HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-23, Page 10PAGE ' TEN WCKNQW '►E :.p7k,.n,.n+.FY:.;v-... m'r ..�.. .vwm.-ft• WEDNBsDAY, ,:rg400►! AN; : 23rd, 1937 JANUARY. Continues•Until•Fek•rua• ry 2nd' ORE SPECIALS THIS.. WEEK1 ` AGENT -FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS ee Pick -Up and ' Delivery 'Nipnda Y and Thursday, 1. SEE •B.. SENTI.INEL THAT Purple Grove :Women'S_` - Institute has presented Mrs.;!'' ',Donald. 'McCosh - with a, life c m 'nbership, in recognition of; her. faithful ' service, to the local branch as well as in the capacity of. district 'president. i • o— e .Goods. and Woollens - Men's, i;adies', Children's.,Wear--Pec THAT Bob: Gibbons, son ' of Mr.'s. n.c1 1VIrs..: Gomer Gibbons - (Kathleen Ferris) of ' ,Elmira,"lia CBC-Tv., -with �t y 4`. PKAT it's the provei*bia1Tiiockey and dancing in Lucknow this, Friday evening, January' 25th, ..--Burns;' night. Clinton, .and. Lucknow Juveniles ,will:; tangle in . the . local . , arena , and the Lucknow Fire -Company's , an- nual ball will be held 'in the Town Hall with music by .Car- ruthers:' -Orchestra. Of ',course there will ' be, the, traditional Scotch "piping for . the, .grand march.: S; WI'S'H 20• .o4. GENE 1 lb. LIEINZ KETCHUP 1'1 ' oz RINE gilvie WHITE CAK %C: off ':dcleal:. I HOUSE DOG—FOCI oz. .o_- . THAT in giving us ; a change o address `from Fox-warren' 'Man. to,Cut Knife, Sask., J. M. Mur- chison, . a dative, of.'Paramount, sends greethtg to old friends:, Mr. Mori hisorf 'is a. retired. minister and is' 88 years' of age. .THAT Mrs. Li J Letang;. '(Mary Price ,Effective Jan. FEDERATION , MEETING (continued from ; Page;1). Bert Lobb, president of fihe,cotin-.' ty hog producers, Those who spoke' ':briefly in- cluded—Carl ,-Hemingway outlined his new work as county fieldman; Doug McNeil, Oliver MoCharles . and Bert Lobb.•:' Remembers:, Kingsbridge• Bert Lobb spoke of the tune when the county was. voting on a hog producers association' .on a provincial;. level and .lie saki that the 'Ashfield vote was the first One in, and the: highest in Ont- ario. nt ario'. The voting was done at. Kings- bridge on the same, night' as .99 watches were :, given ' away . to township :soldiers following the War. .. Mr. Lobb was ;,leased to. unci -a, ,good.-representatiorrof- young 'people at fast" Tuesday's . t f p , d c5 Donald meeting.. MacKenzie. r• instrumental on .the violin: She also did an imitation of :Elvis; Presley in. a ;novelty, number:: A Gordian' 'duets were enjoyed ac'mn.n . r., . she looks forward, to_.The Sen.= tinel' and : would be lost with- out it. • THAT a card 'fr om..Bill' and Jen had `:hie Porteous,' 'states they _„ c a good trip to Florida,. and .had - with the' musicians, being Peter Peter been `in touch, with 'Mr . sand. Lierman: 'arid Hien Hendricks Mrs ..Newton /''James, who are • Allan Reed 'thanked the 'ladies : annual. , winter . residents at. nadie haalso seen ar 5. Phone 20 -- . .ucknow FREE :DELIVERY the Atlantic crossing on .the LUCKNOW. TO BE FEATURED� Empress of Britain and points IN TELEGRAM THIS WEEK of interest,, visited in the, Old Country. Mrs Thompson 'wars ,Lucknow is 'to be featured by :introduced'by Marilyn Render- word and• picture in this Satur- son andwas, thanked on behalf day's, issue of The Toronto Tel'-. • of the 'class by -Sharon Whit- -gram: • A. staff writer,;'; John Des Brisay 'and . Photographer Nelson Quarrington, _visited the: Village . . last , Wednesday; evening -and Thursday,. morning; seeking mar. terial for the article They were greeted` .by an`. old tame mid- winter blizzard wYhioh ` didn't make- 'their. task any' :easier. Copies: of, that issue Will, we understand, be. 'available at Cowan's Restaurant. BORN' McPHERSON-=m 'Wingham Gen eral: Hospital,,, on Monday; Janu. �th,9v''�to M. :and Mrs Wm. McPherson; P.R., , tuck for • their ove y urkeYwe Dayto y - and Mrs:.` Fred. ,MacGregor:. re -1 Mr. and �1VIrs. Bill McCool and., sporided. Dancing 'to Carruthers Mr. and'Mrs. Whit Grosse of :orchestra; .concluded the even- Wingham. 