HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-02-06, Page 10• • 1 wk>ISTaAY.:, 6 ,195?` . • •is week • Sft r• ' ._a MEN'S SUL"TS.' " . E TRA: TROUSERS . FREE: or 20% 'DOFF en's' Sixes 34 , to .44 s.andlBoa ' to 3:4 CLEANER AGENT FOR KINCARDINE • Pick V and ' • =Delivery'Monday- _and_ aThursday. Io ices _.. - en's Ladies'i Children's Wear :.Piece Goods' un! .Woollens' • THATld.a _ ai:,birtl day supper 'was ;he' 'for "John :Lyons at .:the home' of his grandparents, .Mr:, and ,Mrs, John Henry on Mon day, THAT .there: was a large crowd := at of e -reception in the ReCrea tion Centre last Friday for Mr, and Mrs • Art .Baker and Mr. and • Mrs./ Alvin Baker, Music •Lor dancing -was -pro ice •: • :Clarence , .Adlazn's orchestra. Bill Hunter read an' address to the: young couplesr and Jack Cook presented ' a ' purse ' of• money, to : each. .-To.-- 'THAT .Mr. and Mrs Jack Camp- bell ` 'of Point :Clark:and ; aVlr, ' and -Mrs..: John Hall left; Sun- day for .a: "holiday •iii Florida. THAT Floyd Wilson is a pat- ient iii 'fit. ' Joseph's" Hospital, Toronto, ;'where he has ' under gone• surgery Floyd was a for iner..resident c►f the_ Village, 'having :been •employed . 'here as accountant at . Silverwood Dairies •'plant THAT Andrew Gaunt of West. 'W Vanoah was:' elected seeond vice-president a• the Ontario Shorthorn Club ••at',the annual �. ' meeting � `at ' Gruelph. On exhi : tbition was P.S. :':Troubadour 'of horn steer Which was grand champion • at the International at o.and%sold for .20.50, a pound, ' totalling $20 395.5Q..' 7,1 J4. from •4:00 to., 5.30 p.m. Lueknow and _surrounding r1>iral area. Children' Of , dr be Chil e>ji must YEARS AND UNDER ` older, children who:, are with the; exception , . ,i of , just' learnng: to skate. y;r OARS. COL!IDE, A two -car ; collision on Main Street on ; `Saturday • evening , about :;nixie ' o'clock, did " damage to two cars in excess of $500, but no° one was injured. The collision . was at the BA. corner, involving .'ears ;driven'. by Mrs. A. J Wilson' and:: Douglas Mole,. age 16, :of Dungannon. 'The ,•NONE BLURT car Doug was driving was a 1952 Ford ' and 'was .' owned by Donald Wealden. This,,car was, 'preceding.: west on Main St; Mrs.• Wilson had just HIGH SCHOOL left work at�MVfullin's Bakery and was about to turn at ;'the, inter section. Haye you ren tinel .subscription? 1 1 HONEY -POD.;1'`EA SSroke1Sr; 15 oz, 1I�AZQLA OIL MAPL'` A F., . MINCEMEA': � . LE. __:Z ltbs _ . MONARCH. TEA BTSI OHOCOL ►'FE FAKE- J :five ROse'5,. 15 oz. _ We hope our' error MthefP • rice ,of Kleenex in - last wee advertisement did not caus0 you inconvenience,.. hone 21 ucknow dropped. As : •the press is now covering these .meetings,••:'it should poss- ibly be pointed out that .the dis- ussions which we havereferred to,' were all carried out 'in . an amicable way 'and in a manner that 'enablednew members to ,become familiar with.' the work -of the 'board •' Lunch was 'served .eat the close of the meeting, ;prepared' earlier in •the schools rnodern and =spot'' less kitchen. The press `sat in for erect cidentally, : everyone pays: (Continued . from 'Page (visits a doctor. During the passing of accounts 4—tha+an-irrppro . ii ed.,coal chute had been installed, facilitating the ate y "unloading; of fuel -"20 .tons in 20 'minutes".,: the - original chute '+wasn't•: satis- 'factory and required manual labor . in.' ',crai ,ped • quarters., to shovel'• aback :• the