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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-03-06, Page 7
wED.I�TF*T ATi: .VIAK# we ov own'imt loVP O artd YOUNG CA'S'TLE wily be' held at ; the p+a- •' �QRT COi!RTNEY. l alf 11111e Wt* iii100111t • THURSDAY, MARCH 7th 11410 UGH ONTARIO , PAGE. FIS; it and Mrs,:. P. •Murray wero in. Freston; over ,last, week end attending ,the. Oberle-Bou- man wedding. . A. nuanber 'from .here attended the '.P,abertson-Schumacher, r.e- eeption at the Bervie IOOF: hall on -rduy evening Mrs. Harvey. Hodgins /and Miss May Boyle spent. a ••few.:: days. ;with. 7: ondon relatives.q ;• Mr, Morley Bushell; met with a gainful accideikt wihe.4 he had his foot injured : in a:, ,bum ac Trident. The A Y,p'.A, enjoyed a. .kat- irlg 'party, at,;cincardine on Sat; 'urday =evening.. Mr: and Mrs. Arhur:Iialdenby,. Mr land Mrs. Halyard ' Bennett and:Sion Howie .of Toronto...: visit ed on Saturday ' _with relatives here. Mrs. M. Dudley, who has !l eett-4n._.�_..Toronto' • for several weeks, returned with them'. The Happy Hour •farrr`1 four entertained. the: Puattple Groye an& Silver ,;J. ake»fotau ng -at; -the school .on..Monday evening. •'They'. were'. very :Pleased . to weicor,ne Mr 'arid ; Mrs C..ampbeil Thornp'- son of Luoknow. ;MTs.:Thompsoni gave a very interesting talk and showed., ' pictures g1 'their recent overseas' trip, . ' Colwell, spent, a ,few days • diuring. the.' Week'with her sister, Mrs. Wm. ' Bushell • :and:. with Mr.: and .Mrs._ G•urr�e.:Col well and family.. We are ,pleased to report that Mrs.' Catherine Hewitt; who has been . confined to bed 'at. the home.. of Mr.. and Mrs. George . Gra- ham, is' steadily am 'rovi 4 , n1g" - D Mr."uglas ,Haldenby :'.presid ed fo r.I - the • .meeting . of the' A:Y.PA . which ' wag., held- Sun- .day evening ;at the home: of Mr. and Mrs: Jack Hewitt and, fam-. 'ily The Hymn "At Mie name of. 'Jesus" was ;sting and .tihe • scrip- 'ture was read ,by'.Marie Schnel-: ler_ arid Rev, J.',A, Palrner':led in prayer and also gave 'the :mot= to "For, Christ and the'' church". The roll call was a ••verse: from St. Luke ' answered by 28 mem bar's. On •March 17th' they. wiIl have .as guests theA.Y..A. fro `Kingarf. Those assim sting withh the pro 'ram ' .were ;Rae, P , g Haldenby, Alice Haldenby' Douglas Harden b. y, Beat , f faldenby ; J:ack Col well tit ked the: h s� ... • ... a fess 'and. Alice :Haldenbythanked tYose. r . e program:• Dainty refreshments were served. Mr ' and . Mrs Howard Thomp- son and Bert • of :Purple, prove, 'Visited On 'Saturday: evening with Mr. and. s,.io-na.H.odginc Mr ' and Mrs..'Jim Smith ::and family visited :on Sunday. with Mr. , and Mrs: WM Cox. The H W h ' will "meet, • in .'the hall on Thursday `afternoon, Roll call, Should ,public school child 'ten have homework; topic, Is the Red .School ihouse''still, doing a good job for rural' children; . mot- to Living "a :life is more' import ant than_ making a living; direct Ors; Mrs. Alex Percy, Mrs.• Rich and Elliott, Mrs "Jack _ Ackert,. Mrs Wes Guest • `he_ Evening Guild :met On Thursday., evening, at •the ' Rect= Dry, Berwe, when Mrs; (.Rev.) ►ex_, was hostess. Irs--Roni old Thacker, presided . Following the' hymn, Mrs:, George;: falden read the ripture and' the Meditation ,was taken, by Miss 11 ay Rny1P "Preserve" was :the= Word' ,for ' the •'roll. cal'1.. It was Commencing at 140FRE. S; a good •herd of 1 Dairy • 13 .SPRINGING `VOWS (Fhis Type Cows,„,.01 young) 7 2 Y E`,IlR-OLDS; t4' YEARLINGS; $ YOUNG 'CAL tES`' GUS !B pr4;, , ers cit, ,chglce, AN >Segf��ered, g yea quality: Iso. BUS. of . BUCKWHEAT • This .Sale. 15 being field•.ow►lag' to Slckneas.___ TBRMSAll sums . of` .25:00 and; under, Casty Over' that amount 6 monthscredit on' Bankable approved joint ___ ---- notes' liearlrig ; 6AJpercen nterest " _._... DONALD B. BLUE, ROBERT COURTNEY, Auctioneer. Proprietor. Y and RODNEY . OATS Registered • No . I .. COM., No., BRANT BARLEY. Conimercial:..NO. GALORE `BA Comtnercial No: ,S1.80 pier. bushel .:: $14,55,- . per bushel $ 3.00 per bushel 2.90 per ;bushes. ►11 Grain. Is Treated And Ne w n . e Bata rifts Are :now: tic �rsc�r� Flax', rQW, uc s. Phone 21 i . INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Brantford, Ontario: .REQUIRE DEALER REFI LUCKNOW OR• VK;INIT ` Vow . is ,your • chance- to . Share in our great; improved potential, '`Enquire today :EOX c, .t,UCKNOW