HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-23, Page 4lok ,THF • LU OW, ONT!! LUCKNow SENTINEL„ 3 • dx FOR SALE — 6" Masset'-Harris chopper,' slightly used, .with- 3" new flay belt. ' W E Hal4,gnby, Kink ugh, phone Ripley '18-r-27. T MOLASSES --42c per • , l llon, bars- rell charge ' ,$3.00 ' . Lucknow Dist trict .Co-op BA dayoldA BABY CHICKS started. Agents for. New'hauser Chinks, Hy -Line and -Big 4.:Order young at ' the Lucknow ' District Co=op, PUPS FOR SALE -4' pups, part Spaniel. Donald MacIntyre, Lucknow, FOR SALE -2;000 bales of mix- ...ed .ix..•ed hay, ; $20, per ton, delivered Jaak Curran,R. 1, Dungannlon,. .phone 'Dungannon .78-r-3. ! BABY CHICKS BRAY' CHICKS, Dayold, started. Wider choice, including Ames : in - Cross,,. Pilch White Rocks. Agent, D. R. Finlayson, Lucknow, phone :91. cOMItNG , EVENTS 1 HOCKEY' FRIDAY •' it's Clinton • and , Lucknoty Juveniles in the..Luci now Arena this Friday eue-ning; J ruary-.25; at. 8.3Q sharp. Turnout';and sup 'port the boys., who are improving Sanitary Sewage: U1sposat with' every game. • Septic, .tanks; cess pools, etc., DOUBLE RECEPTION.' pumped. and cleaned with. sani- A reception • will .be held : for; tary modern;- equipment.' ' A11 _Mr and Mrs', Ai t. Baker, and +Mr, work, guaranteed. Write Louis and' 'MMrs Alvin, Baker, in " the _Blake, R.R. :,2, :Brussels, phone Recreation Centre Lucknow; on 42-r-6.' Brussels,- `- NOTIC TENDERS. TENDERS will be received by the -undersigned for. 20 'cords' of VARIETY :GONCER.T & DANCE beech 'and Maple body- wood,; 16 A 'variety concert will be held inches long, ",delivered at the,' in. the St ; Helens Hall, Friday... School, S.S.o N 2 mos K 1 ss (Kin I January a5th, at 8:30. Guest.i, ers also accepted on elrn • :body 50c, ladies with lune ' - d s 't 'be: in to follow. Note-ithisconcert was Eby; Januar-y-a0th.-I. oweSt Or any ¶postponed ..'a: week ago due to ,tender.. not necessarily"- aCTeepted .weat ier ion htxons- R.R: 2, • o yroo ,,. 'Mr: and.: *Mrs. Bunton oach' Friday, February 1st. Clarence Adlam•'s orchestra. Everyone., welcome WEDN49I Y, JAN;' '23rd,. ;'1957 lough)., ,by June 1st, 1957; tend sipeaker; Mrs. J W : h 25c: Dance Geor,;ge Ha1'denby, Sec Txeas., S H.1 d - --1 OPEN _HOUP • R NOTICE To. sw CERDITORS : ill be at .,home; to their friends In :the Matter of the 'Estate. of • on Saturday, February 2nd from 230 to 4.30 . p.m.,` and from> ;7.30 Jean ;Gillies, late ' of the Town- . ship 'of Kinloss in the County to 9.30 p.'m ' on the occasion of of ' Bruce and': Province of On, 'their' forty-fifth wedding anni tario, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN .versary CARD OF THANKS that - a1I" persons .having c lay • T4$'SURE1S= W9MDERFu SERVIC.. .YOUTCO-bP-FELLAS- 'GIVE ME. ' DON'T KNOW • WHAT 1D 00 £ WITNQUi,tT::; I'TS .,A MEASURE TO SERVE YOU, MAKES MY WORK; EASIER TOO- wrauresg-ggoutimv ROUTE CALLS • against <'the' • late JEAN . DILLIES, I would • like to thank all those annual Agricultural S the ther' me those The an .;above described, who died, on kind' 'enough to'rememlbe Society. n will e tember A:D. 1956, " •• while I was:` in the hos-, ;,.Room 24th• day of $,ep ... , .,,.,any :way held m the, Council home. h will be at ` the .; Town; of WinghaM in the petal ;: and since coming, know `Town, Hall, _on„ ofT the .Luc , •are notified;•.to : Mrs: Bessie,~Shirley, 24th at 2.00 County ofHuron, a nun J rY aduly ' if