HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-02-20, Page 3• 1h 1957.. 11 • I' .ONS PAGg trkREE Minister:; Rev,, G. A, Meiklejohl ,' SUNDAY, 'FEBRUARY '2411} hureSchgol, 1100..a" :. Worship, ."HOW Can., We he Ville" 7.30.' p.m,: Combined . service. -. in Anglican Church,' Presbyteran'(hurc Revue ,Wailace McClean, Mirnater: • : NDAY , FEBRUARY 24th. 11;00 a.rn. Mornine*forship; 2.15 P.M.: Sunday SchOol:" 3.00: p.ni;:• 'Dungannon. - =3 sn-Cotttblid service - An Anglican Church. • T. T PETERS ' U ICAN �. PH�J R GH :Minister: , ev. H ,.L. Jennings, FEBRUAR . � •NDY Y 4th Sexagesimal 7.30 p.m.: Evening Prayer:` SPECIAL'NOTICE Combined services at 7.30:p.m.I ,. for Feb:. 24th, :March.ird 3.. and March 10th. 1 R. A NSIJ NCE • Co=. erative Lif ns r Dp •Co=Or erative .,Automobile Insur-ance: & •Far ercantile m Fire Insurance'' • Economcand •Rel i al< i able.` See ' T A CAMER N LUCKNOW . 'Phone; ;70 .r• 10 ..Dungannon . I1, r, and Mfrs Ed Thom., ,are gpOd}ng. a couple of Weeks. HOtrott . With;. Mr; ', .and ....Airs... Al Mrtn.• Mra, Robert .,.a.Cott. (Amanda • MacDonald) : 1414 , has been ill . in �'r�{sWeri�hm.�oa�i�al �'s�.i�, prav ng Mr .0 and ' Mrs, A ''iw!hom:p P0.4 and, their'four-rnpnth.s-old sen,; John, oif,' Windsor, visited; for a fevy days chis ';Week ., at 'the hone of ;his mother, Mrs .R, II, ThmPn „ Mie, and 1VIr`.'s. Roy L.: Macen- zie and family Of 'Oshawa visited' on'`Saturday'iwith R: J. MacKeii= zie : and T: Mary. ` Jane 4R,obb, • They also visited' ' at', Wingham Hospt tat; with; .,Mrs,:' ,Alice Robb, who has. beer! a patient 'there for .. sey.- eral weeks' .since 'suffering, a ractured. ship.' ,. OBITUARY NIC)IIOLAS. HEll�TRY' HEDI,EY TN;-- '-I-l-ed1e ased wa. :r Westminster Hospital, London, on. ;Friday, February: '15th, ' ust:. twelve da s.~after beingadmit-,' tea; :to this war veterans' hospi-• • talk, He: suffered. 'greatly' during, this time. Nick as he, wwag' familiarly ,known' to young and` old, had :not enj;'oyed, good'• health for l'eng'thy:, period,; A Heart • condition•• ,soi m . a 'e 'time. o' •fa'- g reed him to re trrt' < from the 'b'utcher !b'usi'ness with which he, thad,been':associat ed all - his life: He Was 'ernploy- edl.he :late., R: J Button .{ for several ,years: before establish= ing; . his own 'business He *as,."a ;son' ,cif.'„ Alexander Hedley o and' ' Thomasena ,Fisher,. and:`.'was born 64. year's.,ago, on Nove mb :r �.2n: • 1 e d 892. � "West. , . in Wawanosh .,Townshi.p on the. out- sk'irts of.the..V:illa a:: He was :one. of a. :f . amity.:"of nine.:Children, three of ,•whorrr nowsurvive -Nick ,,w as a:- veteran .of World War I and widel and faYorably known •throug,hout..,tr e . commun :On 'November; 23rd,: 1934, . 'lie married. Helen. Gibbons, who. sur- vnve.s with ,one' son, Kent.,.Hed Toronto: ' i :i w S .Slur.• v zb a so..are t o sister, Mrs. ` D.ou las Addle' •Vera of: ,.g Y .(Vera): , -Br-oekvi.1'1e; ' Mrs Albert.: 0--er--.. ntfoi, an brother, Nelson'. Hed'lev of Brant ford;. He • was 'predeceased ` by t«ro .p brothers, :'•Pharioh'o ;and:,' • Russell nd •three sisters Mrs.:. h a 'sisters, Josep Were' Len rs t` erre D r ( a ).�. Y.�, ., . Y ohne: (Jeannette)::.and..Roseanna Hedle,Y • ...The', f un.er al .` serv�ic :was'. con ducted ' on • Monday; afternoon 'at the' McLennan -MacKenzie •Mem- orial Chapel by',Re v: G A.. 1Vlei.k lejohn= 'of' • the United Church with: .intermen•t i.a •'•Greenhill.' Cenletel y.' Pallbe•a.rers '' w e r.e _Frahk_.,L- acKe-nz-%e,• WelLin-gton- He,nderson, Wm. 1Vaclntosh, Ross MacMillan, Joe ..MacMillan ":and 'James .Beato SHOP` We Have Been•IVIe '•ori�al- Ill Craftsni..en for:' Thirty ,Seven: Years,. ALways ;.U•sing THE' BEST GRANITES' Along; With Expert Designing and WorKCnianship. :Prices M�ost.'Reasonable ept. W.