HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-03-06, Page 5• WEPNESDAYF 40111XX Ofd :I007 ' wxyLUCK$O! iUNG CATTLE will be heldat . blle. • Faun u# - E ROBE tT COUR' Lt�T 74, CON. 2 HCBON TO _ " t#aif 'Mile.' West of Highway 2 THURSDAY, MARCH: 7th . Q4, • Codi nencing at 1.0 p.m 5x.pN� ■},.: , .. /(� •� MIN ■G- ■}q; 4 1�FV�.Y COWS �V' .S �� �M VOWS ;. T V. f� (This is. a good herd of. Dairy Type Cows;. all young) .,. . 7 2 -YEAR OLDS, . 24 VEARLINO$;; $ YOUNG. CALVES. ANGUS; BULL.,.;.: mer , .2 : rear3 -_eff, ,choice . gnslity 'BUS 'OF BUCKWHEAT Ibis, Sale is being held, owlsg , to Sickness: p Ms -All 'sums of $25.00 • and under,. Cash; Over that .amount 6 months credit.on Bankable approved joint- notes bearing. -6 ;cent interest. • . DONALD 8: BLUE,. ROBERT COURTNEY, Auctioneer. • . • Proprietor. • CARRY and. RODNEY OATS 'Registered No. 1 Commercial No.-1- BRANT o 1:BRANT BARLEY,- Commercial No, GALORE 'BA Gommnercial No 1' 1;80.' per ` bushel x`1.55 'Per' -bushel /. ,..0'0 �� 3per bushel 00. per bushel. All: , Grain Is.Treated And Is In New Bags Prices . Are F.O. B Lucknow fldth�n.fla*Pr�dU:cts. ucknow Ontario 'Phone :21-w PHONE INSTALLATIONS •ON INCREASE LOCALLY 'More telephones were' addc.ci, More "money spent' on . new ;con- struction, more calls handled' and; more• money earned ;�b The:, Bell n Y Y Telephone one Company of.:Canada than ever before as it experienc- ed the most active year in its history during 1956 According to the coh'pany.'s, 77th'annual re ort; the' net in-' crease: ,+ .of 243,408• • ,telephones brought •t-he--�-total in- -service- in the. Bell's ' Ontario -Quebec - terri- tory to '2,766,153: ' Locally, tgrewth iri telephone service parallelled' this overall expansion.• H..;3. P., Johnston, Bell manager for this region,, said :that seven telephones Were add- ; ed ' in ' Lucknow during . 1956; --aging-theta ,.est of the 'year. to 422. A :total of $130,677,70,7 in 'wages ''and salaries was paid to Bell em; ployees in 'Ontario and'. Quebec .v ...•last' year. At ,the •end Qof. 1956 the kcotmpany employed 39,688, Pee - Pie; 24,056 • women and 15,632 HELENS The' ladies are 'reminded of the March meeting' of the:Women's. Institute this. (Thursday) after noon at 2 . o'clock. Roll call A, communityproject for: the' com P J ing year. Congratulations : ark -due'` �M e Huron 11 ..'ray � Gaunt, '•Who won'. the . Crop Improvement • trophy' for -the highest' score in, the senior .section of the Junior ; Farmer, seed; judging Compet'itien : at the ;Seed Fair -at -Clintnn--last ='week. All the:. ladies of the commun- ity are invited to the observance of the ,World Day of Prayer `at the Manse on Friday afternoon. at 2;30. ;NI; Mr.. and *S. i',,: A. 'Murray' wore: in . Preston oyer last. Week- encl• : attending the, Qberle Baue man wedding, A, .number from. here'' attended the Robertson -Schumacher, re ception .at the Bervie IQOF hall' on Friday evetang Mrs Herve. r . Hodgins and Miss May Boyle Spent a; few days:' with 'I�o don' relatives. Mr, Is Orley Bushell met ith- painful accident `when :he shad Us. fpot injured in . a• bush ae trident, The, .Y,P.A enjoyed .a *at Ing.. Partk: at. ncardane; : .on Sat,. urd�ay, evening.. Mr. and' Mrs. ,Arljtur Hakle 1Vlr an 'AMrs, .Haw ird :Bennett' and son., Howie of • Toronto •visit- ed" on ',Saturday with relatives here,; Mrs'. M. Dudley, w1 e has. (been; in . Toronto, for ,. 'several week's, :returned' with them. The Happy • Hour.:.' farm forum entertained .the 'Purple. Grove .and Silver i, ake fora i. at 'the school on: Monday ;evening. They were very 'pleased to welcome Mr. and .Mrs. Campbell. Thomp- son of Lucknow.. Mrs. Thompson • gave a very interesting' 'talk and showed pictures of their recent ,overseas,--: trip .. Mrs J. W Colwell'spent a •levy days during the week with her sister, -..Mrs. Wm. Bushell and with'' Mr..;,. and 'Mrs. .Currie Col well and ' fariily. We• are pleased .to report that Mrs. Catherine Hewitt, who' ;has; been confined lebed' at`Lthe home. of. Mr. ' -and Mrs. George Gra- ham,:.is -steadily, imp owing Mr Douglas lialdenby-:presid ed: for... .. the meeting.' of the ,. which was': held . Sun-, 'day evening at the home. •of. Mr and ;Mrs. Jack Hewitt and fam- ,ly: The Hyrnn: "At the 'name. of •:Jesus was sung and the scrip-' `'ture was read`'•by. . .Marie Schnel- ! ler. and Rey. :J • A. Palmer led •in'prayer'and'; also gave the 'mot The: roll call was' ' a verse ,from St..Luke .answered :by. 28. mem-' bers; On : March '17t/i• they will have as. guests the A.Y.P.A. from Kingarf; ` Those assisting with, the ,prograrn were Rae • Haidenby, Alice Haldenby, Douglas Halden. by, Betty Haldenby.; 'Jack Col- Well thanked the .:hostess and Alice Haldenby thanked ' those Mur- ray whr-prepared the pr•�ogr-a - Dainty, refreshments"were• served. �1V>rr and. Mrs.