HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-02-06, Page 64 •f.'�AGE six PAX HALF MILL TO DISASTER FUND booelt-Gonnei Minutes --- The re-elected, Cpuncil .af-=the Township of- rK,inloss, after sign., brig thea "Declaration of Office", :took 'their , seats at 'the Board, - •as follows:‘ Reeve? ,'Harold . •1?ercy;. Councillors, P. A, Murray, Far ish Moffat, Wallace ,Conn and .E1•', lion tt Carruthers,. with. all mem hers Present, Plan rto .attend the varaety emir The "minutes of the Decemberert in ': t'he iCoinm�uaiity Hall' � ooa � d'" ecal= �mneetang of• De= c, • 1 h. and special n` • ' •:yrrhen- were :. a Friday. eve,_n#g, cember ;. 17th; 'as readI? < • ved and signed.. t! in 311.50; Kincardine Boundary is wfere ven :-:io--the . 5a1-—1�',-,-,..:�. --- : -. __;..� _ Gran , L account, +graveflmg and :snow at Hamilton, and vation Army, . Plowing, .,400.25; :Bosco' Metal' Pro-. - ; ......:- e Cfir><strr>as Peal campaign. '_ > _.::. vert � 169.68;.. C. E,�1VIo=. ducts, cul ,, ; . `,_._fie-fne�bership lee-: of,,,The • Depot of was • .. _ , , :; Association .w� r Tavisll fuel' oil, 1L1.38; ., C.�ood Roads.. ...Highways, gas tax, 60,06, Kin - lough. Garage, -forwaY+ded, as .was. also a p lowing, .on. g, that, the grant laugh snow P r+esoluti asking, - _4Q.O.Q, ,. J• Mansfieldrepairs & ��uicreased -from 56 to�5�per- labor, �,10 53.: ; • 4 , • .. cent on. •fie • expenditure for.,snow• • . LAM, ,. Clerk, J. R ,, ' LU NOW SENTINEL, TAXCIOT , S Dawson •of• 'pungannon, wi, pry Sent his new magie show Mrs.: Allan Miller • returned home • from ;Victoria Hospittal Qn, Thursday:'; Mrs; Wein; MacPherson: . an.... baby' , daughter .:have returned home after spending -some time with her parents Mr. and 'IMG. Gordon Elliott; 'Whiteehurtiri?.. OVIr W. .: MacPherson ' 'corn- menced his duties as , caretaker. of the St. Helens: school -on ,Feb ruary. 1st. ] e su.oceeds,• Mrs,..Jas. icqraiii who. has held the posi- several: years. tion for .4 The: regular •meeting°' of the St, ..., Helens, Y.P.1J, was held. on Feb Tuary`"3rd..::Dwrirg-the business part of the: meeting the hxeasur, _eep report suras:, given. The wor- ship-‘' was 'taken •by Marvin:- 'Mc-7,- Donald cDonald and Rev. Green : had Charge, of 'the' ,Bible. study.. A. sing song was led by Aline ,Todd ( c and ;Rev: Green :closed: the meet - Ing 1INg with benediction. ST. HELENS. Miss Margaret Miller was home from Stratford for -.the -weekend ladies -are remt'nded-sof; th Institute.. meeting. :trhis • (Thugs day) afternoon at 2.00 o'clock;, at the, home of .Mrs.; Andrew. Gaunt. Roll call, a Valentine verse. Mr, Ronald Rerrott . to f t 1VIa1 ton" airport- on Monday, for , a 2 .weekvisit at his:•horne at, Cork,: •Ireland.` '• i plowing in the Township., of the- snout belt; NIA W. B. Anderson ' gas again rec oinmended as the member .of the Winghant Hospital:. Board for this district. .'Ihie adjourned 'Courts 'of Re-. vision :,on the Rirtoul Drain and•• the Sutton Drain were closed and the by-laws: given first ,,and : 2nd readings, ,and to be sencto •;the Ontario 1Vfanici1el Board for ap- proval. ,. A. grant of i mill on the 1956 assessment was, • given' to 'the Bre "County Disaster Fund. By=LBW; No 1, 1957, was pre- pared and finally:• passed appoint- ing officials for : 1957 By-law No 2 . ;1957, was pre- pared and finally ' passed making, provision to borrow as necessary from . the 'Bank of Montreal to the amount of : $40,000 ,Couneil-mad-joined•• ' *-�o=Hie again on Monday, .l'ebruary 1957, or at the; call of the` Reeve. Cheques.