HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-30, Page 4'�/i`'�n-T'./� 4
.'� • , • n • - .rye r,
r 1 OPEN HOUSE' • : �4
-Mr'., and Mrs;, ;Burton Roach,
he at ,home to .their friends
._M •___—•�•••'.1w,.. .._.fes ':.i. 7..,
�.,..- -- ,.. • - .,.° °,`�' fqn Saturdab►,,; �.-February 2nct,f�orn
2.30 to 420. �p:m., and. from 7,3I
to:,.9.3 p.m theof.
0 on occasion
eeir f ; fifth ' wedging
HOUSE WANTED --good►' young I. OL HORSES CANTED their for y-
'Old horses' wanted at 31/2C.per v ,
lb, dead cattle: at value. If dead, .. yii,YET'Y PROGRAM
phone' at •once .to. Gilbert Bros. the Kinlou•gh , :A Y.P A .. will
Mink Ranch, phone collect 'God- present their vac.}ety .program in
.� 1483•
. or `1483J1. , � p;olyroal Uall on :Friday at, ells 8.45
• Church B
Sanitary, -Sewage i)isposal rn. • Two plays,
Septic tank s,cess pools, rete , and Counting Eggs, piano nein-
,pumped‘ and cleaned ' ,with .sans hers;: solos,, etc. Everyone twit=;
tary modern equipment.•,'. All ed ;Admission• adults 35c, Child
'work. :guaranteed,: .' ed Write Louis ren., •15�c
WEDNESDAY, srAli . 314A, 'i987
quiet ,work' horse, 1400 or '1540
lbs, •Frank 'Milker, . phone
Lucknow: '
FOR ,SALE--pure'English York-
shire `boars, serviceable age.'Bob
,Soak, phone 68 r `,5: Dungannon.
BABA. CHICISS — day .old and.
started. Agents for . N e rhauser
CChicks, :Hy -Line and Big -4 Order
yours w at the Lucknow, District
R.R.R R.. 2, Brussels, phone
42-r-6 Brussels.
_ .� _ '
FOR SALE quantity of baled MEAT' FOR SALE
8 ft' International binder in;Good beef for; sale by` the
gooGuest artists on Clc,NX will'•
good � condition ' & 10" Gehl :ham- quarter,. Beef' killed under lie -
mer --mull with belt, like new.,en a ':from the Department of provide music ' for a s '
Bob Boak, phone 68-r 5 Dungan -Health. choice Herefo —year= .
lings. '`Custom butchering a spec -DOUBLE
non iality. --'' _ R E Q 1 O
Baynard Ackert, Hofyrood
Phone It .» for
r. and Mrs,` Art, Baker
and. : Mrs. Alvin Baker ' .
BRAY CHICKS: 'Dayold, . started.
,Wide choice, :including Ames in-
. Cross, Pitch; White :Rocks.' Agent,
.. P. R. Finlayson, Luoknow,,r phone
The annual_ _Meeting ,.of The
West Wawanosh. Mutu fil;+Fire In-
surance Co. will be held in the
Parish Hall,, Dungannon, on
• February 8th, 1957; at 2.00 ,p.m•:
to , receive, , reports,. 'elect Direct-
' ors
irect'ors. and for .the. transaction.' .df
general ' business.
The retiring Directors:are'Don-.
ald MacKay, Lorne Johnston and
Jahn "MacLennan,; all, of w,hord
are, eligible. fig 're-election Geo.,
M. Stuart has resigned and : it
will' be • necessarY to elect . a
iemiber to stake his r place.
tan Phillips,. S
Dungainon Ontario
fighlttn General 'Hospital
The annual meeting of Wing -
ham General Hospital -Associa-
tion will be teld on Friday, f,. eb-
ruary lst at 8.00 p.m. in *the
of the Nurses'
esidence at Wingham. 11 ma
ters business pertainingto the
Wingham Hospital Association,
including the election of direct-
. ors and Other., officers- and con-
Sideratibirrof-Ahe-by-lawS-of the
hospital, will be transacted.'
WANTED -1 listings on farms,
:homes; businesses, • small hold r
ings, properties all descriptions:
Contact John Hall, phone'
Lucknow,; Ont , :agent for W. L.
Stevenson,,.. Real Estefte Mount
In _'the Matter ..of : the •.;Estate of !.
• Jean r Gillies, late of 'the Town*
ship:,,of Kiglogii in the • County
of Bruce and -Province of , On -
taro, Widow, , deceased.
that all :persons:: having 'claims
against the ;late ,JEAN . GILLIES,,
In the ` Recreation Centre,
Everyone .Welcome'
I' ` wish ..to sincerely. , thank all:
those : who i.'so kindly•.;remembers
ed ' me. with., cards and gifts, also
those wha; visited ane While • in
"above described, who died on the ; Victoria Hospital, London: Spec -
24th ;day ;of September,.' A. D: `:1956, : ial thanks'to our neighbor$. who
at the Town of .Wingham in the helpped so .much 'r at :home
e' citified. to . Mrs H. D. MacDonald
send, 'their claims, duly uerified; HERS TO THE
to the . undersigned solicitor' be
fore the 8th day of . February, t.