coal.' •: , New ty.'pe'w+riter • shelves 'a1ave been installed since the January, Meeting, 'These 'snit the . re- rnoval' of /tr!pewri£ers from the' desks When 'Used iby other bass=' ,es, and are aimed at better; care: of . the• 'machines and a cutting down:: of repair ,bills. A., close, Scrutiny ':was', made ' Of mounts, wl ielr- -for; 'February, including salaries and transfpor-: tation. costs, will run.: to • $5,500. _in round figures Bus'',transportation' was,; ;Id's, cussed,.. and the consensus of , Opinion. was that theyjhave very !capable and , !punctual • drivers with 'good equifprhent and trans.- , ,-portation,'service' at a, favorable >4 "cost, • comparatively'.' Archie Mae- ,, Mi11an_asked--it' az}e- use-coufd No. matter' : what happens, ' bad orgood, there's always .somebody who knew.' it would. for`±th se --levee ei re t%aysa�-�._. .. hissed--errr-ove1 Spring 'Hats. • " All newer ,Spring styles., ;GIRLS' SLfM ,'JIM JEANS s S ala khalti lined, sizes 7 tb 14,` reg:.$4.98 Now 'only •••••••••••••0••••1•,t,••••••,..“••••41.•• • "•_" i i ii iii f Y" 1• ifi,ii. Yi i7ijY • LANI ETS_.a; _.. ' O V'.' whitte' wool ,aha nylon slat re ;$19.60 pair: Now, only $8.7 etc,' raznbtiii t 'bordery each or a$16 50 air •UY YOUR VALENTINES . L(1'7S'HIILTS , .. Plalzd. . ';ccitton flannel, -size id,' 12 and 1`4• years .i.i+:i $Ii2J BO BEtTS•.4, ,: 01'0 r c " !boy buckle,,, sizes 22 to 30 •49 with ow a MEN'S JACK TS :. , t..••••rwii•oiuerlep winclbreaker e, stylzipp•er front, reg,y�Ni� $I8 00 Reduced to f•i ii•iii i,YY ii., Y/. i,. i/i,,, fiL. i ...i 1'r.. Y Y..li t51s_• • not .cover, all of 'the West Wawa nosh ..Seertor abut t. w-aspla le that '•'the two smaller. vehicles were .operated: to avoid a 'much earlier start by .a . single„ unit - It, vas ,o'irited -mer ttzd,t_there` is 'still over• $1,600 In the build- ng fund and,Mr. MacMillan felt it would he wise to keep, that, for 'repair of defects in the con- struction of the. building. I -le questione whyµ--the-.>ti . had been, paid in 'full, .Board. has ;in • the-`` constructiion Of <a.''cernent ,block ;-equipme'n storage . ibu die g, anbd ` received a figure, on the building' in the fall, knit, , felt it was too high ••'and didnot proceed,.'.': There seemed to:..tbe consi. erable var'ia'tion• in• what the"'-•/rd ured,the (buildingg would cost and; " wh at .. Mr... M"ae141 l l an "had -h eardth the figure to' be "W. It Towey suggested .there was no need to go. into the, shed' Heston at this session,:. as ,lit: would be dealt with .at a 'later !fleeting, and the discussion was, '` FREE ' DELIVERY • -SUNLESS JANUARY! A 'reswne :, of , official:' weather ' records.'for January,` impress the' fact there was 'not one:full clear day during . the month, " There. Were: 16 days of coimlete`'cloud and it+or the, refmainder of ,'the month Old :Sol broke through at • e but' nerall�. for brief 'tzm + � Y nods The high Was 45 degrees, °'the 1•fz ' '..inches' of. low.:. Y0. ibelow, 45. $naw sand :.61 inches of 'rain the sun is • shining' brightly:-: I It continues ontinu: • to:: do so. Until, sun e`�. down ' it will be , the first com- Ipletely' sunny day • since 4th.. Novem- ber . don't. : you get a on .your Daily.,Puirchases. Shop :'at this , place.. of busijn ess which gives you FREE antecler reen erti! XC��g-t`-LL�i1G1Yt- ak ' for Free Catalogue emetiriber • • costs no more .to op at !t ila place tart saving Green Stamps today. one 82,w Free 1)elivery