " How' do deer know 'tihe:' exact' location of • the officers' homes" Your 1956 operator's licence and vehicle permit will expire a midnight, March 14 ter t i . ate it will • eillegal to rive with 1956.Iicenceor plates Actnovo...avoid nthe .+Last-..m»eIlne-up esti-firs warning and avoid inconvenie ce,,and; possible prosecution.' T • ,n • . •