`issued: relief, $75.00;. Salvation Arany, grant, ' 25.00; Christn las :Seal 'campaign,' grant, ,10 00; Ontario Good Roads Assoc ration, membership fee, 10;00; Dr.' W. ,Blackwell, school dental work, 120 00- Jamieson Petty- piece, moving, tile T.T.S Drain, 11.00; Bruce- . 'C Fund,. `,grant,:•875.00; J. • R. •Lane, postage, 5.00,” ' F. • F. Tlion-Ipson, Postage, '• 5:00; '„ Donald McFarlan, refund' 1956 dog tax, 2.00; T. •J; •Mansfield;::refund : part of 1956 takes, 72:40: Highway cheques : Pay No. 1, .:1957,`> $253.10; J..W.• Hen- derson Ltd.,.. bridge plank, "71.09; Donald. J. McIntyre;. gravel, 343.7.5; Central Garage, reflectors, .440; Dominion Road . Machinery snow plow $1,000:00; repairs $153.25=1,153.25; Bruce County Highways, ' calcium, '145.70,• Cul- , row, . Boundary account, gravell-` ' ing, I84:62;Huron-Boundary ac= count, gravelling and snow plow- 1,4941,,,x7 low ' s�• ' I�N��• �► enc IN;SU ember O. Insurance. A en1/100011001- .,. �Qntaro Ins.ur.,........ g GENERAL' INSU ►. ... Established. ' Over ;Thirty Ag f. Business, 39. Telehones.: WARD AGNEW Residence 131 • • St. Helens- Halipy Handterafters ' ` sheld. at' . The sixtla meeting ' wa • • , :, and 'Marjorie `. home_. af.: Bet_ty .. �.,� the Alton. The Meeting opened. With the 4-H ,pledge. Eleven girls ans.-. 1--call-?sA,��uggestT: -veered ,-the-gal. . �. , �� . record book During ion; for' a • . was ,04-. ,Members of Blyth U;n i t e:'d the :business period it •.,. c1 b Would' .,buy each Church have •launched a building ceded the n .� ass with ' an objective ;member a copy -of J'45 v ; Seunci.-cativ ��: -'of� 7 '000. on 5 dem $ rets. Mrs; MacPherson .._ strated , hoW. to onake anbund°. buttonhole, then each.:8ir1 made • one., ;Hoare assignments were, give en„._and -lunch; was.... -served -- by--- Norina' Foster and Dawna Aitch- • iron. ') • BlONUMENT3 lY .. .. k�f....v....}.. tis....... }�. h. k.v ...: t, . x.• 4�oc + ti Monarch-RIchetieu-Phaeton -Sedan outside :and Inside. ger all tfirou m , NEW, 4ONGE.R-'122" WHEELBASE' FOR A 'TRULY•BIG•=CAR"RCDE • We are the only manufac •tnrersin this a -o " F r p; rtA,•i Onta io,; of 'high class monuments,• Who "import granite' from the: Old Country in the rough by. the carload and process.f��irom.a; .., . Y nth•_ � • � � __. i h•, momuiheit, ;Nor middleman: • •When -choosing -a monument :cotne and see' one'' of, the. Aurgest'selections ni(jittario. Established. ever sixty years. Write or ,phone Walkerton :t3. 'arid reverse charges. SK E L;TON :MEMORIALS! 'w .Js irR ION y COMPLETELY NEW BODY -4' LOWER, -ROAD TO ROOF, WITM'2" MORE HEADROOM': 3"- MORE LEG; HIP AND SHOULDER ROOM FOR STRETC? H -OUT` LUXURY COMFORT' DESIGNED FOR TOMORROW OVER 24%,'MORE • GLASS AREA FOR` WIDER, SAFER VLS'IBILITY''.; ALLNEW O 7-POSITION,KEYBOARCONTROL, y FOR AUTOMATIC' • TRANSMISSION;.:. g►ger all °ter!. is_isAle.4ear=of comple-te change--in,-Mcin.aitk Lo k at OE INTRODUCES '.the distinctive ,.(luted rear. fen-.7unique V angle ALL -NW Al ERT =BORNE RS V NEW=CO-MJ 0R -r cN KING=SIZE V -8 POWER `WITH •FULL -ACTION . . RESPONSE_AND. ME_ . IMPROVED;CONO..``Y TWO SERIES OFJ•FINE AR LUXURIOUS, RICHELIEU AND. LUC RNE • Alights. This is. design for tomorrow,.hlairng a new jrail for other fine. cars to follow. yr rte Zposttro. K y1-'cart1—Cont>~c�. 5-6r4s -:t-i c-"•' ren ine releases. the brake g . , sr.lr.ts clri�c, lcaw,, :neutral, Itir 1, '. ,,,:and reverse for the snf.r,otlrr•st aurtr)rnatic ,deftins yet. Ibis 'is' the lOf; est.,--'vicIest i\li a� c� I :ref .all ti►n`r•�t' 'tit ii• eotrrrl trc�ty �.. . n'ew hr�dy, Atrcllr rmiru•�r 'tr���l,urrn fi��r�, rr7;ttf tri rr� ,f �l'`s�frrc!%1 rci�h , - ell'• . �._. ., �' . (etT d1(11 'r tt' Itrrr,t O t Su,p c Mut 's, .•,.<1.11.4't' tl , 1 Y • o] to MOAL olevir ! rf *iv.,„ Ali•*.