HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-02-06, Page 9ViPEDN»Si3A,Y'. , , 6th, 1657` 'LETTERS TO TagEDIT()' Editor, Luckn.,oW •Sentinel, Dear err;• HERE IS THF, S'ORY, A C,haln oriSequence of _ econ- omic event's.; which oceu, wtxhi> t 'a iprovin ;e,:, or 'leading : to growth uf, a product (like hogs) within 'a:: province,- and' the `coni stiMption thereof '.. within • . the province, rs as: far as ' al authority 'may dare go :in. viper: exercising a law; However when you have. a; .case where- provin- now by' taking 24 cents:,>a'. pig off clal authority •extends and deals everybodySo , remember 'your, license-`ifee is' build,ni- a fund Sb: that the other fellow can 'market his hog- through the:. Co-op• for 24 cents too.'Your money is Whelp- ing to-keep..'his s.e1lin;;, expenses.. down,;' and. that in turn',produces ,him a';gr'eater return. You 'See' `. ,$ THE LUGKNOW' SENTINEL, : `L'UCKNOW, ONTA RTO cavy train; of Charles 1VicInnis' TJze handlers agree'd: that the' Board, • was entitled to their ex penses, involved • in .marketing, That is true: butt .' they' have na e nsesy on ,'our hogs Tbecause,'; they don't • 'get thein to sell. If', they don't get them to "sell they have 'p.expense, and So ares• enh titled, to no"`eouajization fund°" if the Co -op' --could only take •a fee,. oflf•the. hogs:,whey. se11, they ,would. hav,� .to , charge, about..' $3.0() off each pig . in; order to' get: the .$500:00Q fund: -they, get., • into inter prdvnc>taI' ,and. e?Gpprt trade; together With its own; pro- vincial•—transaction; then ., the :'. whole thing ;becomes invalid in all its parts • - Phese are riot my Wb s the'words of the :Supreme Court, luoveinber, 20 :1956, •. Ln plain talk 'you cannot; eat ---yoar cake and .have—it-too--The- "easonthat . it' is not` valid, even. r en. ui ,•' Ontario is because' the .r ►et was .built around a seheme•'and the scheme is` the, :invalid Part, Did,. you ever, ..n ta,ce` 't+hat no always: ready • 1xes,,q,,�I�,. lye • . . •� i e vrouldn the have, :much; left • if : a_d ,to •�3.0o a nus h,�ti_, that won't happen iftheY. can ncei ce nse ..;fa retie`x s`:for '24, cents on ,every 'hog the farmers sell' our. way; h:Some peop le . Will ill saY that there' should Ibe a.vote on thismatterhwo ar, ueabout :this thingyou,always enduPBgoing" Wellwho.,wants to waste time- voting • on an issue' that is back to where: you torted. And(' .. u ru onstitutiona ... ;�. • 1 That is *what to. start- • off can anyone tell me. . this equal• license fee against;all who owns ,these: hogs anyway covering' al :hogs, exactly is—an • because I would" like'to 'know. l :., • I would give a lot-iif anyone'can indir-ect, unconstitutional • '�t'a x prove to. 'me that a• farmer does own this' own Bogs;: I would think ,a` 'Man ':does..own this •own hogs but under Ontario law '*hell " a pig '(becomes :a • market ho , .athen you're Plot 'the ',owner anymore: 1 wonder, does anyone know What' ',the difhlition of a market' hog is? •I would think' the .chances 'of this Whole. thing `'going Federal . g.g re very align because :these far= eters who, 'try tn`..' i`arrn -'.other farmers instead.•of farming, them- selves couldn't -stand, • •:to : ' up ., a yes :Vo e. ,.evern :Ontario..• There are 135,00Q producers of hogs in, ,Ontario, .and. they Only .have a ;;meMbership • of ,•,27,797 . �.' people: in this; Co-operative „and those ° figures' :are - well padded. •However ' a membership ' in this. Co-op isn't a .-.yes voice * for com= pulsory : 'marketing: Those are two different,things.. '.