HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-23, Page 5AN 23frdp 1957.
Editor, .:Lucknow; Sentinel
Dear Sir: '
Charles rles .McInnis resident, of
. ` .....: ,. President
the ' Ontario. Hog' Marketing
n addressed -the =Saskatoh-.
Agency; , , .
ewar .Farzners'',Union at Saska-
.' .toon the •.middle . of December,
1956.x: Ike;: 'e?aplained the troubled
situation, the Board was having
transportation of.hogs to
their. own market.He said, "Our.
legislation has;' 'been before �the'
' Supreme .,,Court since last 4:pril
trying to decider whetherpp not
the ;province has authority over
marketing" "We could give sta-
bility, to", this industry •if it ,' -was -
'on a'national scale.We can make
a great things of this` -if --we use
'market ' legislation. Come , along
and . help • us..Ws a hard': battle
alone; ---We need you", -.he LLtold- I -
a .
the :,delegates:
By reading the article, in Sack.
sicca's Star Phoenix you can see,
that Mr., McInnis isntt so sure of
himself since he ,,got landed in
the. Supreme -Court- If . anyone
got a:V setback' in that Court°'`last_
April and • then badly again on
November '20th,' 1956, it was .Mc-'
Innis Now,* he , is swing :for,. help.'
He :' must be runningout: of. gas;.
:,. The O,n t,a'r.i o -. Government
thought. they 'could get :their 'act
Validated.' The; reason the decis
ion' ; isret do n yet -1s because
they just : ' can't validated;' ar ' 'act
like ;this in its' present form;.: or
in • any other: kind of a comlpub-
sort' form' because-. ;it to.
agriculture. contrary to the B.
Ne . A. , Art. The only way any
thing 'is 'legal about anythrng•
where :the farther signs, up. to ;a
>contract,`then .they:, are away, but:
this ; way .nothing wial• hold They:
ct,nnot operate in any. part : ' he;:
yond that' of>,'a voluntary form;'
As Judge Rand of the Supreme
Court said,.' (and I:' :might 'as well,
give . you; names..9 .a 7u, ges o•,.
Supreme: . Court, Rand,''. A:bott,
Cartwright, KO r;:w r
Locke, T}iaserau,;, Fautesux.j,,
that it :'is; inter . vires when en-
forced but ,ultra vires hen
plied, therefore , your `aa.t iS :`too
wide in its ', terms. The act .' was:.
built around :the scheme.,' .'and
the scheme happens to be' the
Val d Part; because it' has no,prov-
l' ee 'these .fe o s a run-,
Xcru s e , lt. _. are n
nig a" ^game that. i�'!t„'}�', referee.
themselves: You can't yell foul
ball` 'because you ave' no chance
and that waQy,.�e$ because :the pack -
_ors 1 •threv►r dour. .settlements
away. You will, find: ;out: now
that all farmers iri : Eastern : On-
tario should, be 4getting their°`set-.
tlernents , direct -with nocheck=
off. I;f .F any `•'drover,,',operating;
dawn thore. lets any ;packer et 5 ". HELENS,
away with that One . he aholOci
nail ' him. I -understand :a ;lot of
the settle; .tints; •downthere al-
ready . are•• earning, back tax-free,
you a1so _av• .s r i -
h a a, hrpt?e at � p
:le ' wnrha=. ets :his settlements'
our . truly,
Bill Harris, Drover,,
i le p„ y" On; t..
BORN—In • 'Wingh'am : General
Hospital. on Monday,' ,January 14
to 1vlr. . aid Mrs. •Wm.• MacPher-
r s,
t � n attrla on
son, ' a daughter. C�. gr • t
In re
. Mc t
1Vtr, and Mrs, Q. . . .
,and: Donald 'Of Brat;ebrid e 'were
week -end visitors with. Mr": and
Mrs.' N. I. M"rllei'. '
f•ra, friends
_ ... he ymip thy .,•. •'t�. y friends:
is..;extendeci, to Mrs. T.Lorne• Mac-
xenz�te�, Mae -
" formerly Dorothy Web-
ster,. 'on ` ':tra is:d :death f'Mr..
s . . , tb±s ., g ., , ea o
MacKenzie 1fl' Toronto on 'Thurs-
,user of ,w.ataaee..eQnditions,
the .ariety ,cciacert lanned 'felt.
last ,Friday night waspostponed
until friday night of .'this week
with; Mrs. J.', W, Joyntt as . guest
s aker „
lirf 00 ,0
en, ..authority
However once a : fellow does
sign tip then it has proven au-
thbrity but only,'so far '`as. that
signer' is concerned.. That''. is why:
they .have toi do .County work.
in 1' the .various counties ".to .. get
• farmers signed up:: and shipper's:
as: well.'
Then.' the ,question; sariSes as to,
why.." the packers; are turning
Your settlements ,: (the '`farmers)
over to the Co-op the ,way'. they
are. This, carne . around; ;becaue
• the {packers made an ,agreernent
to turn al1 set'tleinents ` 'into, 'this 1'
10 Cerus ,use ,'
Wihat authority •they. have ' to.
make such an agreement
Haver know 1
It" is" rio dif.feretit - than
rented. a farm from somebody.
and•then—turn--a•raund and• 'imade,
an ,
agreement a- bunch of
wood ' choppers; to cut.. the, bush.
°off . the place.. h would .',have-' no
more...authority to • make •an,
"-'agr etrie`I'Et-like •thdt `azly more'
then the, packers; had - to, make an
a-gr_eement over-the---hog---sett ,e
mentis:';because . they • . don'.t own
.Of eourse-,the wav ..the'-Or•rtario:
actT;read's it 'this hog
• 'agency, own all the market hogs
in Ontario: That' is `why tape.
. whole ;thing is in the- .Supreme,;
,Court. If this things isn't straight.-,
'ened out iri ''.this generation
won't '.get : straightened Out in
the' next
filaw the ,bad. part is the .pack.-"
EerS' :Went and .Made 'e.n agreement
{.(► Mese' #elbows. to turnyour'
settlements' into them, When ,any
.„..packer tells you he -didn't ;vau.
can' call him , stupid for
cause they -did, The only packer;'
who didn't'" was ' Harrie. ;Ccs-oper-
''ative of Barrie: They can't, make.
you, clo anything but if ydu make
fit agreement 'with thein then
You are. stuck pfioiperly and Ybu '
deserve :stuck'.' Tiles why
You should: be `careful 8a.lr rt
sign;ing`. ;your Horne • to anythi»'g'.
'ear after 'year:':,
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ewr n4w.*fiM,_owcnwd tr
CONVEN117 TEI16151 ,