The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-02-13, Page 5estkik riop. ;13 +, 1957,' LAN TO REPAilt ENS HALL (.S1r, HELENS NEWS/1 es4 for the VelPruarY Meeting of nrith,e WOnleiVs:InAtittite held 'on' "TlititsdaY 'afterriPon with' a' fine atten.danCe, Mrs.. Charles:. ,Mc- Donald, vice ifresident, was in ed.. to; :The .:treastges reported. a • President; waS ;read., Mrs:, Gaunt conducted" the business' section when it Was decided' to. have the, imprOvement of ,the exterior Of the hail aS our project. Ari estim- ate Of the cost of -painting was ibut--it _was decided. to get estirnates On the cost' of siding it. .The celebration. .Of' the .69th atiniversary of the founding of lfospital on. Monday; February 4, to Mr. and IVIrs, Robert :folornon, liosPital, will be pleased tO•hear he „has...improved few week -end with her parents, Mr,, port of ,.$0,0W1 read and adOpted. The'. electron 'of OffiCers Was held: preSidept, 'Marvin Mc.., Donald; viee ,pres., Norma Mir,' ray;' sec., Dim, Cameron; treas., !Isobel MillerS.:eoMmittee- ,ers; Anne. lodd,,A'Ponna Woods, .john", Rutherford, Lciis 'Miller, .Doris . a sing closed the 'Meetirtg y‘Tith the ben.,, eiiseed and it was decided to' bold Mr!. trnest Gatnit, and Mrs. 'Ross, rtaininen,t 'in -charge of ,Mrs. Ross ErringtOnir Miss Mary 'Murray, arid' Beatrice A Pointed, c9risisting.....Of Miss jean Aitchison, Mrs. p. Gilbb and Mrs. MoNeill was deeided, to', join. .health: The-MOtt.o waS taken .by D Rutherford read of What the groundhog really ", tells Miss 'waS :taken by Mrs:: CharleS McDonald,: Who. gave much Mr teresting information Ori ;the a :reading, :Valenti le". ':At e conclusion lune was :, en.jOy-- liolyreod. Where be. George Mason of Blyth haS been he, Mrs: :,,Mason • 'and Children rribVeil here on Monday.. ,Miss Lillian .Popp,,Miss Elizabeth Pentland 'and several meritbers Of the. audienee, delighted arid Mys- 'prOgram opened with commun-: ity singing and other •nUrnbers ricluded...a .Solo Gladys--Me- Donald,. a reading by Irrna and Lorne .POriter, "A definition ,Of ..'a bOy and • of,' a, girl"; a .violin ,number by 'Donald 'Taylor , ae- Taylor, :Don,. Caineron and with Mrs. Walker and Norina —taken by—Do-ifs- *Wiiinkfred ,Farrier to the 'village. ..Mrs. Herb Laidlaw returned Jr,,, visited with .Mrs, Ritaie and Mrs. Fred.,Tiffiri. left ,bus Sunday for ' LaVOnia, on. Tueeday. Friday night. They Were:present- Mr. Geo. ROss 9f Cowen $ound NSPRA ,Member of 9fitarlio. Insurance Agents lirso.OlatIOn GENigAi..!:,-INSURANCE. istaiD'uiheo Oyer • ,jtesiqe#ce 138 of .Lonciarii niece of Mr. ',se Mrs: Miss Lois lialcieriby of Lon- spent----a'few daYs at, her 'Miss Helen- $chumacher, who haS been erniplayed at -London, is spendinethis 'week—at her home Sunday. viSitors with Mr. arid Mrs. Tom' §teWart boyt were ..Nts. 'MacPherson arid five ,girls Arnold Wilkie and-tWo girls, all • of 'Kincardine. and Mr. cai-Man WtiktOck ,and. ,family and car - Man y spen un ay wit Mr. and•Mrsi Alex .Whytoek and if • The Ranchero! Totall New Tilt Cabs! • • Styleside Pickups! • ee how- ,More than. 100:brand-new medels; With .G,V.W ratings. up to 45,Q00 lbs.; p.C" ratings 'up to 65,000 lbs:i WEAL •Five half -ton 'pickups in the FOrd'hfs EA/ SensationalStyleside pickOp hoditsotandard at,' no extra " thick.= carries More than half a, torn! ; modern; most. efficient' engines,. all With gas -saving • Thermostatically controlled fan, available on many series, gives, as much as. 19 'more Usable horsePower! mission, power steering now available as standard -or Structural rigidity and positive sealing, with all,welded .construction,niaket Cabs stronger, Safer! iii-liri. ventilation keeps out,water. ./brings .in fresher ' GARAO ltfpiey THE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PUTS MONARCH DEALER inona FOR NAR bEALER tit •