SEN11NEL ews.' GENERAL ' INSURANCE Established.: Over Thirty Years . Ago Telehones: OWARD AGNE PHONE • INSTALLATIONS,• ON, 'INCREASE LOCALLY More. teleph ne s were' a ddVd morem oncy .,spenton new con- structi on,` more calls handled and •m ore. morlcy:eaartied by: The .Belt Telephone.;Company of :Canada than:ever'•before as it pe .ex rienc- , . •.ed the most active year in its history during 1956. According : to. .the . company s 7.7th :annual ,report,. :the .net •in. .crease of 243,408 " "telephones brouglit-the total in- service in- the • Bell's Ontario Quebec terri- tory to .2;766,153, HELENS Loyally, ',growth, : in telephone ;service parallelled .this.: overall `expansion: H ¥ 1' .Johnston,. 'Bell manager for this region, said that ,'seven . telephones' *ere ' add- ' ed in Ludknow during 1956, ging the total:--at-:--the.- end:. ,of the year to' 422. A' total of %$130,677,707 , in wages and. salaries was 'paid, to. Bell en- ...•' ployees„ in':Ontario ` and • Quebec last year. At the end :of 1956 the eompah,y employed 39,688 'peo- j le, ',24,056 Women -and ' 1.5,632' Men.:.. • :; Exp©nditures for now construe- tions totalled: $139,500.4000 and the cornpany expects t,o spend .' an other $17000,000 on Oo st The' ladies are reminded of the March meeting of the Womens Institute this (Thursday) after. noon at. 2 :o'clock. Roll 'call, : A. comMunity project'>for the coni_ int, year t ngratul ,.anon.: ar ray,Gaun.t, who; won the Huron I Crop' , trophy for the !highest score • ,m the.. senior, section of the ' Junior ••:Farmer. seed.' judging icompetiticn. at :the, Fair a -Crrintrin `i.Isf Week All the 'ladiesof the com1 un ity are invited 'to'. the observance of the World Day of . Prayer' at the. Manse' on .'Friday afternoon at 2:30 On March 3rd ' the regular meetingof the St Helens';Y.P.0 was `held'`with nine present, The. meeting `opened; with Anne Todd taking the. worship Rev. Green 'led in .Bible :study. , A.nne Todd led in a sing. song, and. this 'was followed` ,,by'. the administration' with the new' ,president, Marvin McDonald,. in -charge.. The min- utes•the last meeting and the treasurer's repo_ t :t..c_.r ad.a. & adopted following, r'ecreation, Rev,: •Green closed"';the rzeeting with' the -benediction.' Ailo .oris,is�lthh0 2i.r ve.._.liko light - tion'.duri•ng: ,1957. ping frequently strike trees decided : to add to , the kitchen supplies. Rev:' J. A. paltrier clos 'ed the 'Meetingbeer. • With 1�` Y. A -sale--df articles -was held and Mrs Donald'. Gillespie gave :the clos-' ,ing • remarks.' • .The March';; •meet:= 'ing will : be held, ai:the home of, Mrs. Jack ,'Hewitt . . Mr • and Mrs:',Chris',Shelton of Lucitnow visited on Sunday with. :friends here. • Mr. and ''Mrs:• .Howai J. McGuire:. visited on Sunday with' Mr/:arid •Mrs.: George rialdeniby. On Wednesday evening,. March 13th :the. first in"a : series s of. events to .:raise' funds for the Village 'Centennial will' be held° in the school and will take the the" company which: installed the form ofa :progressive euchre and system. ' cro:i k Dole; 'a . rummage. sale. and. refreshments. its :' ': Middle ..urge 'is .whenyou ' keep Word was -received here .'of the 'thinking ' that by g . • . to#nprrow death of'the late°' George :Runt- feel' AS `good :as ever. : ley at Ingersoll He was known here.: His wife was the.' former Belle Kaake Mr. Win: `Stanley and;°son Dra ; :of"' North- Bay' visited over tin Week -end with relatives here. • Larry .Stanley'of Kinloss spen_ •the week -end withLeonard:; and Arthur. Stanley Mr and Mrs:: Jack Barr visited. - Sunday. with , Mr.' and; Mrs+ T. • Morrison, Whiteci'.urch:• To assure .hard ice,- a more et, ficient' ice -making -machine ;' is required . in the Paisley arena. An 'expenditure of $3,00:0 would. accomplish' his,. it is Claimed ''b Y. !Y! • • Y: • _ _� �. ::� _:Cut-the:rune-an Lexpe=nse.ofLr€using'chicks with S.wift's ew >:Chick: Starter.; 'Less .feed,• fess' time ria needed,. plow.,` Give' your chicks a t etter`start in lift with Swift's new' 'forntulation of animal and vegetable proteins, new`growth,factors', and Calogen. `medam -st-g-feed that LLr-r�t� .,-Wei-havhe-rn •' 'new opportunities for poultry profit. p nd b/ animal fats and -646 t:iied fit3Ce ,tutien �is. • CALOGEN !i Swift's s acia� hie FreMarie Frasers•. inewutter recipes. 11�rite. tiny • beat 'in jutt • .0Atnv...e_S i RRd-»OMS-.'CANAC 440, bison Streit„Tarohin