••T,Y a•:,equalization 'fund •is what against " the (farmer who refuses: 'to' 'Market ';his h through thhis . � g , selling , monaply . This was rig= 'ged up . at , the :::expense• ..afr all farmers, without, out- Y ust.autharity.`:The. . just took '� the .r>t its' �.to assess"' everybody :24'.cents'.:per hog 'to'' cover the;other, fellow;:who want - edit; •As you, know; this board ha ' always , brought � Up; the• feet. ,,g;: t that it ,,is an equal fee • assessed all. They'claim it: m co$tis no• more y tri !marketoir hogs: 'th ro u h their Yards than through other even boast. 'that they.' get 'this equal .•fee of; -24 cents: off all' On-,. tario hogs ;.processed in Quebec: They. themselves : boast• .of- this' fact and now. . look at the.. mess* they are in If: they. . Were;: ever - in hot,'water`•they-are:'rin it now. Ibis•mv..defithte ap.in><on that ny assembly , points ::or yards which are established; and to, which p - ><s at• stake• now: consign ;hogs for sale through 'an: All "eight judges..'agreed, on this• one point—thatit ''would be ung constitutional.;. ;they warned, , if. . Ontario ";proceeded.with its draft amendtrnnt-tai- ]rave boards -ft a license, fee against producers for` the purpose of equalizing re- turns or':building up the (board's money reserves. agency, should be operated strict:- 1y trict=1y m • accordance with the gen- erally accepted : principles ,,of o en marke,the negota.ation_of sales >and,. ,prices through' a apro cess of. unrestricted •,open market trading 'would Abe' flinch more of festive.; As you know all people urrro arket you hogs where.you.,: get 'the)' most money :net market".hogs• ;i have ,to ay 24c• a pig the' same .as :the 'other -fel- .1 truly, low': who wants to;: 'market . With Bill Harris, : Ripley, the.. Co-op. ,They build, up a Ibis' reserve and they 'give theFed eration 'and its ,associates-grats- for' ' conventions: and ,meetings :in large sums and this 'has nothing to do with, the. niarketimg+,of your hogs. that yo have help pay_ as. an indirect tax to' • ,support. They even, give •the : Ontario Stockyards over $50.600::' year le"Y. So there is a 'rake .off on all your • I . Mr: Harris • had waited:. un 'bogs ••til, the,; s to ke' a Su' gems. Court;decision .g tip up, " Ontario ,.'P Stockyards, . The . `Ontario:' Gov . had been -made on marketing•;le rrmust likng_on„,LLtit i;5latiorn ,instead,to' the', in,tei'p retations',of Mr, 'Parker he, :could.: have .avoided' the '.'tied' face he, has to wear new:,. It is possrble`,that, he and ii"is friend: who were erstwhile prophets on, marketing :egislatioi{ uvill be .more canny' in the }future,, or, perhaps' they can see' .the gravy- lessday 'not too; far d'tstarrt when,. a, questionable trading "` practise will be eradicate .— , •Ont; Elmwood,`_ Ont, Feb. 4, •1957. The Editor,., , Lucknow • Sentinel,' -Lueknow, Ontario Dear` 'E'ditor: fI'erxnit . me as 'small amount of space in your paper in., reply' '.to a' le:tte'r. froinBill; Harris of .'Rip- DAIRY FARMERS OF .CANADA' 405 Huron Street, Toronto .:. v,tied• on a ' monopolistic buying praeise.. h_at • 3viiil not stand the l' ,day a ri' u ti -n, light: oaf day;: a • , � of• ,r t bu o is ."coming. when,'the farmer Will g, free:'a ,s. o,- i t•• iv, ha a cess t com ><t ve marke 'Unhampered,:by' deals; by • lobbying' ora .y Y g by lion',dollar gravy train: We 'as farmers' have much' ; to be thankful for In that ourrights were upheld in ,,the ,highest:: court in the land , Yours' Yo rs, truly *, y,' OSWALD P Secr e e Fi l drnan:' f1GURES BREWERS :FEAR`:' "But , drinking.� is a' CUfiTO1V. Everybody in MY :class does it;: If you don't, you're,' .Not sof :In .'