The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-02-13, Page 6•
iscontinued'•.line o .
iie choice 'of 'colors
till in' stock at 20'
Huron •Count Thorrnpson
b tfar the lowest incident of al r• g
IyZrs: C. Gblweh read an axn, , • coholasm? Surely it is due to the at the ... • . .
PURPLE .GROVE }; . �.' r while,
ci also Y' vue
WEDNESDAY '• nth 157
rES, DEFINITEL1 t 'erotica.
"Does local option no,lieense
decrease local, drin'kingVP• •;
Yes, definitely! On tile. :04+,
denCe of ,,many surveys ?i
mtreved khat tatu�n ,
,drinking in any gXven, cominu
ity is •'proportionate • to. local , sent
iment'rn regard to a1cohoo,io: ley
erages .Our authority is »rA E,.'
'Lellinik; of the'World Health
Organization. 4,
ri 1 uDr., S;..K, Vif.,
` Very rcc'e t y ;Fer
�usbn,; Director' , of Connaught,
•iilodical: researchl0o1'atorie'S,, de-
dared; at a public meeting ' that
13r6h0)itiofi was 'the .only:public
acct in
modern times • which, did• Mr: Ernest 1'x dila n,
�rnuch :. to reduce alcoholism'., ` .He
. added,: ",lt,� Seems• that . mpst of .. Mr, Sam' Farmer attended the
us. don't want fo abolish the prob „Stratford .--Kitchener ; .1 o e; k e:y;
lem:. of. ••alcoho"1is ri We .Would' game. in, Stratford en Wednesday.
.;rather hve:,.with it ,A1 this stage- evening
of our , history ,inose.., people are, Mr:.. arid_. Mrs, :s Ken: Scott and
t .t• look' at' the ONE; girls et gelgrave, and Mrs, Fred
welcome. Mr., and Mrs, Wal:
cotntr unity, 'They will i eside in
the .home vacated' by Mi: and
Mrs,k,lRopert McDonald • and; fes"
ly and!lr, Chesbro Will
;ployed. by 1VIr. W S, Eadie{,. "'
MYS,':.George Young- and. Misr.;
Ogal R isSell 'ef Kingarf visited,
With Mrs. , Jim. Smith on Tue�dtiy, '
Mr, and' Mrs, Raynard :Ackert;'
Ernest.. and ,June. dvysited Saha.,
day - in; Goderich• With 'IVIr., arid:
reludtan o
• ,., `'' . 1�IE�:E�AR.Y. CASUAL' h'AGTOR •'Deacon, visited 1Vionday with Mr.,
Plumbin Heating, Wiring, Eavetroughing :.,__access--to-alcohol", . and: Mrs.:Ed.Thom�pson and. Mr
_.. ,. vie m ,
����� _ : is as i5ting
. or a.
-Dou' las smith
C N R at .Malton . f
ing +mem •;on. Excuses , an fact that. :for: many , years
verle : Gaffe, '. r-' ',Prizewinners, at ' the euchre'
B rry, ck n g h e : 'Current events''.:'The •have 'had the .Canada Tenipe
gave.,th-, ,..,
Diane;' Barry; Ethel
:: and Ken-. .
chs er frbm • tYie :5tu:book .was' ance Act!' This amounts to noun- party 'last Tuesday night at Holy-.
el :and. -• -Helen .• Pt , , .. • . d'3'.' . , ....... . .., < i = -rood—hall were;high-, lady, Mrs'
FaPrell Misses.. �#Ah spenton .he ,given•Mrs;: E. Keith; The ty wade prohibition,for no 1+q
_ _ � _ Johnston; 1;tihi�
Mrs.. GeTtie. Walsh; ,1VIrs, Frank
claYton at '.e.4 13Y the hostesSes, MrS, Art
,iylair,.•Manitoba, visited •-tV.ith Mr.
Milton 'Stanley, .on-StindaY; •
.Mr. ;Ivan McFarlane and hiS
another Visited ; 'Mrs: ;Tones.. of
Wingtiani on Saturday, .•
. and Mrs. "Berl:Brown arid
Mary:Medoili ,Were, dinner guests
of, Mr. . and IVIrs.. Victor QaWley
!Beg. CcilWell,. of Scott, Sask.„
'Was a viiitor ',last Week , at the
arid Mrs: Dori 1VIcCOsh,,
•ailary' and ;pickle, visited the .lat-
'tees .,mother, Mrs, •.John Colwell;
The Purple ;GrOVe ;Institute
_meeting ' Was largely attended
-last Wednesday' •at the home of
Inititute 'Founding
The? PUrple Grove', Wornen's
Institute neld'a social, eVening 'in
.the school on; Friday er last vieek
it being:the qoth year' since 'the
ten years Since the Society chang:
elephant sale was; conducted 13.y
Francis Boyle; 'who auctioned off
,the miany,„ „articles 'which.,,were
, Ochre Was played the aady's
'ersori and the, gent's prize to
.13en...,ScOtt.,Luneti. Was. served
'waS. made by Mrs. Stewart Need.:
ham.: The .mernbers of thercom-
'mittee in charge. were :•Mrs. Ste-
wart; Mrs. Donald MCICay • and
Review Successful Church Year
Th e Kinloitgh• Presbyterian
Church held their.'annual meet;
ing:on •Menday afternoon of last
Week; with 'ReV. T. 4. MeXitiney,
Were submitted: :Session. bYi Ben
ma.nager's report 1)y John Birier-
'report bY Mrs. Wesley'
.0tieSt, auditors' report by Fred
Guest 'cgt MOrley, Bushell, :Cradle
'Belt report'by Margaret Robert.:
sen. All rePorts' given 'pointed to
bad been :enjeyed
Uor Sale' is ,claries., We have no, beverage
monis, cocktail bars,liquor stores
or any other legal' liquor dispen-
--.--HurOn. County -Temperanbe Fe -
gent, ,
:Established: over ,platy years.
Write or phone Waikcrton:8
and reiverse charges:
T N.i
Valentine box soCial this'. week.
Parties are sPorisered • 'by the
We sire the only "ma�iufac
•t firers In, this part', of Ontarlo
of high' 'sae*,mofumenta
.wbe, Import: granite from the
Old Country in the °rough• by
the,carload,and yprocess fromd
the rough .. to: the flnlahe.
: mouu neat. No middleman.
en - choosing a lmonament
come :and'‘pee one of; the
iargest`aelectlons: in Ontario.
Multiple sockets are a sign of inadequate wiring . . . a' sign
that you are not getting peak performance from 'yourselectrical
s ; appliances . . . and a sure sign that you are playing with fire.
o obtain maximum effidency from appliances, your wiring
must be capable of carrying the load required. Too many ,
plugs in Oile-outlet_overload_the_circuit._If_yon_oyerload
beyond the capacity of your wiring, the fuse blow
en this happens, it is a warning. When you ,substitute a
fuse larger than should be:useckyou_are.PlaYing—withAre.
arger fuse will permit more electricity to flow to the.
circuit, but the wiring may overheat and createa fire hazard
and you: also reduce the efficiency of your man
aids to better living.
' February ;•rrieeting-. of the
Ikas held in the basernent,
• Of Chnteh Chis,
,Striptirre„ianct, prayer: kiss Dean
On. Psalm 1,60, Mrs.' Ted ollyer
led In the praytr, Virg; R,
taifig gave' the ininutego roll tali
ed r.J:istoMpOtent;Aiersoti-Fstaoiv:
rite to the:Electric Service' League of Ontario, 191 College Street.'Toronto g, or
Vhdne WA* 24264 for the intest standards of "REP SEAL WIRING and "other
-1111116: tic h,