• Lettering a Specialty _ R A. SPOTTON "'Phone :255 Wingham, OntarI P A R"A M O i1 N. T'. Mr. ,and ;Mrs.. f.: Cline :Si fam- ily visited Mrs. Cline's 'parents; Mr'. rand 'Mrs Dahme � - tsf K-itr. cardinc, • Miss . D., Nicholson',', Reg.N. of SeaforthHospital` and;.. tiwo. girl: friends visited 'with. . leholsd>. fLeid). of -London at'`=her ' parents home on: Saturday.Mrs. E. Park- Cr: of Bayfield,' Mrs.• A.. Courtney, Mrs 13--- ?ourtney Mrs' -F;--eou• t= ncy of Amberleu,' Mrs: ° C: Mac- .Leed ,of ':Kincardine; 'were: those .from.. a .distahce, :Who attended Campbell 'and ahT o , toi7erzeru 1 TSit-od S, C. Rathell; ,•proinznent i] the business, churoh and corn,; munity life", of, this villagle.• for. aver ' forty , y. ears.,, died in Welles. ley Hospital Toronto qn ;Mon day February .i fah, . = -Mr - Zgb,yveff as Wit hin' ane :day; • of Iis. 86th birthday,, .but.' had: enjoyed reinarleably• ;good'. health 'Until ..a. short -time .a44,; when ' he . 'was ;taken, ill With pneum:onia, 'Which) overtaxed' his' heart, and he failed rapidly+. . He :;had retired '#rom; .active as- sociation in,' the shoe . ibusiness two, years agoand' since, then had spent.'considerab.le time,in�.Tor- Onto', at the home cif his Baugh ter, Mrs Orme Moffat, returning to the' Village. 'i<n , the`. swim mer when ;he (found•leasure in his` associations at the ,bowling green, and was a'renlarka'bly good bowl- er 'despitel owler.'despite''• his •, age iiscontlnued i1De. of • • fink choice of colors • mited quantity `of S 1E1 OB4OGGAN $.till in s ock ,Yat 2O - , 'off .. � �0 Plumbing, Heating; . Wiring, Eavetropghing Remember The Lions Carnival FRIDAY : Sam,uel Cambers, ; Ra'thweh h •• was' one ot a: farrY. of ten child- 'iety for a long . er ' :. On the' ;to hear she is n ren y child- P , ,, pow much. better.. :Harvey Houston, Ross 11ac. Kenzie, ,,1.1oyd; lVIYaDougal�l., • afar old Austin,. Fraser and John Mac Kinnon were 'in London' last •day ' to. ;donate , blood to replace that used; for ;transfusions • for, little • Mary MacKinnon, infant, daughter ;of Mr. ,and Nirs, •Fraser MacKinnon. Grace Ann' . MacDou - gall.'suffer ed' a gash on' her '.forehead: 'at., school' last :week that w, . t requiired: nine stit hes c Mr. R - rer}• !born, .to: Samuel;': •Rathweil . green • ,.. athwell 'was , an ex and 'Liza Jane, 'Chambers' of empla'ry-sport on. In short, he :Goderich • .Township . . ` ' 'was a fine gentleman . ' :Sorrow was not. unknown ; to Mr and . Mrs. Rathwell.: • Their son 'Arnold died. at The Somme ,1'916, .:and a'" daughter .Mary; died sild;denly in • 1940. while tea - 'Ching .at• ea-'ching.at• South Porcupine: It was a grievous .blow`.. to" Mr Rathwell when .•lis •helpmate:passed• away i Sur..vivin .are_ -one s g. on�:-• raid 'of town 'Nand, a dau hter e g (..I nei .Mrs. 'Orme ' Moffat "c f Toronto; . brother Ben . of `'Bayfield and As 'a lad .• of sixteen 'lieap- prenticed • as a : shoemaker'. in. Clinton and upon • learning the trade- . was employed' briefly at Ailsa Craig and .'Zurich before opening: his own' business at Varna,'. It was 'there 1 he married Letitia Keyes :on June 19, 1895, :and whose do e ' death, ath, -occurred four years sago Well schooled in the, art of, shoemaking; '' Mr.'',Rat}iwello saw' many ,,changes in footwear: de:' signs...in the 'three score',:years and mare It was' about Abe'' time ...he ',established: ' his ' shoemaking business'rn ;Varna that the: :first ready-made :'Shoes Were mane- fac:tu'red. ' �• ;'IreT::e fi,athwell'. family came to Lucknow in ;Aprrl, of 1911,.when or Pallbearers 'were 'h re Mr.. R y .t e. J'o` t shoe reaalr department Yn _ P gar ":13,athwell;.;. T. - A.', ' CarXleron•;; in the `. remises now. housi =The" - P , � ,.. representing the: United °.Church•,; W T ' Mill'er. the 'Bow in 1 1 C u'b g sister, .. MrS. Eenwick' :. Stuart of London• The' funeral service was• con- ducted on Thursday;':by Rev G, A . Vleiklejohn'at the';MeLennan 1VIacKenzie-Me.tnorial cha.' 1 with �intern-le t - ln Greenhill n G 1 1 em G t' e at�hwe..11: took charge of the ne hews • .o p Gordon, 'rain' and Ed-' • • KN 1 T the MODERNwa� ON A- THE ROTPI N s3 95 'osT.PAID Perfect Results' Without, Experience The "Rota -Pin"'. • 'knits' garments to per- fection in stocking; ribbing,: garter etiteh,.• fair -isle,. etc.. . Even ' distribution: of . ten- sion • i r nc easing; decreasing „ and efltcD' counting •greatly simplified. Fully tested and. approved: 'STANDARD Model, .(HA0 stitch) complete • with accessories • and full instructions. - Only $3.95 • postpaid C .0.D. , order*: accepted. Send for your ROTA -PIN tody,. to ,the '•exclusive 'ragents'• . • us-, im • e' ; usine s' +• � SPRINGWOOD PRODUCTS, S, LTD: ' M . Al -`.- Ra 1 was .the. oldest mem •,ness . to the :partnership of. Ack- ert c ert and Rath'well, ;and' later ` lan .Turner'. took over :the .:Ackert interests `In' 1927 ;Mr. Bathwell •went. ,to Waterford,. returning: •: to now three years"', later, to ` enter an'. association with . W.:F when they ::purchased the :shoe -business from =Mr: Turner.: This •' ,;solved in Iii 10:40 w' hen Gerald- 'Rathwell:''en-• tered ` the. ,business which' has since been carried. on.'under the name of Si:C..- Rathwell'.; and: Son:: Mr:. :'Rathwel'l: retired' two: ears,. Y.. asci at tl ~ f- 84, ,when:• he laid down 'the. `cobbler's tools which :he: ' . had', •;so efficiently: handled for .68'. Years... Lorne Reed took 'over ' the` shoe :repair •de partment;• ,having. learned:', The trade under• :Mr. .Rathwell 1VIr, Ratti_well 'was.. a devoted member Of the United Church,,. an ardent horticulturist' and:an: e�1tl�us.iiatiel-avin- bowler . M " Men's Association Of '.which : r th�we •l _ Debit, K -b00 Kirin; St W.; Toronto 2D,,ont. .her Seconc!,-Foi t:t i . •.. , h and, S >�th Mrs„ Rod;'Campbell, of Luck'= :novo is spending a' : few , ..weeks. With : 'Mrand . ,d Mrs: Harry Lavis. Mr .:;and-MrsLector gk o l tchener-w er-e-week-..end ':guest` at the home of Mr: and Lloyd'.M•acDougall. Mr,': Peter. Carter,. Sr., is : ;again a patient in Kincardine, tat r"s:• eo quite uite ill fast week but vise ,';a"re glad' Rathwell ' was..superintendent :, eft', th'e Me•ttiodist` and United ohuurch Sunday School 'for many years. He was recording , secretary. ;of; -th Officla1 : ;Board for -many '•years, and in:all•.church::activities was willing' ` and faithful His flower ,.gird sh,. w.dralwEiys a foy, ..to' ..beheld' and When.:the:, horticultural society was operas:; tive here;' he rwas. orje of Fits Chief supporterr.. 11is` "r'ntex est in things' ri-cultu,'ral arid'�horticu1tural A 'miscellaneois. shower' wap;:. with Mr..' ,and :;'Mrs. .las:: Ketch- 'resulted in, him ,serving.. as a d'ir eld or -yrs --R: arkei=( i14a- )vary, at 'tire. -,week -end. f - e-+kg-r,iCa'•1•tura1 :INSUR � Gari Now' .Aece p Pt TOWN'' RESIDENTS COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well, as" the farm business. For information' consult T.: A. CAMERON,. LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-'r-10 JAS M • R-G-,•HIE-1tIP • . cM� -LKS, Phone 2G' -r-23 tr • 6i •,g �1f The ..Time nking ::Of: A New ,McClar MORE ADVANTAGES with :0 McCLARY HEATING:`,' Economical i; Guarante'ed! utomatict Compact.: •elea1<[t. Attractive! e erie#1-y-lnstal-lEtt- °' Efficient! Ef fectivel •�;:_ Quiet �••-= : ij Enjoy greater ,heating-ef: mai t. • • o Obligation - Plumbing, Beating', Eavetr,oughing Itettietnber' The Potts 'Carnival Ft,t,i0Alt • 4.