A D 1+957.• After. said date,
.. the Publisher Lueknow Sentinel,
,4 r '
estate will be distributed ,and, the. Dear Sir:
Adaninistrator• will only be. liable THE •SIGNS. OF THE TIMES
for claims :of ,which he has then; We are irk a critical, age, be'.
received notice.` lieve it or not,;. the hand writing"[
DATED at Walkerton this 8th is on, the ::wall:' We are a 'chhurch
going people, supposed to be at
any rate, but at the' sametime
;worshipping idols,' just as ' far • as
.1 'can :see,' no better . than. they.
did ' when Jesus. Christ was' .on
this earth when. those •. people:
In order to .,C,ast a ballot in
son must be , a member ..of the
.B. ILueknif.
•, . .'1;e:Iiiiiit...4in,00;
.daY Jannary, AO., 1957.
, Walkerton, Ontario,
of Estate of", above .riamed. de.;
the Ettate, 44 Miry Anne Alice' 'Yes' far ,more; WOrshiPping
Jesus .0hriSt• is deserted, 'bid do'
RITCHIE ' Ure and the almighty dollar than
As-SOttatitin:- 'One --year- member-- -against- the estate. of the, above_i •
ships .May tie obtained for ,the 'mentioned, Iate of the Village,of 'net --think ,What-•
sum. of, $1!,00 from the Wirigharn Lucknow, in:the County of Bruce, happened in' tbeTrtime °if •'Elija,1 years dwatIon in winghanl.'
that he same ,eould not happen eral„HosPital; there . entered intO
,,urer, or a .inember of the BOard of October, 19.56,.are required to right here from*ihe hordes. from rest -Mrs. Thomas, SteWart. •of
• Hospital; the .secretary, the 'treas. Widow, who 'died on:the nd day
'of Directors. Everybody fife 'proof 'of same', with the Un- 'Russia 'if d° 'Pet 'malce "st a /Nell itn°wn and. hig°,y
en -
John Strong, 'Sec,
xtra_Frotit! Chicks
e specialize in. egg preatic-
tion 'breeds only. Suss. •x Red,
Island. Red, Leghoims, Leghorn
ider'S- Hatcheries, Linwood.
phOne, 3008 Carlow. ,
exsigned-_ on_ar-befoxe the 16th
After ,that date the eie4utors
proceed 'to distribute the
s'reur • Stibscription .has 'expired vice assisted the Rey.' .1. C!
ehallge ,give God his right respected resicient'of TWp.
-13-face in- our- h6aris— Mrs. Stewart; 'the former Catb-
. We as a people are lagging be- erine Gillis,: was the yOungest
hind. .nur .forefathers.„ How many daughtei of ,the, late George Gil.
lis and Catherine MacLennan.
estate 'having regard only to the, 'families 1.11' a' 'e91:nmunitY kii/e
claims of which they, shall then bhanks` t°' -d fP,1; -the bite
distance, Was ter niece, Mrs. Ed7.
.win A. Sanow, 4Jcisie). of
land .Heights,' Ohio..
been named chairman of the
-0'm! Federation of Agrit'ultare.,
The ';appOintinent was made ...at
She was -born -on the Tenth Cont 'at Winnipeg. at • whiCh
cession' .of ljuron Township on' per was one of the, _Ontario
giVe . it a thought. It is hurry in Deeembei 5, 108.7- egates•
have had notice. ,
"':-DATIM-Tgt wingnarn This .4`tv and hurry out to niake, morel On -.*"151-61-niber 10th—I9.13 she
day of nu y, • .inorie3r, to have more pleas,ure, married Peter Tho s Stewart.
CraWferd & Ifenne,rington but' ,believe Me it is a seriOusIThey tholc up farming on the 6th
Wingham, Ontario'
matter. God brought large arm- ConcesSion of Hu n• and" in Sop-
. Solicitors for the, Executors.
to sincerely thank all those "'who
who helped. at their- home and
in various .wlys were so ,kind
"and: ronsiderate, All these acts
whcy remenibered" Marilyn. in
Various. Ways, while a *patient in
VietoriallekiTtal, London.
ieS :around Jerusalem for , the
way people liVed and ;surround-
ed them and What proof (have
, are. just living :today the
same as.when Noah, entered the
repeated Warnings till, the 1/vater,
lieve Billy draham is ,here for
-ley td -live•where -her hushand
predeceased her brer,:three„years:
tenclant Of the. ,Ripley _,United
len) Mrs. ,Dunean,Thorblirri and
three,.kiindehildrep; Janet, 'Joyce
Ann, She leaYes ,t6
.tt`otti"h her Joss '
• For artificial inserntnation
'forrna.tioh or serylbe from all.
:breeds' , of cattle', phohe the
'Waterloo • Cattle' Breeding AS
Clinton. :111/ -2401-
Xincardine 460 'between 1.30
anal 0:30 a.rn'. We 'have all breeds
available tOP. quality at lONV
sympathy and • thoughtfulriess
their receht.:bereavement.„)
thoughtfitineS•s, in oui•:, recent be.
1 ,Til „family' of „the late ,11,Iartyn
, Lorne MeXerilie: '•
(Tena) of .Clevelancl, ,Ohio, and.
tentiori to" this Mattet:. ", ; McLennan PUtiOr,a1 Mine in
is- stilil-icilaing the rate at :12,60, ,Martin, 'Moore, Olarenthe,
but.. nitist-'etforce mere Srni,ths Gordo
the paid -in -advance -Polley,. Your 8.cott and Allan MacDonald!
ErsilicAllii w ,is:
.itl',-.*'.!• Lrditill
re wren