HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-23, Page 8GE Mal' LucKagow SEiTISEL, �CKNOW, 0 1TARI0. • VVEDNESI�A '� 41%23rd'; .,495?,. NON verY Bit of Ice Hanging from Your Roo Has Cost.You Money - Heat Escaping Through. Uninsulated Ceilings Melb The'SnoW The' Roof, Forming Ice. I.J‘ CAN STOP THIS EXF'ENSIVE HEAT LOSS WITH PP? PgR • BATTLE, ROVAL ,AT HOME., CLOSE.:GAME AT . SE OBT ., !forth team .again tonigiht a$ this •artitle Wiitten. on ,X0 ' In -,the local 'arena, last 'Tues7. day hockey 4eernect-t.Q. fOr- ihg, 'and- .iArregt1P1g, bolting 'and gencairaL oyer stead.., Clver "t*erity'r ,penalties fore. the:final ,whistle ;blew, and ,carne•out On ,the', short, MacMillan •one, were the' seOrers in Seaforth on ISaturdWriight--- it , was', a different 'story. Both', tearns Played clean fast •hockey With the' store ending. in.. a. 74 goals were scored 'by PederSen, Arnold, Einberlin,' BobinSon.', arid io.:wpiER$• • • it • AY t Has Been. Proved That Insulation Can Save Enough eat Loss, To Cut YourFuel Costs As Much As 40%. TAKE-A—LOOKAT-YOURROOF If It Has Icicles, We Can Save You Money..., Will Glailly Give You A Free Estimate. NO OBLIGATI° Brawling like-T,the, exhibition est way we know •ta lose fans, sponsors, referees r and tearn management that •- are giving valuable time and money to help is particularlydiscouraging.when it is realized that over ninety percent • of the s'fighting is' just ar • ISUE 11.GH pRIpt COFFEE. Fresh)), grOtinct. Highest. QtlaiitY.. Saye ,Z3e FRESH, -FRUITS. and..VEOETABI*S:.. . . • . . The January meeting of the LIKE ".GO" WITH CHIN Vietoria Mission Band was held f - -an Monday January 14th with 'Ten years ago the Louzon Fly - Janet ' Finlayson presiding. We ers 'were /flying high . in their opened with hymn 742, followed quest for the 0.HA. JUnior 'C' —hy'the'Lord's prayer. The scrip- title which they finally won by There were ,twelve members This championship Squad. plans preSent. The ,business was dealt. .to , get together again for, an ,ex - with' and the Offering taken. The thibition tilt -some time in March, :Pollock. We .weleOrne Mrs.' . Goderich Pee . Wee entry in the PolloCk arid Mrs, Leonard Mac- Young Canada tournament. Donald,. as , 'our new , leaders. The opposing tham hasn't,,been Hyrrin- 170 was 'sung and the decided on, but the Flyets would aneefing closed with prayer. Ar- like to have ahother ."go",against Donald served the lunch. Albert and .George Chin.,,Those were the days- of , packed rinks. ,The Big,,Four of middle age: and ling-uPs to get the, best seats baldness, 'bifocals,' bridgework in the: houseor even standing BOYs WESTINGHOUSE teMperature. 'vv'ell over, 40 .de-, gtees arena 'at game time, the iee *as Very Sticky' and both tearris found. it difficult ta 'play Seaforth team didn't ,want. .to• Of:Mtn-ate the game after the:first period. on 'account 'of the: .poor playing conditions and Wgre Will-• .now.-;1-16Wever, it was agreed to finiSh the 'game and play, straight scOrers,with gOals; with, Eugene Penalties ',with Seaforth getting, two.' The teaM -is scheduled to .day- night. Values effeCtiie January 24, 25, 641 and Chas.' PepPler with -635 '3rd place tie AS 'they .seored, a 3 paint _t_h_e :Beavers. othy •Harnilton With' 656, were high,' Pole Cats ;while Arnetta ThompSon •• 617 !and Fern 'Mac,DOnald with , 596 ' led the BROOMBALL SCORES Wednesday; January' 16th v•Belfast 5, Firemen' 2 Paramount -4, ,Nighthawks -3 --- standing. , Gophers 40, , Wolverines '36, Kangaroos, and. pole Cats 35, Squirrels 34; ChipmunkS 3i, Bea - Coons 22, Lions ,2!), Tigerr17. Was. :elected chairrnan on motion' :pt.:James Curran and liarli,ey Wm. Webster. and: considered, :Moved by Elmer .Wood supply' 25 cordS Gertie: Bakker 1:1' Mrs. Johri-W, 'Hen- derson Litmbef Ltd„,..lintiber for Erringto,n: Moved .tly Wm. Web., ILLS alAIRMA OF 'AREA BOARD A meeting of :West:WaVVanoSh Wai held in the.,.ToWnship oh -january .1.5th,. all Members presen Minutes Of last meeting read. arid adopted on a motion by Harvey Anderson And WM, Web -•- ,chair for the election .of officers fot,the coming year: Edvvin W.. A. Stewart, Sec.-Treas.- aeeourit be Wallace '1Vfiller that :we adjourn • to Meet: :again. on, our regular ineeting-dateiL-February.--50, .1957 • at 2:00 Corne In arid En uire. • 11111'S • , The Gophers' ,atrengthened their Geor0:1 :Westlake :and, Clarence Greer Veryl,import-!. ',ant high ,singlo.,Dick Park's 6,21, WaS best, for, the' CuAbs team el: ou Can Be Sure If It's Westifighouse 49567-ChevvH-11ardtOp, .powergliderlUlly-etiu wed $240 10$ che*,•Poviterglide Deli* dines 638 *ere beSt Of a :team" effort. Bill -Button rolled a, 705 but 'fee- a losing cause, ' *ChiprriunkS.,rolling with 6* bowlers,:upSet, 'the Kangaroos O. ter with 703,, and 613 respeetiv,ely -Teethe attack WitWAI 61i Mason., Scored 'a 400' to lead the Coons te 3*.point tory OVer the Lions.' 'Harold El- liott's 601 was Ittest for the Of the shorthanclod Tigert to /gtoit tiiiier With '103 and for tho bieje Abel with, jog 194.9' Ford Panel SEE 'THIS ONE — FWD TRUCK 'MTH Trade, Xer:01's