•'a'recent `' book' "Drinking' in .College", .based' on a 'report..of- a -survey` conducted: by the .Yale Centre of: Alcoholic Studies : this common ' '' 'lief be is exploded: p d T able':; 95 lYeaded At- titud:e' Toward :Abstainers tells w a appens to:' one socially if • he . does, not drink ' in- college. _Amongst every ten of• his class:- mates, there will be nine who .either donotcare or feel admir- ation for the abstainer. b,..,,._ r .lust' one Will -feel ' scorn 'or :Ppity. - '. And • the • girls '' who ' abstains. Thirty-two percent of her fel- low students -will ::not care, :`: at•. all.', .Sixty two will • admire,' :ap- prove, and•,r-espect•ther• Four per- cent will feelhostilit n y and' two pe +cent, :pity. Almost :two thirds ofthe women will_ think. BST. ' TER of thegirl -who does not drink fStic o Your guns, young g ab stainrs? Help to,increase these igu:es brewers' fear.=Ad vt. • WON .$'500';01. DRAW . Al LONDON`THEATRE: Sharron E. Wall,' 10 -.year-old daughter ` of '::Mrs:. Ethel : Wall • of London and, Allari.Wall of Kin- cardine, 'was h... , t, e lucky winner 'of $500 in .:' a draw ;at the •Park Theatre- in-4.ondon •.• • Sharron's mother punched out theix.4top-m 'ovie actresses -.-of the Month, but wasn't 'going, to' bother to drop it ><n the .ticket. .box. Sharron signed . her .name.: and 'dropped -the ticket.: 'At the mother's request the • money . was `s put in, Sharron's name. It . was' split four•' ways, with equal shares to •Sharron's mother and father, to' Mrs . : Carroll of Lon- don ,. with who Sharron ''• stays while her mother is at work and 125 to the luelcy little •girl, her- self, . with ,Which she' opened a' bank account, Mrs. Wall's :,share will • be used >to buy clothes and• other- ' �n a itie ec ss s for,_ .:Sharron, '. who a students ato me •' • La Ave . Schoolb and has a to begun study musicand • to si ng andlay. the::•. Hawaiian guitar. Mrs. Wall. and Sharron have numerous relative. in'"thisist ict. 'd r It takes' about 1500' nuts to`.hold,' • an automobile togethe:.but' :only �. one to scatter At all..,: over.;: the:. td road: ores 11 • Bonded ATTERIES. RAKE SHOE; With :'Trade=In 1.8 month guarantee is a ng�l , h nd-•-@anad>ian 12 volt; $17.35 xc' ange., u set. 4 wheels. Most: cars' and Light Trucks. HECK -'01(.1K -PRICE' ON COMPLETE BRAKE ` JOBS ( LAY. PER 0:ALL() REE ermanent Type. N E'RATOR CHANGE fosf.cars atn'd track 6 'volt. :Tooled •To--•-Re,paitr A11 MakesOi Tractors;, Machines &': Shop w'orb ,ACETYLENE .&•,. ARC 'WELDING lLO'UGW. GABA W. 13itECKLES `Phone 18-r=30, THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS pride in -shipping hogs',to a .rpl;ar t in 1Vr'ontrea 1, other,' drovers , make. mi:Aeh ado' of ''how small .:'the ed •direc�t'to �, lila:nt;, Does it Mat- ter; whether hogs travel. 50 miles 50O? `.Is it, 'theacke,rscontrol' of •the 'farmers' road dto.•the ,mar -r, het that, m ', makes so any, draver�s° a packer agent? -1.t rs ._.snia1L ur'ot d r .r hat.. `1Vxr: . Harris is .'becoriiirig ,00ncerrieil about ',farmers. signing:"delivery directives... that ,will (retake. tru lt4 era re i1 ze that they' '; work for' `farmers and net- the paaters.' 486the ineat proCessers have -Car - 6 • CARBURETO.I EXCHANGE CHEV`'CCvCC FORD others cakes i�l-"stoc o it Yourself and ' save,or we; will install your purchase ' at P a reasonable -service char a :' (fullylicensed .mechanic,). ie. . 8 . We. carry a complete .line of arts �, and accessories• at LOVVTrLOVWP`RICl RADI' .BRAND .1 \•.1../ V Fndlurdks aerie an lhsta11ation. �....-, _,. & • TRUCKS +, 14 ;orca SOClA'TE DEALER ores. W�. 'M140% ONTARIt t is Ah�e,,