•Howard •:Thomp= son • and Bert. of Purple Grove'• visited on Saturday evening ;with, •Mr. and. Mrs: Torn .Hodgins. -Mn'a'nd Mr"s: Jr3zi" 'Smith • and family. 'visited 'on Sunday . with, 'Mr. :and' Mrs. Wm. ; Cox; , The 'I.W.I. „will meet' in. the hall. on 'Thursday afternoon Rq 1 call Should- public 'school: c uld ren 'have homework; topic,. IS the Red ` School. house still doing a ::good- job for !house mot �to '.hiving-a-l-i-te-i.s ; mores-rn-pont ant than;• making living,,;,direct- ors, Mrs: ' ,Alex+'Percy, Mrs. 'Rich,. ' and .Elliott, Mrs. Jack 'Ackert, 'Mrs, .Wes ':Guest.• The venin'g: Guild < met ori Thursday evening :at th. Beet- ory,, Bervie, , w�hen.`Mrs.k(Rev.) Palmer was ' hostes's ,` Mrs. 'Ron whacker. presi e oowing the hymn-, Mrs. 'George Halden- Eby read •. the scripture • and• the+= meditation Was taken ;'by . Miss May`":Boyle "Preserve`' 'was ,the ward ,for the 'roll call, it was On ` March 3rd the regular meeting of the Str Helens,. Y.P.U. was, held with nine present. The'. neetirvg -o iced with -Anne -Todd= taking ••the a worship. Rev. Green led in', Bible 'Study.:Anne 'Todd led in a sing Mong • and, -this was followed ,by the administration. With the new .president, Marvin. IMcOdnald, in charge. 'utes of the 'last meeting and the ,treasurer's report ere ' read and adopted:- Following , recreation, Rev, Green closed the meeting,' -with the `tbenedicttan: mora :. Expenditures for •new 'construc tion totalled:.5199,5000000 a.nd..-jbhe'. enmpany ' expects 'to. Other 1 R, $� ? , , Q40+QQD_ori ' construe, • , ,Motorists .>whd drive 'like .light- ning fr`equently, .strike, trees • tiont during 1957.; • Free! Marie Fraser's new Butter recipes: , Write todayx ` . t1A1RV �/IRMRI�lA' O!* CANAD" 46Huron tryst, 7bronto' • 1 4 [NDI STRIAL !Mulford, Ontario . REQUIRE DEALER "REPRESENTATIVE a UCK NOW OR VICINITY Now isou chance 'to share in .our greatly y r�a�c g y. improved ,potential. Enquire today' PAG. FX.VX • UIQMENT LTD. X C LUCKNOW SENTI.N ,,., .,. • flv!.:p: INSURANCE Agency: GENERAL. INSURANCE: rmmEstablished Over --Thirty Years :Ago Telehones HOWARD `AGNEW • Residence •: 4 decided .;to'. add to the kitchen supplies. • Rev..1. A'. Pal;ner. clos-• ed. the meeting ,with: . prayer. A sale of articles was :held:and 'Mrs Donald-' Gillespie gave the '"clos . ing remarks:: The .:March meet- ing.' will •be•.�held,at the home of Mrs. :Jack' 'Hewitt. Mr, and Mrs Chris.Shelton•of Lucknow .visited en 'Sunday. : with friends` here. •- . Mr.. and .Mrs Hoiiara::McGuire visited :;on • Sunday with F. Mr. :and. .e-Yaldea On Wednesday "evening, March•. 13th, the . first in a series of, events to raise .funds for the: Village.. Centennial' will be held in:, the. school and will take the, form of �a progressive euchre and crokinole, a rummage, 'sale and' refreshinents..• .• Word was 'received here of the death of the late George • Hunt-` ley at .Ingersoll: He. was well! known here. ' Ris wife; ;was . the former. Belle Kaake • ,Mr: Wrin:. Stant ''and son °Dick, of North` Bay visited' over the week -end' With .relatives here` Larry' Stanley of Kinloss; spent the week -end' with . Leonard and .•. Arthur Stanley. Mr. and : Mrs. Jack Barr' visited Sunday with Mr..--and-Mrs.T Morrison; Whitt. urch.; To assure hard ice, ficient . ice -making machine is required in: the Paisley arena., 'An': expenditure' of $3,000 would:` 'accomplish this, it is claimed by' the com an which installed the system... Middle. age is, :when ° .ou keep, thinking that"by tomorrow you'll feel as good •asever: Gut the tune.atid expense of raising: chicks with. Swift's ew Ghiel3ttrter. SiLesseec!2ss time is :needed, now. Give your chicks a better start in life with Swift's • new formulation: of animal' and .vegetable proteina, new. growth- factors, and Cahgen omeintoday. We have the starting feed that 'opens 'up new 'opportunities for ''poultry profit. CALOGEN is Swift's spee,at ,blind of ammo fats and assacicted truce o.,tnentl . O. ELLIOTT 3' Nolyrod, Ont, L;.- Phone Ripley24-ray Order 'Swift : Nicholas Pdults proved best in :Just 8. weeks! • SY • t. w