red Thursday, er Thur•v , Y,, send;tleir be- A. e m icitor ' soi i "ed. p• undersigned '' Mac, a ., Sec.:- .. to the u g A... Y. ' :8 h 'da :. of February, fore thet y A.D., 1957. ' After, said date, the estate ,ill :be distributed. and the NOTICE 'of ' :The a annual; meetingbe liable The , ann . "nistrator' will only •.. a1. Fire In- ,Adm • WawanoshIutu . has then West . ,1 claims . of which he e Co will ,1be; held in .the . ter surane , received :notice.' ` Parish` Hall, Dungannon, "on ..;at Walkerton this :8th; '' DATED• th 1957 at -2.00 p m.. -. ebruary 8 , . _ ..,. :hf.:TarivarY:. .D„`'1057. ,' • ` g eceive re t s,,• 'e ec . ” - ,to , po C: • . ' C bell': Grant. ft ,.. for the' ; transaction of a ors and •Walkerton, 'Ontario; :..ess th. general busm _. :. A rnini'strator.: awa : , on Saturday, : January 12 • :.Solicitor far. ;the , d.... y ;Direetorsare Don- , brook Ho ital Toron-. • •. T.he retiring ;.. , . ,. • • of •Estate of 'above.; named de- ,at•'Sunny . s'P ,, a d MaaKay ,Lorne Johnston and to `wire ;1 1e hadt een a patient 1 r ceased , PHONE 71, LIJCKNOW Mrs: Fred Nixon and family • ,ren ds' ,k fr ' ` han ' t l `ere to .. sinc. 'is Y, w h and neighbors° for the` many kind acts and expressions .of`,syinpathy ement.' . in', their -;.tiereav OBITUARY GEORGE .BURGESS George Thomas Burgess; a' Ge'or • native : of-Lucknow and :a vets eran. of• World`' War '1,1 ;passed . 'Ti . rt R R 3, Godertch, sister ' au hter5 ge ' d f f g family of seven our,: was matron Of 'h'on hr who were all of the ,bride,, me in thirty-eight with ,matching' First ti the 'f sant e- hr 1 c ow ,Ha-'---- Maize, R .1, Dun; mourn . -: Mrs . • gannon,'. brother of the bride room, : was best ,;nan. ' g. t a re `tion. at' Tiger Dun A 'P, lop Inn ;the ;bride's` brother re- ceived, wearing , a grey; ',.crepe dress' with a' corsage of.Ameri a •Beaut ,carnations. c n Y and.” 'three sons earin . a navyfaihe •'dress and was, our, w g, resent for the funeral, a p and a .. 'they had all ,been together corsage of yel Y years at one time. ."They , are; ar.r HHolmes (Laura), Vancou H Y .., `ver, Mrs. 'Jack. Charlton (Luel-: Mrs.' Wm. ;.'Russell: la) Toronto; M , .(Bertha)., . Toronto;, Mrs Jarnes M'a'thers: (Ruth) LucknovWi;, Lloyd and 1Vlerle Burgess of Toronto d :' Beverley`•. Burgess of, an John MacLennan, all of W "oma : for th are eligible , for re-election•'Geo, OLD HORSES RANTEDe Mr.'. Burgess , twwas ; in o years his $6th Old' -horses wanted at 81/2c Per! yew, ; He •. was barn in Lueknow Stuart has resigned. , and it inerniber take his place: phone' at .orice to Gilbert Bros. .,Mink' Ranch, phone colleet God- manville ea -rip .to. the Un ` u'rvived ited` States, the bride donned SVir: Hurgess; . is also: s- ies` light. blue' to oat: with navy ac by:, .sster,:,lVlrs,:; Jack' Gill...•.:, , .. topeOat , •.., by . .. "sisters; essories; . Mr; and.. Mrs:: Maize atehewan..:n :nice c. of ,Sash. ,:; . will reside at Auburn redecea§ed him 4 mAlizE7-4YOHERti 0. George :.,F.' ,Burgess land , Mary it. JoSepli's Roman Catholic nungannOn, :Ontario, ' .eiieh 1483J4 or 14884: , familY. went to .NOrth Dakota scene, orTa . w Jane H MCGardy. - The.. :Burgess ChurOh, .Kingsbridge, was' the ANN mr TING , . ,Qed, .beef .fOr , sale, by.,.,tse when 4.0eerge was ,a lad,. Nit he morriipg, ,.,jariiiary. 12th, , *her' NrAOLTICEE . MEAT' F'OR, 'SALE ' ret4rned .:ai 'a .' YOung inan ,. to Miss,HMarY Loretta. Doherty, dati,.. Ltieknew, where he was ,empley:.