'A member of the' ing. n e w'ly organiz0.E.1,Lucknow Ellet -Officers Lions .Club, Bill as'_planning • Following the financial report l to attend. his, first Lions din - s in by.. sea-treas. Howard Blake, Carl. Hemingway `presided for' the election officers: ' presi- -dent; OliverHMcOharles : vice prey., Arnold' Alton; see.-treas., is to be appointed by executive ner in:Florrida'last Tuesday: THAT with King Winter hold .Jing sway the sale.' of 1957 motor vehicle, licenses got off .' to a slow ''start: The first'' • set Of lady director, ,Mrs.. ' Oliver Mc- `plates was issued;this year to Charles; hog producers; rep., Bill "Bud';,, Hamilton, ;according to Finnigan Geo.. the local issuer, 'Garfield' Mac Hunter, Raymond y, Donald Mancrief; cream -producers, Cliff Hacke t r"..bee ro u , rs, D ono Enjoy -:,.Program .: Jack MacKenzie- reported for Ray Dalton and Mrs Duncan the • nominating committee in re. Simpson , commenced the . inter- gard to the representatives from spersedin the. town- iprogrra� �b�adng�n ' each school -section .'. g 1p: ' . , Port • a sing -song.' Dianne Ritchie' son sh The reps' No.- �1 several 'numbers,. anal' _Eleanor Albert, Albert McGee, John :Reed. of :Dungannon: played. an Bennett;No, 2, Kingsbridge,. Joe 14014411011114,411111.1)4M,04140100041.1i4.41)4111144M'ili11164/1441.114).41111100..11.114411ili.4411,0 -41'04 SM RT RAY•( N --GAB i1DINE—ideal for sl its; dxessesr :: „ ;peg. $1a$7y.; °iui►w""• Yx:,: + y : $1 19' GIRLS' ANKLE,SOCKS=white; 'heavy cuffed, Penman's,' nylon. toe and heel, reg: 556 Now .+. Y.r::,+ .., -:. 39c .BABY `BLANKETS--beaut'iful rhea' ,y satin, boa dd Xingsvvool, 36 x' 54 ,J , .. ! ., $2,93 PILLOW CAS oo • qua 1 y, in t0 a. asso ami y Pillow ,Cases, subs .l......Yl! l....::::` :. Y....;::::..Y. $1.29, HEAVY WOOL ,SOCKS --few •left only, boys' or `:girls, reg.. X90 TEA."TOWELS-=fzne linen, 16x29, Each, only NT,ER ,CAF -boys' heavy line, grey only, reg . . 1:39 now Y'i9 YYrlrY.... .....Y: rY...YiG:YY.i$Yi,,:<.....:. WORK SHIRTS—Men's Bell, reg. $2,95, N,ow ;'2 for :$5.50' lV W.§ LINED' SM«CKS-r1,0 Percent oU Regular. Price, arket, Store {"�S ►awoimar,4nif rro4iwrrw,ar,i r►o401r ,4040414,+rHi 1.1rrG+r ,48r►v,ii rY1 i Y , ovi HAT Mrs Alice Rabb, who 'is a ipatient in ' Wingham .'Hospital -,witlra .fraotured hip, observed. her :99,thbirthday on Sunday, January 2Otl ., now, a daughter. TAY AR -=in` . Wmgharn General Hospital, on :Sunday, January 13 1957, to, Mr and:Mrs Lewis Tay- ler,' ' LuCknow, a son' 'THAT Mrs. L. C. Thompson gave an illustrated ,talk to . the stud - ents of Room Threof Luck-. now Public School' on Friday afternoon., Serie . 0 • c ie y 0 our Sentinel? Have � you- renewed your H y ,_.., `O'Keefe, Mark Dalton; No. '' 3,' Kintail, Earl ' Howse, Hugh 1VIc- 1VIac izie, DuiTe, it fa i t 4-°, 5,' Zion; `Bill : Hunter, Charles An derson . No. 6, ...4th school,. •}#ars.+ bourn Adams, Ross' Eedy; No, 7, Lothian, Kelso 1VleNay, 'Jim Gii- more;• No. ,8,` Durl,ganrion, . Allan. - = •�1domG�uiliert�`i�%a-9; cher , ry Grove,, ,.Richard Kilpatrick, Bert -:Alton; ,No. 10, Curries--C-or-- hers, Wilfred : Farrislh, ' Keith --Johnst n Nor-l=i, Si t"liardtlan; 'R,alph• Foster, Eliner,Grafham No. 12, Laurier, Duncan . Thourbourn, Jim Bradley; , No. 1, Belfast, ;Cliff • Htiackett, geiph `Cameron; No; l 1'4, 'PararneUnt,; Grant Far xisla, Donald Harlmiltoih, No. 15,: Hemlock City; :Jack MacKenzie; 'Bili 1Farrish;, No, 16, Crewe, Ray:, mond ,,Finnigan, Lorne, 'Hasty;' No; 17, Cedar Valley, Hugh. Mc Whinney; t117,Y,Diggins, 'Arnold' ftothers;. U1 Nile Clifford Stew- . are pleased,to announce they are NOW USING the DEGREE-DAY SYSTEM for s safe .automatic deliveries . .of oil to their heating accounts:` ()no Collect 19-r= ungannon • ' Look To " Imperial erial For.Best.. The Always p 1 AA1ttIAR'1' plok•iaiiiivit,'MOWS4,4S> 111114111"44* •.Incomplete' Sizes in Men'a and Women $; ' SHOES and RUBBER~FOOTWEAR •-PS !C�lVI11#1:E55 I' �L., . YY,Y.Y--.:Y:Oren �� S=SA -P.�W-��'�--�reg�..,- Sizes. ring ,Cleadt ,.,,YF r1YY Wl4Y!'i. a. lWi.Y WlYY♦ rY YY• Y,i YYWYY YlMri YWYY rrrr 4.• '$6 'h OMEiv1I'S OVERSHOES it • -h . i .ti � , ' .fit Cuban'. b ' . tab er or nylon, tq off high heels ' ' ' • . 2b percent. ,U n 1 '"MEN .B •'a Y+ S , L1 BEN, C'VE,• �� �y{H. ' S --zapper' lir strrap:. Black � •N./ OE _...V lip ALS T