- ghter.Cf• Mr, and. 3,,ilis: James Do-; quarter,. Seef .,killed ' under , lie-. ,-,•• , .'ham General Hospital, Associa- ,: ‘,41,i'..'., Datdri,,g,Manrns.r.;Hn.ar.: i,:ri:;:Yv,!4alii7„ Rv.,‘1...- ling& ' CuStOm butchering . a. spec. r, i',Odi.i.otahYl.13.6291th.i.;•tt' al8v9i.s50, 'n, h, coaiiinllr-.,., 'thin Avill.be held Oil Friday, Feb- teri of blis4.ies iiertoriitig.,,,to 'the , ARILIFIcLATa, .INSEWpagATION,,, 1.045.,,:i4st :a few • months' before I father, 'the 'bride Wore -a na‘rS' •WiTilihaM ''Hosi)itai. .Aaa4jciatioh; ... ier artificlal Arisenitriation in- they, would ihaya eelehratea e4. .And white wool dres with white including the. electiOn. of • direct; fOrmation ' or . tervide frOin,' all 'golden. yiedding,,anniVersa trini, . navy .' aCCessarieS arid a 4ors and other officers ,and con- breeds. of 'cattle . phone the , ai. , it,. II ' , , corsage Of pink reses ..tlis‘ Jack '40sPital,_..will lba, transacted.. sOelation 'at: Clinton .HU: ;444,1 , Toronto Where .he ;waS.' engaged all litttle films gO•-rwhen. they're „In order ta, cast a- ballot in or Kincardine 460 between 13 the election of directors, a per- and 930 a.m. We haVe all breed son must be a member, of the available -- top quality at low Association. One-year member- cost --- shiPs may 'be obtained for the , REAL ESTATit WANTED — listings o-rHarrns homes, businesses, small hold ings, properties all descriPtion Contact John Hall, phone 2 ° in the -tiade a Painter and Paper 8 hanger': Mr. Burgess -enlisted in the 48th Highlanders of Toronto early in World War I, and serv- Can New:•AcCeiii aS well: ALS the,. tarn) .1basinesti." A. -CAMERON, LtICHN.OVV; Phone pniginnOn '70-r-10 Phone 20,-i,723 , eudffoevriner:easa_w_fioothi_thwisountire!irritehnatt, •____x_. . HOspital, the secretary, the treas.- - liver; er a member of the Board s. years, .,' -. 1 chicks in this.area• and wa. of Directors. ' Everybody .wel- sepummER.CHICKS Since .1939 Stevenson , -Real Estpte, Mot—WA- 0., specialize. in egg' produc- Red Sass:i Red ;Rock; .Rhode Island„,, Red,' LeghOrnS, teghorn -CrosSes: Free, delivery. Trier's Hatcheries; Linwood:, • :retUrned to the Old .hOina'town p in for Up residenee 'in her- parental YO who, sisent Me' boxps of able. He 'wAS a Mild mannered, - fruit, treats •and ,cards while I have been ill, They were mery thanks to Dr, M: H. dorrins Prevent Use , Chief Cheinital chiMrieY Cleaners.. To ' stove. and pipet. The Stnaller ,the fl'ame,, the more' Soot and carbon. fired, 'units: For, Safe' At:, TRse kind rernelyibrantes' were 'indeed ,appreciated: ' Mr. and Mrs. 'James MatherS 'And members of the, Burgess sfamAy.wish to 'acknOw-ledge with sincere thanks, And aiipreciation the many kind acts and exprets:- -' ions of sympathy extended thein rr many: friends in .,,the, commun., ity.'. He served. as the first'presV. dent of the LucknOw Branch of fli.embei Of tile Uilited 'Church. Oil find .tb0 ideal, producer for yOur farrn OLDEN NECK laSrer$ picked fer-44w-b sionals. _See us today.: 'Ltt'eltn°e-rnw:e-°;1.--11,ei.g..-4-"ti-ielle-at-Gre-Strl.r7:-.. --.,-=',,,m't:--SkY-H1,;tiipil;Gattieer-44eck-arertiadernaxiiscol-Swiir CartadiarvCeVellen#•d'-' vice• was .:conducted: at the Mc'-. ' 'lot cliitks sold il-iills. 04;41,4 Let -Mail ..- .iviacKenzie , Memorial ,Chapet, on Tuesday, January 15thi .,3:,HH,O1*.i.-ood, 00,0.